Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2489, Cycle Rebirth


The five underworld demons waved their long scythes, carrying a mighty torrent of death, blasting the space continuously, rushing towards them furiously.


Ling Tianyu shouted, holding the magic knife tightly and went up to meet him.

"Master, be careful!~" Little Bear said, dodged backwards, submerged in the sea of ​​flames, and then quickly approached the altar along the outer area.

Roar!Roar! ~

The five underworld demons roared and were successfully attracted by Ling Tianyu. Amidst the roar, a wave of death energy rolled in, accompanied by countless ferocious ghosts, rushing towards them with the momentum of thousands of troops.


Ling Tianyu was terrified, and the Primordial Holy Flame swept over him, as if turning into a burning man.Under the protection of the Primordial Sacred Flame, Ling Tianyu was able to counteract the eroding impact of the wave of death energy on his soul and will with a normal state of mind.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

The afterimage flashed, as fast as thunder, and the body skills of the five ghosts were not so fast.Firmly locked onto Ling Tianyu's aura, ready for a ferocious charge.

These ghosts can devour all external forces, how could Ling Tianyu dare to confront them head-on, his figure flashed quickly, as if he had transformed into several afterimages, wandering around strangely, trying to deal with the ghosts.

It's a pity that these ghosts are originally composed of the energy of the dead, and they are particularly sensitive to any breath of life.Even if Ling Tianyu's body skills are amazing, it is still difficult to escape the magic eye of Mingmo.

In an instant!

Ling Tianyu's body was stared at in an instant, a terrifying death energy blasted over, and then a blood-colored long sickle pierced through the air.Like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, it slashed fiercely at Ling Tianyu's face.

"Do it!~"

Ling Tianyu jumped in fright, he didn't expect to be locked up so soon, fearing that his strength would be swallowed, he hurriedly dodged to the left, dodging the blow without any risk.

But just as he dodged, another long scythe, filled with strong death energy, slashed at Ling Tianyu fiercely like a thunderbolt.

So fast!

Ling Tianyu was startled, but Ling Tianyu was not a vegetarian either, he had excellent physical skills, his figure moved, flickered, and kept moving backwards.

And the offensive of the five underworld demons is very fierce and the rhythm is extremely fast. I don't know if it is an instinctive reaction or after rigorous training, they cooperate with each other very tacitly.


Every step is aggressive, menacing, and hearty. Anyway, no one is idle, forming a siege attack at all times, and will never give the opponent any chance to slow down.

call out!call out! ~

Ling Tianyu had just retreated, and suddenly felt the cold wind blowing from his back. At some point, the two ghosts sneaked towards Ling Tianyu's back.One up and one down, one left and one right, slashing in anger.

"Damn it!~" Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, but he didn't dare to fight back, so he shrank sharply, turned sideways in mid-air, and escaped from the pincer attack of the two long scythes without any danger.


Before he breathed a sigh of relief, another long scythe came head-on, like a thunderbolt piercing through the sky, slashing towards him.What's more terrible is that, on the left and right sides, two murderous auras rushed towards him at the same time.

Too bad!

These five demons did not give Ling Tianyu any chance to relax. They moved forward and retreated in an orderly manner, with precise targets, and succeeded in encircling them, almost tightly sealing Ling Tianyu's retreat.

Just at the critical moment, Ling Tianyu's gaze froze, and the law of heaven and earth was activated.

Time and space reversed!

Void changes, mysterious laws, covering the four directions.In Ling Tianyu's space, time went back two breaths, and the attack that was clearly tightly encircled returned to its original position under the force of the law of time reversal.

make a prompt decision!

Ling Tianyu rose up in the air, got away easily, and then looked towards the altar, and saw the little bear walking back and forth outside the altar like a scholar with his head bowed, muttering something in his mouth.

"Damn! Are you a fool, can you make it?" Ling Tianyu yelled, these five demons are extremely sensitive to their own breath, possess super perception, and attack vigorously, and they can't afford to just avoid them.

I'm talking!

The five underworld demons reacted instantly. Although they didn't know what happened, they quickly locked onto Ling Tianyu's breath of life.

call out!call out! ~

Long scythes waved one after another, squandering out pieces of lingering blood blades, as if weaving a tight net, and ruthlessly covered Ling Tianyu's bed.


Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth fiercely. Facing such a rigorous attack, it was very difficult to avoid it directly, and he didn't dare to face it head-on.He has no choice but to make his body invisible and use the power of emptiness.

boom! ~~

The forbidden net enveloped the past, but rushed into the sky, Ling Tianyu appeared in a condensed form, rushed down full of anger, and shouted at the five demons: "You want to play, don't you? I will play well with you! !~”


The four clones were summoned at the same time.This avatar is different, it has the body closest to Ling Tianyu, and even has independent life characteristics, which means that each avatar is a complete living being.


When Ling Tianyu summoned the four clones to rush down, the five ghost demons were obviously at a loss, unable to lock on to the only target, and it was difficult to form an encirclement trend against Ling Tianyu's main body.

In desperation, the five demons had no choice but to lock onto Ling Tianyu's main body and four clones, and chase them one by one.But how could Ling Tianyu gather the avatar and the main body together, jumping and flashing in irregular directions.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

I saw afterimages all over the sky, flickering in chaos, and the five ghost demons were able to lock the breath of life. Even if Ling Tianyu's main body and the direction of the clone were staggered, he still couldn't get rid of the ghost demon's pursuit.

For a while!

It seemed to be a chasing game. Ling Tianyu's physical skills were extraordinary, and the five demons' physical skills were not bad either. They were not to be outdone by each other. They chased after each other for half an hour, but they never confronted each other head-on .

And these underworld demons have almost infinite power. In this space, whether it is strength, mental consumption or perseverance, even Ling Tianyu can't match it.

After all, Ling Tianyu had to control the movement of the four clones at the same time when the main body was acting. In this way, even if it did not consume vitality, it would still be a high amount of mental torture.

After going on like this, Ling Tianyu has already begun to feel tired, and these demons have no definition of tiredness at all, they are entangled with each other, relentless, clung to Ling Tianyu tightly.


Ling Tianyu dodged in one fell swoop, and then shouted at Little Bear: "Fuck! I've given you such a long time, what kind of tricks have you researched? I can't stand it anymore!"

Hear it!

The little bear responded: "No! These ghosts have not suffered any damage, and the altar restriction has not had any fluctuations. You slaughtered them for me, one by one!"


Then we have to confront each other head-on?

Ling Tianyu knew that these demons would absorb external forces, and if they confronted each other head-on, they would definitely be absorbed.But if you don't do it all the time, the altar ban will not work.


Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth fiercely, he also knew that it was impossible to hide blindly, even if the power was absorbed and the power of the underworld demon was strengthened, Ling Tianyu had to fight back.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and his body turned around, ready to fight back.


Seeing that Ling Tianyu gave up and ran away, the underworld demon who was chasing after him angrily held his long scythe, and fiercely tore through the sky, forcing Ling Tianyu to slash in anger.


Ling Tianyu shouted angrily, and with a move of extreme freezing and blocking, a tyrannical and domineering ice-cold aura surged out, containing the power of laws, condensed the momentum of the edge, and faced the attack of the ghost.

boom! ~~

The void trembled, layers of ice solidified, and the murderous underworld demon, unable to withstand the attack of extreme freezing and sealing, froze all over, covered in heavy frost, surrounded by thunder, and was imprisoned in his movements.


While being imprisoned, the Underworld Demon not only didn't suffer the slightest harm, but devoured and absorbed the power of the Ice Soul Demon Qi greedily and thirstily.

Take advantage of this moment!

Ling Tianyu rushed towards him violently, and Broken Domain was furious.

boom! ~

The underworld demon in the ice shattered with a howl of pain.


The shattered undead fragments were quickly called back by the five pillars, the ban was activated, the evil light bloomed, the broken mirror was reunited, and the dead were resurrected. A brand new ghost was re-condensed, strengthened a little, and continued to move angrily towards Ling Tianyu charged forward.

"Go on!~" cried the little bear.


Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth hard. If he didn't fight, the ban would not be activated, and he would give Little Bear a chance to crack it.If they fight, these demons will become fatter and fatter by themselves.

Although the power of the Fragmented Domain is not bad, it is not endlessly used, but it consumes a lot.

But Ling Tianyu has nothing to do now, and he did the same thing, under the confusion of the avatar, he slaughtered the five demons in turn.And these five ghosts were reborn again, constantly absorbing powerful power and becoming stronger.

"Is it done?" Ling Tianyu called.

"Nearly! Do it again!" Cub responded.

"Damn! You are standing and talking without pain in your back. If you do it a few more times, you will fatten up these beasts! Not to mention trying to break the restriction, even these beasts are hard to deal with!" Ling Tianyu yelled.

"Do you think this restriction is so easy to break? If you want to keep this girl, you have to buy me more time! Believe me, it will succeed!" Xiaoxiong replied sternly.

I'm talking!

The five underworld demons came to kill fiercely again, duo duo forced each other.


Ling Tianyu yelled and cursed, and had no choice but to follow Xiaoxiong's wishes and take turns to kill each of the five demons again.

Unfortunately, Little Bear still hasn't found a way to crack it.

And these demons were reborn one after another, and got the forbidden fortune, becoming stronger and stronger each time.

The tragedy is that as long as Xiao Xiong doesn't find a way to break it, Ling Tianyu will have to fall into it again and again.This was slaughtered five times in turn. When the five fierce demons were reborn again, it would take a little effort to kill them instantly.

But after all this tossing, Ling Tianyu also suffered a lot.What is exasperating is that the little bear is still hovering around the periphery of the altar, studying it carefully, and simply ignores Ling Tianyu's call.

boom!boom! ~

The five underworld demons were killed time and time again by Ling Tianyu, shattered time and time again, and each time they were reborn, they would be astonishingly strengthened, and their strength would become stronger.

Peng! ~

It was another head-to-head confrontation, the magic knife and long scythe collided violently, and two powerful and domineering forces rushed violently, but this time Ling Tianyu was shocked back three steps.


Ling Tianyu's face was full of horror. If this continues, it will be over sooner or later, so he shouted angrily: "Little bear! How long will it take for you to be a fool! I really can't stand it anymore!"

"It's done!~"

Xiaoxiong suddenly came over through sound transmission coldly.

"It's done?" Ling Tianyu was taken aback, but he really didn't react.

call out! ~~

A ferocious long scythe, with a bloodthirsty light, slashed over fiercely.

Ling Tianyu felt cold all over, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly. He moved back and quickly avoided it, and shouted with lingering fear: "It's really dangerous! These beasts are so fucking ruthless!"

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