Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2771, The Strength of the Blood Venerable


Ling Tianyu faced the blood venerable and the four elders of the blood clan alone.


Xue Zun believed himself to be highly cultivated, and he looked confident, calm and composed.It's just that he was greatly surprised by Ling Tianyu's identity.

Unexpectedly, the blood venerable was not in a hurry to make a move, so Ling Tianyu naturally wouldn't make a move easily, and even wished to delay for a long time, so as to buy more time for the Vulcan clan to evacuate.As long as there is no worries about the future of the Vulcan Clan, it will not be particularly difficult for Ling Tianyu to escape.

For the blood venerable, it is estimated that he has already controlled the power of the evil source, and it is meaningless to swallow it, but it is counterproductive.

Can't help!

Xue Zun said in a flat tone: "Forget it, you are not the opponent of this deity. If you are willing to submit, you will be under one person and over ten thousand in the future!"

"Hehe, under one person? That's really embarrassing, I am very ambitious, and in the six realms, no one can stand on my head!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly and said: "As for your blood race, Even though it is powerful now, no matter how powerful the race is, it cannot last forever! Grandpa is here! Your ambition to dominate the Six Realms should come to an end!"

Hear it!

The blood venerable stared blankly, and said calmly: "You are indeed similar to that devil in many ways, especially your arrogance! It's a pity, compared to that devil, you are probably inferior!"

"Try to know!"

Ling Tianyu's face darkened, he had already accumulated ten layers of boundary force.

Black hole boundary seal!

The black hole turned into a seal, unparalleled devouring power, shaking the heaven and earth space, like a flying meteor, carrying a huge destruction and devouring power, with the momentum of thunder, it greeted the blood lord fiercely.


The seal of the black hole is about to blast towards the Blood Venerable.

But what surprised Ling Tianyu was that the Blood Venerable seemed to ignore his offensive directly, and still stood there calmly, even the four elders standing behind him were calm and composed, with cold eyes and disdain.

"Lingxu Realm Gate!~"

Xue Zunwei yelled, and raised his palm freely and freely, driving some kind of strange law and profound meaning.Under the palm of the blood, the void in all directions changed and became chaotic.Like strange ripples and ripples, the entire space instantly became illusory and blurred, invisible as if tangible.


Ling Tianyu's black hole boundary seal collided, and a strange scene happened.The entire black hole boundary mark, as if trapped in a quagmire, gradually merged into the rippling void, and disappeared until it disappeared.


Ling Tianyu was terrified. The black hole boundary seal was the most powerful boundary seal he thought. He had thought about how the Blood Venerable would forcefully resolve it.But I didn't expect that this palm came so unexpectedly.


It feels like under the palm of the Blood Lord, all matter has been turned into nothingness, and the black hole boundary seal has just disappeared out of thin air.

of course!

Ling Tianyu never thought that he would be able to defeat the Blood Venerable with just the black hole boundary seal, and he had already held back, seeing the black hole boundary seal disappearing strangely.Ling Tianyu's figure turned into a rainbow of stars, showing his sharpness.

"Momentary stars!"

With a cold shout, the light of time flashed like a trace, and it was fleeting.The speed is extremely fast, the power is extremely strong, invincible, tearing the sky.As far as the naked eye can see, one can only faintly see a light trace as small as a steel wire, passing by in an instant, without waves or traces, but the strength contained in it is full of extremely powerful and terrifying power of destruction.

Moment of stars!

The focus of this move is to be fast, and then gather the energy of a lifetime to create the most powerful and razor-sharp attack on a single line.It can ignore the obstacles of any space law, and can even break through the domain.


The blood venerable looked surprised, and seemed to have underestimated Ling Tianyu's strength, but the blood venerable's cultivation was too high, and he might be a little short, and even be able to cross the barrier of the holy venerable realm.


Ling Tianyu's move was swift and fierce, but it was hard to escape the blood lord's eyes.

"Bloodshot Nether hand!"

The Blood Venerable was unhurried, calm and calm, and a pair of weird blood hands stirred up waves in the void.Strange blood-colored threads of light shot out like spider webs.

next moment!

Those strange blood threads, like an invisible cutting machine, cut the surrounding space into pieces.The shattered space, like countless cubes, danced in confusion.

Ling Tianyu rushed in, and suddenly felt like chaos, feeling that there were countless layers of space blocking him.Dissolved layer by layer, Ling Tianyu's sword power was dispelled by the space limbs.


Unexpectedly, the supernatural power controlled by the blood master is so powerful, and it is even more mysterious and unpredictable between the hands, with endless changes.As for Ling Tianyu, it was the first time he had fought against the Blood Venerable, so how could he understand the Blood Venerable's ability.

boom! ~

In the turbulent spatial cube, like glass shattering, a boundless force of terror, with the force of shattering, tyrannically shattered the layers of space.


A huge blood claw, like a falcon, slammed towards Ling Tianyu fiercely.

But Ling Tianyu's sword power had long been dispelled, and seeing the blood claw smashing air attack, he felt an extremely powerless oppressive feeling.But will Ling Tianyu succumb to defeat easily?the answer is negative!


When the blood claw approached, Ling Tianyu's star dantian shook violently, like a cosmic explosion, a huge star energy beyond the limit burst out in anger in an explosive way.

Star burst!

All the energy in the dantian of Yudongxingchen exploded in an instant, producing a huge and terrifying energy explosion.It's just that the consumption is extremely heavy, and the energy of Ling Tianyu's fifth layer will be exhausted in an instant.

Boom! ~

Like a star exploding, a torrent of super-powerful and terrifying explosions shone brightly and brilliantly.In the chaotic sky, a crazy and ruthless explosion exploded, stretching into the chaotic sky and shattering in an instant. The blood claws that pressed against him could not resist the power of the star explosion, and shattered together with the shattered space.


With a violent shout, in the brilliant light of this terrifying explosion, a slash of light and shadow, like the force of a lightning bolt, dashed out.Instantly locked onto the Blood Venerable's aura, Ling Tianyu held the Remnant Blood Sword tightly in his hand, the sword passed through the scars, it was sharp, boundless, and extremely tyrannical, facing the Blood Venerable's deadly chest, he stabbed with all his anger.

But in the face of such a ferocious offensive, the Blood Venerable showed no signs of fear except for a little surprise.Immediately, Ling Tianyu felt an extremely dangerous feeling, but he had no way out, life or death, and now he had to go all out.

I see!

The blood lord with a grim complexion looks like a dominating king, despising all creatures and spirits.The blood all over his body gleamed, and then rolled into his palm, and two fingers with sharp claws like swords protruded out.

"Tianji Finger!~"

The Blood Venerable snorted coldly, and pointed with bloody light, like a thunderbolt, in a straight line, facing the edge of Ling Tianyu's strongest broken sword, he shot straight at it without hesitation.

This finger!

It seems to contain infinite secrets. When the mysteries of all laws strike, it seems that time and space are changing, or they are still, or time is fast forwarding, or time and space are reversed, or time and space are distorted. It can be described as infinitely mysterious and unpredictable.

Certainly! ~

When the blood finger touched the edge of the remnant sword, all the power and momentum, connected with the chaotic void in all directions, seemed to return to normal, and disappeared in an instant, and the space and picture were instantly frozen at that moment.


Ling Tianyu's pupils shrank sharply, and he was frightened. The space picture was frozen, but his perception was still there.

I only felt that at that moment, an extremely powerful and strange force, fused with the power of various laws, went straight all the way, shattering the power of Ling Tianyu's remnant sword, piercing through the heart and soul, causing chaos in the soul.

It felt like falling into an endless abyss in an instant, despair and darkness, death hell.All kinds of negative wills are stimulated, and even make people feel powerless and give up.

Ling Tianyu didn't know what kind of terrifying power this belonged to. He only felt that in front of this power, he would not only make himself appear humble and insignificant, but would even give him infinite negative spiritual oppression.

It seems that in his mind, a voice full of temptation is constantly ringing: "Give up, it will be a kind of relief for you, a kind of detachment, and it will be eternal."

What is eternity?die forever?

It feels like a long time, but it also feels like an instant. Ling Tianyu seems to have struggled countless times in the hell of despair. There is no light, and the slightest hope is seen. Except for darkness, there is despair.

He seemed to be trying to grab something, but there was nothing in the surroundings, and he didn't even know whether he was alive or dead. In short, this feeling brought about despair, so lonely and helpless.


At such a desperate moment, a powerful and pure righteousness seemed to be stimulated by a natural enemy, rushing in from the darkness, flowing in Ling Tianyu's mind, gradually regaining clarity.


Ling Tianyu was so astonished, he felt as if he had suddenly grabbed a life-saving grass, and along with that mighty and pure power, he absorbed it, moved the stars, and finally got out and rose.


Ling Tianyu yelled violently, and slashed furiously towards the dark void like a thunderbolt across the sky, filled with a mighty light source.

boom! ~

With a bang, this sword not only tore through the darkness, but even shattered the bondage of darkness and all kinds of oppression between Ling Tianyu's heart and soul.

Boom! ~

There was another explosion, the sky and the earth shook, and the light reappeared.Ling Tianyu emerged from the abyss of hell, soaring into the sky, proud of the world.

But the Blood Venerable was full of shock, and his figure also took half a step back slightly.

"My lord!~"

The four Xueli elders were taken aback, they didn't expect Ling Tianyu's strength to be so great, he could turn around in one fell swoop, forcing the blood lord back half a step.


The strange feeling of despair just now seemed to be just a blink of an eye to the four elders of Xueli and the people around them.

Although Ling Tianyu escaped successfully, he was still terrified and drenched in cold sweat.Feeling a powerful and pure force suddenly appearing in his body, he finally came to his senses.

Not bad!

In the most dangerous moment, it is necessary to get the timely help of the ancient holy spirit, otherwise it is estimated that the body and spirit will be destroyed.

"Could it be???" Ling Tianyu looked at the gloomy Blood Venerable, and carefully recalled the feeling of fear and despair just now. It was definitely not a trauma caused by pure strength.

Evil source! ?

Ling Tianyu's face was stunned. If he could shake Ling Tianyu's mind, he thought it would only be the source of evil that he didn't understand.

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