Yanwu God of War

Chapter 253, Set up circle

The night was dark and eerily quiet.

From time to time, in the forest, there were shouts and roars of beasts, and even bursts of fierce fighting could be heard. It seemed that there were many monsters fighting in the forest.

Obviously, the monsters in the beast domain have gone mad.

However, the three Canzimen disciples who hid in the area of ​​Yunzhi Waterfall first did not know that the crisis was already approaching.


Suddenly, there was a sharp shout in the jungle.

Swish!Swish! ~~

A few ghostly figures rushed towards the strong man and the others.

"Enemy attack!~"

The faces of the three strong men changed.

Whoosh! ~~

Like the remnant wind, Ling Tianyu's movement was really too fast, and he was in front of the black-haired youth in an instant, and the cold light shone as the sharp knife dangled, it was heart-stopping, and he rushed away quickly.

The anti-black youth stared wide-eyed in horror, Ling Tianyu killed him suddenly, there was no time to take precautions, even when he died, he didn't know what happened, he only felt the coolness on his neck, and he was frightened and desperate He suddenly saw a flood of blood spraying out from his neck.

Ling Tianyu stood up with his saber horizontally, and instantly killed the black-haired youth with a single saber!

The brawny men were terrified, turned pale with fright, and beheaded Ling Tianyu angrily.

Suddenly, the three ghost dragons rushed over, swung their sharp sword light, and with absolute strength, slashed at the two strong men.

boom! ~~

With a startled sound, the strength of the strong man seemed to be stronger. He was not instantly killed, but he spurted blood, and he flew out like a cannonball.

But the ghost dragon directly charged at the yellow-haired youth, with fierce sword momentum, whistling wind, and did not give the opponent any chance to resist.

The yellow-haired young man was terrified, and immediately swung his sword to resist.

Ghost Dragon directly looked at the resistance of the yellow-haired young man, using his cultivation base of the sixth level of Xuandan to deal with a cultivation base of only the first level of Xuandan, it was not at the same level at all.

Bang! ~~

The yellow-haired young man was shaken out violently, Guilong stepped forward again, and struck out with his right palm, directly hitting the yellow-haired young man's head.

There was a "snap"! [

Brain spattered, the yellow-haired youth didn't even have a chance to scream, and died tragically in just one breath.

"Who are you?"

The strong man was trembling, and sat down on the ground with a look of fear on his face. Warm liquid flowed out from between his legs, and he might have been terrified enough.

"Of course the one who killed you!" Ling Tianyu and the others surrounded the strong man coldly.

The strong man glanced tremblingly, he couldn't tell which sect Ling Tianyu belonged to, but Guilong and the others could clearly recognize it.

"You are disciples of the Blood Character Sect!" the strong man exclaimed in shock.

"You can say that, but you don't have to say that." Guilong said coldly.

The strong man didn't understand what Guilong meant, he only knew that the strength of anyone in front of him could kill him, so Dang Li stood up on his knees in horror, begging like a dog: "Please, let me go!" A way out, yes, yes, I can give you everything in me."

As he said that, the strong man took out several five-level beast crystals with both hands pitifully.

Ling Tianyu glanced coldly, and said lightly: "I said buddy, you are doing too badly, why are there only some fifth-level beast crystals, which is really disappointing."

The strong man blushed and said weakly: "My strength is humble, and I can only get some fifth-level beast crystals."

"Not much nonsense." Ling Tianyu's face darkened, and he asked indifferently: "Are there only a few of you now?"

"No, it's not." The strong man replied humbly: "Besides us, there are other disciples of the Canzi Sect."

"Then why are you the only ones here?" Ling Tianyu asked again.

"These are all those villains from Longzimen!" The brawny man cursed bitterly, "Those sons of a bitch have actually attracted all the monsters here, and we are all besieged by those monsters."

"Oh, then you are really clever, and you can still get out of trouble." Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, and the cultivation bases of these people belonged to a relatively low level in the Profound Core Realm.

"Yeah, we were relatively close to here, and we took the opportunity to sneak away as soon as we realized there was a problem." The strong man smiled happily, feeling very refreshed.

"But it's a pity, although you escaped a catastrophe, you still have to die here in the end." Ling Tianyu's face suddenly darkened, and the Burning Dragon Saber in his hand fiercely aimed at the strong man's lower abdomen.

The strong man was startled, his mouth opened wide.

puff! ~

Blood spurted profusely, and the strong man's entire face was filled with despair.

Ling Tianyu ruthlessly took out the mysterious pill from the strong man's body, and confiscated the beast crystals and pills from the strong man's body, and then Hou Ling went to the other two corpses, and also took them away. The Xuandan in the body was dug out, and the items on their bodies were taken away. [

The harvest was not too bad. Three profound elixirs and twelve fifth-level beast crystals were captured, and now Ling Tianyu had seven profound elixirs and 44 fifth-level beast crystals in his hands.

Guilong and the others seemed to feel that Ling Tianyu was very excited when they saw Ling Tianyu harvesting the profound core in the strong man's body, so Guilong couldn't help asking: "Brother Tianyu, forgive me, I think you should be a Pharmacist?"

"How to say?" Ling Tianyu was slightly surprised.

"The mysterious alchemy in the human body is almost useless to us martial practitioners, but for a pharmacist, the mysterious alchemy can also be used as a medicinal material for alchemy." Guilong said.

"I don't think so, but I am indeed a pharmacist." Ling Tianyu smiled.

Guilong and the others were very surprised. It was just a guess at first, but they didn't expect Ling Tianyu to be a pharmacist. This kind of talent combined with the identity of a pharmacist is really shocking.

"Other people must be coming in soon, why don't we clean up these corpses first, and then we can hide." Wang Xiao couldn't help saying.

"No need, just stay here." Ling Tianyu smiled sinisterly: "If the people from the Canzimen are trapped, those guys from the Longzimen must have arrived here earlier. If you come here and see this scene, what do you think of those guys from the Canzimen?"

Guilong and the three suddenly realized, but Tianluo said with a sinister smile: "Jie Jie, Brother Tianyu is really poisonous. But I really didn't expect that they would be our prey. It makes people feel excited just thinking about it."

"Don't get too excited." Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes at Tianluo, his ears moved suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "Hide first, I feel that many people are coming soon."

Following that, Ling Tianyu and the others continued to lurk in the jungle, waiting for their prey.

About ten minutes later.

It can be seen that several figures flashed in from the forest hastily.

There were about five people in this group, and they wore the same clothes as Long Yun and the others before, and the strength of these guys was not weak, and they all reached the cultivation level above the third level of Xuandan.

The leader was a tall man with a crescent-shaped broadsword in his hand, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a fierce appearance, but this man's cultivation was not ordinary, and he had reached the eighth level of Xuandan.

"Long Hao!" Gui Long was slightly startled, looking at the man.

"You recognize?" Ling Tianyu asked softly.

"En." Guilong said: "Among the disciples of the outer sect of Longzimen, this Longhao's strength is relatively strong, he has the cultivation base of the eighth stage of Xuandan, but his real strength, I don't think it will be worse than Xuefeng How far he got, so this guy is not very easy to deal with."

"Eighth stage of Xuandan? That would be even better." Ling Tianyu smiled excitedly.

"Brother Tianyu, what if the people from the Canzi Sect didn't come?" Wang Xiao asked softly.

"If I don't come, I will go out and delay for some time." Ling Tianyu said.

"Then what about us?" Tian Luo was gearing up.

"You can just stay here, these guys are not easy to deal with, and it will be difficult to escape if there are too many of us later. But for me, there is a way to escape." Ling Tianyu said.

"Well, then you have to be young first." Guilong reminded, they didn't doubt Ling Tianyu's strength, because Ling Tianyu's cultivation base and his strength were illogical.

At this time, Long Hao glanced around coldly, and when his eyes fell on the three corpses, he was greatly astonished: "En? How could there be a disciple of the Canzi Sect?"

"It's just a few garbage dead!" A young man with a cold face said disdainfully. This man is called Long Hao, and his strength is not weak.

"Could it be someone with Can Xing and the others?" Another ugly young man asked suspiciously. This person was called Long Zhi, and he was at the fourth level of Mysterious Alchemy.

And the last two disciples, named Long Fu and Long Wen, are both at the third level of Xuandan.

"Impossible! These rubbish are so weak, how can they escape from the monsters?" Long Hao said.

"But at whose hands did they die? This method is really cruel." Long Fu looked at the three corpses. The death conditions were horrific, and the mysterious core in their bodies was also dug out. The house is full of fear.

"Brother Hao, do you think there will be someone here before us?" Long Zhi couldn't help asking.

"It's possible. After all, it's not only the disciples of our Longzi Sect and Canzi Sect who came out to practice this time. We have never met the disciples of the other two sects, even Long Fei and the others." Long Hao said solemnly.

"Whoever he is! Anyone who comes will be killed!" Long Hao said coldly.

"En." Long Hao nodded slightly, and said: "Long Fu, Long Wen, you should search around to see if anyone else is hiding here, Long Hao, Long Zhi, you should clean up these corpses first, I will look at them Felt sick."


The four responded, seeming to obey Long Hao's orders.

"These people are not stupid." Ling Tianyu secretly said, concealing his breath, using the technique of earth escape, he disappeared strangely.

"Where are people?" Tian Luo was startled.

Guilong and Wang Xiao were also extremely surprised, and Ling Tianyu's movement skills were too incomprehensible, no wonder Ling Tianyu spoke so confidently just now.

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