Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2798, blood dragon dies tragically


The blood dragon finally saw the true face of the visitor, it was a handsome and extraordinary face.It's just that when seeing this face, it was like seeing a god of death, and the blood dragon trembled in fright.

"Mad Demon???" Blood Dragon's pupils narrowed sharply, his complexion was pale, and a bully who could fight the Blood Venerable for three days and three nights, even the strongest of the Sage Monarch Realm, was no more than an ant in Ling Tianyu's eyes.

"It seems that you are not unfamiliar, but I am not that madman. To be precise, I have to thank you very much. If it weren't for you saving me, how could I have succeeded so easily? By the way, you gave me I like women too." Ling Tianyu said with a smile, admiring the fear of the blood dragon with great interest.

"You??? So it's you???" The blood dragon's heart was broken. Just now, he was thinking that he would be promoted soon, but he didn't expect this fierce god to kill him so quickly.

"Yes, it's me, are you happy to see me?" Ling Tianyu smiled.

happy?Labor and management are almost scared to pee!

The blood dragon looked sad, but thinking that he had never offended Ling Tianyu before, but it was helpful, he hurriedly said: "Yes, I am very happy to see you? Be kind to you! I think we should be friendly."

"That's right, you did help me before and treated me with great hospitality. I really appreciate you for that. So you are lucky, and I won't kill you!" Ling Tianyu smiled, but there was a feeling of hiding a knife in his smile.

"Yes, yes, as long as my lord doesn't kill me, then Long will mess with you in the future, because I have long disliked this blood venerable." The blood dragon immediately expressed his favor, like a grandson, completely without temper .

"Hey, aren't you afraid that if your lord hears this, he will tear you apart?" Ling Tianyu smiled happily.

"Respect??? What's the matter with Blood Venerable? How can you be as wise as your lord?" Blood Dragon said with a stiff smile. It is really not easy to get mixed up with his current status and strength. If he can survive, even if he is a dog. will obey immediately.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but someone really hates you." Ling Tianyu looked gloomy.

"Who??" The blood dragon looked terrified.


Ling Tianyu waved his hand, and suddenly transformed, Lei Yue appeared inexplicably.When he saw the blood dragon in front of him for the first time, he felt anger first, and then fear.


Lei Yue doesn't know anything now, and the blood dragon is a terrifying powerhouse in the Sage Monarch realm, no matter how much Lei Yue hates it, she dare not touch the blood dragon at all.

"Miss Lei Yue." Ling Tianyu called out.

Hear it!

Lei Yue just woke up, when she saw Ling Tianyu, especially that handsome and unfamiliar face, she was greatly astonished.What is even more surprising is that it seems that the blood dragon is now restrained by Ling Tianyu.

"You are?" Lei Yue was completely confused.

"Hehe, I won't recognize your savior so soon." Ling Tianyu joked.

"It's you!!"

Lei Yue was terrified, she only recognized Ling Tianyu's ugly face that Xue Li pretended to be, and even if it was just a disguise, as a friend of her biological father, she shouldn't be so young, and she was quite handsome.

"Of course, who else but me? Don't you think I'm not at a disadvantage? Seriously, I still think you took advantage of me." Ling Tianyu couldn't help but teased.

But Xuelong was about to cry, and Ling Tianyu was still talking about love in front of him, which didn't take him seriously.Although he was full of depression, he didn't dare to commit a crime, so he could only be honest.

And Lei Yue was also stunned, unexpectedly Ling Tianyu would say such a sentence, after all, she was the number one beauty of the Lei Clan in the past, so she blushed and shouted: "Didn't you say that you are not allowed to mention that matter!"

"Okay, it seems that the eldest lady of the Lei family is really angry." Ling Tianyu sweated, then looked coldly at the blood dragon and said: "My eldest lady, don't you want revenge? Now I can give you this chance !"


The blood dragon broke into a cold sweat secretly, he killed Elder Lei Ting with his own hands, and even devoured Elder Lei Ting in front of Lei Yue, needless to say, he also knew that Lei Yue hated him to the bone.

Just think about it, the blood dragon is an immortal body, can a little Daoist kill him?


Lei Yue hesitated, it's not that she doesn't want to kill, but she has self-knowledge, and with her strength, she can't kill the blood dragon.

"What? Don't you want revenge? Don't you want to tear him into pieces?" Ling Tianyu asked with a frown.

"I want to! Of course I want to! I want to tear this beast apart in my dreams!" Lei Yue said out of instinctive anger and resentment, but said weakly: "With my strength???"

"Oh, so you were afraid that you might not be able to beat him, that's easy, I can give you a fair chance." Ling Tianyu said.

Chance! ?

Xuelong's face turned pale, looking at Ling Tianyu who suddenly became like a devil in front of him, it seems that he is really whimsical, this fierce monster has come, how can he let himself go so easily?

This time!

Ling Tianyu smiled evilly: "Hehe, Dragon City Master, you can't bully her like this for a weak woman. To be fair, I'm afraid that Dragon City Master will suffer a little."

"You??? You can't???" The blood dragon was terrified.

"excuse me!"

Ling Tianyu's complexion darkened, his body was full of coolness, and he transferred the sun's essence fire, which rolled into the blood dragon's body.

"Odd fire!?"

The blood dragon's face was like dead ashes. When he was in contact with Xue Li before, the blood dragon had a deep understanding of the power of the sun's fire.For the blood race, it is definitely the deadliest poison.

"Ah! Ah! No! No!~"

The blood dragon Gesite screamed, and was burned by the sun's essence fire while restrained, and the sun's essence fire rampantly destroyed the blood dragon's blood and muscles and bones.Under the tremendous pain, the blood dragon's so-called infinite rebirth ability was just abolished.

And Lei Yue at the side was also shocked and shocked, although she guessed that Ling Tianyu's cultivation was not that simple.But I didn't expect it to be so ridiculously strong, and a strong man in the sage king realm would become so vulnerable in his hands.

at last!

Under torture like torture, the blood dragon was almost crippled, and fell to the ground dying like mud.Full of pain and anger, knowing that there was no way out, he glared at Ling Tianyu with viciousness, and gritted his teeth trembling in pain: "Boy??? Don't think you can do whatever you want in the blood race??? Guan??? will definitely let you die without a place to bury you??? "

"I don't need you to worry about that. In short, I have fulfilled my promise, and I did not kill you." Ling Tianyu's face was gloomy, and he turned to Lei Yue who was stunned and said with a smile: "Noble Lei Yue Miss Yue, you can start now."

"Me..." Lei Yue was full of embarrassment, and said timidly: "Can you lend me a good weapon? I want to chop this beast up!"


Ling Tianyu broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that the eldest lady of the Thunder Clan has a really serious temper, then raised her hand and showed the magic knife, and said with a smile: "Hehe, this knife is very sharp, use it well!"

Lei Yue originally hated the blood dragon to the bone, how could he be polite, almost snatched the magic knife from Ling Tianyu's hand with one hand, and shouted angrily with tears in his eyes: "You murderer! Elder Lei Ting treats me like a father! How dare you kill my last and only family member in the God Realm! And you are so cruel! I want Elder Lei Ting to take revenge! I will tear you into pieces!"

Say it!

Lei Yue waved the magic knife, full of anger and hatred, and slashed wildly at the blood dragon.

what!what! ~

The blood dragon, who is like a disabled person, can only let Lei Yue be slaughtered in pain and unwillingness.Lei Yue was slashing, and the blood dragon kept screaming until it became weaker and weaker, until it could no longer be heard.

kill!kill!kill! ~

Lei Yue seemed to be completely insane, she chopped the blood dragon into a meat paste, and died so badly that she couldn't die anymore.


Just as he was waving it, a big hand suddenly grabbed the magic knife in Lei Yue's hand.

And Lei Yue was killing like crazy, and shouted: "Let go!"

"It's alright, he's already dead, if you continue to kill like this, I'm afraid you'll be trapped in a demon." Ling Tianyu said seriously.

Hear it!

Lei Yue finally regained consciousness a little bit, she could see the crumbs of flesh on the ground under her feet, and saw her bloody hands, she was so frightened that she cried out in shock, and exclaimed with a pale face: "Oh my God! Did I really do it?"

"What do you say?"

Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes and broke out in a cold sweat. This woman really went crazy, it was really terrifying.

"I??? I???" Lei Yue couldn't believe herself, and then thought of the dead Elder Lei Ting, who finally got his wish, so she cried bitterly, threw herself into Ling Tianyu's arms, and burst into tears: "Revenge! I finally avenged Elder Thunder! But??? But??? Elder Thunder never returned to Xiaoyue??? It's all my fault, my fault??? I shouldn't have run away so willfully? ??It shouldn't be like this???'

No matter how strong a woman is, there will be times when she is vulnerable.


Ling Tianyu sighed softly, with a bit of sympathy, a bit of pity, and couldn't help but gently hugged the trembling and crying body, and comforted him: "Okay, although I haven't met Elder Lei Ting, but I think the old man is here in heaven. If you have a spirit, you can rest in peace."

As if Lei Yue didn't hear it, she just cried bitterly in Ling Tianyu's arms, the tears had already soaked Ling Tianyu's clothes.

a long time!

Lei Yue finally regained her composure, and realized that she was stuck in Ling Tianyu's arms. She could clearly smell the pure masculinity, her face flushed a little, she immediately let go of her body, and quickly straightened up , like a frightened little rabbit, said timidly: "I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now???"

"It's okay, anyway, you have already taken advantage of this advantage, I don't mind." Ling Tianyu smiled slightly.


Who is taking advantage of whom?

However, Lei Yue still gritted her teeth fiercely, knelt down towards Ling Tianyu suddenly, and said in a firm tone: "Lei Yue thought she was deeply trapped in the clutches of the devil, and there was no hope of getting out, but she never thought that she would be able to avenge her! Such a great kindness! , Lei Yue really has nothing to repay, in the future I am willing to regard you as the master and serve you faithfully!"

"Come on, get up! I know your father Lei Shen, he has a fiery temper! If you know that I have abused his precious daughter like this, you have to fight me hard!" Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes and pulled Lei Shen up with one hand. Yue said solemnly: "Also, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave here as soon as possible!"

"Well, no matter where you go, I will follow you." Lei Yue nodded slightly.


Ling Tianyu burned several blood generals in the hall along the way, and then dug out several blood beasts from them.Especially the mount of the blood dragon, which is a purple crown-level blood beast, naturally took it away together.

However, shortly after Ling Tianyu packed up the battlefield and left, there was an angry roar in Blood Dragon City, which seemed to be shouting to kill Ling Tianyu, but that's a later story.

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