Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2331, Cyclops Statue

"Master, this is it!"

Xiao Xiong said, and Ling Tianyu and the others had already stood in front of a strange palace gate.


The gate of the palace is engraved with dense incantations, which invisibly emits a certain heavy aura from ancient times. Even standing in front of the gate of the palace can make people feel inexplicably oppressed.

"When did this appear?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking, and also felt that the gate of this temple was too evil. After all, he had regained the control of the Temple of Creation, but he couldn't detect it at all.

"Since the inexplicable evolution of the Xie Wang Palace, there have been many strange places here, and many extraordinary skills and treasures have been left in it. This is the reason why our cultivation base has skyrocketed." Xie Wang said solemnly: "And This strange temple door appeared later, we tried to open it, but no matter how much we concentrated on it, we couldn't shake it at all."

"Hey, this evil king's palace is so powerful. If you can open the door of this palace, it will hide a huge treasure." Xiao Jin smiled excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

"Junior brother, you are the master of the evil king's hall now, so it should be fine for you." Venerable Shengyu said seriously, the situation in the wilderness is now severe, and Venerable Shengyu and the others are naturally very eager to improve their strength.


Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, and released the power of the primordial spirit.

Since the level of primordial primordial spirit has risen sharply, Ling Tianyu's body has also been endowed with a powerful primordial soul of primordial primordial spirit, comparable to a dao soul.


When Ling Tianyu's primordial spirit first came into contact with the palace gate, a powerful and unknown mysterious force rushed over fiercely, and even Hongmeng's primordial spirit couldn't resist it.


Ling Tianyu was stunned and took a few steps back.

"Master, can't even you?" Little Bear was surprised.

"Why can't it work?" The evil king said depressedly: "When I got the evil king's palace by chance, I didn't know that the evil king's palace hides such a deep secret. You, the master of the palace of the king, can't even open a broken door, I really don't understand what tricks the original owner of the palace of the evil king is playing!"

"Senior Xie Wang, this Xie Wang Palace is not an ordinary treasure hall. It comes from the Temple of Creation, a relic of the Supreme Controller of the God Realm." Ling Tianyu said solemnly.

"What!? The Temple of Creation!?" Little Bear was terrified. As a well-known beast in the God Realm, it is not unusual for him to know the existence of the Temple of Creation.

"Exactly!" Ling Tianyu replied.

"So..." Little Bear was shocked.

"You seem to understand?" Xie Wang frowned.

"Can you not understand!" Xiaoxiong smiled ecstatically: "Haha! This Temple of Creation is said to be the palace of the gods and lords. It was formed by the creation of heaven and earth, and it hides countless treasures. If you can get the Temple of Creation, you will It is equivalent to owning most of the God Realm."

"That's right, this Temple of Creation is a treasure hall that was left in the mortal world along with the sons of the gods, and it is a treasure hall specially made for the Seventh Young Master." Ling Tianyu smiled and said: "Hehe, speaking of it, the good fortune of the evil king is really good. Not shallow."

"Cut! Now the Temple of Good Fortune is in your hands. Hearing what you say, this king is really distressed now." Xie Wang hummed softly, full of depression.

"Junior Brother!~"

Venerable Shengyu said seriously: "I feel that the Hall of the Evil King has always been spiritual. Brother Xie Wang failed to unlock its secrets before, probably because he has not been recognized by it. But you are different, the Evil King The transformation of the temple in your hands means that it has truly recognized you as its master, so now only you can open the door of this temple, why don't you try a few more times!"

"Wait! Why do I feel like you are saying that I am not worthy of owning the Xie Wang Palace? We have been friends for many years, and you are so disrespectful to me." Xie Wang rolled his eyes at Sheng Yu Zun in great displeasure By.

"If you can unravel the secret of the evil king's palace, the two of us will not be lonely ghosts for thousands of years." Venerable Sheng Yu struck out.

"You..." Xie Wang blushed with anger.

"Then I'll try again, please back away first!" Ling Tianyu said suddenly, unexpectedly, the primordial spirit of Hongmeng couldn't detect it, and the spell on the gate of the palace couldn't be deciphered, so he had to force it.


Everyone stepped back, Ling Tianyu's eyes became sharper.


The Hongmeng Golden Lotus turned rapidly, and Ling Tianyu mobilized the power of chaos with all his strength.

boom! ~

There was a loud bang, and a powerful and terrifying aura, like a ferocious tide, roared and swept away.Even though Ling Tianyu didn't attack all directions intentionally, the aura released by the power of chaos itself was too powerful.

"Mr. Dao!!"

The little bear was full of horror, and he was the most familiar with the existence of Daojun.

So strong!

Everyone was horrified, and under the pressure of this terrifying aura, they retreated again and again.Looking at the prestige completely enveloped by the strange light, everyone's hearts were like a storm, and they were deeply shocked.

Don't forget, they have cultivated in the Temple of Good Fortune for more than 1000 years. Coupled with the extraordinary resources left by the Temple of Good Fortune, it took them so long to reach the quasi-dao state.

But Ling Tianyu was amazing, at most he spent a few years in the outside world, but he overtook them one by one.It's true that people compare themselves to others, and they are so pissed off that they want to dig into the cracks of the ground.

This time!

After Ling Tianyu had finished gaining momentum, he stared fixedly at the mysterious palace gate in front of him.According to Lei Zun, with the improvement of his own cultivation, the Temple of Creation can be continuously lifted.And the existence of this mysterious temple gate in front of him should also be a test of the strength of the owner of the Temple of Creation.


Ling Tianyu charged with a thunderbolt, gathered all his strength, and slammed his palms heavily into the palace gate.

Boom! ~

With a huge impact, circles of powerful light waves vibrated fiercely outward.But Xiaoxiong and the others couldn't bear the impact of Daojun's level at all, and they were forced to the corner one after another, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

As for Ling Tianyu, the whole body was shining brightly, his face was flushed, and his palms were heavily pressing on the palace gate.Nai tried his best, but it was still difficult to shake the gate of the temple.

"Could it be that cultivation is not enough?" Ling Tianyu was shocked in his heart. According to the power of chaos, it should be able to match the power of Dao. Isn't this god's request for his son too high?

Knowing that he was powerless to crack it, Ling Tianyu was about to let go, but he was horrified to find that his palms seemed to be sucked by the palace gate, and unfortunately he couldn't withdraw them.

"damn it!"

Ling Tianyu cursed secretly, it's fine if it can't be opened, but he still doesn't let himself go.


Ling Tianyu frantically mobilized the power of chaos, exerting force with his feet, trying to pull his hands away, but no matter how hard he tried, Ling Tianyu still couldn't get rid of it.


The more bloody thing is coming again, it’s fine if you can’t pull it out. What makes Ling Tianyu feel terrified is that Hongmeng Primordial Spirit seems to be sucked by some kind of strange force. His primordial spirit was swallowed up.


Ling Tianyu struggled desperately, unable to get rid of it.


Little Xiong and the others' expressions changed in shock, and they were about to rush over.

"Don't come here!" Ling Tianyu yelled, with a fierce expression on his face, thinking that no matter how much he was the master of the Good Fortune Temple, he wanted to absorb his primordial spirit, and that would be what he wanted.


Ling Tianyu suddenly gave up all resistance, and then his whole body froze, as if he was dead, and then his eyes went dark, and the primordial spirit of Hongmeng was instantly pulled away. This feeling was like suddenly stepping into the void and falling into the abyss.

In a daze, Ling Tianyu gradually regained consciousness.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that his primordial spirit seemed to be trapped in an endless dark space. In panic, he called weakly: "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Just finished!

A mysterious and distant voice faintly came from the darkness: "Alas~ the world is unpredictable, I have painstakingly arranged it, but I didn't expect that the person who finally opened the holy door was an outsider."

Follow the reputation!

Ling Tianyu was full of astonishment when he saw that in the hazy darkness, a strange, cracked and blurred stone statue stood quietly.Although I can't see the specific appearance clearly, I can see that there is a missing eye in the face of the stone statue, which looks empty and dull.

Ling Tianyu shook secretly, and then asked in awe: "Dare to ask senior..."

"You don't need to know who this deity is now, you just need to understand that you have become the new owner of the Good Fortune Temple, and you have to shoulder the mission of revitalizing the God Realm!" The mysterious voice became serious: "But with This deity is very dissatisfied with your current cultivation!"

"Eh..." Ling Tianyu was sweating, and then mustered up the courage to say: "This junior doesn't know what a mission is, this junior just wants to do my best to protect everything I want to protect!"

Hear it!

The mysterious voice seemed to be in deep thought, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "Forget it, with your current cultivation level, it's a difficult task. Come back when you find the Earth Orb, and you will understand by then!"

"Earth bead? What is an earth bead? Where should I find it?" Ling Tianyu immediately asked, feeling inexplicable, without even any actual information, how can I find it in the vast world?

"Just remember, it is destined for you!" The mysterious voice said plainly: "Go back, I hope you can stick to your heart and improve your cultivation as soon as possible, because time is running out."

"Why is there not much time?" Ling Tianyu was full of astonishment, and was thinking of continuing to ask, when suddenly a powerful force swept over, and Ling Tianyu fell into an unconscious state so unclearly.

next moment!

When Ling Tianyu woke up again, he saw familiar smiling faces.

"Master, master, you really scared us to death just now? What happened?" Little Bear asked full of concern.


Ling Tianyu sat up slowly, but only remembered a few words clearly in his mind, saying that he had to find the earth bead before he could come back, so he shook his head and said, "I'm fine, it's just that I had a strange dream just now."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, isn't this too bizarre?

"Junior brother, what about this palace gate?" Venerable Sheng Yu asked.

"I may not have this ability right now, so let's put it aside for now." Ling Tianyu said with a bitter face, he was already considered a strong candidate for Daojun, and he was demoted to nothing.

"Let's leave it alone, I don't care too much!" Xie Wang was full of anger, and shouted: "Let's stop talking about this matter, let us go out quickly, we are going crazy!"

"Well, Da Niu must miss you very much now." Ling Tianyu smiled slightly. Although he could not completely unseal the Temple of Good Fortune, he had the extraordinary ability of the Temple of Fortune. Within a short period of time, a powerful force capable of shaking the entire pattern of the wild world was cultivated.

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