Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2554, Abnormal

Tower inside!

It seems to have entered another world, completely isolated from the outside world, and there are mandatory restrictions on the laws. In this different-dimensional space, it is impossible to display any magical powers of laws.


In this endless darkness, a strange ball of light is flickering alone in the distance.

"What is that?" True Monarch Huoyan couldn't help asking.

"Holy gate!" Lei Zun said with a serious face: "There is a holy gate in every level of space. As long as you can successfully reach the holy gate, you can enter the next level of test!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it?" Ling Tianyu's face was condensed, although he couldn't sense any threatening aura, but the silence made people feel hairy, as if he was being stared at.

"Of course, each layer of space is guarded by tower spirits. We must not be careless. Of course, we can't be too conflicted with the guardian tower spirits. After all, we are only here to investigate. If there is nothing unusual, we will return quickly." Lei Zun said in a serious tone. .


Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, and was always vigilant, walking step by step in the direction of the Holy Gate.

Along the way, it was extremely quiet, Ling Tianyu and the others did not dare to be careless.Pairs of sharp and deep eyes are always alert to the changes around them.

a long time!

What surprised Ling Tianyu and the others was that the holy gate was close in front of them, but there was still no abnormal movement, and there was no tower spirit that Lei Zun said existed.

True Monarch Huoyan stared blankly at the holy gate in front of him, and asked in astonishment, "This...have we successfully cleared the level?"

"Lei Zun?" Ling Tianyu was confused.

"Let me think about it!" Lei Zun frowned tightly.

"What do you think? It shouldn't be difficult to break through the first level, right? Some of the tower spirits on the first few levels have already been wiped out by the level breakers." True Monarch Huoyan said disapprovingly.

"Impossible!" Lei Zun said solemnly: "The power of the pagoda spirit is unlimited. It will limit its own strength according to the strength of the passers-by. Even the strongest of the holy king realm cannot destroy the pagoda spirit."

Ling Tianyu pondered for a while, and said, "Patriarch Lei, do you think it's because the Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda has existed for too long, guarding the two worlds all year round, and its spiritual power has been depleted?"

"The Holy Tower of the Nine Spirits coexists with the heaven and the earth. As long as the boundary is not destroyed, the spirit of the tower will not disappear." Lei Zun said solemnly: "And if the spirit of the tower disappears, the power of the Holy Tower of the Nine Spirits has long been invalidated. Can't defend the boundary channel."

"Then shall we enter now or not?" True Monarch Huoyan couldn't bear his temper.

"This pagoda is very abnormal, we can't stop waiting, let's go to the next floor to have a look." Lei Zun was full of surprise.


Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, and also felt that there was something unusual, so he stepped into the holy gate without hesitation.

Second floor!

It is another vast space of another dimension, and there is nothing in it. Apart from being unable to use the laws and supernatural powers, there is no special restriction or pressure.

at the same time!

In the depths of the darkness, there is a holy door alone.

Ling Tianyu and the others were silent in tacit understanding with each other, without saying a word, they were still vigilantly walking towards the direction of the Holy Gate.


All the way to the Holy Gate, all in peace.

"Keep going!" Lei Zun's expression became serious.


The third pass, the fourth pass, the fifth pass...

Until they broke into the seventh floor of the holy tower space, they still didn't suffer any attacks, and didn't bump into the so-called pagoda spirits, and it was so strangely quiet all the way.

"This is the seventh floor, do you want to go on?" Huoyan Zhenjun finally couldn't help asking.

"It's weird, it's weird, I really can't figure it out." Lei Zun sighed.

"You can't figure it out, so keep going!" Ling Tianyu straightened his face, although he didn't feel anything unusual, but he was warning himself in his heart that there must be something strange about this tower.

"Let's go." Lei Zun thought hard to no avail, so he continued to probe upwards.


The three of Ling Tianyu stepped into the holy gate one by one.


It is still a wide and dark space, and the Holy Gate is also displayed directly in front of it.

"That's the case again!" True Monarch Huoyan was extremely depressed, and shouted: "I don't think there is any need to tiptoe around like this, why don't you go directly to the last floor to find out!"

Say it!

The fiery Lord Huomo quickly rushed towards the Holy Gate.

Seeing that the Flame Lord was about to approach the Holy Gate, suddenly a powerful and evil power surged up in the darkness without warning, rolling and shaking.

"Old gentleman, be careful!" Ling Tianyu exclaimed.

Huoyan Zhenjun was also very frightened, he didn't even see the true face of the comer, he slammed his palm fiercely, and hit hard at the surging dark power.

boom! ~~

There was a loud bang, the flames splashed, and the dark power broke like a tide.Because he didn't know the depth of the enemy, Huoyan Zhenjun didn't dare to continue to approach the holy gate, and hurried back.

"Where is the evildoer!" Huo Zhenjun was shocked and furious, Ling Tianyu and Lei Zun also had solemn expressions, and they lived in peace all the way to the eighth floor, but now such a huge and evil dark aura suddenly emerged.

next moment!

Woohoo! ~

There were bursts of roars like ghosts crying and howling, and the dark air surged from all directions like a fierce tide.A gust of cold wind, accompanied by groups of strange black shadows, rushed in all directions, even the Holy Gate was completely covered, and the entire space fell into darkness.

"What a strong demonic energy!" Ling Tianyu exclaimed in shock.

"How is this possible!?" Lei Zun's majestic face twitched, and he said in amazement: "The Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda is an ancient sacred object, which gathers the great righteousness of the world and the evil spirits cannot invade it at all, but why is there such a powerful demonic energy?"

"Old man Lei, there is no need to worry about this issue now, don't you know that we are already surrounded?" True Monarch Huoyan said angrily.


The holy door passage connecting the seventh and eighth floors disappeared strangely, which meant that Ling Tianyu and the others had been blocked in the eighth floor space.

"Hehe, it seems that we have really come to the right place." Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and directly condensed the demonic sword, and said fiercely: "It seems that we will have a fierce battle!"

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The space trembled violently, and more and more magic tides gathered, and the emitted magic energy continued to soar. In a blink of an eye, it was like a tsunami rushing.

Lei Zun's eyes widened, and he raised his hand to reveal the holy sword of thunder light. The vast thunder power suppressed all directions, and thundered freely, like countless long snakes hunting and dancing around his body. He shouted: "Thunder moves mountains and rivers!~"

boom! ~~

The Thunder Light Sacred Sword shook violently, with the blade as the center, a vertical, tyrannical and domineering thunderbolt turned into a ferocious thunder python, and thundered across the sky in all directions in a net shape.

Half a step into the Holy Realm, might it be a joke.

With just one sword strike, Lei Wei walks like a dragon.Wherever it went, the demon tide couldn't resist the attack of the holy thunder at all, and was broken one after another, tearing open countless gaps, and there were bursts of howls.

"Good job!"

Flame True Monarch shook his body, raised his head, and a huge flame shadow like Mount Tai shrouded the raging flames.With every gesture, you can release the powerful might of the Emperor Fire.Coupled with the powerful pseudo-sacred power of True Monarch Huoyan himself, it is undoubtedly even more powerful.

"Get out!~~"

The Flame King shouted violently, and his two big hands, like iron pillars, carried the sacred power of the emperor fire, squeezed the space aura, and blasted down towards the surging demonic aura in front of him.

Boom! ~

There was a loud noise, powerfully propelling the fire wave, and in a blink of an eye, it swept across the sky like a wave.Together with the holy power of thunder released by Lei Zun, many waves of demons collapsed.

Ling Tianyu originally wanted to make a move, but there were two half-step holy realms in charge, and the tide of measuring magic couldn't invade.But the tide of magic is only temporarily disintegrated, and has not been completely eliminated.

True Monarch Huoyan stepped on the ground, and said with contempt: "I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be so vulnerable!"

Just finished!

In the relentless demonic tide surging in all directions, a strange giant shadow was as huge as a rock, and the tentacles all over the sky stirred the demonic tide, densely appearing one after another.

"Chaos Demon Spirit!"

When seeing these monsters reveal their real bodies, Ling Tianyu and the others were all shocked.Right now, the space is so large, at least tens of thousands of Chaos Demon Spirits are gathered there.

"I didn't expect, I really never expected, what kind of tricks did this fierce demon use to hide in the Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda." Lei Zun said in shock, completely subverting the cognition of the Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda.

"Old man Lei, it's meaningless to talk too much now, and you've come to the right place, why don't you join hands and slaughter these beasts!" Flaming Lord said domineeringly.

Hear it!

Those chaotic demon spirits seem to understand human language, and they appear extremely angry.

Roar!Roar! ~

Roaring and roaring, the ferocious tentacles like a hail of bullets, stirring the billowing demon tide, came rushing like lightning bolts, impenetrable, and there was nowhere to escape.


The Huoyan Zhenjun stomped angrily, and the giant shadow like a winding mountain stirred up flames in the sky like overwhelming the river.A flurry of crimson flames danced wildly, making a powerful whistling sound, and the entire space became extremely hot.


Flame Lord soared into the sky, like a comet, his whole body burned into a huge fireball, and endless waves of heaven and earth blasted all directions.Under this terrifying and vast dominance, even the dark tentacles flying all over the sky slowed down.

"Meteor madness!~"

With a violent shout, the powerful fireball, like the trend of chasing the moon, carried a vast and unparalleled power, and blasted down towards the surging group of chaotic demon spirits.

Along the way, tentacles annihilated all over the sky, unstoppable.

Boom! ~

The fireball hit the ground, like a peacock spreading its tail, and spread out gorgeously, turning into a sea of ​​flames.Violent and blazing, like a meteor flying across the sky, burning everything and destroying the filth of the world.

Roar!Roar! ~

Billowing vast raging flames, waves swept in, and groups of chaotic demon spirits were trapped in the sea of ​​flames, struggling in pain, convulsing, and then being swallowed by the sea of ​​flames.

next moment!

The majestic shadow of Flame Lord loomed, and Lie Yan's fists blasted out like a cannon barrel, rolling fierce flames, and bombarded towards the front row like a rampage, and groups of Chaos Demon Spirits fell in response.

In one fell swoop, True Lord Flame slaughtered thousands of Chaos demon spirits.

"Haha! It's been a long time since I've had such a good time, so I'll take you evil beasts!" Huoyan Zhenjun laughed excitedly, like a fierce tiger killing a flock of sheep. kill.

"Hehe, with Zhenjun taking action, it is more than enough to deal with these monsters." Lei Zun laughed.

"I think Patriarch Lei thinks these monsters are weird?" Ling Tianyu smiled back with deep meaning.


Lei Zun's expression darkened, the reason why he didn't make another move was because he felt that these monsters came very strangely, it was definitely not that simple.

And Ling Tianyu also kept his eyes tightly focused, observing the changes of the demon tide and the chaotic demon spirit in detail.It turned out to be a trap, so naturally it would not be so simple.

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