Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2305, broken pupil





Xinglong was furious, and he was in the sea of ​​flames, waving the sword in his hand frantically.

Nai's sword is powerful enough to shatter the void, but the blood pupils around him are still lingering, and they continue to split in the broken space fragments.

"Jie Jie, Xing Long, you are at the end of your life, why don't you just catch it!" The demon pupil sneered coldly, and the afterimage of the ghost, under the confusion and stimulation of the blood pupil, hid in the sea of ​​flames, flickering endlessly.

call out! ~

Xinglong slashed furiously, tearing the sky, and cursed with red eyes: "Even if I die in battle, Xinglong will never give in!"

"Then this alliance will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!" Mo Tong said coldly, the afterimage flickered faster and faster, and it even split into countless ghostly afterimages. Under the cold shot of Xuetong, flashing The moving afterimages are changing, and the killing intent is becoming clearer and clearer. It seems that the magic pupil is about to make a move.

"Immortal Venerable!" Ling Tianyu looked ruthless.

"En!" The Holy Fox Immortal Venerable responded.

This time!

Xing Longkou was panting, his movements and moves were getting more and more difficult to keep up, his complexion was pale, and he said to himself: "Boy! This commander is already creating opportunities, so don't let him be fooled to death!"

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

The afterimage of the ghost, flashing like a cold wind, and a hidden sharp pupil, exuding a sinister coldness.


A series of ghostly afterimages rushed towards Xinglong.

Xing Long's face changed drastically, he didn't know if it was intentional, or he was really exhausted, but he didn't react in time, but at the most critical moment, he hurriedly raised his sword to protect himself.

boom! ~

The group of shadows flashed past, although the momentum was huge, but when they hit Xinglong, they turned into clouds of mist and exploded on Xinglong.Frightened, Xing Long hastily retreated a few steps.

good chance!

Mo Tong's eyes turned cold, and the real shadow that had been dormant for a long time suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​flames.With a raging flame, accompanied by the murderous intent like the cold winter snow, they flocked to Xinglong mightily.

"Burning Dragon Nine Heavens!~"

With a loud shout, Mo Tong directly grabbed the Fen Tian Sword from the sea of ​​flames and tore it out.

Roar!Roar! ~

There were waves of roaring dragons, and ferocious fire dragons swept out of the sea of ​​flames like a dragon going out to sea.Like an illusion, full of viciousness, forcing Xinglong, who was enveloped in a sea of ​​flames, to be filled with enormous power, to sweep over madly.

call out! ~

Xinglong furiously cut through the sea of ​​flames with a knife.


Shocking fire dragons came one after another, roaring and bombarding.

boom!boom! ~

Wave after wave, Xinglong struggled to resist the impact of the fire dragon, and was forced to retreat again and again.The condensed fire dragons all contain Dao power attacks, which are infinitely powerful.


Another slash, smashing the fire dragon.

But to Xinglong's astonishment, in the shattered fire dragon, a ferocious face appeared, revealing a cold and triumphant smile, especially the frightening Sen Tong, which almost pierced Xinglong's heart and soul.


Mo Tong let out a cold cry, and the ferocious long sword was full of flames, like a laser flash, instantly tearing a tiny crack in the space of the sea of ​​fire, and fatally hit Xinglong's heart.

Xing Longyan's pupils were protruding. At this most dangerous moment, out of an instinctive sense of resistance, he swung his saber hastily, sensing the approaching sharp sword aura, and blocked it with his saber.


The sound of metal and iron, bursts of piercing light, shattered the sea of ​​flames, and the entire space cracked like a spider web.

In this confrontation, the outcome is obvious.

Xinglong couldn't resist at all, his sword trembled, his arms vibrated, his blood was churning, he let out a muffled cry, and spat out blood, his whole body was like a leaf of paper, turning over and flying.

It worked!

Mo Tongsen smiled sternly, once he succeeded, how could he give up.


The magic pupil bullied him, his face was ferocious, and those sharp eyes were full of bloodthirsty and fierceness.A vast and fierce sword energy, like setting up a net, instantly enveloped Xinglong's whole body.

Xinglong seemed to be wounded, and before he could react, he was enveloped by the sword energy released by Motong.It feels like being trapped in a sea of ​​swords and flames, making it difficult to move at every step.

"Immortal Master!" Ling Tianyu exclaimed in shock.


An invisible force suddenly burst out from Ling Tianyu's body, and disappeared out of nowhere along with his entire body.

this moment!

A crazy and proud smile burst out on Mo Tong's face: "Haha! Xinglong, this is the price you have to pay! Suffer death!~"

call out! ~

With a movement of the long sword, murderous intent emerged.

At this time, Xinglong seemed to have given up all resistance, and glared at Motong full of anger and unwillingness, which undoubtedly made Motong relax his vigilance and became even more proud.


Before the sword came out, a cold and stern voice rang out from the back of Motong's head: "You are the one who deserves to be damned!"


Mo Tong's face changed drastically, and even Xing Long was shocked.

This is under the magic pupil's illusion, which is equivalent to a realm. It is impossible for a strong Daojun realm at the level of a soul king to sneak in silently, but Ling Tianyu managed it inconceivably.


Mo Tong didn't expect at all, let alone the fact that sensing the breath of the comer, even far from having the strength of a strong Dao Monarch, could flash into the pupil art space he had carefully set up strangely and without breath.


But the strength of the Dao Monarch Realm powerhouse is not empty, even if he can't react in time, he is defenseless.But Motong still stopped the sword in time, completely out of instinctive inertia, he just reversed the sword, his body changed accordingly, turned around and slashed away with his sword.

No matter how random a sword is, the power contained in it is too strong. With the laws controlled by Ling Tianyu, it is far from being able to shake the sword power of a strong Taoist realm.

So Ling Tianyu used the most direct method, hard resistance!

That moment!

Ling Tianyu crushed the spirit orb, a powerful and vast power surged through his body in an instant, and all of it was injected into the original force.He knew that with his current cultivation base, the power of using the spirit orb would increase a lot, but he didn't expect that the power of the original force could be increased hundreds of times, enough to be comparable to the power of the Dao realm.


Mo Tong was extremely shocked. First, he was shocked by Ling Tianyu's soaring strength, and second, he felt a certain familiar aura from Ling Tianyu's explosive power, which made him even more horrified.

call out! ~

The original force magic knife was instantly condensed and fused with the power of the spirit king, and the power of the original force magic knife directly increased hundreds of times.When it is swung, it shatters the entire space, fierce and domineering.

boom! ~

Two powerful energies, centered on the two of them, exploded in all directions sharply, and layers of emptiness were shattered into fragments, blurring all vision.

"Who is that!?"

"Mr. Dao!?"


Ling Batian and the others were horrified. It was already unacceptable for Xinglong to break through the Dao Realm. Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, a mysterious strongman appeared out of nowhere, and Mo Tong was caught off guard.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Terrifying turbulence, continuous turbulence, because Motong missed the opportunity, and Ling Tianyu, with the help of the spirit king's power, even slightly gained the upper hand.Coupled with Ling Tianyu's powerful Hongmeng battle body, it just carried a huge impact.


The magic pupil was full of horror. As for Ling Tianyu's appearance out of thin air, he still can't understand it.

next moment!

A strange scene happened again, in the third divine eye that the magic pupil was looking at, suddenly seemed to be hooked, and was uncontrollably attracted by Ling Tianyu's right pupil.


Ling Tianyu's right pupil instantly turned blood red, and in a diamond shape, it spun at a strangely high speed.As if being hypnotized, Motong's divine eyes just stared at Ling Tianyu's right pupil, sinking deeper and deeper.

Of course, Motong's pupil skills are amazing, there is no doubt about it.It's just that the sudden fatal sneak attack by Ling Tianyu caused the magic pupil itself to be shaken violently, and it didn't react at all, so the pupil technique couldn't be fully used for a while.

Ming Tong!

Curse the evil fire!

In the depths of Ling Tianyu's fast-rotating diamond-shaped right pupil, a group of evil flames burned wildly, like a mirror reflection, directly imprinted into the magic pupil's divine eyes.


The magic pupil's divine eyes were protruding, and they were bloodshot in an instant, and an evil fire burned in the depths of the eyes, as if under a spell, and they couldn't break free from the curse of Ling Tianyu's dark pupil.Strange and terrifying evil forces seemed to transform into countless demons and ghosts, crazily eroding into the depths of Mo Tong's soul.

It's just that Motong has a Dao soul, even if he is unprepared to be cursed by Ling Tianyu's Mingtong, it is not something that Ling Tianyu's current Mingtong can easily kill.

Mingtong turned faster and faster, and the evil fire burned more and more fiercely.A trace of blood dripped shockingly in Ling Tianyu's right pupil, it seemed that it had almost reached the limit of Ling Tianyu's tolerance.


Ling Tianyu screamed like a ghost, and suddenly raised his palm, pointing it out, almost draining all the strength in his body, and concentrated it in his fingers.Because he knew that even if he seized the opportunity to use the magic pupil, it would not be enough to rely on the magic pupil's curse attack. What Ling Tianyu is doing now is to affect the magic pupil's pupil technique, and use his strength to break it.


Ling Tianyu yelled madly, all the power in his body was concentrated in one finger, like a bullet fired from the chamber, aiming at the magic eyes of the magic pupil, and shot fiercely away.

this moment!

Motong was finally freed from Mingtong's curse, and when he saw the powerful finger light approaching, he already knew it was too late.He could only stare at his eyes, especially the divine eye on his forehead, which bulged out in extreme shock and despair, and his pupils were full of blood and flames.


With a sharp finger, he hit the god's eye in one fell swoop, as if there was an invisible sharp sword, piercing through the magic eye's god's eye fiercely with invincible force, and burst into the soul sea of ​​the magic pupil.

The magical eyes of the magic pupil protruded violently, like a broken glass ball, shattered in an instant.


The magic pupil screamed miserably, brilliant blood flowers bloomed from the shattered divine eye, one hand pressed the bleeding divine eye, and flew out screaming in pain, and the bloody pupils all over the sky were shattered in an instant.


Motong's most proud divine eye was broken by a strong man who appeared out of nowhere!

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