Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2806, Barren Ancient Temple

Just one step, it seems to have violated some kind of prohibition.

Boom boom boom! ~

The heaven and earth airflow suddenly became violent, with the obvious will to anger, in the chaotic void space, the lightning flashing vertically and horizontally suddenly turned into thunder sword energy.


Ling Tianyu's heart trembled, and he was terrified to see that countless thunder sword qi in the sky and earth, with a powerful and domineering momentum, attacked Ling Tianyu like a storm.

Dry! ~

Ling Tianyu cursed secretly, should he be so cruel.

call out!call out! ~

The broken sword of the magic knife appeared instantly when he raised his hand. Although he was banned from the world power, Ling Tianyu's physical combat power was still very strong.Facing the thunderous sword energy coming from the violent bombardment, he brandished his sword to resist.

bang bang bang! ~

Waves of thunder sword aura were all shattered by Ling Tianyu, and the power of these thunder sword auras was so powerful that it would not be easy for even a strong Saint King to resist it.Especially the soul attack implied in the Thunder Sword Qi, for those with poor soul cultivation, even before reaching the barren ancient temple, their souls will be scattered.

Although Ling Tianyu was annoyed, he remained calm, waving his sword with both hands, as if forming a strong shield around his body, overcoming thorns and thorns all the way, approaching the barren ancient temple step by step.

What's even more hateful is that these thunder sword qi seem to have self-awareness, and when they feel Ling Tianyu's strength, their power is also multiplied.Fortunately, it was all within Ling Tianyu's tolerance, it just took a lot of effort.

Therefore, the distance was only ten miles, but it took Ling Tianyu a lot of time.

at last!

When they arrived at the barren ancient temple, the thunder sword energy around them seemed to be in awe of the barren ancient temple, so they stopped attacking Ling Tianyu.It's just that the closer to the barren ancient temple, the stronger the sense of oppression brought by the invisible space.

This sense of oppression contains the spiritual will of the ancient giant gods. Although they have fallen for hundreds of thousands of years, their spirits and ideas, or souls, may be preserved in the barren ancient temples, otherwise it would not have brought such a feeling. The strong sense of oppression even made Ling Tianyu feel that the entire barren ancient temple was alive.

Not bad!

From the outside, it is indeed just an ordinary temple, equivalent to a small courtyard.But it is very well preserved. In front of the gate of the ancient temple, there are two hideous stone statues of dragons and lions, like black-faced door gods, guarding majesticly and domineeringly.Lifelike, King Kong glared, it felt like he was glaring at Ling Tianyu.

of course!

Ling Tianyu came prepared, and naturally he would not be intimidated by the two stone statues, but in order to show his respect for these ancient gods, Ling Tianyu first bowed towards the door.

"Ling Tianyu, I disturbed the seniors because of unavoidable reasons. The junior didn't want to disrupt the order here, but the junior hoped to completely eradicate the witches and demons, so as to give the seniors rest in peace and reincarnation." Ling Tianyu said in a respectful tone. Said, although these ancient giants may not buy Ling Tianyu's account.


With a cautious heart, Ling Tianyu stepped towards the temple gate step by step.


When he was about to approach the gate of the temple, suddenly two extremely terrifying auras, as if substantive, flooded the sky like a wave, violently and violently bombarded Ling Tianyu head-on.


Ling Tianyu couldn't help taking half a step back out of instinctive shock.

next moment!

Two strong lights flashed, and accompanied by thunderous roars, Ling Tianyu was horrified to see that the two stone statues of dragons and lions guarding in front of the temple had really come back to life.

Roar!Roar! ~

Two dragons, lions and ferocious beasts, shrouded in multicolored rays of light, opened their fangs fiercely, turning into two powerful and domineering rainbows, firmly locked on Ling Tianyu's aura, and charged towards Ling Tianyu together.


Ling Tianyu yelled violently, slashing at the two dragons, lions and beasts with all his physical strength.

Puffy! ~

When the sword and sword collided, I felt a fierce counter-shock force coming, which made Ling Tianyu's hands feel a little numb. I didn't expect these two dragons and lions to be so powerful. Compared with Ling Tianyu's fighting body I'm afraid it won't be much weaker.

Of course, Ling Tianyu's physical strength is still very strong, the two dragons, lions and beasts were hit hard, and then they were repelled.Where it collided with the sword, there were also a few cracks, but the strength was already very strong. According to the ordinary strong man of the sage realm, he had already been torn in half when he resisted Ling Tianyu's attack, and the two dragons and lions The beast only broke a few cracks.

"It's really strong! Fortunately, I was the one who broke through the barrier, otherwise I would have to die!" Ling Tianyu said with sweat, even the stone gatekeeper is so strong now, not to mention how dangerous it is to enter the barren ancient temple fair.

And these two dragons, lions and fierce beasts have no so-called fear at all, and no concept of life and death.The only one who sticks to the barren ancient temple will never give up unless he kills the invaders.

Ho Ho! ~

Thunder roared, two afterimages of light and rainbow, the speed was extremely fast, full of ferocity, and they charged again without fear of death.

"Good come!"

Ling Tianyu ignited his fighting spirit, danced wildly with his sword, and directly and forcefully met the two dragons, lions and beasts.In terms of overall strength and combat style, Ling Tianyu is still superior.

Fluffy! ~

Waves of collisions are all head-on confrontations.Although these swords and swords were not enough to cause much damage to the dragon, lion and beast, but Ling Tianyu continued to attack, and the two dragon and lion beasts were also full of cracks, faintly looking like they were about to collapse.

"Hehe, you guys are really strong, but it's a pity that I met someone who is stronger than you guys! Let me in, I won't make things difficult for you!" Ling Tianyu smiled lightly, after a lot of tossing, he finally secured the victory.

But these two dragon and lion fierce beasts directly ignored Ling Tianyu and charged fiercely again.

"Oh~ I'm sorry!" Ling Tianyu was helpless, time was limited, he couldn't waste too much time.

Boom! ~

There were two explosions, and the two dragons, lions, and beasts that were about to collapse could no longer withstand Ling Tianyu's attack, and exploded in unwilling roars like glass shattering.But in order to prevent the two beasts from being revived again, Ling Tianyu didn't even let go of the fragments, turning them into dust.

After the two dragons, lions and fierce beasts were completely destroyed, the closed temple gate suddenly opened heavily, and gusts of wind, like blowing from the underworld, struck Ling Tianyu coldly.

"What an evil breath!" Ling Tianyu shuddered immediately, and looked at the cold temple gate in front of him with fear and curiosity.Looking at it from the outside, except for the deepness, I don't know the reality inside.

Can't help!

An ancient and majestic voice came from the temple gate: "Outsider! This is not the place for you! Go back! Otherwise, you will die without a place to die!"

Hear it!

Ling Tianyu was stunned, it felt like a warning left by the forbidden formation, it was impossible for it to communicate with him normally.But in order to show respect to these ancient gods, Ling Tianyu still bowed his hands and saluted: "Senior! No matter who you are, junior thank you for warning me! But unfortunately, this trip is bound to be won by this junior, and there are many things to offend , I still hope to forgive me!"

Say it!

There was no sound coming from the temple, but the oppression and anger brought by the invisible became more and more serious, and it felt as if the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Ling Tianyu's heart trembled, the anger of the ancient gods was indeed terrifying, but Ling Tianyu's determination had to be firmer.After hesitating for a moment, Ling Tianyu stepped into the temple gate cautiously.

Bang! ~

When Ling Tianyu stepped into the barren ancient temple, it seemed to mean that Ling Tianyu had walked a road of no return, and the temple gate had been closed heavily.And there is nothing surprising here, but Zhou Fang is in darkness, and he can't see his fingers. Even Ling Tianyu's boundary idea has been greatly restricted, and he can't detect the depth at all.

"Huh!~ It seems that there is no turning back." Ling Tianyu exhaled secretly, the unknown always brings fear, and Ling Tianyu is no exception, there will be a little bit of fear.

Can't help!

Keeping his mind steady, Ling Tianyu took a step in the darkness.

But this step!

Ling Tianyu felt that his vitality was lost in an instant. He thought it was just an illusion, but he tentatively took another step, and his vitality was lost again.

"A hallucination?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

was thinking!

The majestic and old voice that seemed to come from ancient times resounded from the dark void again: "Ignorant invaders! This is the outer ban of the barren ancient temple, which is absolutely closed to death! Every step, One point of life will be lost, I am afraid that if you fail to find the way out of life, your life will be cut off! You will fall into purgatory and never be reborn! Of course, within three steps, if you repent, you can turn back!"


Ling Tianyu was indeed a little hesitant, it seemed to be such a weird place, and it didn't feel like this ancient god was bluffing.According to this rhythm of vitality loss, I am afraid that the vitality will be completely cut off before the door of life is found.

But just when Ling Tianyu was hesitating, the Wushen Tianshu had another strong reaction, constantly stimulating Ling Tianyu.

End of life?

Although Ling Tianyu was a little scared, but his vitality was very strong, coupled with the super rebirth ability of the vampire himself, it was hard for him to be at a dead end.


Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth fiercely, took a few steps in one breath, and quickly lost a little bit of vitality.And from the third step onwards, it is doomed not to turn back, whether it is advancing, retreating, or standing still, the vitality will continue to be lost until the vitality dies out.

"Master, my life is so tough! I'm full of vitality! It's a big mistake to try to cut off my vitality!" Ling Tianyu was also suffocated, and his vitality suddenly burst out.


If it were any other powerhouses of the Holy Monarch Realm, even the quasi-prestige realm powerhouses like the Holy Dragon God, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get out of the gate of death.But Ling Tianyu is different. He has been tempered all the way through life and death, and his vitality is naturally extremely strong. It is really difficult to completely cut off Ling Tianyu's vitality with the forbidden formation.


At the same time as the vitality was lost, Ling Tianyu's own vitality also produced a strong resilience, and the lost vitality was constantly replenished, but the restored vitality could not keep up with the lost vitality.

Therefore, if Ling Tianyu has been unable to find a way out of life, as time goes by, no matter how powerful Ling Tianyu has vitality, it may be abolished in the end.

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