Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2900, unexpected news

"Evil star???"

Bing Wu's eyes were dim with tears, she didn't know whether she was moved because she was rescued, or because she was happy to see Ling Tianyu alive.At this moment, she actually smiled, so beautifully.

"I'm sorry, I'm late???" Ling Tianyu apologized. If he hadn't been stubborn and wanted to explore the secrets of the Jieyuan Formation, Bing Wu would not have suffered so much, and was even forced to commit suicide.

"No??? I knew that??? You will definitely come back???" Bing Wu smiled miserably. She had been struggling for a while, but seeing Ling Tianyu return, she was finally relieved.


His eyes quickly dimmed, his whole body seemed to collapse, and his fragrant body fell limply in Ling Tianyu's arms.

"You have worked hard, but you have suffered, and you will not suffer in vain." Ling Tianyu put his arms around his fragrant body, and turned his cold eyes to the prison demon king who was looking murderous.

This prison demon king has a certain amount of intelligence, when he saw Ling Tianyu in front of him, he obviously felt an extremely dangerous aura.However, as an enemy that violated its domain, it did not choose to avoid it, but glared at Ling Tianyu with eyes glaring at it.

"Are you the only one with spiritual wisdom?" Ling Tianyu stared coldly at the Prison Demon King, and said calmly, "Although you are all innocent, I am very defensive. Even if my friend was hurt, someone has to pay the price." , then you."

The Prison Demon King seemed to understand Ling Tianyu's words, which had directly threatened its life and death, so he roared at Ling Tianyu.The waves of hellfire billowed, and madness swept over.

In the face of the frenzy of the prison fire, Ling Tianyu was indifferent, turned a blind eye, and his expression was full of disdain.With his cultivation in the realm of the Asura Saint, this power seems too humble in front of him.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu didn't move at all, but there was an invincible power in the invisible.The billowing hell fire that was clearly in front of him, like smoke and dust blown away by the wind, disappeared in an instant and was completely dissolved.

This time!

The Prison Demon King was completely stunned, and the Prison Demons all around, although not very smart, felt the terrifying strength displayed by Ling Tianyu, and they were so shocked that they were almost numb.


The Prison Demon King started to roar angrily, but now he became like a frightened kitten, purring in a low voice, trembling and moving backwards in instinctive fear.

"Not coming?" Ling Tianyu looked cold.

The Prison Demon King gritted his teeth as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Although he was extremely annoyed, he did not dare to act recklessly.

"As I said, someone needs to pay the price. If you don't make a move, you will have no chance at all later." Ling Tianyu said indifferently.

This sound, not only did not anger the Prison Demon King, but almost scared it to death.With a roar full of horror, as if wishing to grow two legs, he turned around and wanted to escape.

"Want to go?"

Ling Tianyu sneered and waved his hand, creating an invisible momentum.Like a cross-domain space, it surrounds the body of the Prison Demon King, rolling out a vortex force, sharply distorting the space.

Roar! ~

The Prison Demon King screamed in horror, his huge body was sucked into the vortex of space, like a deep and shallow swamp, he couldn't hold any fulcrum at all, he couldn't struggle, he was terrified.

"Take it!~"

Ling Tianyu clenched his fist, as if an invisible big hand was pressing tightly, and the sharply twisted space vortex squeezed inward, bursting out vertical and vertical cracks visible to the naked eye.


The Prison Demon King howled in pain, his whole body seemed to be sucked into a meat grinder, his body was smashed into pieces in an instant, and exploded into billowing hellfire, which was absorbed and used by Ling Tianyu along the way.


The prison demons around were terrified and stiff, as if they were imprisoned, unable to move.Now that even their king was killed so easily, wouldn't dealing with them be like cutting tofu.

However, they are also considered lucky, after all, these prison demons are just ghosts derived from not returning to prison.As long as the boundary element array is not destroyed, as long as a certain period of time is reached, these prison demons can still be reborn, and Ling Tianyu has no need to get angry with them.

What's more, the real mastermind behind the scenes is just that despicable villain Tian Ming.

But right now, the sky has already changed if he does not return to prison, the sky has become extremely drowsy, oppressive, the air currents are violent, and there is a sense of despair as if the end is approaching.

See you!

In the center of the core of Not Returning to Prison, the glow is flourishing, which is the sign of the opening of the portal.


The last teleportation port is closed, and all the living beings in the prison of no return have to become the fertilizer of the boundary element array, so now the whole world presents a sense of death and despair.

At this time, Ling Tianyu looked at Bing Wu, whose face was pale and bloody, in his arms, and suddenly anger and hatred arose, and he said coldly, "Tianming! It's time to pay off the debt!"


Ling Tianyu's figure flashed, hugged the exhausted and sleeping Bing Wu, and disappeared into the sky.But the group of prison demons who stayed behind were still numb with fright, with hideous faces showing confusion.


Teleport tunnel!


Tian Ming was guarding the gate with a serious expression, with the attitude of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men unable to open it.Although he didn't think that Ling Tianyu and the others could survive in that situation, for the sake of caution, he still decided to be closed by the portal at the last moment.

Swish!Swish! ~

One after another, the afterimages of the Asura royal family who had experienced training in the prison began to follow one after another.After all, it is the last portal. If you don't pass through, you will be trapped to death without returning to prison.

"Brother Tianming!"

As a disciple of the Asura royal family, he naturally recognized Tian Ming.

"En! The teleportation port is about to be closed. It's not too late. Junior brothers, let's get through the barrier as soon as possible!" Tian Ming said sternly.

"What about you, brother?" one asked.

"I'll wait." Tian Ming replied.

"This??? Forgive me for your boldness. The commotion in the Devil's Prison just now is not small. What happened?" Another person asked in amazement.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, you don't want to break through the barrier, do you?" Tian Ming seemed a little impatient.

"Then??? Dare to ask Senior Brother Tian Ming, have you ever met Senior Brother Mo Ye?" The person who asked the question was naturally a disciple of the Asura royal family in the Yasha domain.It stands to reason that Mo Ye and Tian Ming's identities and strengths are equal, so they should show up.

"Brother Mo Ye, you have been given a chance after this experience, and for this you have been punished by the ruler. Some of you have already passed the level, or are in retreat somewhere, so you don't need to worry about it." Tian Ming said indifferently, in order to avoid suspicion, naturally he would not Tell the secret about the evil star.Presumably, apart from him and Mo Ye, no one would have suspected that it was the evil star.

"What? Ruler of Heaven's Punishment!?"

"Could it be that Brother Mo Ye has successfully passed the test of life and death purgatory?"

"It's no wonder the aura I sensed just now is so terrifying. It turns out that Senior Brother Mo Ye triggered the Juggernaut Heaven's Punishment, which is really enviable!"


Everyone sighed endlessly. In the past 10 years, I don't know how many geniuses have fallen.But right now, Tian Ming, who had the most hope of being promoted to the Saint Venerable Realm, missed the opportunity, and it was Mo Ye who took the lead.

"Thank you for letting me know, senior brother. Let's go out and report the good news!" The disciples of the Shura royal family in the Yasha domain were all overjoyed. They didn't expect that the newly promoted sage would be Mo Ye. This was a great joy for them in the Yasha domain.

"Brother! Take care!"


Everyone clasped their fists together, fearing that Tian Ming would be jealous and mistreat them, so they immediately rushed into the transmission tunnel.

"Senior brother Tianming, are you telling the truth?"

"I don't dare to accept it. In my opinion, your talent is far higher than that of Mo Ye. How could you be one step ahead of him?"

"Brother, you don't mean to fool those guys in Yashayu on purpose, right?"


The remaining disciples of the Nether Realm royal family found it difficult to accept it for a while, after all, they all had extremely high expectations for Tian Ming.Especially this time, the Lord Nether really poured his heart and soul into Tian Ming.

Originally, Tian Ming was annoyed because of this matter, but now he heard this person's words of stimulation, his anger became more intense, and he said with blue veins on his face: "Where is there so much nonsense! If you don't want to get out! Then don't go! Stay!" Come down and be buried with those rubbish!"

Everyone was terrified and bored, only to realize that Tianming must be angry, they are still picking on Tianming's thorns, isn't this courting death?


All of them clasped their fists in salute, kept silent, drenched in cold sweat, not daring to look at Tian Ming again, and ran into the teleportation tunnel with their tails between their legs.

"A bunch of trash!"

Tian Ming was very annoyed, he was the only one guarding the transmission tunnel.

As for the last teleportation tunnel, the maintenance time is about half a stick of incense, neither long nor short.But until the final confirmation, Tian Ming will never break through the barrier in advance.

Asura Imperial Palace!

The three domain masters, as well as all the powerhouses in the imperial realm waiting in the Shura Emperor's Palace, were all looking at the teleportation tunnel that was opening in the sky. This was already the last teleportation port, and those who should come out should come out.

But this time, it was confusing, because when the last portal was opened, the kings of the Nether Realm and Yasha Realm still hadn't appeared.Only a few disciples of the Asura royal family left here and there, which is somewhat illogical.

Although in the past, the power struggles of the county kings in various domains were very fierce, but generally when the last teleportation port is closed, breaking through the barrier should be the first priority.And the forces in the Rakshasa domain who have been in the back of the palace had already left the gate early when the second teleportation port was opened.

Now only Chilong and the others understand that these two powerful forces have long since been destroyed in Ling Tianyu's hands, and they have long since lost their game.As for now, there is still no sign of Ling Tianyu, and it is estimated that he is close to death, and the hope is slim.

And the three domain masters also have their own thoughts, after all, they have never seen their beloved disciple.And this time, someone triggered the Juggernaut's punishment during the experience of not returning to prison, and it was very likely that it was Tian Ming or Mo Ye.


As the disciples of the Shura royal family left the seclusion, the Holy Lord Nether and the Emperor Yasha couldn't bear their curiosity, and they secretly sent voice transmissions to ask.

After receiving the news that he would not return to prison, the Nether Lord was extremely shocked and puzzled, and the Yasha Emperor's expression was even more exaggerated, with an unbelievable expression, he couldn't help but shouted: "What!? The person is Xiaoye!?"

To be honest, even Emperor Yasha couldn't believe it when he got the news.

"Magic Night!?"

The audience exclaimed, both Mo Ye and Tian Ming have been famous for a long time, they are both the best direct disciples under the domain master's banner, and they are also the most promising candidates to hit the holy realm.

But in everyone's opinion, in terms of comprehensive strength and talent, Tianming is superior.But he never expected that the person who triggered the ruler's punishment would be Mo Ye, which was surprising.

"Evil star???"

Empress Luocha had a low face. Although she didn't have any hope in her heart, she just didn't see Ling Tianyu's appearance for a long time. She thought that something unexpected might happen, and she was a little uneasy.

According to Empress Rakshasa's idea, if Ling Tianyu can successfully break through this time, she will make an exception and accept her as her own disciple.With Ling Tianyu's strength and talent, given time and careful cultivation, it is not impossible to become a saint.

But now, this plan may be ruined.

However, what worries her even more is that her personal disciple Bing Wu is also in prison this time, and she is regarded as her beloved daughter.And she also secretly confessed that if encountering evil stars, they must take care of each other, but now Bing Wu has not appeared, which made Empress Luosha feel cold.

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