Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2748, I can't die


The golden-crowned blood god was gradually approaching, and his ferocious features became more obvious, with bursts of fierceness, even accompanied by a strong smell of blood, coming aggressively like a messenger of death.

As for Huo Lei and the others, feeling the breath of death permeating from the golden-crowned blood beast, their breathing intensified, and cold sweat continued to ooze from their palms and backs.

"Brother Huo Lei, I see that this blood beast is formidable in strength. You and I may not be able to match him together. It's better to throw this man out, and this beast will leave on its own after some harvest." Huo Tong secretly said .

Although it was just a sound transmission, Ling Tianyu couldn't hide it from Ling Tianyu. Originally, Ling Tianyu was very grateful for hiding behind his back all the way, but now hearing Huotong's words, he will have to hehe.

As everyone knows!

Huo Lei responded with a displeased expression: "Huotong! We are here to practice! We will definitely face many dangerous and difficult challenges! Don't you think it will damage your personality by giving up other people's lives to protect yourself? What if I was the one lying down? Would you do the same?"

"This??? This is a different nature. You and I are good brothers. No matter what, I won't leave you alone, but we don't need to die for an unrelated person now!" Huo Tong said.

"Stop talking nonsense! Be more courageous!" Huo Lei said with a sullen face, looking coldly at the approaching golden-crowned blood beast, "I'm afraid this beast has already smelled our breath, and we definitely can't hide it. I will take the lead later, You are responsible for making up the sneak attack, as long as you and I grasp it properly and cooperate tacitly, we will be able to kill this beast! If we can carry this beast back then, it will be a supreme honor, and maybe the elders will reward us a lot."


When it comes to glory and rewards, Huo Tong raised a bit of fighting spirit.

Involuntarily, Huo Lei secretly revealed a flame-colored saber, sharp-edged and accompanied by a blazing aura. It is definitely a treasured sword that cuts iron like mud.

This time!

The golden-crowned blood beast was getting closer and closer, with a ferocious face, and finally locked on to the gap in the canyon, about to roar.


Huo Lei let out a cold shout, and turned into a rainbow of flames on his body, as fast as thunder, and overbearing without bounds.

Although the golden-crowned blood beast had already smelled the breath of its prey, it didn't expect the prey to attack first, so it couldn't react for a while.

"Lei Yan Slash!"

With a violent shout, a flaming sword glow like a crescent moon penetrated into the thunder, making it even more domineering.With precise calculations, he slashed fiercely at the Golden Crown Blood Beast's face.

Boom! ~

With a single hit, the flames rippled, followed by a howl of pain, and the Golden Crown Blood Beast was hit in the face.A bloody knife mark was left on the entire ferocious face, and there was still burning flames on the blood mark.

What surprised Huo Lei was that, out of calculation, he had to at least split the face of the Golden Crown Blood Beast.But just torn off a not deep and not shallow scar, enough to show that the Golden Crown Blood Beast's body defense is very strong.

"Thousand layers of flame wave!"

Huo Tong took advantage of the situation to pursue, both holding sabers, the offensive was more important than continuous bursts.

boom! ~

The horizontal knife slashed furiously, and the flames stretched like waves, rolling and stirring on the Golden Crown Blood Beast, and gorgeous flames exploded like celestial maidens.


The golden-crowned blood beast howled in pain, was attacked one after another, and retreated steadily.

"Don't stop! The skin and bones of this beast are very hard!" Huo Lei shouted.

Huo Tong naturally understood the strength of the Golden Crown Blood Beast. The two of them held the saber, burning flames, drinking violently with fighting spirit, and constantly squandering the tyrannical and fiery sword light, sweeping and bombarding the Golden Crown Blood Beast with the force of a violent storm.

Boom boom boom! ~

The infinite flaming sword light attacked the Golden Crown Blood Beast endlessly, and vowed not to stop if it didn't tear the Golden Crown Blood Beast to pieces.Although the golden-crowned blood beast was strong, it was unprepared for the sudden and endless powerful attacks. It acted like a target, allowing Huo Lei and their crazy attacks to wreak havoc.

kill!kill!kill! ~

Huo Lei and the others were almost bewildered that there was such a powerful Golden Crown Blood Beast.

"Flame Slash!~"

Huo Lei let out a roar, and under Huo Tong's continuous offensive, Huo Lei rushed towards him suddenly, trying his best to explode with flames.It was as blazing and dazzling as the sun, and with the sound of rolling thunder, it slashed across the sky and the ground, violently slashing past.

boom! ~

There was a bang, and the golden-crowned blood beast suffered a continuous and powerful attack. It was so embarrassed that it couldn't stand it anymore.Huo Lei's knife went down, and finally broke through the difficult animal body, and brutally tore it in half.


Huotong was overjoyed and excited.

And Ling Tianyu, who was watching the battle secretly, was also very surprised, never thought that he really underestimated Huo Lei and the others.But when he sensed the abnormal aura, Ling Tianyu's complexion became serious.

But Huo Lei didn't know it at all, he smiled as if he was relieved, and turned around and said: "Did you see! As long as you work together, even the Golden Crown Blood Beast will become the soul of you and me!"


It was originally a fragmented golden-crowned blood beast, but suddenly evil light lingered on every piece of flesh and blood, and then every lock piece turned into a blood-light arrow.Following the momentum of a hail of bullets, they shot towards Huo Lei.

"Be careful!" Huo Tong exclaimed.


Huo Lei was also stunned, and felt a wave of evil energy sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.The moment he turned his head, he saw countless blood-colored rainbows, sternly attacking.

"Lei Yan Battle Shield!~"

Huo Lei held a horizontal knife in his hand, and had a powerful divine fire fighting power in his body. Outside his body, a layer of flame shield was instantly condensed.

Boom boom boom! ~

Countless blood-colored rainbows crazily shot into Lei Yan's battle shield, and the infinite evil energy attack forced Huo Lei to step back step by step.The Lei Yan battle shield condensed is also in danger and will be breached at any time.

Huotong wanted to get close to help, but Xuehong's attack was too fierce, and he was also hindered by the attack, so he had to brandish his sword to resist Xuehong's crazy attack.

Huo Lei was so crushed that he was almost out of breath, he braced up all his strength, and shook out in an explosive way: "Broken!~"


The battle shield turned into strength, turned defense into offense, gathered all the energy in his body, and slashed like a space-shaking knife. With the momentum of chopping the waves, he was extremely tyrannical, and slashed forward violently and mightily.

Boom! ~

There was a loud explosion, the flames surged, and the entire Valley of Misty roared.The forest grows a strong light, and it passes by. Wherever it goes, any blood rainbow it touches will instantly turn into powder.


Huo Lei gasped for breath, this counterattack took a lot of damage.

But what is strange is that there are still blood rainbows that have not been completely slaughtered, as if they have been summoned, they surround Huo Lei's figure and converge in a fierce manner.


I only felt a dazzling evil light coming, followed by a thunderous beast roar, and Huo Lei saw it with a face full of horror.In the bloody light group, the unscathed golden-crowned blood beast, with a ferocious face, exploded out of the blood group, rushing towards him angrily.

Huo Lei's face changed in horror, and he hastily put his knife on the fierce claw, but the fierce claw was not afraid of the heat at all, and even stuck out its sharp claws like swords, stabbing fiercely at Huo Lei's left and right shoulders.


Huo Lei let out a cry of pain, his shoulders were about to be pierced by minions, deep into the bones, and thick blood flowed out.


The golden-crowned blood beast roared angrily, oppressed Huolei, and made a fierce impact. Huolei could only endure the severe pain and struggled to resist, and was forced to the valley road in an instant, and hit it hard.

Peng! ~

Chaotic rocks flew across, and a crack was sunken in the hard stone wall. Huo Lei was held in the claws of the golden-crowned blood beast like prey, like a deep cage, struggling to hold on, and it was hard to break free.

Frightened, Huo Lei hurriedly asked Huo Tong for help: "Quick! Quick! Get me out of this bastard!"

Huo Tong was also very frightened and didn't react. He knew that the blood demon had the ability to regenerate infinitely, but he didn't know that this refined blood beast also possessed such heaven-defying abilities.

"Brother Huo Lei! Hold on! I'll help you escape now!" Huo Tong shouted, brandishing the Lie Yan Saber, trying to rush forward with all his strength.



Another roar came from the other side of the valley road, and the sound came closer and closer, and the bursts of fierce and evil spirit became more and more clear.


The two of Huo Lei changed their colors at the same time, it must be because of the golden-crowned blood beast, which attracted other blood beasts.This blood beast is already difficult to deal with, if there is another golden crown blood beast, there is only one dead end.

"Quick! Quick! I can't hold it anymore!" Huo Lei yelled in panic. Under the tight lock of the Golden Crown Blood Beast, it was impossible to resist with all his strength, and his two shoulders were almost broken.

Originally thinking about supporting Huotong, when he learned of the arrival of another blood beast, he immediately retreated.Then he restrained his momentum, and shouted at Huo Lei apologetically: "Brother Huo Lei! I'm sorry! You and I can't deal with the blood beast together! I'm going to seek support right away! Hold on, I'll go back as soon as I go!" !"

Say it!

Without hesitation, Huo Tong slipped away in a puff of smoke.

Seeing Huo Tong abandoning himself and fleeing on his own, and remembering Huo Tong's sworn promise to him before, now Huo Lei was extremely angry and shouted: "Huo Tong! You coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death! Get out of here! Get out of here! Come back!~"

It's a pity that Huolei couldn't call Huotong back even if he broke his throat.

next moment!

Roar! ~

A ferocious animal shadow approached quickly, appearing in Huo Lei's eyes.

Golden Crown Blood Beast!

Sure enough, it was another golden-crowned blood beast!


Huo Lei's face was ashes, his thoughts were dead, and he was extremely desperate.

And that golden-crowned blood beast, seeing Huo Lei being suppressed, immediately revealed a bloodthirsty will, roaring and rushing forward.

Huo Lei's eyes were red, and he knew that he was doomed, so he roared angrily: "Beast! Even if labor and capital die today! I will drag you to be buried with me!"


Huo Lei crazily used his own energy, and it exploded. It turned out to be a dead end no matter what, but it's not as good as returning to the fight.


Just when Huo Lei was about to blow himself up and fight back, suddenly a mysterious force penetrated invisible.The powerful banning force actually froze all his strength, and he couldn't transfer it, and he couldn't move his limbs.


Even the chance of self-destruction was lost. Looking at the two ferocious bloodthirsty blood beasts, thinking that he was about to become the delicacy of the beasts, he shouted angrily and unwillingly: "No! Don't you even give me a chance to die!"

This time!

A mysterious and ethereal voice, seemingly unreal, swayed into Huo Lei's mind: "You want to die, but I want to give you the hope of life!"

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