Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2514, suspicious


Ling Tianyu let out a deep breath, feeling refreshed, reversed life and death twice in succession, absorbed and transformed a large amount of dark evil power, and jumped directly to the late stage of Dao Realm in just a few days.

If he could lend abilities in all aspects before not losing to those in the late stage of Dao Realm, then now Ling Tianyu's pure martial arts cultivation base is enough to compete with all the powers in the wild world.


Shi Luotian was going crazy, looking at Ling Tianyu's majestic figure, not to mention how dazzling it was.He tried his best, thinking that everything was under control, but he was defeated by Ling Tianyu again, and his strength was even greatly increased.

Everyone admired it too. Ling Tianyu was able to grow to almost reach the position of a pyramid in just a few years, which is really shocking.Coupled with some possible connections between Ling Tianyu and the Thunder Clan, Ling Tianyu already has enough voice in the wild world.

"Brother Ling!"

The Beast Emperor was very grateful. If Ling Tianyu hadn't appeared in time to turn the tide, he would never have known how severe the disaster would be in the Wilderness Realm.It's just that the Beast Emperor has revealed his identity now, and he doesn't know how to face the savage beasts next?

And now!

After being forcibly devoured by Ling Tianyu's voodoo and dark evil power, Ling Wang's demonized physique gradually faded, and he returned to his body, revived, and his complexion became rosy.

However, the voodoo had almost eroded the whole body of the Spirit King, and when Ling Tianyu devoured the voodoo, he had no choice but to take away a large part of the Spirit King's cultivation by the way, and his vitality was extremely depleted.


Ling Tianyu made his own claim and brought the Ling King into the primordial space.

"Father! Where is my father?" Princess Lingxin almost rushed over in one breath, and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, your father is fine, it's just that his vitality is too depleted. I have already found a resting place for him, and he will be able to leave the customs safely in a few days." Ling Tianyu smiled slightly.

Hearing the sound, Princess Lingxin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said with sincere gratitude: "Thank you, thank you for saving my father, and please forgive me for my willfulness and ignorance before."

"Hehe, your father treats me kindly, how could I sit idly by?" Ling Tianyu smiled and said: "Besides, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so easy to help your father get rid of voodoo."

"I owe you this, and I will definitely pay it back in the future!" Princess Lingxin said.

"I never ask for anything in return for saving people." Ling Tianyu said indifferently.

"Why don't you accept me as your apprentice?" Princess Lingxin gritted her teeth and said, her face was flushed like a ripe apple.

"Accept apprentices!?" Ling Tianyu was astonished, and asked, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"First, I don't dislike you; second, you are my father's friend, and I can accept it more easily; third, and most importantly, you are the strongest and youngest warrior I have ever seen. You practice!" Princess Lingxin vowed, "I want to make you stronger so that you won't become a burden to my father."

"This..." Ling Tianyu was embarrassed.

At this moment, Xiaoxiong suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Master, master! What are you still pretending to be? Come and help me, I can hardly hold these monsters down."

"Monster!" Ling Tianyu was stunned, and said awkwardly: "Princess, I will talk about this later, I have to solve other troubles first!"


Ling Tianyu's eyes were fixed, and he released a powerful primordial spirit, like a scanner, carefully scanning the monsters on the field.He seemed to be aware of something faintly, frowning and thinking.

At this moment, the Beast Emperor hurried over and asked, "Brother Ling, what's going on with them?"

"It should be voodoo, but the amount is extremely small." Ling Tianyu replied.

"This..." The Beast Emperor said with a look of shock on his face, "Just a trace of voodoo can control the entire lineage of monsters? Isn't this voodoo too powerful?"

"Not at all." Ling Tianyu said seriously: "If I'm not mistaken, voodoo is just an introduction. There must be some kind of terrible evil spell or forbidden technique hidden in the prehistoric beast forest. For this reason, voodoo was triggered, but It can't control them by itself, it just stimulates the fierce instinct of monsters."

"Father instinct?" The Beast Emperor seemed to understand, and said in surprise: "By the way, the high priest also thinks so because of you. The high priest has rushed to the prehistoric beast forest to find out the truth, and has not returned yet. What could have gone wrong?"


Ling Tianyu looked startled, and immediately said: "Your Honor, this matter is very strange, I have to go and find out first, and I will leave it to you here."

"Then these monsters?" The Beast Emperor looked worried.

"Don't worry, keep pressing them first, so that I can sense the fluctuation of the restriction." Ling Tianyu said, without hesitation, he quickly plundered towards the prehistoric beast forest.

"Fuck! Master, where are you going?" Little Bear yelled, but Ling Tianyu had long since disappeared.


Prehistoric Beast Forest!

The entire forest has long since fallen, and the whole body is covered with ruins, withered flowers and willows, and dead branches all over the ground. It is as quiet as sleeping in death.The cold wind was bitter, chilling, like a ghost grinding teeth and sucking blood by the ear, the hoarse wind tearing everything, it seemed so strange and unusual.

Needless to say, I also know that there is a big problem here.


Ling Tianyu fell into the forest with a serious face, and his sharp and deep eyes followed the faintly rippling tiny strange fluctuations, and kept searching carefully in the ruined forest.

Even the high priest Yougu can find the location of the forbidden formation, so Yu Lingtianyu's ability is naturally no problem.Although the fluctuation was extremely weak, it was not easy to find, but Ling Tianyu still explored slowly, and finally found a suspicious place.

at the moment!

There are cracked ground on all sides, only one side of the ground remains very flat, as if it has been polished.And that tiny and strange fluctuation gradually became stronger when it reached here.

"That's right, it should be here, and it really hides the forbidden technique." Ling Tianyu muttered, and then looked around vigilantly, but he couldn't find the shadow of the high priest, Yougu, and frowned: "Where is the high priest? Could it be that he hasn't yet?" Find it? Impossible, if the High Priest is really in the Wild Beast Forest, I should be able to find him."

"Tianyu, you must be careful, as a teacher, I feel that the aura here is particularly weird, it always feels like a trap." The poison king suddenly said solemnly through voice transmission.

"I understand. It's just that I don't know much about prohibition techniques. I don't know how to do it? I don't know what good strategy my mentor has?" Ling Tianyu has a headache. It is not difficult to find the location of the special prohibition, but Ling Tianyu has no way. start.

"Try it as a teacher!"

After the Poison King finished speaking, he appeared out of thin air, condensing a complete figure.Then the ghosts wandered in this airspace, exploring carefully, sometimes thinking hard, sometimes surprised, with rich expressions.

a long time!

The Poison King flashed back, and said solemnly: "Tian Yu, if the teacher is not wrong, this should be a death penalty, connected to an unknown space, the teacher has the ability to force it to appear, but it is not sure to break it. "

"Then what should I do? I can't just go back empty-handed like this, right?" Ling Tianyu was tangled up, but the restriction was found, but it was very difficult, and there was no trace of the high priest Yougu, which was very suspicious.

"Then what do you mean, you want the old man to take risks?" The Poison King snorted softly.

"Teacher calm down, I don't mean that." Ling Tianyu smiled coyly, and said, "It's just that I feel that if this trouble is not solved cleanly, I will always feel uncomfortable."

The poison king rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you still have a puppet?"

"I haven't fixed this thing for a long time. If my mentor needs it, I think I can replace it with my clone, so that you won't be allowed to take risks alone." Ling Tianyu smiled slyly.

"Come on, don't you understand as a teacher? If you don't help me as a teacher, you will never let it go." Du Wangshen was helpless, and said wearily: "The clone is just a clone, and I can be a Bait."

"Bait?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"Without bait, how could the prey take the bait?" The Poison King said contemptuously.

"Understood, as long as this guy can show his body, everything will naturally be up to you." Ling Tianyu said with a smile, and immediately his body was shaken, and Wu Hao's clone appeared.

Can not help but say!

The Poison King's figure flashed, and he directly submerged into Ling Tianyu's clone of Wu Hao.

"En..." Ling Tianyu was about to say, but the Poison King interrupted Ling Tianyu first: "Don't resist, as a teacher, I need to use your avatar to replace me, so as to force this restriction to appear."

Hear it!

Ling Tianyu immediately let Wu Hao's avatar relax, and even completely let go of everything, completely detached from the main body.As the weapon spirit of the Taoist energy, the Poison King itself is a part of Ling Tianyu's body. As a clone derived from Ling Tianyu's body, he will naturally not reject the Poison King.


The Poison King is fully integrated into Ling Tianyu's clone of Wuhao. In a sense, the Poison King belongs to the clone of Wuhao now, and the clone of Wuhao belongs to Poison King, regardless of each other.

Can't help!

The Poison King who merged into Wu Hao's avatar flashed a pair of sharp eyes, and said seriously: "This restriction is extremely dangerous, and it must be a trap. If the teacher forces it to show up at that time, it will naturally get away immediately. I will use your avatar as a weapon." Bait. There is only one chance, no matter what you encounter at that time, you must stop it as soon as possible, if you have the ability, it is best to kill it immediately, leaving no harm!"


Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, showing a magic knife in his hand, accumulating all the power in his body.With his current cultivation in the late stage of Dao Realm, as long as he doesn't encounter a strong person in the Saint King Realm, there is generally nothing Ling Tianyu can't deal with.

And Ling Tianyu also understands the intention of the Poison King, because the Poison King has the ability to make the ban appear, but he is unable to break it. At that time, he will definitely lend the Wuhao avatar Golden Cicada to escape, and Ling Tianyu must immediately cut off any possible existence in the ban. Evil, or even a hidden behind-the-scenes manipulator.


The Poison King took a deep breath, his eyes became sharper.In his previous life, the Poison King was proficient in the Qimen Escape Technique. Although it is different from the techniques in this world, it is not difficult for the Poison King. At least it is absolutely no problem to make the ban appear.


The poison king released the Taoist energy in his body, walking in the airspace in front of his eyes with strange and complicated steps, muttering words in his mouth, while Ling Tianyu stood by the side tightly, firmly controlling any trace of it. The wind is blowing.

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