Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2714, confrontation of powerful enemies

Light and darkness are natural enemies, but they cannot coexist.

When the vast and bright holy light shrouded, the two extremely opposing and repelling energy momentums formed a tendency to compete against each other, and did not show weakness to each other.The billowing energy ripples stirred, and even the clouds in the sky seemed to be washed away with countless holes.

next moment!

A shocking rainbow of white light fiercely pierced through the darkness, and a majestic and arrogant figure of holy light appeared in the sky. It was the battle angel Michael.


Lucifer became even more angry as if he saw an enemy from a lifetime ago.Originally, there was no result in the door-to-door, and the enemy was hard to find. Now that he meets a strong enemy again, Lucifer turns his anger on Michael.

"Lucifer! I haven't seen you for many years. I never imagined that you would fall into such a sad state! Bullying a weak woman is nothing!" Michael taunted. After suffering a lot in the upper realm, Michael was also in a difficult mood.

"Hmph! This matter has nothing to do with you! I don't want to fight you today! But don't spoil my mood! If you don't want to die, get out as soon as possible!" Lucifer snorted.

"If you dare to do anything to Xiaona, I have no reason to spare you!" Michael said coldly.

"Of course I won't hurt her, I just want to find someone! Because this bastard owes me a debt! I must ask him for it!" Lucifer gritted his teeth angrily.

"The person you are looking for is in the heavens. He has violated the laws of the heavens! He is being judged. If you want to find him, you can come to the heavens if you have the guts to welcome him at any time!" Michael said coldly.


Lucifer was stunned, gritted his teeth and said: "I am really stupid, I will tell you so easily!"

"Believe it or not, I have no right to explain to you!" Michael ignored it coldly, and then stepped in front of Athena, and said seriously: "Xiaona! This outsider has committed a crime in the upper realm! Lord Uriel specially Order me to call you to the upper realm to inquire, this matter is of great importance, please don't refuse again!"

"A crime? What did he do?" Athena asked in surprise.

"This fellow has failed you and my trust, and intends to plot against me. It can be described as a wolf's ambition. I am afraid that when he grows up in the future, he wants to dominate the heaven!" Michael said in a deep voice.


Athena was astonished. Although she couldn't believe it, she had known Ling Tianyu very shortly after all, and it couldn't compare to the thousands of years of friendship with Michael.In addition, Ling Tianyu's whole body is a mystery, at least Athena can't see through him at all, and she suddenly believes in Michael's words.

Seeing the conversation between the two, Lucifer did not doubt Ling Tianyu's whereabouts, but when he heard that Ling Tianyu had caused trouble in the heavens, and it seemed that the trouble was not serious, it would even alarm Chief Uriel. It's a lot more comfortable.

But Lucifer couldn't let go of his resentment towards Ling Tianyu, so he said, "I don't care about what this beast has committed! But this beast offends me first, and even if it wants to be punished, it must be handed over to me first!"

"If you want someone, go to the heaven to get it yourself!" Michael said coldly and contemptuously to Athena, "Xiaona! Let's go!"

"No! I can't leave Sin Island!" Athena was worried.

"No problem!"

Michael didn't take it seriously, looked at Lucifer coldly and said, "Lucifer! I see that you are also a character! You should also be my strong enemy! I hope you will not do despicable things that I despise!"

"I don't need to touch Sin Island! But you want to take Xiaona away in front of me! Then you don't think much of me, Lucifer!" Lucifer was full of anger, and said coldly: "I admit that I am afraid of you in the heavens! But in the lower realms! You are too overestimating yourself!"

Say it!

Lucifer packed a punch, driving a powerful and terrifying dark energy, suppressing and sensationalizing the aura of the entire space, and coming with an angry impact.

"Sacred Palm of Light!"

Michael let out a deep sigh, and flipped his palm, filled with the dazzling holy light like the sun, resplendent all over the sky.A giant palm covering the sky, carrying a powerful and vast light energy, bombarded down majesticly.

Boom! ~

The fists and palms collided, and the two huge energy brilliance of light and darkness roared and stirred between the sky and the earth, and the waves of ten thousand zhang stretched and set off, and the sound shook for hundreds of miles.Sin Island was the first to bear the brunt. Even with the protection of the holy world, it was still a shock to resist the spread.

The battle of the holy angels is no child's play.

Not bad!

The lower realm is the realm of demons, and the light and holy energy between heaven and earth is far inferior to that of heaven, so Michael's strength has to be greatly reduced.

Stalemate for a moment!

Lucifer smashed the Holy Palm of Light forcefully, swept the wave of darkness, and shook the void violently, like a mighty army, driving the billowing power of darkness, coming in a mighty impact.

Michael's face changed in surprise, now that Lucifer wanted to stop it, Michael wanted to lure Athena to the upper realm, it was really difficult, so he hurriedly said: "Xiaona! You go to the gate of heaven! Lord Uriel will lead you into the realm then! "

Just finished!

Michael had already condensed the Holy Sword of Energy in his hand, and charged towards Lucifer.

Athena was hesitating, and then her heart became cruel, and she was about to fly towards the upper realm, but she just left.


In the void where Athena was located, twisted and oscillated, a powerful and incomparable aura enveloped Athena without warning.

Whoosh! ~

Before he could react, a claw-like claw pierced through the air, locking Athena fiercely, and a small and ugly specter, rolling layers of dark water dragons, gradually emerged.


Michael's face changed in surprise, especially when he saw the person who came, he was even more annoyed.

That's right!

It is the sea spirit king!

"Sea Demon! Let Xiaona go quickly!" Michael scolded angrily.

"Jie Jie! Master Michael, you should take care of yourself first!" The Sea Spirit King smiled triumphantly, and then said to Luciferan: "Lefter! This woman will be brought back by the king first!"

"Devil! Let go!" Athena was extremely disgusted and angry.

"Haha! It's up to you!" The Sea Spirit King laughed loudly, and then ignored the two of Michael. Ten thousand waves of darkness swept through the void, and the figures of the Sea Spirit King and Athena disappeared.

"No!~" Michael was furious.


Lucifer roared, his eyes were red, and he raised his hand to grab it, and instantly condensed the forest long magic spear with powerful dark energy.Like a rainbow, with strength like a thunderbolt, a stream of silent blackness was torn apart in the void, piercing and piercing.


Michael yelled violently, activated the holy power of light in his body, and the strong holy light shone. With the momentum of cleaving the waves, he did his best, and the dazzling holy sword came violently.

boom! ~

Powerful giants collide again, shaking the world.


In this lower realm, Michael is at a disadvantage, and in addition to dealing with Ling Tianyu in the heaven realm, he suffered a lot.In a head-to-head confrontation, it is difficult to compete with Lucifer.


The holy light exploded and collided with the magic spear. It was obvious that the holy sword in Michael's hand was trembling, the energy was swaying, and the dark power continued, rushing like a fierce tide.


Michael's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't bear it anymore, and was actually pushed back by the shock.

And Lucifer would not stop there, he was full of anger and vented it on this formidable enemy.

"Dark Demon Breaker!~"

With a loud shout, the magic gun flashed, and the dark energy surged vastly, covering all directions in an instant.Thousands of silent and black spear lights, like a dragon flying in the air, forced Michael to attack madly.

Michael was terrified and knew something was wrong.


Michael withdrew his sword posture, holding the sword in both hands, all the holy energy of light in his body gathered in his body, and shouted: "Guarantee of light, all demons retreat quickly, shield of justice!"

Boom! ~

The holy energy of light exploded and condensed outside the body, forming layers of energy light shields, guarding the body with the power of a copper wall and an iron wall.

Boom!Boom! ~

The vertical and vertical spears are full of tyrannical and domineering dark energy, and the hail of bullets crazily blasts towards the shield of justice released by Michael.

Wave after wave, Michael was completely defended, and his strength was obvious.

Boom boom boom! ~

Layers of shields of justice were successively shattered by the dark guns, and the huge impact continued, and Michael was forced to retreat steadily.


Michael roared angrily, unable to bear it anymore, the condensed shield of justice turned into violent light energy, and exploded wildly and viciously in a self-destruct way.

Boom! ~

There was a loud explosion, the world was shaken violently, the waves were churning, and the sky was dark.

But in this terrifying explosion of light waves, the mighty Lucifer became even more fierce, with a quick-handed magic spear, like lightning, invincible, tearing through the torrent of energy, full of murderous intentions, and an unstoppable ferocity came.

Michael's expression changed drastically. He was originally on the same level as Lucifer, but the environment in the lower realm was indeed extremely unfavorable to him.It can be seen that Lucifer is furious, ruthless, and entangled endlessly, and he will definitely not let him get away.

"Breaking Devil Slash!~"

Michael shouted angrily, even though Lucifer refused to let him go, Michael would naturally not give in easily.

call out! ~

The holy light sword, like a thunderbolt across the sky, is filled with extremely strong light and holy power, dazzling and soul-stirring, facing the edge of Lucifer's approaching magic spear, it slashes angrily.

boom! ~

It was another strong confrontation, two strong lights with clear vision, centered on the two of them, flashed towards the four directions like an aurora, shaking the void of hundreds of miles, and the fierce tide surged.


The darkness was still superior, and gradually overshadowed the light. In the face-to-face confrontation, Michael was weak again. He was shocked and sent flying, his blood was churning, and the energy in his body was swaying.

"Michael! I didn't take your dog's life thousands of years ago! Don't even think about going back to the heaven today!" Lucifer said angrily, stepping on the magic current, and countless powerful lights raged like a storm, rushing towards him murderously. .


Michael retreated subconsciously, and it would be a disadvantage to fight Lucifer, a formidable opponent, under the most unfavorable circumstances. If Satan, the demon god, made a move in surprise, there would really be no way out.

Seeing Lucifer coming, Michael, who wanted to retreat, summoned up his holy power, turned into a rainbow, and escaped.

"Coward! Don't try to escape!" Lucifer was furious. He had fought with Michael for three days and nights, but he never shouted to flee. However, Michael fled in a hurry after only a few moves.


A majestic voice, like thunder, resounded through the sky and the earth.


Lucifer, who was originally furious, felt fear in his heart when he heard this loud voice, so he abruptly stopped chasing him.

"Don't chase after poor ones! If you want to kill him, you will have a chance in the future! Get out of here immediately! Explain clearly!" The majestic voice came with anger, which came from the demon god Satan.

This one!

Lucifer wilted immediately, suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!~"


Lucifer snorted coldly, turned around and retreated, and Michael was lucky, and finally escaped back to Tianmen.But on Uriel's side, Michael naturally had no face to confess.

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