Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2716, Falling short

Uriel was furious, and his entire aura changed drastically. A terrifying aura enveloped the sky and covered all directions.All matter within a radius of hundreds of miles seems to be under his lock.


The entire space of heaven and earth became extremely gloomy, making people's hearts beat wildly and suffocate uncomfortably.

Michael and Raphael were also terrified, and Uriel had always been easy-going and hadn't lost his temper for thousands of years.Only now that he was furious, he realized deeply that Uriel's cultivation was much more terrifying than before.

In terms of cultivation, I am afraid that he will not lose to the Holy Lord of Light back then. In this heaven, even if the demon god Satan dares to invade, it may be difficult to defeat Uriel.


Ling Tianyu's face was serious, and he felt the powerful aura brought by Uriel. This cultivation level was indeed terrifying.Even when he was in the heyday of the demon world, he might not be able to deal with Uriel in this heaven, let alone the two holy angels Michael and Rafael.

Fortunately, I was wise and escaped in time, otherwise I was afraid that I would really be doomed.


Ling Tianyu was completely unafraid, and focused on Wu Hao's avatar, and said coldly: "I thought the old chief was a wise man, but I didn't expect to be so indiscriminate in dealing with things! If this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about! Goodbye!"

"Hmph! I'm afraid Your Excellency won't be able to leave!" Uriel's scepter trembled, and holy light billowed, as powerful as the scorching sun, covering the angelic army in an instant.

"Haha! Grandpa wants to leave! No one can stop me!" Ling Tianyu laughed triumphantly, and was about to dodge in an instant.


A powerful and unparalleled energy, with infinite oppression, squeezed and distorted the square space where Ling Tianyu's body was located.As if setting up an invisible cage, the space area where Ling Tianyuwu's avatar was located was unexpectedly shackled by Shen Shen.


Ling Tianyu looked shocked, and finally understood.This Wu Lieguo is witty, in fact, he had already locked Ling Tianyu's aura during the stalemate.Coupled with Uriel's own extraordinary cultivation, how could he be able to deal with Uriel with just a clone of the military title.


Under pressure, Ling Tianyu's Wuhao clone was under heavy pressure from all directions, and suddenly felt like a quagmire, unable to move an inch.Then the holy light spread like a tide, accompanied by huge energy, impacting from all directions.

boom! ~

With a sound of shock, the hundreds of angel warriors where Ling Tianyu was hiding were forced to disperse under the impact of this powerful power.But Ling Tianyu's Wuhao clone was completely isolated, covered in heavy holy light energy, unable to move.

Seeing that Ling Tianyu was restrained, Michael and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time admired Uriel very much. Not only was he cultivated but also witty, so he was able to capture Ling Tianyu in one fell swoop.

This time!

Ling Tianyu recognized it, Wuhao's avatar stopped struggling, glared at Ulie, and said fiercely: "Old man! How dare you bully me!"

"Death is imminent! How dare you speak wild words!" Michael was furious, and said viciously: "Master Uriel! The laws of our family are strict, and murder pays for life! This mad thief has more than ten thousand lives in our army! Even if he has thousands of reasons, this reckless murder has become a fact! Such a cruel and shameless murderer must not be forgiven!"

"That's right!" Raphael also stood on Michael's side, and said ruthlessly: "This madman is cruel, killing people without blinking an eye, and his words and deeds are even more arrogant! If he is not severely punished, it will really damage the dignity of our clan !"


Ulie nodded heavily. Originally, he had no intention of letting Ling Tianyu go. He was willing to stand still, but he was just waiting for an opportunity to imprison Ling Tianyu.Now that he has succeeded in one fell swoop, Uriel's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change, and he said coldly: "Your Excellency has done a lot of evil, is arrogant, and is no different from a demon from the lower world! Now you have invaded my heaven and wantonly slaughtered more than ten thousand innocent people in my family. It is even more heinous! The old man will judge you with the law of light of our family!"

"Haha! Judge me? What a joke! Grandpa, I travel across the six worlds, and I have never seen anyone! Wanting to decide my life and death is just a dream!" Ling Tianyu laughed arrogantly, deliberately provoking anger.

"Presumptuous!" Michael was furious, and immediately added fuel and jealousy: "Master Uriel! This madman has insulted your majesty several times! Let alone our angel clan! Such an arrogant madman must not be lightly forgiven !"

Hear it!

Uriel's eyes flickered, the scepter in his hand was flying, the dazzling holy light shone, bursts of powerful and vast light energy rolled down on Ling Tianyu, and he said majestically, "In the name of the Holy Spirit of Light, I punish you, Deprive you of the right to life and death! May you live in peace, turn your back on evil and return to righteousness, be a human being again, and benefit the world!"

"Fart! If you want to kill or scratch, just do it! There's no need to say it so grandiosely!" Ling Tianyu cursed, unrestrained, glaring at Michael, who had a gloomy face, and gritted his teeth: "Michael! You are despicable and shameless!" My villain! Keep the dog’s head on your neck well! Grandpa, I will definitely take it myself!”

"Bright Judgment!~"

Uriel suddenly raised the scepter high, and the bright sun raised the light, and a vertical beam of energy light like an aurora poured down like a startling rainbow.Domineering and ferocious, like ten thousand swords piercing through the body, ruthlessly shot at Ling Tianyu's Wuhao clone in all directions.


Just when Uriel cast spells to sanction Ling Tianyu's clone, Ling Tianyu's true self, who had already been hiding near the Tianmen, already had the Fighting God Sword in his hand, locked on the Tianmen coldly, and was ready to go.

Boom! ~

With Wan Hong piercing through the body, how could Ling Tianyu's Wuhao clone be able to withstand Ulie's angry blow.A scream resounded in shock, and it was immediately shattered under Guanghong's attack.


Just when Wu Hao's avatar exploded, Wulie, who was highly cultivated, suddenly didn't feel any real imprint of life on Ling Tianyu's body, and his expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, this is a trick!

next moment!

Ling Tianyu himself, ready to go.

Naturally, the Tianmen also strengthened its defenses. Apart from the Archangel Gabriel, there were hundreds of main gods who sealed the Tianmen inside and out.

rush! ~

A flash of lightning, like an arrow leaving the string, galloped out of thin air without warning, carrying extremely fierce sword aura.


Gabriel and the others immediately became alert.

But Ling Tianyu's castration was so fast that the naked eye could only see a strange flash of light flashing past, and Ling Tianyu didn't intend to kill innocent people indiscriminately, passing through the dense defense lines in an instant.


Absolutely fast, they stick to this, no one can stop Ling Tianyu.

As for this Tianmen, Yu Lingtianyu observed secretly, focusing on the outside world.Entering from the outside will naturally encounter huge obstacles from the Tianmen, but if you break through from the inside of the Tianmen to the lower realm, the power of the Tianmen will be reduced a lot.

Although Ling Tianyu only has two levels of cultivation left, the nebula vortex that Ling Tianyu refined is more than ten times stronger than before.Even two levels of cultivation can be compared to the previous five or six levels of cultivation, enough!

this moment!

Ling Tianyu tried his best to unite his body and sword, and the sword's edge was concentrated at one point, piercing a perfect straight line in the void, and ruthlessly shot towards the seal of Tianmen.


Gabriel and the others were terrified. It was obvious that the enemy had successfully breached the defense, even without touching a single leaf, which was a testament to his superb skills.


Ulie's face was stunned. He never expected Ling Tianyu to be so cunning. What shocked him even more was that he didn't see through the confusion of the clone after so long with Ling Tianyu's martial clone?

It can only be said that the avatar can be used to such a level, it is really clever!

And now!

Uriel focused on casting spells to sanction Ling Tianyu's Wuhao clone, and did his best. No matter how advanced his cultivation was, he couldn't stop Ling Tianyu in this situation.


Uriel has been tortured badly enough!

Rao is so!

Uriel, who was full of shame and anger, didn't have time to pay attention to the stunned faces of the two of Michael, and turned into a startled rainbow in an instant, rushing to the gate of heaven at a high speed.Even if it was too late, he was unwilling to let it go.

call out! ~

The sharp sword edge is like a thunderbolt, invincible.The heavy energy resistance brought by the Tianmen couldn't stop Ling Tianyu's powerful sword momentum, and the layers of seals were all penetrated fiercely.

And the sealing power of Tianmen is also constantly weakening.


The light curtain of the strange chrysalis hole in front of him was close at hand, and Ling Tianyu was about to make the last effort to break through the door.


Suddenly, a powerful and terrifying light energy burst out from the pupa cave, and it spread like a tide, like a torrent that opened a gate, surging in full force.Connecting to the double space in Tianmen, it twists sharply, forming a huge resistance.


Ling Tianyu was full of astonishment, he didn't expect it, and he knew that this huge energy was coming so menacingly that he couldn't match it now.But until now, there is no way out, so he can only grit his teeth, and rush towards the billowing energy with anger.

Boom boom boom! ~

There were bursts of loud noises, and the entire space of the Tianmen corridor violently oscillated, distorted and blurred, and huge and mighty energy came surging forward.


Ling Tianyu yelled angrily, he had exhausted all his strength, but under the endless rush of great energy.It is also difficult to break through, and what is even more difficult is that under the attack of anger, Ling Tianyu's own losses are also extremely heavy.


Ling Tianyu's complexion was pale, after all, his achievements fell short, and he couldn't resist.

Boom! ~

Vast supernatural powers rushed in like a wave, instantly engulfed Ling Tianyu, washed away his consciousness, and passed out unexpectedly, life and death were unpredictable.

at the same time!

Uriel rushed to the Tianmen in a hurry, saw the dramatic movement of the Tianmen, and felt a long-lost familiar atmosphere. He was stunned and stunned.Although he was confused, he was also relieved that Tianmen had not been lost.

"Lord Uriel!"

Michael and Raphael came one after another, and seeing the surroundings of Tianmen, their faces were also full of astonishment.

"Alas~ this old man has calculated thousands of times, but he still miscalculated in the hands of that lunatic from another world." Uriel shook his head and sighed secretly, thinking that his calculations were flawless, but unexpectedly, he didn't even see through Ling Tianyu's fiction.

"Lord Uriel, what's going on?" Michael exclaimed in surprise.

"The entanglement with us just now is just his avatar, and his true self has long been hiding in the gate of heaven, waiting for an opportunity. If the Holy Master didn't stop it in time, the consequences would be disastrous!" Uriel sighed.

"Holy Lord!"

The two of Michael were astonished. The Holy Lord of Light had not come out of the mountain for ten thousand years, and it was so long that they almost forgot about this supreme existence.Unexpectedly, because of Ling Tianyu, the Holy Lord of Light would be alarmed.

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