Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2395, Soul King Destroyed


The soul king was actually restrained by the four green bat monsters!

Under such circumstances, death was inevitable, and the soul king had no choice but to explode himself madly and die together.

"Evil! You don't want me to live! Then I will let all of you be buried together!" The soul king roared ferociously, with monstrous power, shaking the sky and bursting out, shattering layers of void.

Boom! ~

With a bang, centering on the body of the Soul King, a vast and terrifying energy distorted the spatial aura sharply, as if a powerful vortex had condensed on him.


The faces of the four monsters of the green bats changed drastically, and they burst out with invisible giant force and a powerful magnetic field. They were firmly imprisoning the soul king with their poisonous tongues.

Boom!Boom! ~

The vicious bats covering the Soul King's body couldn't bear the huge explosive force at all, and they shattered one after another.Although the soul king is only the existence of the primordial spirit now, the power generated by the self-explosion is supposed to be enough for all the living matter in this space.

"Haha! Evil! You forced me! I don't even want my life now! Let's see what you can fight with me!" The Soul King cursed furiously, and roared, "Die! Die! Come with me! Go to hell!"


The demonic light was overwhelming, and the entire body of the Soul King swelled rapidly, completely surpassing the limit, and a terrifying energy burst all over his body, full of crazy anger, about to explode.

"My lord!" The blue bat exclaimed.

With a poisonous tongue, their faces were even paler. Facing a lunatic who was not afraid of death, what else could they use to fight the soul king.But from the beginning to the end, Ling Tianyu remained calm and calm. It was the soul king who blew himself up and was in danger, and Ling Tianyu's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.


The Soul King let out a roar, sacrificing everything.

"Master Soul King is screaming so happily! But did I approve when you will die?" Suddenly, an extremely cold voice resounded in Soul King's ears, like a cold wind from the Nine Nethernesses, piercing Soul King's heart and soul.

next moment!

A ferocious venomous claw tore through the space, headed down, and firmly locked the soul king's forehead.


The Soul King's face froze, and before he could react, a torrent of extreme cold eroded along his brain like a ferocious tide, freezing his nerves.All the way on the rampage, ravaging, rushing into the soul king's limbs, bones, and acupuncture points all over his body, under the ravages of the billowing ice demon energy, the soul king's whole body was instantly frozen, even the powerful energy that was about to explode was also frozen in an instant .

Not bad!

Before the soul king controlled the magic bead and possessed a powerful demon god transformation body, Ling Tianyu didn't pay attention to the soul king at that time.Now that the soul king's magic beads are all lost, and his vitality is severely damaged, it is easy for Ling Tianyu.

However, the Soul King still underestimated Ling Tianyu's icy soul demonic energy, and was imprisoned even the ability to self-destruct in the end. He roared angrily: "Evil! The wild world is darker than you think! You just killed me!" It’s useless! This wild world! It’s not up to you, a demon, to be the master! I just can’t get rid of you! Someone can cure you!”

"At least I can cure you. You colluded with fierce demons and did all kinds of evil. It's time to pay back!" Ling Tianyu's face was cold, like the god of death in hell. Drooling.

"Haha! I want to kill this king! As long as this king's physical body is gathered together and the magic beads are in hand! This king is still immortal! You evil spirits are waiting for this king! This king will come to kill you soon!" The Soul King laughed fiercely.

"I'm looking forward to it!" Ling Tianyu's complexion darkened, his pupils flickered coldly, filled with evil, like a chant from hell, he muttered hoarsely: "Ice Soul Seal! Devour!~"

Ice Soul Seal!

The devouring ability inherited from the corpse mark, but the power has become more terrifying.


The Ice Soul Demon Dragon roared excitedly, and its ferocious dragon claws slammed into the Soul King's chest, piercing through in one fell swoop, the sharp dragon claws burst out, and the blood evaporated instantly.


The soul king screamed in pain and unwillingness, the billowing ice demon energy corroded his flesh and blood, eroded his soul, and even cruelly sucked his blood.

boom! ~

The huge ice soul dragon actually shrank into the soul king's flesh and blood along the pierced chest.


The living and gigantic Ice Soul Demon Dragon forcibly propped itself into the Soul King's body, and the terrifying and vast ice demon energy burst out in the Soul King's body crazily, filling his body.

"Do not···"

The soul king's whole body was stiff, his complexion was waxy, his eyes were slack and staring, his eyeballs squirmed slightly, and his cracked lips trembled violently.He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make any sound, and even couldn't feel the breath coming out.Desperate like this, thinking like death, the majestic king has been reduced to the point where he is slaughtered by others.

boom! ~

With the devouring of the Ice Soul Seal, the Soul King's body is like a deflated balloon, shrinking and aging, and his whole face becomes wrinkled and extremely ugly.

But the entire face of the Soul King was still full of anger, hatred, despair and unwillingness, it was completely pale, and the bulging eyeballs were bloodshot.

The soul is constantly being corroded!

Consciousness, rapid blurring!

Even the memory was brutally deprived, and the whole body shriveled quickly, turning into an ugly wax skin.


The Ice Soul Demon Dragon melted out, turned into powerful energy, drilled into Ling Tianyu's body, merged into the Ice Soul Demon Pill, and turned rapidly.After all, the soul king has a lot of cultivation, and it just so happened that he greatly satisfied the Fan Bingpo Demon Pill, and his cultivation improved even further.

puff! ~

Ling Tianyu pulled out his poisonous claw fiercely, and the soul king Ge Sidi let out a scream, as if he had fallen into an abyss, into a place of no return.The deep sunken pupils that were bursting with bloodshot eyes instantly dimmed down.


Fragmented and shattered, the soul king turned into fragments scattered in the sky, twisted into powder one after another in the strong current, and disappeared in ashes.

at the same time!

In a dark cave that was cold and gloomy, haunted by demonic energy, a majestic figure trembled violently.He opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils were bloodshot, and he was dying.

Not bad!

This figure is the soul king!

It's just that the soul king's primordial spirit was destroyed, and although he still retains his soul and body, he is exhausted.There is only a trace of resentment left, no matter how strong it is, it can no longer support the entire body.

In a daze!

A strange dark phantom gradually emerged from the void. It was wrapped in a black robe, and its face was hazy with ghost fog. It could not see the real face at all, except for a pair of crimson and evil eyes, like the eyes of hell Ban Sensen stared coldly at the figure on the stone platform.He was playing with the magic bead in his hand, his eyes were full of disappointment.


The voice of the soul became extremely hoarse, and the magic bead in the hands of the black-robed man full of hope seemed so hungry.For him, in order to rise again, he must obtain the power of the magic bead.

"Hmph! You still want to get the magic bead?" The man in black snorted coldly: "If the deity hadn't kept a hand in secret, otherwise you, an idiot, would have to submit obediently and lose the deity's magic bead!"

"Save...save me..." The Soul King had almost exerted all his strength, trembling violently, unable to raise his hands, staring at the black-robed man beggingly in his eyes, his lips trembling slightly.

"Trash! This deity cultivated you painstakingly, and put all my heart and soul into you father and son! But you two trash! Not only did you not get the dark source that this deity needs, but your soul was destroyed by someone! Can it be wasted on you trash again!" The black robed Sen said ruthlessly, and even inhaled the magic bead directly into the body in front of the soul king.


The soul king shrank his pupils sharply, staring helplessly at the magic bead being absorbed by the man in black, which was tantamount to ruining his hope of rebirth.It turned into endless anger, and the whole face became extremely ferocious, glaring at the man in black with hatred.

How could the man in black pay any attention to the soul king, he absorbed and digested the dark energy of the magic bead to his heart's content, and a wave of evil energy that was even more powerful and terrifying than that in the heyday of the soul king was released from the man in black.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The cave exploded, all evils fell, and the demons danced wildly, turning into a Shura purgatory.In this monstrous demonic energy, the entire face of the Soul King was even more unbelievable.

"Haha! This deity can finally condense the body!" The black-robed man laughed wildly, billowing with devilish energy, frantically gathering on the black-robed man like stars surrounding the moon.

The phantom, which was originally like a ghost, was condensed and stared under the flood of billowing devilish energy.The arms are condensed, revealing the bloody claws, the hazy face is slowly uncovered, it is an old face full of wrinkles, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, the bottom of the eyes is full of endless darkness of the devil, the thick fangs, gradually grow out.


On the back of the black-robed man, he was wriggling violently. Suddenly, a pair of blood-colored wings burst out of his body, fluttering excitedly, and laughed wildly: "Haha! God help me! This deity finally You have a complete body! This deity has finally been reborn!"

The Soul King just watched the black-robed man's evolution and transformation with such indignation, feeling that the devilish energy released from the black-cloaked man was even hundreds of times stronger than him, a kind of used anger filled his heart, and his eyes were bleeding .

Unknown where the strength came from, the Soul King suddenly tore his throat and roared angrily: "Demon slave! You despicable and shameless devil! How dare you use this king! This king tore you apart!~"

"Get out!~" The man in black yelled heavily.

With just one word, the powerful sound wave turned into real power, like a heavy hammer hitting the soul king's chest fiercely.


The soul king raised his neck and sprayed blood, and hit the hard cave wall heavily, unable to get up for a long time.And those bloodshot eyes were still burning with raging anger, glaring at the black-robed man full of hatred, Ge Sidi roared: "Why!? Who are you? Why are you using me! "

"This deity was born of darkness. After going through thousands of calamities and reincarnation, he was able to cultivate a soul! He calls himself the devil, the lord of darkness!" The black-robed man said coldly: "This deity can bow down as a slave for you, it is you Blessing for a hundred generations!"

"Devil Lord..." The Soul King's face trembled, and he begged bitterly: "Yes... I have eyes but can't see Mount Tai. I also ask the Demon Lord to use his supernatural powers to save my life. From now on, I will be a slave forever." , swear allegiance to the death..."

"No need, the deity has already selected a suitable inheritor for your body, and you are completely useless!" said the devil expressionlessly.

"Inheritor..." The soul king looked dull.

next moment!

A strange bloody pupil unexpectedly emerged from the void, and suddenly pierced towards the center of the soul king's brow.


The soul king hissed in despair, and even the last trace of resentment was brutally destroyed, a cold and strange blood-colored pupil gradually appeared in the soul king's forehead.


The soul king's eyes changed drastically, as if he had changed himself again, he hurriedly got up, saluted the devil respectfully, and said, "Tiantong thanks the devil for his good fortune, Tiantong will swear to die to serve the devil in the future!"

"This deity has just taken shape and needs to be retreated urgently. You can get used to this physical body well." The demon master said majesticly.

"Yes!~" Tiantong looked very respectful.

"This deity believes that your ability is sufficient to complete the next plan, and I hope that this deity can see a satisfactory result when this deity leaves the test!" The demon master said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Tiantong will definitely live up to his mission!" Tiantong cupped his hands.


The Demon Lord turned into a strange black mist, which evaporated and disappeared in an instant.

Tian Tong raised his head slowly, his blood pupils on his forehead shone with a cold light, filled with endless hatred, and sneered with a gloomy expression: "Hehe! Demon! I finally found you!"

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