Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2732, Is bound to win

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The sky was shaking, the waves were churning, and the huge pillar of dark light, like a pillar reaching to the sky, firmly supported the gate of heaven, and the endless and powerful dark energy impacted the gate of heaven endlessly.

On the other side of the gate of heaven, Uriel held up the angel's scepter, the holy light shone, and he was the first to be the master.The whole family, united as one, released bright energy all over the nest, continuously strengthening the power of the Tianmen's restraint.

But no matter what, it was still difficult to gain the upper hand. On the contrary, Uriel and the others were constantly depleting their own energy.If this stalemate continues, defeat will be a foregone conclusion, but now it is just a hard support.

"Ah~ it's coming after all!" In the ethereal void, in the vast mist of light, the Holy Lord of Light looked gloomy and lamented bitterly.Knowing that the Heavenly Sect is difficult to restrain, but today Ling Tianyu's whereabouts are unknown, even though the Holy Lord of Light is unwilling to forcibly use the energy of the solar astrolabe, but now he has no choice.


The Holy Lord of Light began to cast spells, turning the sun astrolabe, echoing the universe and the sun, and suddenly the light shone brightly, ferociously absorbing the holy energy of the sun and turning it into a huge wave of sacred energy.


Through the connection, the mighty sacred energy pours into the gate of heaven.

In an instant!

The Tianmen shook violently, and bursts of powerful energy that seemed to come from outside the sky, with the purest holy energy, poured into the Tianmen like a flood.The gloomy light once again ignited its vitality.


The energy contained in the Tianmen Restriction soared sharply and was as vast as a tide, violently impacting the dark energy.Dappled light like a bright sun, gradually overshadowing the darkness.

"What a powerful energy!"

"It's the holy energy of the sun!"

"It's the Holy Master! The Holy Master has finally come out of the mountain!"


Uriel and the others were overwhelmed with surprise, excited and excited.With such a powerful Sun Qi, only the Holy Lord of Light is without a doubt.Facing the powerful devil Satan, they had to rely on the Holy Lord of Light all the time. How could they know that the Holy Lord of Light was also helpless, but it was just a delay.


Demon God Satan was a little surprised, but it was expected. Although the holy energy of the sun was exerted in Tianmen, compared with the Holy Lord of Light back then, he is now much weaker and not threatening.

"Hmph! Old Guangming, I'm finally willing to fight. I think you're dead. It's a pity that I have already gathered the demon sources from all realms, and the demon energy is flourishing. How can you easily fight against it!" Devil God Satan snorted coldly. .

boom! ~

The demon god Satan shook out a palm, and a black hole burst out, merging with the dark beam of light.It was originally a dark beam of light in the impact, but it suddenly turned into a tornado storm, and a powerful and terrifying devouring power gushed out one after another.

in vain!

The Tianmen began to distort, sag inward, squeeze, and almost collapse.


The powerful dark beam of light changed from a violent impact to devouring, blending with the demonic sources of all worlds, devouring mighty power.The light energy in the Tianmen couldn't resist the black hole's power to swallow it, and the energy was lost immediately, and it was swallowed by the black hole vortex.

"Not good!~"

The expressions of Uriel and the others changed drastically. Unexpectedly, even if it was mixed with the Holy Spirit of the Lord of Light, it would be difficult to resist the fierce power of darkness.What's even more frightening is that now it is not only difficult to purify the magic source, but it is swallowed by darkness instead.

Not bad!

Light and darkness are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. Light can purify darkness, and darkness can also swallow light. Between the two, it depends on who is more powerful, but it is clear that the light side is completely weak and cannot resist the darkness. Unmatched power.

Boom boom boom! ~

Two pairs of extreme energies, violent impact, black and white rays of light intertwined chaotically, as if they were divided into heaven and earth, and roared continuously, the void began to collapse on a large scale, the sound of thunder and rolling was endless, it felt like the entire sky was about to collapse, the energy Both space and space are being swallowed and fallen in the vortex towards the black hole, and the situation is precarious.


The demon god Satan is as majestic as a tower, with a pair of cold eyes that are sure to win, filled with endless darkness of the demonic way, in charge of a powerful black hole power, combined with the demonic sources of all realms, madly devouring the energy of light.

With the devouring, the dark energy contained in it is also gradually strengthening, and it is so fierce that it has the potential to swallow the sky and destroy the earth.The original radiant light looked extremely groggy today, giving people a sense of gloom as if the end was approaching.

And the countless phantoms standing in the stormy waves all looked furious, eager to fight, and danced with sharp weapons, their blood was boiling, and their evil spirit was soaring to the sky.It's like a pack of hungry wolves waiting to pounce on their prey.

Boom! ~

The power of the black hole is unmatched, and the world is unstoppable.The power of Tianmen's restriction is constantly weakening, and the faces of Uriel and the others have also begun to become paler and more fearful.

Such an upside-down situation like this has never been encountered before. I never thought that the demon god Satan could control such a powerful dark energy, and even the holy energy of the sun could not resist.

The Holy Lord of Light also realized that something was wrong, after all, he had already perished, leaving only a remnant soul.At the same time, in order to consolidate the balance of the heavens, the energy of the solar astrolabe can only be used to a small extent, which is far from enough to fight against the demonic sources of all realms.

Can't help!

The ethereal and formless phantom of the Holy Lord of Light transships in the solar astrolabe, slips in, and reaches the gate of heaven.

"The devil!"

Immediately afterwards, a majestic and old voice resounded through the sky, shaking the world, like a supreme god, strongly frightening the minds of all the demons.The innate coercion, dominance and arrogance are still so intimidating and turbulent.


Inside the Tianmen, a majestic and majestic white light gradually emerged, overlooking the power of the common people, looking down at the demon god Satan as if condescending, and sighed bitterly: "Alas~ Light and darkness originally coexisted to stabilize the balance of the heaven. After all these years, why are you still so stubborn? Could it be that you really want to destroy the entire Tianyu!"

As soon as he saw the Holy Lord of Light, he felt as if he was on fire. Demon God Satan yelled angrily: "Old Guangming! You hypocrites! How dare you teach me when you are about to die! If you want to ask for peace, you will not borrow With the hands of outsiders, plot against this deity, and assassinate my generals! This trick of yours to kill with a knife is extremely despicable!"

"What the old man did was to stabilize the balance of the Heaven Realm. I also hope that the two races can put aside their racial differences and coexist in harmony, so that the Heaven Realm can last forever." The Holy Lord of Light sighed.

"Balance? Coexistence? You and my race are natural enemies! Why do you have to be so high and high in the upper realm, while my race has to be forever inferior to others, living on the edge of the dark sea!" Demon God Satan said with a smile. Furious, he said coldly: "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers! There is only one real royal family! As long as you give up your fearless confrontation, this deity can let you survive for the time being! If you resist stubbornly, don't blame this deity's ruthless subordinates and kill them all!"

"When is it time to repay the grievances? The old man could give up the struggle of racial differences back then, but why can't the demon god let it go?" The Holy Master of Light sighed bitterly: "It is the principle of all things that light and darkness coexist. In the darkness, at that time, it will be impossible to bear the perennial erosion of the energy of the bright sun. The darkness will eventually fall, and the sky will also be destroyed. If you win for a while, if you win for a while, you will bring disaster to the entire sky. Can it please you?"

"Old Guangming! Stop talking nonsense! This deity has worked hard for thousands of years to achieve today. How can you make this deity give up with your one-sided words! How do you want this deity to face the people who believe in me!" Demon God Satan was very angry, and said cruelly: "In the past, this deity has defeated you several times, and the old and new grudges are settled together today! If you have the courage, you will show up and fight against this deity!"

Say it!

The demon god Satan was shaken all over, the sky-reaching demon energy burst out, the terrifying black hole magic flow, the powerful and powerful devouring power, devouring the light energy fiercely and endlessly.

"You will regret it!" The Holy Master Guangming felt helpless, knowing that Satan, the demon god, was bound to succeed in this move, and coupled with the racial grievances over the years, it would not be persuaded by a few good words and persuasion.

Seeing the fierceness, the Holy Lord of Light is only in a virtual form, how can he resist the fierce power of the black hole, so he carries the holy energy of the sun, assimilates his body, turns into the gate of heaven, turns into a rainbow light, and injects it into the angel scepter in Uriel's hand .


Uriel was stunned, and felt a powerful and unparalleled holy breath pouring into the angel scepter. Surprisingly, the power contained in the scepter increased sharply, and the shining holy light became even stronger.


An old voice pierced into Uriel's mind majesticly: "Now the demon god absorbs the demonic sources of all worlds. With the power of Tianmen, it may be difficult to stop the fierce power. In the situation of the old man, there is really nothing to help. Guard Tianmen, guard me The fate of the family, the heavy responsibility of protecting the balance of the heavens, has to be shouldered by you!"

Uriel's mind was shaken, and he responded with a vow: "Please rest assured, Holy Master, even if I run out of energy today, I will never let the Heavenly Gate fall, and I will never let the demons set foot on the holy land of our clan!"

"Ah~ It's about survival, it's about the future of Tianyu, and it depends on our family's luck to survive this catastrophe." The Lord of Light sighed. Ling Tianyu was able to turn the tide and save this catastrophe.

And now!

Ling Tianyu has already successfully sneaked into the dark sea, and also sensed that outside the dark sea, the magic army is gathered and ready to go.In the magic lair, the magic flow is rolling and pouring out.

It's just that I didn't expect that when the magic flow surged, the magic cave became extremely violent, especially after swallowing a large amount of light energy, the dark magic flow became stronger and stronger.

Not bad!

Right now is the time when the dark magic energy is strong, not to mention the demon god Satan is firmly controlling the source of the magic, as long as there is a slight change, he can instantly detect it.Although Ling Tianyu desperately wanted to obtain the magic source, he also knew that the situation was unfavorable, and he did not dare to forcibly absorb it when the magic flow was at its strongest, not to mention that the demon god Satan would never give him any chance.

no way!

Now he had to let the demon god Satan empty the source of the magic. When the magic cave was empty, Ling Tianyu would have to explore the magic cave deeply.Thinking that the magic cave can absorb the magic sources of all realms, there must be a special boundary point.It is actually the source, as long as you master the way, you can also take back the magic source.

So now Ling Tianyu is completely unable to make a move, and the Tianmen must be broken. As for whether the Angel Clan can buy time for themselves, it depends on their strength and fate.

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