Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2458

at the moment!

The ground was pale, the snow was flying, and the wind was bitterly cold.Between the sky and the earth, there is a uniform color, countless snowflakes are dancing, crystal clear, like soldiers going out, wearing silver armor, and like pieces of white sails sailing away, melting into the pale earth.

Although the scenery is spectacular and magnificent, it is full of terrifying chill.

In the hundreds of miles area where Fentian Valley is located, it seems to have fallen into a ten thousand zhang ice cave, the cold air is frightening, and all substances are solidified and frozen.All the laws here will be ineffective, even those who are strong in the Dao realm, their strength will be greatly reduced.

call!call! ~

The cold wind whizzed, and the shrill screams like howling ghosts and gods continued, which made people's hearts tremble and their souls trembled.The bone-piercing cold air hit, like countless sharp blades piercing the bones, causing pain to the flesh and skin.

And the power of the cold air is still intensifying crazily and mercilessly, accompanied by the terrifying power of the sky.It turned into a terrifying ice dragon storm, ruthlessly ravaging Burning Valley.

In an instant!

Under the raging ice and snow storm, the entire Fentian Valley was completely frozen, covered with layers of ice and snow, like huge ice sculptures.The line of vision is blurred, and the scene on the ground is completely unclear.

Beast Emperor and others looked solemn, this wave of death calamity will determine the fate of True Monarch Huoyan, if he can survive it, he will be able to get the good fortune of heaven and be promoted to the holy position.If you can't cross it, you have to borrow the power of the primordial spirit to reincarnate.


Since death is an additional punishment for the Four Great Beasts, if they are reincarnated, they will not be protected by heaven.At that time, True Monarch Huoyan was most vulnerable, and anyone could snatch the primordial spirit.

After all, the temptation of Hongmeng Yuanling is too strong, Beast Emperor and the others not only have to guard against the second sneak attack by the demons, but also have to guard against the forces of the spirit world.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The sky and the earth shook, the blizzard raged, and layers of ice clouds surged, as if a majestic snow mountain had condensed in the sky.Thunder and lightning, as thick as a dragon, merged with the ice cloud, condensing into ice dragons, intertwined in chaos and roaring endlessly.

The extremely powerful and frightening might of the sky, accompanied by the howling of the ice dragon, twisted the space between the heaven and the earth sharply, and the cold current danced vigorously, like a towering giant beast, trying to swallow the sky and the earth.

If the sixth wave of heavenly fire and thunder had brought out the power of heaven to the extreme, the ice dragon holy calamity condensed by the heavenly way would not be inferior to the power of the sixth wave of heavenly holy calamity.


As a life-defying catastrophe, it will form a powerful and terrifying extreme pair of attribute power.Ice and fire counteract each other, the power of the Ice Dragon Sacred Tribulation has far surpassed that of the Flame Lord, so it is naturally difficult to bear it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Fentian Grand Formation had changed its attributes and its power had been greatly enhanced, and it had assumed most of the power for True Lord Flame, otherwise True Lord Flame would not be able to resist the Ice Dragon Sacred Tribulation at all.


Ling Tianyu was in the center of the formation, fused with the entire Fentian formation, and the icy soul devil energy in his body was released rolling out.It was like the blood of the Burning Heaven Formation, flowing in circulation.


The absorption effect of the Burning Heaven Formation is very strong, forcibly absorbing the icy power from the heaven and the earth, flowing in each formation point, like a hundred rivers converging into the sea, converging into the heart, and pouring into Ling Tianyu's body one by one.

Ice Soul Demon Pill!

It runs at a high speed, continuously absorbs the powerful external cold force, performs thick compression, removes impurities and purifies, gathers endlessly into the Ice Soul Demon Pill, and gradually strengthens and refines.


Ling Tianyu was extremely excited. Compared with the previous Heavenly Dao Sacred Tribulation, this wave of death tribulation was easier.After all, I needed to take the Ice King Pill to counteract it before, but now I don't need it at all. The attribute power of the life-defying death calamity is just satisfied with Ling Tianyu's Ice Soul Demon Pill.

at the same time!

Ling Tianyu's second primordial spirit has also been tempered, and the ice soul primordial spirit is constantly being strengthened during the tempering, becoming more tangible.According to this trend, Ling Tianyu believes that after this wave of death, the Ice Soul Demon Pill can also break through to the later stage.

Due to Ling Tianyu's strong absorption, the power of the Burning Heaven Formation was also gradually weakening. Being in the formation, True Monarch Huoyan was able to be protected by the Burning Heaven Formation, and the pressure he endured was much lessened.

Like in the past, True Lord Huoyan didn't even have the courage to face death, but now with the help of Ling Tianyu, True Lord Huoyan was able to stand firm.

"True Monarch! Believe in the younger generation! Believe in yourself even more!" Ling Tianyu encouraged him through voice transmission: "This time! True Monarch will surely survive death, change his fate against the sky, and ascend to the Holy Throne!"


True Monarch Huoyan nodded deeply, deeply grateful.


True Monarch Huoyan swallowed the elixir in one gulp, and the powerful effect of the Qi Dan came into play immediately, diluting out powerful and pure torrents that surged all over Zhenjun Huoyan's body, the lost vitality quickly recovered, and even faintly improved .


Flame Lord roared towards the sky, the power exploded, and the flames soared into the sky.The billowing scorching hot stream that was released violently burst out from the Burning Valley, and the blizzard whirling in all directions was actually vaporized by the monstrous flames and turned into mist.

Without Hongmeng Yuanling, there is no way out, so we have to fight!

this moment!

Ling Tianyu has also made sufficient preparations. If no outsiders make trouble, he has great confidence to help True Monarch Huoyan prevent death.

at last!

Tianwei has been brewing for a long time, and suddenly fell into a strange tranquility.

Jieyun Binglong, frozen like a statue.The sky and the earth are blizzarded, and they are strangely still.The entire scene today has completely fallen into a state of absolute stillness, without feeling any breath, just like deathly silence.

And that moment!

All the creatures in the world seem to have stopped beating with their hearts, and everything has stopped running.There is no so-called space, no so-called concept of time, and no laws can be used.

a long time!

The sky suddenly exploded violently, breaking the silence, like a tense nerve bursting suddenly, and the space between heaven and earth burst into longitudinal and longitudinal cracks in an instant, spreading rapidly like a net.

Roar!Roar! ~

Like countless prehistoric ancient beasts, roaring and roaring, earth-shattering.

next moment!

Countless meandering ice dragons, carrying the terrifying power of the sky, are filled with super-strong icy air.It was extremely ferocious, and the attack was as sharp as a sword, rolling the blizzard all over the sky, and the whole day fell into a state of absolute zero.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

A series of powerful and domineering thunder ice dragons, carrying the inviolable power of the sky, all the way down through the sky layer by layer.Along the way, the cracked space was also quickly solidified and frozen.


Although Ling Tianyu had made a budget, it was not difficult to fight against the death calamity, but now that the hordes of thunder and ice dragons had really descended, Ling Tianyu had truly felt the horror of the death calamity's power.

boom! ~

The tens of thousands of thunder and ice dragons, the scene is so spectacular, and the destructive power they bring is terrible.The power of the assembled icy energy is crushed first.


True Monarch Huoyan's body sank, his face was horrified, probably he did not expect the power of Death Tribulation to be so terrifying.The direct pressure and fear made him seal up his fighting spirit, his mind froze, and he was as stiff as a statue. He felt like an ant facing a raging sea, but he couldn't raise the will to resist.

And the Fentian Great Formation was the first to bear the brunt. The terrifying ice energy impacted, and all the formations were immediately shocked and vibrated violently.


Ling Tianyu's whole body was convulsed, and suddenly a tide of ice energy rushed into his body, and it was too late to digest and absorb it, and the Ice Soul Demon Pill was also trembling violently.

Things must be reversed!

Although Ling Tianyu's combat body is strong, but now he has exceeded his limit, and he will suffer backlash.

Second mind space!

Immediately unblocked, the huge influx of ice energy was introduced into it.In Ling Tianyu's second thinking world, there is almost endless space, which contains the huge power of the dark origin.

boom!boom! ~

The billowing ice energy connects and flows into the thinking space.The origin of darkness, which has super devouring power, felt the invasion of ice energy, and immediately launched a crazy devouring.


As expected, the power of the dark origin is still superior, no matter how much ice energy comes, it must become the food of the dark origin, and continue to grow itself.


Ling Tianyu's face is fierce, as long as he can hold his heart firmly, no matter how powerful the ice energy is, he can eat it.

boom!boom! ~

The ferocious and terrifying army of thunder and ice dragons roared down like a blanket, causing huge ripples in the sky and the earth.The extremely terrifying thunder and ice dragon energy turned into a super-strong cold current, sweeping in all directions like a fierce wave, instantly engulfing the entire Burning Valley and the surrounding hundreds of miles of space area, only the explosion sounded endlessly, shocking people's hearts .

too strong!

The Fentian Great Formation was subjected to the violent ravages of the Thunder Ice Dragon. The ice energy like a mountain torrent, containing the domineering thunder, rampaged and raged, roaring and impacting every rock formation.

Snapped!Snapped! ~

Under the bombardment of the powerful energy of heaven and earth, the formations of mountains and rocks were cracked fiercely, and waves of frenzied ice energy rushed towards the center of the formation extremely domineeringly.


Ling Tianyu spurted blood, his whole body felt like a heavy hammer hit him, excruciating pain.Even if there is a second thinking space to accommodate it endlessly, the influx of ice energy is too powerful and domineering, and it is obviously difficult for Ling Tianyu, the carrier, to support it.

Rao is so!

Ling Tianyu also endured the pain by force, persevered with unyielding will, stubbornly resisted, and constantly introduced and absorbed.But all the time, Ling Tianyu had to bear the pain that almost burst his whole body.If it weren't for the strong combat body, an ordinary person would have been smashed to pieces, and Ling Tianyu was still holding on.

And although Ling Tianyu and Fen Tian Great Formation carried a huge amount of ice energy, the ice energy with mutually restraining attributes could do too much damage to True Monarch Flame.After struggling to resist several waves, True Monarch Huoyan couldn't bear it after all. Under the icy, endless and ferocious impact of Thunder, he finally broke through the defense line.


Flame Lord let out an indignant wail, after all, he could not escape the severe punishment of heaven. His huge body was covered and frozen by layers of ice in the raging thunder and ice dragon, and then ruthlessly eroded the flame energy in Flame Lord's body.

"True Monarch!~"

Ling Tianyu's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately transferred the power of chaos, together with the release of endless primordial aura, which followed the movement of the formation and rushed into True Monarch Flame's body.

That moment!

The True Monarch Flame, who was frozen by the ice, suddenly cracked and flashed vertically and vertically, and the powerful and pure primordial aura surged out.

"Hongmeng Yuanling!?"

The faces of the people were stunned, and they sensed the powerful primordial aura, as if True Monarch Huoyan was about to lend the power of the primordial spirit to reincarnate.But how did they know that the primordial spirit of Hongmeng was not on True Monarch Huoyan at all.

According to Ling Tianyu's plan, if the tribulation fails, the snake will be lured out of the hole.

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