Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2361 Nine-horned Heavenly Dragon

Boom! ~~

The berserk hurricane of ice and snow, under the obstruction of the original force seal, scatter towards two directions.


"We really didn't die!"


Everyone was very excited, a sense of joy like the rest of their lives.

Looking at the rock-steady, lonely and unmoving figure in front of him, everyone's hearts were overwhelmed.Faced with such a terrifying power of heaven and earth, not only powerful magic weapons can counteract it, but Ling Tianyu managed to support it all by himself, which is definitely not the ability of Zhun Dao.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally realized that Ling Tianyu's strength was so strong.

Especially Princess Lingxin and Shi Ruoxue, looking at the aloof figure in front of them, their hearts were shocked.In this cruel world, who doesn't like peerless powerhouses, who doesn't worship heroes?

But now, Ling Tianyu is a hero who can stand alone, fighting against the sky with his own strength, saving the lives of everyone present, and no one refuses to accept it.

Although Ling Tianyu resisted the power of the avalanche, Ling Tianyu didn't feel the slightest slack, and his whole face became more and more dignified.Because he was already confined, didn't he think that the Soul Race would have no backup?


After supporting for a moment, the ground roared again and again, a terrifying fluctuation brought a strong feeling of shaking the earth, and a powerful and unknown breath was violently emerging.

"This is..." The group of people was horrified, and their hearts sank. They all sensed the terrifying breath coming from the ground, and the power was not even inferior to this avalanche storm.

next moment!

Boom! ~

Just behind the crowd, like a thunderstorm, the snow exploded, and a huge shadow broke through the heavy snow, with bursts of thunder-like dragon chant, and a huge shadow appeared roaring at first sight.

See you!

It turned out to be a giant dragon with a strange appearance. Its huge body seemed to be stained with ink, it was dark black all over, and the hard leather armor tightly covered the whole body.The overall body length is even larger than the previous magma dragon, and what is particularly eye-catching is that there are nine horns growing on the top of this giant dragon, which are densely crossed.

"Nine-horned Heavenly Dragon!~"

Man Long exclaimed with horror on his face, even he couldn't keep calm and trembled uncontrollably.Everyone is also full of fear, they are no strangers to this nine-horned dragon.


The Nine-horned Heavenly Dragon is one of the top ten fierce beasts in the wilderness world. It is cruel and ferocious by nature, and both humans and beasts are its prey.In the ancient times, the nine-horned heavenly dragon made troubles and devoured thousands of living beings, and was later destroyed by the Supreme Storm Dragon, leaving no bones left.

If this is not the case, otherwise, with the ability of the Nine Horned Heavenly Dragon, if it can grow up to this point, it will surpass the Four Great Beast Venerables.But I didn't expect that the Jiujiao Tianlong would be resurrected in the Primordial Secret Realm, which is comparable to a strong Dao Realm.

"Jiujiao Tianlong..." Ling Tianyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He already knew that the soul clan was not that simple, but he didn't expect to make the Jiujiao Tianlong out.

It is true that Ling Tianyu's chaotic power surpasses the true Dao, but there is still a certain gap compared with the real Daoist.But the Nine-horned Heavenly Dragon is different, it is a proper Dao Realm beast. This dragon has a strong body, almost indestructible, and its offensive is very brutal. It controls the law of the earth and can release a strong pressure.


The Jiujiao Tianlong roared, the sound shook hundreds of miles, and the ice and snow shook.Across the distant sky, everyone felt a thrilling sense of fear, and their entire souls were about to be shaken away.

so horrible!

This is the real fierce god of the Dao realm. Dealing with quasi-dao powerhouses like Barbarian Dragons is as simple as crushing ants to death.With the Longwei released now, it is already unbearable.

It's over!It's over!It's really over now...

Everyone's face was ashen, thinking that Ling Tianyu resisted the avalanche, and the disaster ended here.And now the appearance of the Nine Horned Heavenly Dragon seems to drive them into hell again.

"Damn beast!" Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly. It doesn't mean that there is no chance to deal with Jiujiao Tianlong, as long as he activates the ultimate demon body.But now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is destined to be difficult to use the trump card.

Ling Tianyu wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, but he didn't expect to lead out a ferocious dragon. Compared with the previous magma dragon, it was not at the same level at all.

"Little Saint!~"

Ling Tianyu hurriedly called, wanting to summon Xiao Sheng to come to help, but Xiao Sheng just wanted to leave.

Boom!Boom! ~

A series of afterimages of ghosts came out through the snow, one by one holding a sharp sword, flashing sharp light traces, a total of six people, viciously surrounded the little saint.


The little sage breathed out dragon flames, and flames surrounded him, sweeping all directions.And those six men in black knew that they were not Xiaosheng's opponents in a head-on confrontation, so they used weird body skills to dodge and circle around here.

"Damn it! How dare you calculate labor and capital!" Ling Tianyu was furious. He didn't expect the Soul Race to be so insidious.

Roar! ~

The Nine Horned Heavenly Dragon roared loudly, stirring up a blizzard all over the sky, the dragon mighty, overwhelming, furious, roaring like thunder, and rushed across the sky ferociously.


Ling Tianyu directly summoned three clones, guarding the original position, manipulating the original force to overturn the sky, and continuing to resist the raging impact of the blizzard.Immediately, he grasped the Dou Shenjian tightly, rose into the sky, trampled on the violent wind and snow, and killed the Jiujiao Tianlong.

Helpless, the strength of Jiujiao Tianlong is too strong, even if the savage dragon can use his cultivation, he can only be abused.Poor Ling Tianyu had to sing a one-man show again, so he stepped forward and singled out the magic dragon.

Whoosh! ~

With a flash, Ling Tianyu came across the space and shouted loudly: "Time stands still!~"

The Jiujiao Tianlong's offensive was too fierce. If he wanted to seize the opportunity and overwhelm him, he had to limit the opponent's offensive first, but Ling Tianyu completely underestimated the strength of the Jiujiao Tianlong.

boom! ~

The body of the nine-horned celestial dragon shook, and the law of the earth was released involuntarily. Layers of void twisted and oscillated, and the entire space became extremely heavy.All kinds of heavy pressure and crushing crushed Ling Tianyu's law of time.

Roar! ~

A stream of silent black light flashed and came through the air. Even its huge and bulky body did not affect its speed at all, on the contrary, it became more and more ferocious.As fast as thunder, Zhang Wu's huge dragon claws tore through the space, and with the momentum of thunder, he rushed towards Ling Tianyu, who seemed to be insignificant.

"The Wrath of the Burning Dragon!~"

Ling Tianyu yelled violently, and the power of chaos in his body burst out unreservedly, containing a powerful space law attack.The tyrannical sword energy surrounds the storm fire dragon and confronts the attack of the nine-horned dragon.

Boom! ~

During the shock, the powerful and violent Dragon Claw directly shattered Ling Tianyu's law attack.The momentum is unabated, the strength is still strong, tearing through the power of space, and continuing to grab Ling Tianyu.

"Tian Yuan Divine Armor!~"

Ling Tianyu instantly summoned the Tianyuan Divine Armor, and immediately put on the armor majesticly like a god descending from the mortal world.Gather up all your strength, switch from offense to defense, and do your best to resist the attack of Jiujiao Tianlong.

Boom! ~

The huge dragon claws, like thunder, bombarded heavily on the God of War sword.Waves of unparalleled impact shock Ling Tianyu's arm numbness, blood churning.Even with a strong combat body and a body protected by the Tianyuan Divine Armor, Ling Tianyu can still deeply feel the violent shock.If he hadn't tempered the Primordial Saint Body, this blow would have killed Ling Tianyu.


Ling Tianyu was shocked, even though he had a strong defense, it was hard to resist the nine-horned Tianlong head-on.After repeated powerful shocks, Ling Tianyu was quickly sent flying like a kite with a broken string.


The Jiujiao Tianlong was extremely angry. With its mighty power, it couldn't even kill a small human being.Its arrogant nature undoubtedly stimulated its anger even more.

boom!boom! ~

The blizzard swept across, and the Jiujiao Tianlong roared angrily, with an extremely terrifying and shocking momentum, as it rushed, it seemed to bring a sense of collapse to this layer of space, and rushed towards it.

Ling Tianyu was terribly frightened. If he didn't use his demonic transformation, he couldn't compete head-on with Jiujiao Tianlong.


Before the Nine-horned Heavenly Dragon rushed to it, the ferocious law of the earth swayed in layers of ripples in the void, a heavy pressure shook the entire space, and even the tyrannical wind and snow became slow.

boom! ~

Under the strong pressure, all the way along the way, Ling Tianyu sank all the way before he could dodge, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, he couldn't move an inch, and even his breathing became suppressed.

Boom! ~

With the sound of a powerful explosion, the Jiujiao Tianlong rushed forward, attacking fiercely and violently.In the face of its almost invincible power, it seems that all laws and magical powers cannot restrict its actions.

Faced with such a fierce force, Ling Tianyu naturally would not sit still, and of course it was impossible to avoid it, otherwise the powerful offensive of the Jiujiao Tianlong would directly spread down, causing huge casualties to both forces.

Thinking that in this situation, no one would be able to find out about him, so he mobilized the power of the black core sharply.After all, the origin of the black pill contained in the black pill itself has infinite power, and it is far beyond the ability of quasi-dao.

Under this strong pressure, Ling Tianyu insisted on mobilizing all the power in his body, and gathered it at one point.Facing the fierce nine-horned dragon coming, Yu Jian rushed out: "Break!~"

call out! ~~

The fierce sword qi, with invincible strength, and the powerful tearing law weighed heavily on the restriction, like a sawtooth, with a sharp sword sound, facing the fierce dragon claw, deliberately avoiding a head-on head-on collision, from The side attack swept past.

puff! ~

A string of blood spattered out, and the fierce sword energy passed through the side, viciously tearing apart a layer of hard flesh on the outside of the dragon's claw.


Jiujiao Tianlong roared in pain, the tough leather armor that was supposed to be invincible was actually torn open by a small sharp sword.The brave offensive stopped for a moment.

And how could Ling Tianyu miss the rare opportunity, strode towards the thunder, and rushed towards him suddenly.Quickly gathered a punch, entangled Lei Ting, tried his best, and roared: "Ba Lei Fist!~"

boom! ~

A punch exploded, and the surrounding airflow was completely evacuated, and the visible cracks in space sharply split in all directions.The fist filled with thunder fiercely and domineeringly hit the face of Jiujiao Tianlong.

Boom! ~

The void exploded, and ripples could be seen, oscillating in all directions like waves, and the whole world could feel a strong sense of shock.Everyone was horrified to see that the mighty Jiujiao Tianlong was sent flying by Ling Tianyu's punch.

boom!boom! ~

The nine-horned dragon fell heavily to the ground. Accompanied by the blizzard, the huge dragon body rolled over and over again, screaming in pain. It seemed that the punch was not light.And Ling Tianyu almost tried his best, but in the end he only repelled Jiujiao Tianlong temporarily, and did not cause any real damage to Jiujiao Tianlong at all.

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