Yanwu God of War

Chapter 382: Dad?

The poison king's refining method can be described as brilliant.

Heartily, in one go, quickly opened up and sorted out the eight extraordinary meridians for Yuan Ying, formed by veins, flowing with platinum liquid, and the power of metal is more and more obvious.

Inexplicably, the Poison King manipulated the blue poison in Ling Tianyu's body again, and operated it like an endless stream of water, continuously pouring it into the Nascent Soul.

The strange thing is that the blue poison is not reflected, but is absorbed by the power in Yuanying's body, and blends with it, with the metallic power as the main force and the blue poison as a supplement.

for a long time!

The Poison King withdrew the blue poison, and withdrew from Ling Tianyu's soul body a little tiredly.

"It's finally done, but it's really labor-intensive. If there is another Nascent Soul in the future, I won't be interested in refining it for you. You should hurry up and improve your cultivation." The poison king said.

"Thank you, Master, for your help." Ling Tianyu thanked him, looking at the brand new Nascent Soul in front of him, he was overjoyed, as soon as he moved his mind, he felt that he was integrated with this Nascent Soul, and he could control its thoughts and actions at will. .

It seemed that upon sensing Ling Tianyu's thoughts, Nascent Soul's eyes opened, and a frightening platinum light flashed out. The aura was so powerful that even Ling Tianyu took a few steps back in fright.

This Nascent Soul is not like the poisonous babies before, it seems to retain some of the strong arrogance of the master, the baby's face is cold, without the slightest smile, but it shows unusual respect for Ling Tianyu.

"Really strong!" Ling Tianyu was startled.

"It's a pity that your cultivation still hasn't reached the Xuanying realm. Although this Nascent Soul has been successfully refined, its actual cultivation is only slightly stronger than the Xuanying realm." The Poison King said.

"A little bit?" Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's enough, just give it more essence and blood in the future."

"No, it can no longer absorb blood essence casually. Even if it wants to absorb it, it must absorb warriors with metal properties. Of course, beasts with metal properties are also acceptable. As long as it has metal blood, it The growth will be very fast, or it can contain metallic spirits. The same is true for Nascent Souls of other attributes." The Poison King said with a straight face.

"It's really difficult." Ling Tianyu sighed, after all, warriors and beasts with metal properties are relatively rare in this world.

"Don't worry, even if it's not easy to find, it can evolve. Because like this Nascent Soul, its spirituality is far stronger than that of a poisonous infant. It can already absorb the power of gold in the world on its own, but it will grow much slower in this way. " said the Poison King.

"As long as you can grow up, it's fine. For the rest, it depends on luck." Ling Tianyu shook his head slightly, suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "By the way, I almost forgot about this."

Immediately, a platinum martial shield appeared in Ling Tianyu's hand, and he said with a smile: "Hey, how can this thing be missing?"

Afterwards, Ling Tianyu threw the platinum shield to the Nascent Soul.

Nascent Soul felt the familiarity from the Platinum Martial Shield, his eyes glistened with joy, and excitedly took the Platinum Martial Shield, and as soon as he held it in his hand, the Platinum Martial Shield actually shrank, just right for Nascent Soul to hold. Use the size without weakening the original power of the Platinum Armor.

Ling Tianyu looked at the majestic appearance of the Nascent Soul holding the platinum martial shield, he was very happy, and said: "Yes, you are quite domineering, even if you belong to gold, then I will call you Jin Wei from now on."

Hearing the sound, the Nascent Soul nodded slightly.

Ling Tianyu was full of joy, and asked: "Teacher, in this way, in order to make the Five Elements Poison Array Mahayana, is it necessary to refine the Nascent Soul of the other four attributes?"

"It's easy to find warriors with water, fire, and earth attributes, but the wood attribute is relatively rare, and you have to be an enemy, so it depends on your luck." The poison king said.

"Haha! It's okay, my character has always been very good." Ling Tianyu laughed triumphantly.

"Stupid!" Poison King glanced at him, then frowned suddenly, and said, "This old man Chu is really annoying."

"Old Chu?" Ling Tianyu was taken aback.

"Well, that old man Chu has already come towards this side, he should have noticed the strange movement here, the old man is not interested in seeing him anymore." The Poison King snorted softly and disappeared.

from time to time.

Chu Lan's voice came from outside the door: "Little Master, is it convenient for me to see you?"

"Mr. Chu, you're welcome, just come in." Ling Tianyu shouted, quickly calling Jin Wei into his body.

Chu Lan pushed the door in and looked at Ling Tianyu with a strange expression. Knowing that the Nascent Soul in Baili Muyang's body had not been wiped out of soul consciousness, she asked worriedly: "Young Master, is the Nascent Soul still alive?" How is the refining process? Is there a problem?"

"No, it's already succeeded." Ling Tianyu smiled.

"Hehe, then congratulations." Chu Lan smiled slightly, thinking that the reason for this success is also because of Ling Tianyu's mysterious soul master.

Ling Tianyu asked suddenly: "By the way, why did Mr. Chu find me?"

"The old man wants to ask when the young master is going to leave?" Chu Lan asked.

"Tomorrow." Ling Tianyu replied.

"Tomorrow?" Chu Lan frowned, and said, "You might as well let me meet someone first, I think you will be very happy to see him, young master."


"Someone you really want to meet."

"Then where is this man now? I'll go right away."

"No need, he's already here." Chu Lan narrowed her eyes and smiled strangely.

"Here?" Ling Tianyu was startled, and looked around. His room was already a little small and empty, and he didn't see a single person. He asked with a confused face: "Old Chu, are you here?" Are you kidding me? Why haven't I seen a single person?"

But just finished!

A ghostly figure appeared without warning.

What surprised Ling Tianyu even more was that the figure suddenly approached him, carrying a terrifying aura around him.Although he didn't threaten him, Ling Tianyu was still breathless under the terrifying atmosphere, the blood in his body seemed to freeze instantly, and he couldn't move at all.

The intangible is better than the visible, and Ling Tianyu kept saying that this body was even stronger than Chu Lan and Situ Yunhong.

In astonishment, what made Ling Tianyu angry was that the man stretched out two big palms, completely treating Ling Tianyu as a toy, pinching left and right on Ling Tianyu's face, pinching his nose, picking his eyes, Flipping his lips, even exposing Ling Tianyu's entire forehead, knocking and stalking, he felt like a serious psychopath.

Ling Tianyu was very annoyed, but under this man's stalking, Ling Tianyu didn't even have the ability to break free. He let him stalk him, wanting to cry without tears, and his fame for a lifetime was ruined just like that.

What made Ling Tianyu vomit blood even more was that the man stalked for a long time, and laughed narcissistically: "Haha! What a good breed! Finally, I can take a good look at it! En!~ Handsome! So handsome! He looks as handsome as me! But compared to me, he is still a little bit worse."

"Fuck! You pervert! Narcissist! How dare you fucking say you are more handsome than me! Let me go immediately! Otherwise, I will castrate you!" Ling Tianyu roared angrily.

"Cast me? This virtue really resembles me." The man rolled his eyes, let go of his hand lightly, stepped aside, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at Ling Tianyu with a smile on his face.

Ling Tianyu's face relaxed, and when he looked around, he was stunned.

Standing in front of him was a burly, middle-aged man, standing proudly, wearing a khaki long suit, with a pale golden rhinoceros belt tied around his waist.The long black hair is scattered down the shoulders, and the face is resolute, with sharp edges and corners, but it is handsome.Especially those pair of exquisite eyes, like stars, endlessly deep, no matter how you look at it, you can't see through it, and it makes Ling Tianyu imitate a strange illusion, the middle-aged man in front of him is actually somewhat similar to himself.

With a faint smile on the man's face, he kept looking at Ling Tianyu carefully, as if he wished to strip Ling Tianyu's clothes off, and looked at it slowly.

Ling Tianyu shivered all over his body, his heart was full of anger, and he even forgot how terrifying the man in front of him was, and asked Chu Lan, "Old Chu! This abnormal person who appeared suddenly Who is the narcissist!?"

Chu Lan trembled all over, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and said in panic: "Young master, you must be careful when you speak, this is the current head of the Lin family, that is, your biological father, Lin Tianlong!"

"What? Dad?" Ling Tianyu almost stumbled in fright, his eyes were bulging, and he stared at Lin Tianlong in disbelief.

Lin Tianlong!Ling Tianlong!

What a coincidental name!

At this moment, Ling Tianyu couldn't calm down for a long time, and his heart was beating wildly.In his previous life, he was originally an orphan. Since he came to this world and was reborn, he has accepted the family affection in this world.

Naturally, Ling Tianyu was also extremely fascinated by this mysterious father who had no memory. He even imagined the appearance of his father countless times in his mind, but it was never as real as what he saw now.

It can be seen how powerful the spiritual impact on Ling Tianyu was at this moment.

There was excitement, joy, and some resentment.He resented that in the past ten years, his father had cruelly abandoned their mother and son, causing him and his mother to suffer a lot of grievances, and he was even called a bastard in private.

Ling Tianyu once suffered so much.Thinking of this, Ling Tianyu is full of sadness. If there is no chance to be transformed by the Poison King, Ling Tianyu may not know whether he is alive or dead now?

Lin Tianlong looked at Ling Tianyu, who had a complex and changeable expression, and his heart was filled with incomparable apology and guilt. He stabilized his mood, but smiled with great interest: "What? Little guy, dare to say that I am a perverted narcissist now ?"

Hearing the sound, Ling Tianyu woke up suddenly, looked at Lin Tianlong carefully several times, and said with contempt: "This pervert is barely counted, but is your appearance really more handsome than me?"

Lin Tianlong's face darkened, and he said with a straight face: "No matter how handsome you are, you are still made by me!"

"Cut." Ling Tianyu sneered, and asked Chu Lan, "Mr. Chu, you are more fair. You always think who is more handsome, me or him."

Chu Lan's eyes widened in astonishment, sweating all over her body, isn't she trying to play dead?

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