Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2454, Devil Sneak Attack

Boom! ~

The sky and the earth trembled, the huge thundercloud vortex burst into flames, and tumbling crazily.Every time it rolls, the robbery cloud expands exponentially, and the accumulated energy of the world becomes stronger and stronger.

Especially on that day, the power was so intimidating, even the strong were forced to freeze their blood, and couldn't breathe for a while.But the weak creatures couldn't resist at all, and exploded to death one after another.

Cracks and gullies burst out continuously in the barren land, and hundreds of miles of land were completely fallen.The airflow is soaring, the space is chaotic, and the distortion is endless. The air field collides with each other all over the sky, and there are continuous thunder and vibrations.

so horrible!

The ultimate holy calamity of the heavenly dao represents destruction. Countless powerful people in the dao realm stopped here, their bodies were smashed to pieces, and they were wiped out in ashes.

"Old gentleman..."

Beast Emperor and Little Fox Bei were nervous and worried, and Little Bear was also worried.Because of the holy calamity of the Dao of Heaven that Yu Xiaoxiong knew, the challenge that True Monarch Huoyan faced was much more terrifying and dangerous.

of course!

Although the Dao of Heaven is ruthless, it is also fair. If True Monarch Flame can successfully resist the catastrophe, he will be blessed by the Dao of Heaven.It can sit on an equal footing with a world leader.

But the Spirit King and the others had solemn expressions, for fear that True Monarch Huoyan would survive the catastrophe and be promoted to the holy position.But it is a holy calamity of the Dao of Heaven, and anyone who interferes will be severely punished by ten times the power of the Dao of Heaven.

Therefore, King Ling and the others wanted to stop True Monarch Huoyan, but they didn't know where to start.If the formation is broken, this formation can even compete with the Heavenly Dao Sacred Tribulation, how easy is it?


True Monarch Huoyan stood in the great formation of Burning Heaven, proudly and unyielding, but Tianwei was still victorious, extremely ferocious.Like a mountain with thousands of weights, it is too heavy to be crushed by the majesty and anger, and the giant shadow sinks slightly.

boom!boom! ~

The Fentian formation violently vibrated, and under the impact of this super-powerful and terrifying power of the heavenly power, it was impossible to absorb it in time, and the overloaded anger bombarded the Fentian formation.


Ling Tianyu was terrified, and the torrent of powerful energy rushed towards him, crushing Ling Tianyu's blood so hard that his heart almost burst. If it wasn't for his extraordinary fighting body, he would have exploded to death as an ordinary person.

But the pressure was too strong, and Ling Tianyu, who was the heart of the formation, was the first to bear the brunt of the merciless bombardment of Tianwei.He couldn't help but look pale and feel pain all over his body.As long as Ling Tianyu doesn't fall, the Fentian formation will continue to be strong, but if the Fentian formation is destroyed in one fell swoop, Ling Tianyu will also suffer huge damage.

In the lightest case, he would suffer heavy injuries and his cultivation base would be abolished, in the worst case, his body would be smashed to pieces, and he would be destroyed together with the formation.It can be said that in order to help True Lord Flame overcome the tribulation, Ling Tianyu also gambled his own fate.

"Little brother!" Huo Zhenjun felt Ling Tianyu's discomfort, and said through voice transmission: "The power of the sixth wave of Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation is too strong, you don't need to take risks for me anymore, you have already paid enough for me It's over! You quickly withdraw from the Burning Heaven Formation, and I believe I can hold it back!"

"No! If this junior withdraws, the power of the Burning Heaven Formation will be greatly reduced! Even if this junior is determined to help you, naturally he won't give up halfway!" Ling Tianyu replied resolutely.

"But you... if something happens to you, I will feel uneasy." True Monarch Huoyan was worried and deeply moved, and said: "If I fail, it is just a matter of reincarnation, so I won't lose my life But you are different, if you take risks with me, you will die!"

"Haha! Zhenjun thinks too much! Junior's life is very hard! It's not so easy to accept me today!" Ling Tianyu laughed, and said solemnly: "True Monarch! The catastrophe is coming, you must not worry about it I will be distracted and concentrate on overcoming the catastrophe! As long as you and I unite as one, we will definitely defeat the catastrophe! As long as the real king does not fall, the elixir in the hands of this junior can restore your vitality, so there is no need to worry about it!"


True Monarch Huoyan nodded deeply, and said gratefully: "Little brother! Regardless of success or failure today, if you and I live, I will recognize you as the master and follow around!"

"Haha! Remember this junior, the real king can't break his promise!" Ling Tianyu laughed happily. If he can subdue a strong man at the level of a holy king, this adventure is completely worth it.

"You are not joking!" True Monarch Huoyan's tone was serious.

Boom! ~

Roaring and thundering, resounding through the heaven and earth, in the huge vortex of thunder and fire, countless thunder and fire dragons danced.Each thunder dragon is full of powerful and unparalleled energy, and it is endlessly mighty.That world-destroying power seems to have emptied the air of the whole world.

The sixth wave!

The most powerful wave of world-extinction catastrophe, neither the Burning Heaven Formation nor the Flame Lord alone can fight against it.


True Lord Flame roared angrily, accumulating enough energy in his whole body, ready to fight the catastrophe with all his strength.And Ling Tianyu also swallowed the last Ice King Pill, resisting the gradually increasing heat flow, and firmly stabilized the operation of the entire Burning Heaven Formation.

And this moment!

The Beast Emperor and the others fixed their eyes on the Spirit King and the others even more. As long as the primordial spirit of the Primordial Mengmeng was there, the True Monarch Huoyan would have the chance to be reincarnated even if he failed to overcome the tribulation.But if Hongmeng Yuanling was robbed, it would be tantamount to a death sentence for True Monarch Huoyan.

at the moment!

Tianwei gradually intensifies, and the will to destroy becomes stronger, and finally the fate-determining holy calamity of heaven is approaching.


At this extremely tense moment, a vision happened!

See you!

In the void surrounding Burning Valley tens of miles away, it seemed that it had been impacted by some kind of strange force. In the four directions of the void, strange space vortices sprang up one after another, and gloom and cold demonic energy overflowed from the space vortexes.

"Demon energy!?"

The faces of all the strong people changed in horror. This is covered by the power of heaven, and those who interfere with the tribulation will undoubtedly die. Are those demons crazy?

"Old Lord! Enemy attack! Be careful!" Xiaohu hurriedly shouted, after all, it is within the range of Burning Valley, if one dares to get involved, it will undoubtedly offend Tianwei, and will be severely punished by Tianwei, who dares to approach?

boom!boom! ~

The space vortex exploded heavily, and a series of ghosts and phantoms swept out of the void, with ferocious faces and strong demonic aura, as if they were looking at death as if they were at home, and rushed towards Fen Tiangu ferociously.

Devil puppet!

There are eight of them, all of whom have reached the Dao Realm strength!

Those who interfere with crossing the catastrophe will surely die!

It can be seen that these devil puppets have never thought about survival at all, and the strange and invisible phantom actually ignored the impact of the heavenly power.His whole body was filled with incomparably powerful dark energy, and he rushed towards Burning Valley fiercely like a missile.


The faces of the Beast Emperor and others turned pale with shock, the holy calamity of heaven is coming, how can they stop a group of demons who are wishing to die.

Huo Zhenjun did not expect that someone would dare to attack him during his tribulation, his whole body exploded, the energy of the flames surged, and the shadows of his fists were like mountains, continuous, and angrily blasted towards the ghosts coming from all directions: " Get out!~"

Peng!Peng! ~

Lie Yan Long Fist, fiercely shattering the air, billowing flame energy ripples, blasting and wreaking havoc in the void.

But those phantoms came extremely strangely, as if they were invisible, ignoring all the damage, revealing their dark eyes, and rushed directly from the raging flames, approaching the Burning Valley.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

The first four demon puppets rushed towards the square rocks of Burning Valley, and blew themselves up one by one.

It is conceivable that the self-destruction of a strong Daoist is no worse than the Holy Tribulation of Heavenly Dao.What's more terrible is that the self-destruction power of these demons is very concentrated and targeted.

The location where these four devils blew themselves up and attacked happened to be the relatively weak point of the Burning Heaven Formation.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The terrifying energy explosion crazily bombarded the rock. It was so powerful that it couldn't bear it at all, and the division points in the rock cracked sharply.Although only a few sub-array points were destroyed, the entire Burning Heaven Formation would not be directly destroyed.

But after this wave of suicidal attacks, the defensive power of the Burning Heaven Formation also weakened a lot.And Ling Tianyu, as the heart of the formation, naturally suffered a huge backlash.


Ling Tianyu screamed, and was almost knocked out of the formation amidst the powerful roar and shock.The whole body wobbled, Qi and blood trembled, the backlash was severe pain, and blood was spat out from the mouth.

"Little brother!" Huoyan Zhenjun was shocked and angry.

next moment!

The other four demon puppets rushed towards True Monarch Huoyan, all in a suicidal way, without fear of the punishment of Tianwei.

"Old gentleman! Withdraw quickly!" Xiaohu shouted with red eyes.


With True Monarch Flame's outburst of temper, will he withdraw?

"Bastard! Die to me!~" Huo Zhenjun cursed angrily, swung his volcanic Giant Shadow Fist, filled with powerful and incomparable flame energy, and attacked the two devil puppets rushing towards him.

But when he first came into contact with those two demon puppets, two powerful and terrifying self-explosive energies swept past frantically against the attack of the Flame True Monarch.

Boom! ~

There was a loud bang, and the void exploded. The Flame Lord, who was under the pressure of the heavenly power during the tribulation, was restrained by his own strength, so how could he resist the self-detonation ultimate move of the two Taoist puppets.


Huoyan Zhenjun let out a howl of pain, and his huge body was forced to shake again and again, and hit the rock hard.

"Old gentleman! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!~" The little fox screamed with all his strength, and was powerless to help in front of Tiandao.And if Xiaohu made a move, it would only increase Heaven's punishment.


The Beast Emperor's face was gloomy, his fists were clenched tightly, and he was extremely angry.

The Spirit King and the others secretly rejoiced. Although they hated the devil, they were even more unwilling to see the Flaming Lord successfully overcome the catastrophe and be promoted to the holy position.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

The last two demon puppets did not stop there, but became more fierce. After successfully repelling the Flame Lord, they rushed over and killed the Flame Lord fiercely by self-destructing.

no way!

True Monarch Huoyan was devoted to overcoming the catastrophe, but he never expected that someone would dare to plot against him at this time, and even blew himself up to attack in a desperate way, it was impossible to guard against.

But True Monarch Huoyan's strength is not underestimated. He suffered a loss once, but he will definitely not suffer successive losses.


The Flame True Monarch yelled violently, shaking his body with powerful power, the void in all directions was like waves, twisting sharply, and the four directions were like a quagmire, trying to block the self-destruct attack of the devil puppet.

But these demon puppets are really weird, they seem to have cultivated Ling Tianyu's illusory ability, as long as they are threatened, they will instantly appear illusory.If you can't limit it, you won't be able to stop them at all.

Not to mention!

This distance is enough!

boom!boom! ~~

Two powerful and terrifying dark energies exploded crazily in Burning Valley.

True Lord Flame was extremely angry and terrified, so he had no choice but to resist the continuous explosion torrent with all his strength.


Ling Tianyu let out a deep sigh, and the Great Formation of Burning Heaven activated again, swallowing and absorbing the self-explosive energy of the two demon puppets, and reducing the burden on True Monarch Huoyan in time.

Boom! ~

Raging flames soaring into the sky, swaying and wreaking havoc, there was no danger, and the crisis was finally resolved.


Before he could catch his breath, the strange phenomenon happened again.

The thunder calamity that was about to come suddenly fell into a strange state of stillness, and the huge and tumbling calamity cloud in the sky seemed to be frozen, motionless.

Could it be that the catastrophe has stopped?

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