Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2602, Activating the Sky Map


Under everyone's gaze, Xiaomeng gradually approached the bronze statue as if possessed by a demon.

"Xiaomeng..." Ling Tianyu didn't look sideways. Although Xiaomeng was born with a body of luck and shouldn't be hurt, Ling Tianyu was still inexplicably worried.

at last!

When Xiaomeng came into contact with Shashen's brush and ink, it felt like a magic weapon belonging to her, so she took it smoothly.

that moment!

Xiaomeng's whole body seemed to flow like an electric current, and she woke up suddenly, but was shocked to find that she had inexplicably held the Shashen brush and ink in her hand, holding it so firmly.

"It's done!"

Ling Tianyu and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of asking Xiaomeng to meet unknown challenges, it really makes people feel guilty.If Xiaomeng could be replaced, everyone present would be happy.

"Big brother! Me? What about me?" Xiaomeng was stunned, and the whole process seemed to have lost her memory.

"Hehe, it seems that it really recognizes you!" Ling Tianyu smiled slightly.


Xiaomeng's thinking didn't seem to catch up yet, she looked up at the majestic statue of Shen Shen in front of her, which made her terrified, holding the sand god's pen and ink tightly in her hand, but she couldn't start.

"Xiaomeng! Don't be nervous! It actually recognizes you, so you can naturally communicate with it, so you should regard it as a magic weapon, feel it carefully, and you will gain something." Ling Tianyu said softly.

"Okay~" Xiaomeng nodded timidly. She was not afraid of Tiantu itself, but she was afraid that Ling Tianyu would be disappointed if she really failed.


Xiaomeng restrained her mind, concentrated her body and spirit, then slowly closed her eyes, trying to sense the connection between Shashen's pen and ink and Tiantu.That feeling is very subtle, and Xiaomeng can also feel that she seems to be able to control it, but she just can't do it.

"No! I can't! Really can't! Big brother, I'm sorry... I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Xiaomeng opened her eyes, lowered her head and didn't even dare to look at Ling Tianyu and everyone.

Although he felt regretful, Ling Tianyu still smiled and said: "It's okay, big brother won't force you, I'm thinking of other ways."

"But..." Xiaomeng hesitated to speak, gritted her teeth, looked at the Shashen pen and ink in her hand angrily, and said, "Big brother, I don't know what's going on? It will obviously get close to Me, but I always feel like something is missing?"

"Is it not bad?" Daniel couldn't help shouting: "My grandfather taught me to read since I was a child. I can write a lot, but I don't understand. What kind of words can be drawn with such a bare pen?"


Ling Tianyu was stunned, as if he had discovered a new continent, his eyes were fixed on Daniel.

"Master? Why are you staring at me like this?" Daniu shuddered in fright, and said weakly, "Don't all those who write and write need some ink? Is there something wrong with that?"

"Haha! Daniel! You really hit the nail on the head!" Ling Tianyu laughed happily, and said, "As a teacher, you are full of ink!"

"Don't! I'm just bragging, not to mention how embarrassing it is in front of so many people. It's really hard for me to do it." Da Niu said with a flushed face.

"Being a teacher does not require you to write, but your blood!" Ling Tianyu said with a smile.


Daniel was stunned, not understanding what the ink and blood had to do with each other?

The Great Master Lei Mo was stunned, came to his senses, and said in surprise: "Royal blood! The royal family of the gods! The young master has the blood of the royal family of the gods!~"

"Exactly!" Ling Tianyu smiled slightly, remembering that Patriarch Gu Xuan wanted to use Daniel's divine blood to open the sky map, but now that he thinks about it, it does make sense.

"This...my blood isn't that valuable, is it?" Daniel said weakly.

"Idiot! It's not about killing you, I just want you to donate some blood to try it out! And didn't you just shout to go treasure hunting? Don't you want to go in and have a look?" Ling Tianyu said angrily.

"I want to! Of course I want to! Try it, it won't kill me!" Da Niu shouted, patting his chest.

"You're clever!" Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes, turned his head and smiled at Xiaomeng, "Xiaomeng, do you want to try again?"


Xiaomeng nodded her head heavily, she was very unwilling to help Ling Tianyu.

"Whether you succeed or not, thank you, Xiaomeng." Ling Tianyu said seriously, knowing that Xiaomeng was under a lot of pressure, but Ling Tianyu didn't want to regret it.

"I will work hard!" Xiaomeng's expression was firm.

Ling Tianyu was deeply moved, and called out: "Daniu!"

"Come on!" Daniel stepped forward, a dagger appeared in his hand, and when he was about to strike, Daniel said in a tangled voice: "Master! I don't feel anything about this stuff now, I won't Is it wrong?"

"Hurry up! Don't talk nonsense!" Ling Tianyu said with a straight face.

"Yes, yes~" Da Niu nodded, and then cut his hand veins with distressed face, and drops of strange golden blood gradually dripped on the Hundred Arrays Divine Diagram.

this moment!

Everyone was staring at the Hundred Arrays Divine Map closely, but what was disappointing was that when Daniel's golden blood was sprinkled on the Hundred Arrays Divine Map, there was no reaction at all.

Can't help!

Daniu sealed the wound with great distress, and cried out with tears streaming down his face: "Look, master, I can't do it anymore. Look how long I haven't been injured. It's so heartbreaking to lose so much blood. Why don't you just do it casually?" Give me a panacea to help me mend it?"

"Make up your head!" Ling Tianyu was extremely depressed, looking helplessly at the Hundred Arrays Divine Map, now that all the conditions were met, he still couldn't open the gate of the Heavenly Territory, he felt a lot of regret in his heart.

But just when Ling Tianyu was about to give up, Grand Master Lei Mo suddenly exclaimed in shock: "The blood is starting to melt!"


Everyone immediately looked with wide eyes.


The golden blood, which had not changed at first, suddenly started to squirm strangely, splitting into small blood beads, sliding like glass balls in the Hundred Arrays Divine Diagram.


Some kind of invisible force was born, and the hundred arrays of gods were suspended like a blanket, and mysterious and strange breaths gradually permeated, and the entire void shook slightly.

next moment!

Xiaomeng seemed to be possessed by some unknown thing, her temperament changed suddenly, she suddenly no longer looked like a woman, but like a talented and knowledgeable sage, a Confucian holy spirit enveloped her, making her Life does not afford to offend.

"Xiaomeng?" Yue Xin'er was full of worry, and suddenly felt that her daughter had become so strange.

"Xin'er, don't worry, Xiaomeng must be accepting some kind of inheritance of will now, some of which are rare chances for her, you and I must not disturb her!" Venerable Shengyu said seriously.

And Ling Tianyu also had a serious expression on his face, feeling that Xiaomeng in front of him seemed to be possessed by some kind of spirit, even Ling Tianyu couldn't figure out Xiaomeng's reality at all.

All I can say is, secretive!


The atmosphere of the whole scene became silent, and the needle drop could be heard, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xiaomeng.Deeply surprised, even unknowingly fascinated by Xiaomeng's unique sage righteousness.

Not to mention Xiao Wu and the others, they were completely stunned.Although I have seen some ladies with such a scholarly temperament, compared with the little dream in front of me, it is like the difference between mortals and gods.

a long time!

Xiaomeng seemed to be getting better gradually, her energy and spirit were fully concentrated, and a pair of soul eyes like deep stars suddenly opened.Spinning and waving the Sand God brush and ink, it is majestic.

Start with the pen, move the shape, follow the meaning!

The divine posture is elegant, and the brushwork is like a god's help. I saw Xiaomeng waving the brush and ink of the God of Sand, flowing clouds and flowing water, flamboyant and phoenix dancing, and every stroke seems to be startling.


The countless blood beads on the Hundred Formation God Map moved with Sand God's pen and ink, outlining golden lines like spirit snakes in this blank space.At first the lines looked random and random, but with the dancing embellishment of Shashen's brush and ink, each golden blood line formed a circle of its own, and gradually outlined a strange pattern.

This pattern is like a vortex, endlessly moving, with endless mysteries.As long as you are attracted to it, you will be brought into a mysterious artistic conception.The deeper you sink, the more you can't extricate yourself.

It can only be said that this array pattern is really terrifying, as if it can take away the soul of a person.Even Ling Tianyu was fascinated by this mysterious array pattern even though his state of mind was advanced.

The whole scene became quiet and silent, bursts of sagely aura, like tempting fragrance, intoxicating wine, everyone including Ling Tianyu fell into obsession.

This feeling seems to have lasted for countless years, almost making people forget that there is still the passage of time.

at last!

The pattern seems to be coming to an end, Xiaomeng is waving Shashen's pen and ink heartily, completing it in one go, adding the finishing touch.



Sha Shen's pen and ink broke, and Xiaomeng seemed to be sucked out of his soul suddenly. With a scream, the whole body collapsed like it was going to collapse.

"Xiaomeng!?" Ling Tianyu was the first to wake up, shocked, and flew over in an instant.A limp and delicate body fell heavily into Ling Tianyu's arms.

Looking at the pale and colorless delicate face in his arms, Ling Tianyu was extremely regretful and heartbroken, and hurriedly called out: "Xiaomeng! Xiaomeng! What's wrong with you? Wake up!"

In the haze, Xiaomeng faintly regained some consciousness, panting weakly: "Big... big brother..."

"I'm here!"

Ling Tianyu hugged Xiaomeng in one hand, and tightly held Xiaomeng's hand in the other. His eyes were flushed with guilt, and he said with distress: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to make you suffer so much. Big Brother Too persistent..."

"Do not···"

Xiaomeng slowly opened her eyes, and finally saw Ling Tianyu's familiar and handsome face, her delicate face flushed immediately, she was secretly delighted, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Xiaomeng hasn't looked at big brother so closely for a long time, It feels really good..."

"Silly girl, don't you really blame me?" Ling Tianyu's tone was soft, and the little dream in front of him seemed to return to the innocent feeling of childhood.

"Xiaomeng just wants to do my best to help big brother realize his wish." Xiaomeng smiled slightly, and asked with little fear: "But, did I really succeed this time?"


Ling Tianyu couldn't help raising his head, and suddenly a strong and bright light shone in front of him, accompanied by a mysterious and ancient aura, coming like a shock wave.

In an instant, all vision was blurred, extremely dazzling, and he couldn't even perceive everything.

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