Yanwu God of War

Chapter 372, Night Attack Killer Organization

Royal castle

very deep hidden courtyard

This is the branch of the killer organization

Being an assassin belongs to an improper profession, so naturally he will not reveal his power openly, so he chooses to be in such a hidden corner. This is also the consistent habit of the assassin organization.

Swish Swish~~[

In the dark night, there are a few ghostly figures flickering

It was Ling Tianyu and the others

With the secret help of the Poison King, Ling Tianyu quickly found the secret department of the killer organization, and easily turned over to the wall of the courtyard to hide his aura.

"How many people are there in the mentor?" Ling Tianyu secretly asked

The Poison King peeped carefully and said: "There are not many people inside, only thirty or so, but they all have the cultivation base of the Xuanyin realm, and five of them have reached the cultivation base of the Xuandan realm, which is very important to you." Take it easy, but don’t be careless, after all, I’m not sure that there are other forces around here.”

"En" Ling Tianyu nodded secretly and said to Wu Zhuanjiang and Xiao Song: "You go to deal with those people in the outer courtyard, you must move quickly and there must be no movement at all."

"no problem"

Wu Zhuan Jiang Yingdao suddenly disappeared

Wu Zhuanjiang's fighting spirit is a mesmerizing soul. In the dark night, he can display his agility to the extreme. Even warriors of the same level can hardly detect Wu Zhuanjiang's existence.

"It's gone." Xiao Song was stunned.

"I'll go in first too, but remember not to make too much noise." After Ling Tianyu finished speaking, he disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Song gritted her teeth hard: "I can't let go either."


Xiao Song also dived in

At this time, Wu Zhuanjiang had already sneaked into the outer courtyard, with a ghostly body, an absolutely transcendent cultivation base, flashed to the backs of the men in black clothes, covered their mouths with one hand, and ruthlessly smashed the black clothes with a sword. human neck

Xiao Song was originally a violent warrior, but it was really hard not to make any noise. He suppressed his explosive power and secretly ran towards the backs of the men in black. His hands were like claws, and he twisted the legs of the men in black bloodily. neck

As killers one after another, they didn't even have the ability to react. Instead, they were all assassinated

Although these killers in the outer courtyard have cultivation bases of Xuanyin realm, the gap is too big for Wu Zhuanjiang and the others. They are people who can be crushed to death with just one finger.

However, Ling Tianyu sneaked into an inner hall following the location of the five masters of the Profound Core Realm and used the technique of earth escape.

In the inner hall

Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man in a black robe with a dark complexion exuding a murderous aura.

In addition to this middle-aged man, there are four people in black sitting on both sides, all of whom are masters of the third level of Xuandan and above.

Originally, the Killer Organization didn't pay much attention to the power arranged by Luoyang Kingdom, and it was not strong. It may be because of Ling Tianyu that so many masters gathered.

"Master, do you think those two adults can capture Ling Tianyu back?" one person asked

"Both adults have reached the Xuanying realm. If Xiao Shengtian leaves the royal city, the people in this royal city will be the opponents of those two adults," the middle-aged man said confidently.

"It's true, but Ling Tianyu's talent is really amazing." The man said with a stern face in admiration, "Actually, I doubt whether Ling Tianyu has been secretly taken care of by the other three sects."

"It's also possible. After all, our four sects are becoming more and more competitive with the outside world, especially those guys from the secret door are always against our killer organization," another person said bitterly.

"Regardless of whether it is captured first or not, the higher-ups are already very interested in Ling Tianyu," said the middle-aged man.

"Actually, I am also very interested in you." A rather meaningful laughter suddenly spread into the inner hall


Surprised by the five people, it would be so easy to cultivate someone who sneaked in here without anyone noticing.

"The person you want to catch!" Ling Tianyu appeared out of thin air with his hands behind his back, and his face was grim and cool. There was a smile of interest on the corner of his mouth, and he showed no fear.

"Ling Tianyu"

The five people were shocked and really couldn't figure out how Ling Tianyu sneaked in here

"It's just right to catch you first," one person shouted, with a grin on his face, he directly forced him over.

Although I don't know how Ling Tianyu sneaked in, I did see with my own eyes today that Ling Tianyu only had the cultivation base of the Xuanyang realm, so that person seemed very confident that it would be a breeze to deal with Ling Tianyu with his cultivation base of the Xuandan realm.

But just when the man was about to approach Ling Tianyu, a ghostly afterimage flashed by, the man's face suddenly changed

"It's really shameless to want to capture me with this ability." The poisonous and cold voice whispered in the man's ear like a cold wind, and Ling Tianyu had already circled around the man's side in an instant.

Violently, Ling Tianyu stretched out his hand, and the palm like a poisonous claw slammed on the man's neck.


The crisp sound of bones breaking, the man's eyes widened in horror, with an expression that would not be acceptable even to death [

Head tilted to death


A Profound Core Realm expert was instantly killed just like that

The middle-aged man was so shocked that he almost spurted blood in fright. Today, he saw that Ling Tianyu only had a cultivation level of Xuanyang realm. How could Ling Tianyu be enough to instantly kill a master of Xuandan realm overnight?

"You actually hid your strength!" The middle-aged man trembled and the three people beside him were even more terrified.

"Guess right" Ling Tianyu sneered

The middle-aged man shouted angrily: "Kill him!"


The four angrily killed Ling Tianyu with their swords in their hands.

Ling Tianyu's eyes narrowed and he shouted: "Chongyu~"

The sudden strong pressure forced out the surrounding tables and chairs and shattered them directly. The faces of the four people in the middle of the impact were horrified. Under the threat of the powerful pressure, their entire bodies sank, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, unable to move an inch.


Ling Tianyu was even more terrifying than he imagined. With just a wave of fighting spirit power, he was able to restrain the four of them at the Profound Core Realm. If he had reached the Profound Infant Realm, he would have the ability to do so.

Ling Tianyu sneered evilly, and a bloody sword immediately appeared in his hand. His expression was indifferent, and he wandered away like a ghost. A cold light shone between the swords.


One sword after another, quite curved blood flew out in one go. Except for the middle-aged man, the throats of the other three masters of the Profound Core Realm were torn open with a deep bloody mouth

Even the chance of screaming has a tragic death on the spot with despair and fear


Ling Tianyu forced himself in front of the middle-aged man and hit him hard on the chest.


With a heavy sound, the middle-aged man let out a muffled yelp, spurting blood, all the bones and tendons in his body were broken, and he flew out backwards.


Ling Tianyu was as fast as lightning, and when the middle-aged man flew upside down, he quickly dodged over and grabbed the middle-aged man's neck with one hand, strangling him out of breath.

The middle-aged man was suffering from great pain, his face was pale and shocked, he never thought that Ling Tianyu's hidden strength was so terrifying, he even hid it from everyone

At the same time, it also made him wake up to a question.

That's the rumors are true

Ling Tianyu ruthlessly pinched the middle-aged man's neck and asked coldly, "Is the above a secret order from the disabled family?"

"How do you know about Canzimen?" The middle-aged man's face was filled with horror.

"It's wrong." Ling Tianyu said fiercely: "To tell you the truth, not only your killer organization, but even the Relic Gate of the Holy Mansion, I, Ling Tianyu, will destroy it one day."

"You" the middle-aged man's face is full of anger

"You can go on the road with peace of mind." Ling Tianyu's face turned cold, and the fierce force in his hand severed the neck of the middle-aged man.

along with

Wu Zhuanjiang and Xiao Song rushed in

"It's all done," Ling Tianyu turned around and asked

"Of course it's just some small characters, I'm still having fun with it," Xiao Song said in awe

"Well, let's get out of here first," Ling Tianyu said cautiously


Ling Tianyu and the others quietly left the courtyard. As for the dead killers in this courtyard, they might not be discovered until they stink of death.

From time to time

Ling Tianyu and the others pretended to be doing something and strolled along the busy street

Then walked straight back to the wine pavilion

But when they first entered the wine pavilion, Ling Tianyu and the others felt that the atmosphere inside was a bit strange. In a place that should be lively at night, there is no one there.

Ling Tianyu couldn't help but walked in with a little more vigilance.

"Master Tianyu, you are back!" A somewhat familiar laughter came from Zuo Yihai and the other elders, who walked out of the wine pavilion with smiles, as if they had been waiting for a long time.


Ling Tianyu frowned, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Zuo Yihai and the others, and immediately hid his breath

Zuo Yihai walked up and apologized: "I'm really sorry to hear that you and a few friends live here and saw that you were not here, so I had to invite everyone out first. Hope you don't mind."

"No." Ling Tianyu asked calmly, "May I ask the elders what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Tomorrow night, the king specially ordered me to invite you to a banquet. I don't know if it's convenient." Zuo Yihai said with a smile

"Ask" Ling Tianyu replied directly

Zuo Yihai and the others were stunned for a moment, thinking that Ling Tianyu had thought about it, so he agreed directly. Zuo Yihai cupped his hands and said with a smile: "That's very good, then I won't bother you, and I'll wait for you tomorrow night."

"Well, go slowly," Ling Tianyu said indifferently

After Zuo Yihai said that, they left

Wu Zhuanjiang asked: "Brother Tianyu, the king of Luoyang Kingdom, obviously took advantage of your current status and wanted to curry favor with you, but you actually agreed so simply."

"Anyway, there is nothing particularly important recently, and it's no harm to say that the Ling family is still on the border of Luoyang Kingdom and has good relations with the royal family of Luoyang Kingdom," Ling Tianyu said.

"When will the matter of Jian Yunzong be resolved?" Wu Zhuanjiang asked again

"I don't think this Sword Cloud Sect is as simple as it appears on the surface. There's no rush to find out the details and wait a month before we can talk about it. During this time, I want to spend time with Xiao Wu," Ling Tianyu said with a smile

"Xiao Wu~" Wu Zhuanjiang sighed with a mournful face: "Oh~ we have to be abandoned again, let's talk about it, let's go, Brother Xiaosong, even if you have a wife, you can have a good foundation Friends"

As Wu Zhuanjiang said, he put Xiao Song's shoulders on his shoulders and walked away, leaving Ling Tianyu alone in the messy place.

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