Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2505, let me come

Boom! ~

The hundred-foot-long storm connects the heaven and the earth, contains thunder dancing and roaring magic wind.Like a huge mixer, along the way, it was torn to pieces, leaving nothing.

That kind of destructive power completely devours overwhelmingly, carrying a dark, domineering, chilling, crazy and ruthless torrent, hundreds of miles around, as if shrouded in a sea of ​​​​storms.

Peng!Peng! ~

The remnant land became like a violent wave, rolling violently. Although there were no high mountains and dangerous cliffs nearby, under the ravages of the dark thunder storm, the ground was squeezed and arched, staggered and broken, giving birth to countless criss-crossing abysses. Sew it out.

The earth is constantly uplifting, tilting high, surging layer by layer, approaching rapidly.Huge boulders danced, broken trees flew across, and the mud was like rain, everything was devoured like destruction.

so horrible!

Facing the ruthless power of nature, like ants facing the raging sea, the power of humans and monsters has become too small.The monsters hissed in horror and grief, and the warriors of all clans were full of fear, their thighs trembling with fear.

If the dark thunder storm ravages, will there really be a way to survive?


The three of Shi Wang rushed in, and shouted at the army of all clans: "Are you still waiting to die? Why don't you withdraw immediately!~"

withdraw! !

Everyone was awakened. They were willing to control the army of monster beasts, but faced with such a terrifying destructive power, they seemed so humble that it was meaningless to stay.


Under the protection of Shi Wang and the three men, the mighty army of the spirit world clans retreated in panic.


Just when the army of all the clans in the spirit world retreated, those monsters completely lost control and rose up in a rage, full of murderous intent, extremely violent, and rushed towards the approaching barbarian warriors frantically.

Those savage beast warriors didn't react at all, and they were thrown to the ground by the hordes of rising monsters, biting wildly, being torn to pieces alive by the monsters, or being eaten cruelly.

Roar!Roar! ~~

The beast roared again and again, more and more monsters were rising, and the whole scene was out of control again. The tide-like army of monsters frantically surrounded the army of wild beasts, furious and murderous.


"A lot of monsters!"

"I can't hold it anymore!"


The barbarian army suddenly became flustered, and what's more tragic, they were even surrounded by the rising army of monsters.They were angry and resentful. They didn't expect that at the most critical moment, the forces of the spirit world would run away.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The fierce army of monsters and beasts is fierce and violent, and their anger is billowing.The savage beast clans were regarded as the prey for revenge, and they were ready to charge fiercely. The savage beast clan resisted hard, but the formation was broken, and it was difficult to resist, and they were mercilessly slaughtered by groups of monster beasts one after another.

what!what! ~

After screaming and yelling and cursing, they were all swallowed up by the terrifying beast tide.Immediately, flesh and blood flew across the ground, countless limbs and corpses were scattered all over the ground, and some were even trampled into flesh. The army of savage beasts was completely on one side.

"Damn it! I knew the guys from the spirit world couldn't be trusted! They ran away!" Eagle King said angrily, "Now it seems that we can't hold it anymore, we have to lead the people out as soon as possible!"


The wolf king looked gloomy, looked coldly at the direction of the little fox, and said in a deep voice: "If those monsters are kept, they will be a disaster sooner or later. If the monsters are allowed to rise, how can our family survive in the future?"

"Wolf King! You can think clearly, if we really do this, it will be tantamount to declaring war on the Four Great Beasts!" Eagle King said with a serious face, even though he knew that the lineage of monster beasts posed a huge threat.

"When the crisis comes, who is selfless! If these monsters are killed by nature, naturally it has nothing to do with our clan!" The wolf king said with a gloomy expression, "Before the disaster comes, you and I will join hands to kill these monsters." Drive the beasts away and let them fend for themselves!"

"En!" Eagle King nodded heavily, and the two reached an agreement again.


The wolf king and the eagle king each sit on one side, leading a group of elite fighters.

"Go away~"

The wolf king roared angrily and swept his guns across. Layers of mountains pushed and burst out. Groups and groups of monsters couldn't hold back their figures and rolled down one after another in the rumbling mountains.

Chirp! ~ Chirp! ~

A series of eagles, carrying unparalleled power, swooped down and swept down, and groups of monsters were violently lifted into the air.

boom!boom! ~

The mighty elite warriors of all races rushed forward, frantically chasing away the monsters.Especially under the suppression of the wolf king and the eagle king, the two powerful Taoists, the monsters are forced to retreat.

There is no way, there are no quasi-dao-level monsters sitting in the town, if the wolf king and the others intend to suppress it, it will not be difficult.

And this time!

The little fox is struggling to imprison the powerful monster that is evolving. As the dark thunder storm is approaching, the impact is getting stronger and stronger, and the little fox is almost unable to suppress it.

Boom! ~

The terrifying dark storm, carrying a torrent of destruction, shattered everything with the power of thunder, raging in a mighty way.Along the way, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and rocks flew up, turning into dust one after another.

That feeling is like opening the mouth of a demon in purgatory, ruthlessly devouring everything in the world.The approaching monsters couldn't escape at all, they screamed and were sucked into the air, twisted into pieces, until there was no scum left in the end.

boom!boom! ~

The wolf king and the eagle king are full of viciousness, constantly releasing powerful power, leading the elite army of all clans, driving away the monsters crazily and forcefully.Losing the powerful monster beast to sit in command, the Rolling monster beast was forced to drive to the direction where the dark thunderstorm came.

As for the forces of the spirit world, they had already left the battle circle in time, hid far away, and waited in horror at the roaring and raging storm of destruction.If this destructive storm does not stop, it will not be a problem even if it swallows the entire wild world.


The Spirit King completely fell into a state of madness, like a God of Destruction destroying the world, controlling a powerful and terrifying dark thunder storm, devouring everything in the four directions madly and mercilessly.



A heaven-shaking dragon chant, like the wrath of the god of thunder, strongly shocked everyone's souls.A soaring dragon's power shocked the audience, creating a hurricane and roaring.

See you!

Surrounded by the raging storm, the Beast Emperor's body was filled with intense and bright light, and a mighty shocking dragon power surged in all directions like a sky-shattering tsunami.

next moment!

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone in the clan, the Beast Emperor burst out in the light, and in a blink of an eye, it drove the vast dragon power, a huge dragon shadow, swept through the hurricane, soared into the sky, and entrenched in the sky.

Dragon horns, dragon pupils, dragon body, dragon claws...

The giant dragon in the sky was surrounded by icy hurricanes and entwined with vertical thunder.Like the supreme king of heaven and earth, looking down on all directions and despising the common people and all spirits.


The roar of the dragon roared, and under the cover of the shocking dragon's power, the monster, which was originally violent, seemed to be stimulated to subconscious fear and awe.One by one, they prostrated themselves on the ground, hissing in horror.

Supreme Storm Dragon! !

The beast of the four great beasts, the lord of all beasts, the most powerful existence in the wild world since ancient times.Only the Supreme Storm Dragon can shake the entire army of monsters.


The hidden identity of the Storm Dragon Supreme is shocking, especially for the members of the barbarian clan, it is simply a huge blow.They really couldn't believe that the emperor they had always admired could be a monster.


The wolf king and the others looked horrified, and it was really unacceptable for the beast king to show his real body now.They were willing to worship the Four Great Beasts, but they couldn't accept that the ruler of the entire barbaric beast clan would be a monster.

strike!disappointment!Unbelievable, even angry, all the barbarians including the wolf king and the eagle king looked dull and colorful, and looked up at the giant dragon entrenched in the air in amazement.Although the scene was shocked, there was no joy on their faces.

And this time!

The Beast Emperor, who appeared on his body, had already put aside everything, glaring at the dark thunderstorm that was sweeping madly.


The dragon roared, and the huge dragon body was like a long river. The thunder danced, and the strong hurricane rolled, like a vortex, spinning and twisting fiercely.The billowing power surged, and the world-destroying hurricane rolled up again.

Boom! ~

The sky is shaking, the hurricane is raging, the void is shattered, and the law is cut off.The Beast Emperor rolled the storm, turning more and more violently, and in a blink of an eye, with the huge dragon body, he once again condensed a thunderous storm.


Two tyrannical and overbearing thunder storms, carrying a destructive torrent, raged wildly and shredded the void in all directions, forcing each other to crazily collide with each other.

boom!boom! ~

Two terrifying thunderstorms collided crazily, and the thunder raged all over the sky. The hurricane was like a reamer, crazily destroying all materials in all directions.


The Dark Thunderstorm was even better. The Beast Emperor who had turned into a dragon storm was unable to defeat the Dark Thunderstorm.On the contrary, it fueled its arrogance and moved rollingly.

Boom! ~

Waves of thunder and hurricane swept over crazily, tens of thousands of monsters and flying stones were rolled up together, flying chaotically, colliding with each other, and then twisted into powder one after another.

so horrible!

Even the Beast Emperor who turned himself into a body couldn't resist it!

"Withdraw! Withdraw!~"

"Everyone is withdrawn!~"

The wolf king and the eagle king roared and roared. While resisting the ravages of the hurricane, they protected the army of wild beasts, broke out of the siege, and retreated in panic.

boom!boom! ~

The terrifying and ferocious thunder and hurricane continuously swept up groups of monsters, roaring all over the sky, one after another monsters were smashed, flesh and blood raged, blood rained down, it was too horrible to look at.

The two thunderstorms colliding fiercely, not only did not slow down the momentum, but became more violent, ruthless, and ravaged step by step.


boom! ~

A wave of violent and terrifying storm, carrying the domineering thunder, swept towards the area controlled by the little fox with the force of the wind.

"Holy Fox Immortal Venerable!~"

Everyone held their hearts tightly, but at this moment of life and death, Xiaohu still did not retreat.However, the wolf king and the others had already led the army of wild beasts, broke out of the encirclement in a mighty way, and escaped.


The little fox almost emptied all the energy in her body, nine-color rays of light, with her as the center, instantly weaved a dense colorful shield net.In order to keep these monsters, Xiaohu is bound to fight to the end.


Thunder hurricane, menacing.

boom!boom! ~

Several waves of impact came over, and the sky was splashed with light. The little fox was extremely worn out, and the energy shield network he set up was only supported for a moment before being washed away by the thunder hurricane.


The little fox spat out blood, looking at the roaring thunder and hurricane, his face was pale, resentful.

Roar!Roar! ~

Those monster beasts in the process of evolution, although they broke free from the restraint, they will face the threat of death, roaring angrily and unwillingly.

Boom! ~

The ferocious thunder and hurricane, with the power to wipe out everything, swept along the area where the little fox and the beasts were in the dark, crazily and mercilessly, with the momentum of overwhelming waves.

this moment!

The little fox's eyes were red, his face was full of ruthlessness, and he made a decision as if death was at home. He gasped and said to himself: "No... Even if I want to risk my life, I will never let you destroy our home... ·”


Just when Xiaohu was about to put all her eggs in one basket and fight to the death, suddenly a ghostly afterimage flashed in silently, and a gentle and familiar voice resounded softly in her ears: "Are you tired? Let me come!~"

This one!

The little fox's body trembled, and her breathing was suddenly suffocated.

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