Yanwu God of War

Chapter 3, The Well of the Curse

At night, in a house.

Although this house is in the Ling family, the structure here is very simple, not much better than the houses of ordinary people, and there are no guards and maids.

But in this somewhat crude house, Ling Tianyu's family enjoyed dinner happily.

Although Ling Tianyu's mother, Ling Xuan, has the strength of Xuanyang Second Stage, her status in the Ling family is very humble, because Ling Xuan and an unknown outsider gave birth to Ling Tianyu.It would be okay if a genius was born, but it happened that Ling Tianyu, a waste who couldn't sense vitality, was born.

As for Chu Lan, it was Ling Xuan's old servant. Chu Lan was very mysterious, not to mention Ling Xuan, even the head of the Ling family had to respect the four elders when they met. Xiao Wu was Chu Lan's granddaughter.There should be secrets that Ling Tianyu doesn't know, and Ling Tianyu, the unknown father, can also guess that he is definitely a top-level powerhouse.

Even if they are strong, they can abandon their mother and daughter for more than ten years. For this alone, Ling Tianyu will resent this mysterious father in his heart.

"Come on, Tianyu, eat more." Ling Xuan added a piece of meat stuffing to Ling Tianyu's bowl.

"Yeah! Brother Tianyu, eat more!" Xiao Wu also put a piece of minced meat into Ling Tianyu's bowl.

"This...that's enough, it's almost full." Ling Tianyu smiled helplessly, but his heart was very warm. If someone saw the killer Wang Xiefeng in his previous life, he would definitely be surprised.

"Hehe, young master Tianyu performed well today, so eat more, come on." Chu Lan smiled slightly, and unexpectedly took the initiative to pick the biggest piece of minced meat and put it in Ling Tianyu's bowl.

Ling Tianyu was moved, surrounded by sincere and deep family affection, it was Ling Tianyu who came to this world happiest and satisfied.I am more determined in my heart, and I must become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can I survive and protect my loved ones.


At night, Ling Tianyu couldn't sleep because he was thinking hard, thinking about the inner sect examination in a month's time, which was really difficult for Ling Tianyu.If he worked hard for a few more years, it might be no problem to reach the Ninth Layer of Body Tempering Realm, but if he couldn't absorb Yuan Qi to condense the Qi Sea, he would never be able to reach the Qi Condensation Realm.

Feeling restless, as if summoned by an unknown and mysterious force, Ling Tianyu quietly left the courtyard and came to a dark backyard.

In this backyard, weeds are overgrown, the house may not have been cleaned for a long time, it is dirty, and you can even see cobwebs entangled around it, making it look very desolate.

But in this backyard, there is a well, a dry well.

Looking at the ancient dry well, Ling Tianyu was shocked: "How did I come here!"

This backyard is not a good place, but the Ling family's forbidden area, and even the entire Huangsha City's forbidden area, this dry well is the well of the curse in the rumors, and it is said that anyone who approaches this dry well at night will be cursed tragic death.

"Damn it! I'm so lucky!" Ling Tianyu cursed secretly, turned around and left.

But just after Ling Tianyu took a few steps, there seemed to be a strong will to survive calling him in his mind, and Ling Tianyu's soul aroused a strong resonance.

"Is the Well of Cursing really that scary? What's in it?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help being curious, and courageously walked into the dry well.

Walking to the dry well, Ling Tianyu closed his eyes tightly, but the throbbing in the depths of his soul became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn! Who was I afraid of before! It's not like I haven't died! Fight!"

Suddenly, Ling Tianyu opened his eyes and looked fiercely into the dry well.

It's a pity, it's a pity that there seems to be only a puddle of sewage under this exhaustion, and there is nothing in it at all.

"It's superstition to curse the well!" Ling Tianyu shouted.

Just now, an old voice sounded in Ling Tianyu's ear: "Boy..."


Ling Tianyu trembled, looked at the dry well again, and rubbed his eyes, the voice was definitely not an illusion, even Ling Tianyu's own powerful soul power could not feel it.

Afterwards, the call from the depths of the soul became more and more intense, even shattering Ling Tianyu's head, and Ling Tianyu felt severe pain coming from his mind.

Ling Tianyu's eyes turned red, and he said angrily, "Damn it! I don't care who you are! Get out of here! Stop playing tricks on me!"

"Hehe, you still have a temper!" The old voice continued.

Suddenly, in the dry well, a strange blood light shined, and a terrifying and unknown force surged out in vain. Ling Tianyu didn't even have the ability to resist, so he was pulled into it by the blood light.

Immediately, the blood light in the dry well disappeared, as if it had never been there, and everything was back to normal.

Swish!Swish! ~~

As soon as the blood light disappeared, two figures flashed out of thin air.

"Did I hear you right? Was that Tian Yu's voice just now?" Ling Xuan asked.

"En." Chu Lan nodded heavily, and said solemnly, "The young master may already be inside."

"In...in this dry well?" Ling Xuan was startled, his heart ached, and he was about to turn over and fall into the dry well.

"Madam, no!" Chu Lan hastily stopped Ling Xuan's actions.

"Old man! Even you can't crack this dry well! If Tian Yu is below, you will definitely die! I can't let Tian Yu go!" Ling Xuan shouted as if losing his mind.

"Ma'am, the old man doesn't want to, but there is a very powerful soul power in this dry well. Even if you enter this dry well, you will get nothing, and you will lose your life in vain." Chu Lan persuaded.

"Then why don't we just do nothing?" Ling Xuan's face was ashen, how could he not understand the power of this cursed well, and the rumors were absolutely true.

"Auspicious people have their own celestial features. The young master once used two drops of blood essence to speculate on the future of the young master. He is definitely not a person who died short-lived. Chance. Madam, I think you should be very clear about the ability of the young master, the young master will never be wrong. If there is a real change, the old man will immediately ask the young master to come back and kill the fellow in this dry well!" Chu Lan said.

"En..." Ling Xuan nodded slightly, looking at the dry well with a worried face.

At this time, the cracking pain in Ling Tianyu's mind has disappeared, but Ling Tianyu can't feel the existence of his body, his soul is ethereal, and he can only feel that this is an extremely evil world.

call out! ~~

A cracking sound broke through this strange world. Although Ling Tianyu couldn't feel the existence of his body, he could faintly feel that there was something extra on him.

Suddenly, Ling Tianyu's soul was forcibly pulled back, and he could finally feel the existence of his body.

However, before Ling Tianyu could react from the surprise, a sharp pain penetrated all over his body, as if there were countless tiny ants eating into the pores of Ling Tianyu's body, cutting Ling Tianyu fiercely like a reamer. Tianyu's blood was in pain, what's more, Ling Tianyu didn't even have the ability to shout.

Ling Tianyu's consciousness was very clear, and he felt that his body was about to be swallowed up bit by bit, but Ling Tianyu didn't give up because of this, and roared angrily in his mind: "I can't die! Absolutely can't die! Want to kill me! Not so easy!"

A strong willpower, the willpower to survive, welled up in Ling Tianyu's mind.

"Huh? Hehe, interesting." In the unknown space, a surprised and delighted laugh sounded.

boom! ~~

With an invisible explosion, Ling Tianyu could clearly feel a trace of strange liquid pouring into his body, like a trickle, passing through Ling Tianyu's tendons. Tianyu's originally blocked acupuncture points were forcibly broken open, and the strange liquid flowed rapidly, and the tendons seemed to be stretched several times. Sometimes they were extremely hot, and sometimes they were icy cold, excruciating pain.

Relying on his strong willpower, Ling Tianyu managed to survive, and then all the pain in his body disappeared, and a warm liquid slowly flowed in Ling Tianyu's body, very harmonious.

The strange thing is that these liquids actually gathered in Ling Tianyu's dantian, forming a strange sword body, which hangs peacefully in Ling Tianyu's dantian.

"What's going on?" Ling Tianyu slowly opened his eyes, and was shocked to find that this place was like a space, a blood-colored space, filled with terrible evil, but this kind of evil made Ling Tianyu very fond of it, and even made his blood boil .

Ling Tianyu knew that he was not dead, so he inspected the situation in his body, and was horrified to find that there were strange things like swords in his dantian, and what was even more unbelievable was that Ling Tianyu's physical strength had been fully strengthened. Several times, miraculously promoted to the eighth level of body tempering.

"Damn it! I'm not in the Palace of the King of Hell, am I?" Ling Tianyu said in astonishment.

"You want to go to the Palace of the King of Hell, but it's still far away!" An old and majestic voice sounded, and in this blood-red space, an old man dressed in blood appeared slowly.

With long blood-colored hair, a childlike face with white hair, and sharp and deep eyes like stars, there is a cold and evil aura exuding from his body, and there is a faint majesty and fear in his gestures.

Strong!Absolutely strong!

The strange thing is that Ling Tianyu actually had some familiarity with this breath, a long-lost familiarity.

Unable to help, Ling Tianyu asked: "Senior, may I ask who you are?"

"Poison King!" The old man said with his hands behind his back, illusory, as if there was no real entity.

"Poison King?" Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Hehe, this... I thank you for not killing me just now, and for helping me transform my body. Tianyu is very grateful. If you have a child, the junior will not be here to accompany you, the senior is not as good as a good person to the end, send the Buddha to the west, just get me out of this ghost place."

"Is it that easy to get out?" The Poison King asked coldly.

Ling Tianyu was taken aback. If the strong man wanted to kill him now, it would be as simple as squeezing an ant to death. He smiled weakly and said, "Senior, you see that I am just a small character. If you kill me, you will only be killed." Get your hands dirty."

"Stop talking poorly!" The poison king let out a cold voice, staring at Ling Tianyu tightly with his eyes, and asked solemnly: "I have a question for you. If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you immediately!"

"Yes, yes, senior just ask." Ling Tianyu replied aggrievedly.

"Are you from another world? The old man feels that your soul imprint does not belong to the reincarnation of this world." The Poison King asked solemnly.

"En!" Ling Tianyu was startled, he was the only one who knew about this secret, and this old guy's ability was too perverted, he was able to see that he was not from this world.

In order to save his life, Ling Tianyu replied truthfully: "Yes, I really do not belong to this world. I was unlucky enough to be raped by some sluts, and then came to this world inexplicably."

"Hehe, that's how it is. It seems that the old man's luck is good." The Poison King smiled slightly, but in Ling Tianyu's eyes, he felt that the old man smiled evilly, making himself tremble.

"Senior, you...you don't really want to kill me, do you?" Ling Tianyu asked in astonishment.

"It's rare to meet someone in the same world, how could this old man be willing to kill you." Poison Wang Liang said with a funny smile.

same world! ?

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