Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2842, 4 Demon Scorpions

Ghost City, City Lord Hall!

Gui Ming sat in the palace, with a gloomy face.

For ten days, what he heard the most was what city was captured, what city was slaughtered, and what city was incorporated.

"Trash! A bunch of useless trash! This evil star is really audacious! How dare he be so presumptuous in my Guiming County!" Gui Ming said angrily. As the king of Guiming County, he has his own dignity. Take the initiative to challenge a junior.

"My lord, now this evil star has already killed Mingye City, and the whole journey can be described as a broken bamboo. I'm afraid it will kill our ghost city tomorrow!" Ghost Eagle said with cold sweat in his hands.

"Ming Ye City??? This Ming Ye is very loyal to me, and the salary he pays every year is also very impressive. Does he resist?" Gui Ming couldn't help asking.

"This???" Ghost Eagle didn't dare to speak.

"Say!" Gui Ming scolded.

"Yes???" Ghost Eagle said weakly: "From the news I got from my subordinates, Ming Ye did not make a move, but opened the city gate to welcome the enemy! As for Ming Ye's betrayal, he must be under the command of the evil star now." Powerful warrior!"

"Bastard! It's the opposite! Could it be that these idiots are dead when they become the emperor! Just relying on this unknown person, they dare to challenge the emperor!" Gui Ming was furious.

"My lord, please calm down. This evil star was able to capture dozens of cities in just ten days. He must have certain skills. According to what I heard from my subordinates, although this evil star has not reached your level of cultivation, he still uses Shura The king realm cultivation base killed six Shura king realm masters in one fell swoop, and he didn't seem to use any cultivation base." Ghost Eagle said seriously.


Gui Ming's expression was gloomy, and without using his cultivation, he was able to instantly kill six Shura King Realm powerhouses, even he couldn't do it easily, and said: "Order, the whole city is preparing for battle! It turns out that this evil star has recruited so many forces, this group of There is no need to keep useless traitors! As long as they dare to invade Ghost City! No one will be left alive!"


Ghost Eagle bowed respectfully and exited the hall.

Gui Ming looked gloomy, and said coldly: "Interesting, if hundreds of years ago, some emperors would have been afraid of you, but now??? Hehe, I will definitely let you, an arrogant little thief, pay The worst price!"


Scorpio City!

It is the strongest main city in Guiming County, and there are four Shura King Realm powerhouses in the city, known as the Four Demon Scorpion Brothers.

Boom boom boom! ~

There were bursts of explosions, and the sound of killing shook the sky. At this moment, in Scorpio City, the flames of war are raging.Although Scorpio City has a strong army of 3000 million troops, half of them are elite.

It's a pity that Ling Tianyu's conquests all the way, the recruits are all the best of the elite. This is a total of 5000 million elites, which is enough to sweep any city in the Guiming County, and this Scorpio City is no exception.

what!what! ~

Screaming again and again, countless tragic corpses fell in a pool of blood, and the city was full of mess and blood.The Mocha Legion, which was assembled and integrated by Ling Tianyu from various sources, can be said to be the evil star of Shura. Wherever it went, corpses littered the fields, killing the Scorpion Legion to cry for their father and mother.

Up in the air!

A few afterimages, with bursts of roar, fought fiercely.

Along the way, only four Shura King Realm powerhouses have truly become Ling Tianyu's capable warriors, namely Mo Sha, Xue Yi, Ba Kuang Tian and Ming Ye.Due to the cruel way of life in the Asura world, Mosha and Xueyi's cultivation has also been improved time and time again during the killing process, and they are now infinitely close to the late stage of the Asura king realm.

And Ba Kuangtian is even more brave, having successfully stepped into the peak of the Shura King Realm. Needless to say, Ming Ye is already at the peak of the Shura King Realm.

at the moment!

The four Devil Scorpion brothers are fighting desperately with the Mosha four. The stronger Devil Scorpion and the Poison Scorpion are firmly entangled by Ba Kuangtian and Ming Ye, and the battle is fierce.The wind scorpion and fire scorpion were relatively low in cultivation, and they didn't take advantage of Mo Sha and Xue Yi at all.

But in this fierce battle, there was a young man with a cold face, watching the whole battle without sadness or joy.It can be seen that Ba Kuangtian and the others were very dissatisfied with their failure to take down the four Devil Scorpion brothers for a long time.

"Poison Fiend Palm!"

The poisonous scorpion roared angrily, and slammed the sky-shattering palm, driving the billowing poisonous evil spirit, and slashed fiercely towards Ba Kuangtian.

The reason why Ba Kuangtian was unable to defeat the poisonous scorpion for a long time was mainly because the poisonous scorpion was good at using poison. If he was caught unfortunately, and the evil spirit of poison entered his body, at least half of his cultivation would be exhausted.

"Crazy Dragon Slash!"

Ba Kuangtian dodged and moved back slightly, the Ba Knife slashed violently through the air, and with a vertical dragon-shaped blade light, it roared with thunder, intertwined with ferocity, smashed the force, and slammed past extremely domineeringly.


Du Sha has a ghostly figure, flashing step by step, it is difficult to distinguish the real shape, and in between the strange dodges, he managed to evade Ba Kuangtian's offensive, penetrated the line of defense in one fell swoop, appeared in surprise, and shouted angrily: "Go to hell!"

call out!call out! ~

Countless poisonous darts, like meteor arrows, were filled with vicious and lingering poisonous aura, shooting towards Tyrant Kuangtian with a hail of bullets.

Ba Kuangtian's face changed in shock, and he frantically swung his saber, while resisting the attack of the poison dart, he was forced to retreat steadily.After all, Ba Kuangtian was afraid of three points first, so naturally he couldn't easily defeat the poisonous scorpion.


With a sound of "噗嗤", the blood splashed, Ba Kuangtian was unfortunately hit, and the poisonous aura billowed directly eroded into his blood.Frightened, Ba Kuangtian picked out the poison dart with a single blow and sealed the blood.

But the poisonous scorpion will not miss this opportunity. A ghostly and poisonous shadow came through the sky in an instant, and a dark black dagger appeared coldly in his hand. That evil star is so loyal! Then go to hell and serve him!"

Say it!

The poisonous scorpion gripped the dagger tightly, and the cold light of the dagger blade was like a poisonous snake, flashing with a sharp edge, like a thunderbolt splitting the air, a fatal blow, extremely vicious, approaching Ba Kuangtian's chest.

Ba Kuangtian's face was full of horror, it was an unfortunate move, and the poisonous aura hadn't been forced out yet, facing such a vicious and deadly move of the poisonous scorpion, Ba Kuangtian couldn't find any weak spot in his opponent to counter it.

However, at this critical moment, a strange invisible phantom, without even a trace of breath fluctuations, the poisonous scorpion didn't even respond to how the opponent appeared, but just reacted instinctively, and a huge crisis rushed into his heart.

But the poisonous scorpion is really crazy, he knows that he will die, and he wants to drag Ba Kuangtian to be buried with him before he dies.So not only did he not stop, but the attack became even fiercer, and he stabbed fiercely.


The poisonous dagger was only a hair's breadth away from Ba Kuangtian's fatal acupoint. Suddenly, a large palm like iron pincers came over like a bolt of lightning, and directly grabbed the dagger in the poisonous scorpion's hand.


Du Sha's face changed in shock, but he felt that he could not do anything anymore, and it was difficult to make any progress.

"Kuang Tian, ​​you have let me down this time!" An indifferent voice resounded, ghostly shadows appeared, and a handsome young man with a cold expression flashed out of thin air. It was Ling Tianyu.

"You!?" Du Sha stared at Ling Tianyu in horror. Although he felt that Ling Tianyu's cultivation was only at the middle stage of the Asura King Realm, he felt a huge threat invisibly.

Thinking about it, the dagger in the poisonous scorpion's hand is filled with ten layers of poisonous evil spirit, coupled with the sharpness of the dagger, Ling Tianyu can easily control his ultimate move with a simple palm, without injury or trace , there is no need to doubt Ling Tianyu's strength at all.

next moment!

Du Sha panicked, and after waking up from the start, Du Sha yelled loudly: "Little thief! Die!~"

boom! ~

A poisonous palm like a dark cloud shattered the void forcefully, and attacked Ling Tianyu's face in a rage.

"The sword is three feet long, your hand is too short!" Ling Tianyu let out a cold cry, before the poisonous scorpion's palm strength came, he suddenly froze violently and looked down in horror. Dantian.

"You??? You are the evil star???" Poison Scorpion's face was pale, ashen ashes.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Ling Tianyu smiled slightly.

"You??? We are already willing to surrender??? Why do you want to kill us?" The poisonous scorpion was indignant.

"But you have hesitated, and I am very dissatisfied with your attitude. In addition, your Scorpio City is close to the Ghost City, and you have a fluke mentality in your heart. It is a pity that the King of the Ghost City you believe in, I don't think so. I didn't intend to take the initiative to save you, so you are not sincere enough to stay!" Ling Tianyu said coldly, and directly sentenced Du Xie to death.

"I??? We???" the poisonous scorpion said, but could no longer open his mouth. His expression was painful and desperate. The vitality and blood in his body were rapidly draining, and he was reduced to a mummified corpse in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, the murderous energy value has increased a lot, and it's almost in the later stage." Ling Tianyu smiled with satisfaction.

Ba Kuangtian's face was a bit pale, and he cupped his hands gratefully and said: "Thank you, my lord, for saving my life!"

"Hmph! You still have the face to say that you can't even take it down for so long! If there is another time, I won't bother to care about you! After all, I don't need waste!" Ling Tianyu snorted coldly.

"Yes, that's what your lord admonished!" Ba Kuangtian replied in panic.

And this time!

When Demon Scorpion and the others saw the tragic death of Poison Scorpion, they were all extremely angry.

"Evil star!"

"I'm going to tear you apart!"


The three evil scorpions, furiously burning their own blood, their strength surged, they forcibly knocked back their respective opponents, and at the same time attacked Ling Tianyu furiously and viciously.

After all, being able to kill the poisonous scorpion easily must be the evil star in the rumors.Even if this evil star made a move, Moxie and the others would naturally have no way out, so they were very witty and risked their lives to join hands to kill Ling Tianyu.

"It's just in time! Let's break through with the three of you!" Ling Tianyu's complexion was gloomy, a cruel sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he dodged across the air, silently, before the reaction of the magic scorpion and the others, Ling Tianyu's cold afterimage was gone. close in front of you.

As a result, it is conceivable that the three devils and scorpions will be Ling Tianyu's opponents. After a brief confrontation, without even touching Ling Tianyu, the three devils and scorpions were killed by Ling Tianyu's residual blood sword one after another.

And Ling Tianyu finally got his wish, his murderous aura increased greatly, and he successfully advanced to the late stage of Shura King Realm.

Ming Ye and the others were terrified and even more ashamed. They hadn't taken down the four Demon Scorpion brothers for so long, but they wanted Ling Tianyu to do it himself.At the same time, he was even more convinced of Ling Tianyu's strength. It seemed that the Guiming County Region would have to change its new owner soon.

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