Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2827, Poison King Body Shaping


The blood lord was defeated, the endless blood prison was out of control, and the blood spirit was no longer a threat.

Boom boom boom! ~

The evil witch spirit devoured the blood spirit ferociously and turned it into its own use.Then they all gathered towards the Wushen Tianshu and poured it into the poison king's body.

It is conceivable that the Blood Venerable has blood energy all his life, so it is extremely powerful.Concentrating on the refinement of Wu Ling is like adding wings to a tiger, and the Poison King got such a powerful injection of evil energy and blood, and finally broke away from the spirit of the weapon and took shape on his own.

"It's done!"

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed and extremely excited.Although the weapon spirit is powerful enough to make the Poison King take shape, it still belongs to Ling Tianyu's weapon spirit after all, and it is not considered a real rebirth.

I remember that when he was in Huangsha City, Ling Tianyu swore to shape his body for the Poison King when it was inherited from the Remnant Blood Sword, but he was forced to accept it back then.It was later that he got along with the Poison King day and night and taught him carefully. In Ling Tianyu's heart, the Poison King was both a teacher and a father.

Later, Ling Tianyu sincerely vowed to reshape the body of the Poison King, and now this wish can finally come true.

of course!

Even if there were no accidents, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to be careless about the rebirth of the Poison King, which was of great significance.Then cooperate with the poison king, use this powerful and endless blood energy to shape the body of the poison king.

at last!

The Heavenly Book of the Witch God shook, and the void stirred. In the endless blood prison, together with all the blood spirits, they were swallowed by the Heavenly Book of the Witch God.

boom! ~

An extremely powerful and terrifying evil energy surged and gathered, and amidst the flickering blood, a majestic and majestic figure began to gradually take shape.

"Mentor!" Ling Tianyu's eyes turned red with excitement, and the Poison King was so excited.


Infinite blood burst out, the world was stained with blood, shaking the heavens and the earth, and there seemed to be rolling thunder resounding endlessly.A shocking blood rainbow, like a fierce god of purgatory, broke through the sky and broke through the sky, proud of the sky.

See you!

In the billowing cloud of blood, there was an evil power that was not inferior to Ling Tianyu, crushing the world and shaking all directions for thousands of miles.A majestic figure as cold and arrogant as a mountain, with long blood-colored hair, an old and smooth grim face, and a strong bloody light shining all over his body.


Ling Tianyu was very pleasantly surprised. With the Blood Venerable's lifelong blood energy and blood essence, and then gathered in the Wu Ling's fusion, the current Poison King is equivalent to the second Blood God. This evil aura has definitely reached the rough level of the Holy Venerable. .

After all, the Poison King himself is Ling Tianyu's weapon spirit, and his cultivation base is extremely strong, surpassing ordinary Saint Venerable powerhouses.Now that the blood venerable has spent his whole life sculpting his body, the poison king is even more perfect and has directly entered the level of the holy venerable.

Whoosh! ~

Ling Tianyu rose from the sky, looked at the Poison King who existed completely in reality, looked at the cold and majestic figure in front of him, bowed his hands excitedly and said: "Congratulations, master! Reshape the body!"

"Flesh body!"

The Poison King clenched his fist, excited and joyful, but also deeply moved.After waiting for so many years, he even chose to give up, willing to become Ling Tianyu's weapon spirit for the rest of his life, never thinking that there would be a day when his body would be reborn.

"Teacher, how do you feel now?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking, feeling that although the Poison King has gotten his body sculpted and his cultivation is very strong, it always feels like something is missing.

"Very strong! Very good! But if there is another body fused together, it will be even more perfect!" said the Poison King.

"I understand!" Ling Tianyu suddenly realized that although the Poison King obtained the body sculpting, it was also concentrated in the Blood Venerable's blood essence and foreign spirits. In fact, it is not much different from the Blood Spirit, but the Poison King is much more advanced and pure. , but still not a complete living body.


Isn't there just one right now?It is simply tailor-made for the poison king!


at the moment!

The enemy army of the blood race is in jeopardy.

The blood army without a strong man in charge has completely become a lamb to be slaughtered, especially the participation of the absolutely superior holy kings like Xiaoxiong, it is simply a crazy sweep.

what!what! ~

There were screams all over the sky, groups of gorefiends, in pain and misery, their bodies were smashed to pieces.

Just a moment!

The only remaining army of tens of millions of blood demons was brutally slaughtered. The messy land has long been filled with blood. It can be said that the armies of the five clans have won a complete victory, but they have no joy after the victory.


Boom boom boom! ~

There was a shocking explosion, and the five heads of the Holy Dragon God were all severely injured and knocked into the air.

In the sky, the blood light soared to the sky, covering the sky and the earth.Like an invincible and proud god, Jiewu, with a ruthless look, despised the common people and all spirits.After absorbing the ancient divine power of the five great ancestral artifacts, the God Venerable Realm Wu is almost equivalent to the Saint Venerable Realm, and it will be even more difficult for the Holy Dragon Gods to injure the Divine Venerable Realm Wu again.

"Big brother!"

The four of Yanzun looked at Shenglongshen, all of them were pale and bruised.Unexpectedly, the five great ancestral artifacts teamed up to form an array, not only did not harm the gods, but made the gods even stronger.

"Even if we die, we have to hold on! Wait for the lord to destroy the blood venerable! This is the moment of real victory! Even if we risk our lives, we must support until the lord arrives!" Shenglongshen gritted his teeth. After Wudou for so long, after all, he is the only quasi-exalted strongman, and he cannot bear the brunt of it, so he suffered more serious injuries.

However, God Venerable Realm Wu still has a cold and expressionless expression. For him who has no soul and will, the Holy Dragon God and the others are nothing but supplementary things that can strengthen himself in his eyes.


A series of afterimages flashed in unison, standing in a group with the Holy Dragon God and the others. They were the little bears who came to reinforce after slaughtering the blood army.

"We're here!" Xiaoxiong said, but his expression was solemn, because it was too terrifying to feel the aura coming from the world of gods without a body.

"Boss Xiong, it looks like this guy is very strong??" Xiao Wangba said weakly, quite frightened.

"No matter how strong we are, we have to fight. After all, the Holy Master is not here, so we can only rely on ourselves!" True Monarch Huoyan said solemnly.

"That's right! We can't beat him one or two! Let's fight in groups! Get ready!" Cub shouted.

"Do it!~" Xiao Wangba was also full of fighting spirit.

"Everyone, be careful, the cultivation base of the god may have surpassed the quasi-honor state, it is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die in hell!" Sheng Longshen said in a very serious tone, not joking.

"No matter how strong you are! Laojun, cover me!" Xiao Xiong shouted, after following Ling Tianyu for a long time, he also practiced the ability to not be afraid of death.

Speed ​​Flow Jue!

It is an evolutionary version of the Speedy Flowing Light Jue, which is faster and spans time and space.The resulting confinement ability can even seal time, space and laws within the speed range.

True Monarch Huoyan naturally understands Little Bear's intentions. After all, the God Venerable Realm has no current strength, and it is meaningless to join forces with more powerful Saint King Realm.Therefore, Xiao Xiong can only affect the offensive of the limited God Lord Jie Wu, even if the God Lord Jie Wu cannot be defeated, it can at least drag one point.

"Flame Mountain!"

Huoyan Zhenjun let out a yell, and Lieyan's long fist shook, and it was a mountain of angry flames, like falling meteorites, blasting towards the world of gods.

Boom! ~

The angry flame bombarded, as if hitting a hard iron plate, the flames scattered.And at this moment, Xiaoxiong also succeeded in getting close, using super body skills, entangled the four-dimensional space outside the body of the God Venerable Realm, and imprisoned him layer by layer.

"A Stunning Rainbow Sting!"

The little fox gave a cold shout, and the light of the nine-color gun moved, like a bolt of lightning, piercing through the air.After all, what he was facing was far more powerful than his own, and Xiaohu's shot was extremely sharp.

call out! ~

With one hit, the extremely sharp gun light pierced the chest of Shenzun Jiewu fiercely.But what frightened the little fox the next moment was that when he attacked with all his strength, he didn't even hurt the fur of Shenzun Jiewu at all, and his combat body was extremely strong.

What's even more frightening is that with the bursts of strong counter-shock force, the shock came back instinctively.The shock made Xiaohu's whole arm go numb, his bones ached, and he almost threw the spear out of his hand.

"Do it!~"

Xiao bastard roared angrily, in terms of the strength of the combat body, it might even be stronger than the Holy Dragon God.The whole body instantly turned into a blood-colored rainbow, like a missile fired from its gun, attacking the God Venerable Realm heavily.

boom! ~

There was a tremor, followed by a loud cry of pain, and the God Venerable Realm was completely motionless, like an indestructible fortress.But Xiao Wangba was shocked by the shock, turned over and flew away.

"Dragon Soaring Bakong!"

"Thousand Mountain Thunder!"

"Soul Slayer Nine Arrows!"


Not to be outdone, the five holy dragon gods each drove the ancient ancestral artifacts, and joined forces to blast towards the world of gods.

Boom boom boom! ~

There were bursts of explosions, and all kinds of brilliance and energy rippled and oscillated. The world of gods is like a mountain that has gone through wind and rain. Despite the strong winds and waves, it still stands tall.

"Is that God Venerable? How could it be so strong!"

"Isn't it! I remember the rumors that the cultivation base of the God Venerable Realm is comparable to that of the Holy Dragon Lord, but how can this God Venerable be so ridiculously strong now?"

"It's terrible! So many people joined forces, and the god did not fight back at all, but only with his physical body, he blocked the cooperation of many powerful people intact!"


The spectators below were all in awe. The power of God Venerable Realm is far beyond imagination, and it is simply not a level they can understand.Judging from the current situation, it is only possible to defeat the God Venerable Realm Wu when the alliance leader makes a move.


The King of the Mountain God yelled violently, and there was a thunderbolt in the sky, with an earth-shattering momentum, he bombarded Shenzun Jiewu's head in extreme anger.


Shenzun Jiewu, who had never made a backhand, saw the shocking thunder hammer strike, and Shenzun Jiewu finally moved, propped up by the airflow in all directions, and punched out with a powerful punch full of blood.

Boom! ~

The thunder shattered, and the God King of the Mountain was terrified, only to feel a terrifying shock attack, and the rampage smashed his Lei Yuan.


The blood splashed into the sky, and the mountain god king let out a cry of pain, and quickly flew away.

"Soul Slayer Nine Arrows!"

Fairy Baihua yelled angrily, and streamer-like arrows shot out.It's a pity that there is no so-called soul consciousness in the current God Realm, and the most powerful killing power of the soul-killing arrow is completely ineffective against the God Realm.

But relying on the power of the soul-destroying arrow alone, when it hit Shenzun Jiewu's body, it was like scratching an itch, and it fell down in a bland manner.


After absorbing the ancient divine power, just the God Venerable Realm Wu's current body, allowing the Holy Dragon Gods to blast them for three days and three nights, is afraid that they will not be able to bring substantial damage to the God Venerable Realm Wu.

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