Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2735, self destruction

Boom! ~

The dense magic cave leads to the unknown, and it is this magic cave that constantly releases raging demon energy.The turbulence of the air flow is endless, every inch is like a knife, and its power is so powerful that it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to it.

As expected, when the magic source is released in large quantities, the power inside the magic cave will be much weaker than before.What's more, the formation ban has been lifted, and there are no obstacles.

Presumably, Devil God Satan also thinks that this source of magic is irreversible, and now that it has eroded the entire heaven, and with the law of black holes controlling the source of magic all the time, there is no reason to go back.

Even so, Ling Tianyu still kept his breath firmly hidden and quietly sneaked into the magic cave.

This magic hole!

As if it really looked like a bottomless pit, Ling Tianyu went deep into a thousand feet in an instant, but still couldn't get to the bottom.And this magic source can only be released outwards, but there is no circulation back, so there is a possibility that the circuit of the magic source should be sealed by the demon god Satan.


As the magic source continued to be released, the magic source storm in the magic cave gradually weakened, and the deeper it went, the weaker its power became. When it reached a depth of ten thousand feet, the impact on Ling Tianyu was minimal.

"We can't delay any longer! We must hurry up!" Ling Tianyu secretly said, the situation is urgent, maybe the heavens are facing a catastrophe.Ling Tianyu speeded up the process and went deep along the magic cave at a very high speed.


After going down to a terrifying depth of hundreds of thousands of feet, Ling Tianyu finally felt as if he was going to touch the bottom, and also faintly sensed that there was some kind of powerful and terrifying force at the bottom of the magic cave.


Ling Tianyu was overjoyed secretly, rushed straight down with all his might.

See you!

A vortex pupae hole like a black hole is intertwined with a strange and complex dark pattern, and one can clearly feel some kind of huge sealing energy.

"This demon god is really cunning. He knew that I was going to attack the magic source, so he sealed the entrance and exit of the magic source!" Ling Tianyu said angrily, but he was even more curious about what was going on in this black hole tunnel. The world in this world can absorb the source of magic from the outside world?

of course!

To control the magic source, the first thing to do is to break the seal.


Ling Tianyu's eyes lit up, and a powerful and invisible spiritual thought penetrated along the dark pattern.Firstly, Ling Tianyu's cultivation base is much better than before, and secondly, it is relatively easy to master the ban seal in this Tianyu.

Not long after spying, Ling Tianyu had roughly figured out the doorway of this dark pattern.To put it bluntly, the law of black holes is used, because the source of magic comes from outside.And this dark pattern seal borrows the power of the black hole law to reverse the source of the magic source, so that the source can be blocked.

In this case, the entire dark pattern seal carries a huge cycle of magic sources, which is extremely powerful.If Ling Tianyu directly destroys the dark pattern, the source of magic will still pour in continuously.

More importantly, when the dark pattern is destroyed, Ling Tianyu will bear the brunt of the impact of the huge magic source, and the gain outweighs the loss.Moreover, the demon god Satan is definitely paying attention to the changes in the dark formation all the time, as long as there is a slight movement, he may immediately lead back to the source of the magic, and then Ling Tianyu will be surrounded and blocked.

Obviously, this is a trap.

black hole!black hole!

Ling Tianyu pondered, unexpectedly, this dark pattern was formed by borrowing the law of black holes, so if he wants to break the situation, he must have a deep enough understanding of the laws of black holes.

In the past, Ling Tianyu had borrowed the power of Ni Shen Jue to imitate the power of twisting and devouring like a black hole, but it was not the real law of black holes.He has fought against the demon god Satan before, so it can be seen that he can control the law of black holes as he likes, and even integrate the laws of black holes into every move, so that all attacks have the devouring power of black holes.

This kind of realm can be regarded as truly mastering the essence of the law of black holes.

And now, if Ling Tianyu wants to break the situation, he has to force himself to control the law of black holes.Although it is extremely reluctant, fortunately, there are similar experiences in the past.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu's spiritual thoughts penetrated into the dark pattern again.After all, the dark pattern itself contains the application of the black hole law, which undoubtedly gave Ling Tianyu a chance to understand it by reference.

Black hole?

What is a black hole?Is it just to create distortions and produce huge devouring power?But what about after devouring?Where will this power come from?Could it be that the existence of black holes is to devour?For destruction?

Looking back on the comprehension since then, I feel superficial now.

This time!

Ling Tianyu's mind was integrated into the dark pattern, observing the operation of the black hole law.However, he was surprised to find that the magic source swallowed by the black hole did not just die out, but created a more bizarre magic source like a rebirth.

In his previous life, Ling Tianyu was familiar with this book, and some scientists even made bold predictions about human exploration of black holes.When the black hole devours the universe and brings about destruction, on the other side of the black hole, there exists another universe.

Black hole?

Is it just for devouring?destroy?

Ling Tianyu repeatedly observed the operation of the black hole law, immersing himself in it and comprehending it carefully.His mind was also pulled farther and farther away, and there was a faint feeling of mystery, and the constant temptation attracted him.

It felt like countless times had passed, and Ling Tianyu's mind recreated the scene when the universe was born.The destruction brought by black holes, the birth of light, and finally the balance and fusion of light and darkness, finally forms creation.

Not bad!

It is creation!

Ling Tianyu was suddenly taken aback, and an astonishing thought came to his mind.This black hole is not just for devouring and destroying, but a kind of destructive new creation.


If the black hole represents destruction, then the light represents new life, and when the two overlap, they will form infinite creative power.This is the law of balance in the universe, and the evolution of all things is logical.

Where there is life, there will be death; where there is destruction, there will be new life. This is the principle of the replacement of all things.If it is superficial to believe that the existence of black holes is only for devouring and destroying, it is a big mistake.

that moment!

Ling Tianyu finally had an epiphany, and his mind was completely integrated into the law of black holes. While comprehending the mysteries of black holes, he seemed to have experienced countless lives and deaths repeatedly.I personally experienced the mysterious sense of reincarnation of destruction and rebirth, and gradually surpassed the concept of life and death, detached from reincarnation.


In Ling Tianyu's mind, it seemed that a door to eternal life had been opened, transcending the cycle of life and death.


Repeatedly, infinite loop.


Ling Tianyu's body, with a smile on his face, was like broken glass, connected with his own body and spirit, and shattered.


The form and spirit are shattered and turned into countless tiny substances, which are integrated into the law of black holes.

Destruction is for rebirth, and Ling Tianyu chose to destroy himself and get a new life in the engulfment of the black hole.This idea is crazy, but Ling Tianyu won.

After he was completely destroyed, he shuttled through the engulfment of the black hole.


A whole new universe opens up before your eyes.


Ling Tianyu's shattered body and spirit were strangely condensed in another universe. The whole process of destruction and rebirth, a wonderful experience of reincarnation of life and death, and that sense of mystery that transcended all laws intoxicated his mind.

this moment!

Ling Tianyu's whole person has long been detached from the law, and there is no so-called concept of reincarnation of life and death.Being in the vast universe, the mind seems to want to integrate with the universe.

That kind of feeling seems to be more mysterious, but it is a pity that even if it is a little bit worse, it can break through the barriers of the universe.

To destroy is to rebirth; to destroy is to create!

Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and his whole body was distorted in Zhouyu, gradually turning into a black hole.


Endless engulfment, everything that was engulfed got a strange new life in his body.This is the application of the law of black holes, not just for devouring and destroying, but for rebirth and creation for oneself.

With the operation of the black hole, it gradually merged with the trend of the dark pattern, and after a lot of running-in, the two finally gradually merged into one.

That moment!

Through the black hole, Ling Tianyu saw countless wonderful realms, like countless parallel spaces, and countless universes connected as one.

That's right!

Ling Tianyu finally understood why the demon god Satan was able to absorb the magic sources of other realms, but at the end of this magic hole, there was a realm core opened up by countless parallel universes.

And this world heart can connect countless universes, absorb the power of Zhoutong, and gather the negative and dark energy.After many years of accumulated fusion, this huge magic source was able to be formed.

"Haha! Demon God! Demon God! You specially set a trap for me! But I didn't know it but created it instead! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll never be able to comprehend this mystery!" Ling Tianyu laughed ecstatically, he didn't directly destroy the dark pattern now , but completely integrated with the black hole law contained in the dark pattern.

It can be clearly felt that the powerful negative dark air in the inner and outer domains is attracted by the center of the black hole and circulates with each other.In fact, as long as the demon god Satan is given time, the demonic source will only gather and become stronger.I'm afraid that the demon god Satan will completely control the Tianyu, and his huge ambitions will covet other universes in the future.


Although the demon god Satan has controlled the powerful black hole law and obtained an endless source of external demons, he never expected to meet Ling Tianyu.


In the black hole, the star dantian created by Ling Tianyu was shattered in one fell swoop.


Even the stars and dantian are incomplete, so they have to start over and gather again in order to build a more complete and balanced universe.

At this time, he seemed to have lost the concept of the existence of form and spirit, existing between life and death, living and dying in destruction and creation, without any constraints, detached from himself, detached from the laws of all things.


In Ling Tianyu's destroyed dantian, an endless dark space seemed to explode, a dense black hole vortex mixed with strange light.In the engulfment, but on the opposite side, countless rays of light erupted.

Immediately, the stream of light flew across the universe, each condensed and formed, and turned into Zhoutian stars, full of bright starlight, gradually embellishing the darkness.Ling Tianyu's form and spirit roam freely in the universe, without any restraint, he can do whatever he wants, everywhere.

The destruction of the star's dantian ushered in a mysterious new life, the infinite and strange creative power recreated the stars of the universe in a complete and harmonious way.

But the star dantian created by the newborn is like a complete universe, and the energy contained in it is becoming more and more powerful and strange.

of course!

This alone is far from enough, after all, Ling Tianyu has absorbed too much sacred righteousness now, if he wants to truly balance his cultivation, he needs more powerful external force for this newly born star dantian.

And this external force is the source of magic!

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