Yanwu God of War

Chapter 406, Combat Body Advancement

Somewhere in a small stone forest.

Suddenly there was a bang, and Xiao Jin and Xiao Wu broke through the ground.

Xiao Wu hurriedly jumped up, retreated a few steps hastily, and shouted at Xiao Jin in fear: "You...you stay away from me!"


Xiao Jin groaned softly in grievance, and curled up weakly to the side. [

Xiao Wu looked worried, although she was very unhappy in her heart, she turned to Xiao Jin and asked, "By the way, you are Tian Yu's beast, so can you sense his movements?"

Xiao Jin was taken aback, nodded and said, "Of course, but Boss seems to be quite far away from us now!"

"Well, where are we now?" Xiao Wu asked again.

"Well, according to the order of the boss, we are now almost at the border of the Song and Ming Kingdoms." Xiao Jin replied.

"Then can you still sense what he's doing now, or in other words, can he handle those people? Will there be any danger?" Xiao Wu asked anxiously.

"Don't underestimate the strength of Boss, as long as Boss wants to do something, you are fully sure." Xiaojin said, "However, I sense that Boss seems to be going to cross the catastrophe!"

"Crossing Tribulation." Xiao Wu was stunned.

"This is also normal. Boss's cultivation base has already reached the conditions for crossing the catastrophe. If the boss did not suppress his cultivation, he would have passed the catastrophe long ago." Xiao Jin said.

"But I don't understand why he chose to cross the tribulation at this time." Xiao Wu was puzzled.

"I'm not too sure, because the distance is too far, I can only sense some of it." Xiao Jin said weakly.

Xiao Wu was full of worry, and said again: "I heard that crossing the catastrophe is very dangerous, and I don't know if Tian Yu can survive it!"

"Boss, madam, don't worry." Xiao Jin grinned and said, "Back then, Boss had already resisted the powerful Thunder Tribulation before he crossed the Tribulation. With Boss's current state, it's just a piece of cake to cross the Tribulation." matter!"

"Really." Xiao Wu was intimidated, she had never heard that when she was in the Profound Core Realm, she could fight against the Thunder Tribulation.

"Of course it's true, Boss is amazing." Xiao Jin smiled triumphantly.

"That's right." Xiao Wu suddenly thought of something, and asked with a blushing face, "You and Tian Yu must have been together for a long time, have you ever seen a woman named Zishuang?"

"Zi Shuang." Xiao Jin was stunned for a moment, then said fearfully: "That seems to be the wife of the boss, but she seems to be quite fierce, the boss is quite afraid of her!"

"Then is she beautiful?" Xiao Wu asked, women are always competitive, especially when they also like a man, no one wants to be better than another competitor.

"Old lady, I think you are asking the wrong person, my vision can only be limited to beasts, in my opinion, a cute little beast like me is ruthless.

"You are also good-looking." Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and said angrily, "I really don't understand why Tian Yu would be willing to accept such an ugly monster like you!" [

"Wuuu~ It's too much. Although you are also the eldest lady, you can't hurt my heart like this." Xiao Jin cried out sadly.

After all, Xiao Wu was innocent, and felt that what she had said was too exaggerated, so she apologized: "I'm sorry, what I said just now was just a joke, can you talk to me!"

Xiao Jin blinked, his face brightened, and he said with a smile: "Of course!"


Xiao Jin shrunk and became the size of a thumb.

"Hey, you can change the size of your body at will." Xiao Wu was full of surprise.

"En." Xiao Jin twisted her small body and said with a smile: "Old lady, do you think I'm much cuter now!"

"It's quite cute." Xiao Wu smiled very reluctantly.

At this moment, in the Thundercloud Forbidden Land.

Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged, all the clothes on his body were destroyed, only the dragon scale battle clothes remained.

However, it can be seen that Ling Tianyu's flesh has seven layers of scorched black, his hair is disheveled, black smoke is emitting, and his entire face is blurred.

Boom, boom,~

The thunder frenziedly moved, accumulating in the blood-colored clouds, like a group of demons dancing wildly, followed by a series of blood-colored thunder pythons, like ferocious poisonous snakes, pouring on Ling Tianyu's body angrily.

Ling Tianyu was directly under the bombardment of the violent thunder, and the domineering evil lightning force eroded into Ling Tianyu's body, and he went on a rampage, wanting to tear Ling Tianyu's body apart.

It's a pity that Ling Tianyu's muscles and bones have been transformed and strengthened by the tempering of the evil thunder. No matter how he charged, Ling Tianyu still remained motionless. Retrofits are more beneficial.

The pain in Ling Tianyu's body has weakened, the ratio of cells in the whole body is more active, and the acupuncture points all over his body have been stretched several times, the bones are as tough as steel bars, the flesh is as tough as iron, and the veins have become more crystal clear Yi Tou, her entire body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

At this time, Ling Tianyu had already forgotten everything about the outside world, concentrated his attention and held his breath, and wholeheartedly executed the Yanwu Battle Art, tempering and absorbing the power of the influx of thunder and lightning.

The evil thunder seemed to be completely enraged, and the huge vortex began to accumulate again. The vortex was like a huge mouth, containing countless bloody lightning and thunder.


The violent shaking of the ground cracked deep gullies, and waves of Lei Wei that almost made the world tremble, came down, as if they wanted to destroy all living beings.

Lei Wei. [


And Ling Tianyu still sat there quietly, like an indestructible rock, without making a sound, even though the skin and flesh on the outside of his body were scorched black, it seemed that he was still physically injured.

The blood cloud continued to roll, and the will to destroy the world became clearer and clearer. There were even shrill screams, and the strong wind blew up, shooting like blades. Chaos raged, flying stones all over the sky, Shooting around like a scorpion.

Finally, the savings are over.

Boom, boom, ~~

A series of thick blood-colored thunder pythons with a diameter of several meters, with the coercion that permeates the world, even the space seems to be distorted by Lei Wei's attack, just like the terrifying power of evil thunder, the bombardment of madness It landed on Ling Tianyu.


There were bursts of earth-shattering explosions, and this strong vibration was deeply felt in a radius of tens of miles, and even the royal city, which was tens of miles away, was particularly clear.

Waves of terrifying majesty, like huge waves, spread around the Thundercloud Forbidden Land. The powerful thunder power almost caused the earth to collapse, and the originally lush forest turned into a desolate land in an instant.

"What a powerful thunder force!"

Diao Yunqing and the two were surprised, and immediately took up their weapons, resisting Lei Wei's impact, and protecting Beast Guang who was recuperating from his injuries.

But I have to say that Diao Yunqing and the others were all intimidated.

The Lei Wei emitted from here is so terrifying, even with their current cultivation base, I am afraid they can't bear it, and Ling Tianyu, no matter how many rare treasures, but his cultivation base is far from the Xuanying realm, after all, he can't bear it at all. I just can't bear it.

Moreover, if one has been trapped in the Thunder Cloud Forbidden Land, as long as the intruder does not die, those evil thunders will be finished, and the power will be multiplied and multiplied.

But the blood cloud in the Thunder Cloud Forbidden Ground did not recede, which meant that Ling Tianyu was still holding on. For this, Diao Yunqing and the others felt ashamed. If they broke in, they would definitely be suspicious.

Boom boom boom boom~~

The ravages of evil thunder continued crazily. The thunder pythons were stronger than each other, and they had completely surpassed the power of ordinary thunder pythons.

The entire space was filled with thunder, gravel splashed, and violent attacks.

All kinds of chaos and shocks bombarded Ling Tianyu crazily.

And the eroded lightning power seemed to be absorbed by Ling Tianyu's body, turning into a strange force, tempering and baptizing Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood, and then lurking in Ling Tianyu's body, completely Passively absorbed by Ling Tianyu.

Boom boom boom~~

Waves of chaotic and violent power still attacked Ling Tianyu's body unwillingly.


ba ba ba ba, ~~

With a sound like a hard object falling off, the scorched black flesh of Ling Tianyu's body cracked open, and then under the ravages of chaos, those scorched black skin fragments began to fall off gradually.

The outer skin peeled off, gradually revealing the fresh body, the skin all over the body became as white as jade, as if reborn, the skin seemed to be flowing with water, the skin was tender, and the glass-colored new life shone with the light of glass. Flesh.

Following that, the scorched face also seemed to be reborn from a cocoon, and the burnt pitch-black skin gradually fell off, revealing that handsome face, which was as clean as snow and as gentle as a woman.

If there is a woman here, she will definitely be amazed when she sees this scene in front of her. That skin, that handsome face, seems to have been exquisitely crafted, exquisite and white, and even makes women feel ashamed. Face.

What's even more surprising is that the originally long scorched black hair fell off one by one, flying away with the hurricane.

Then, on that smooth brain, brand new strands of hair grew rapidly like a miracle. The difference was that the grown strands of hair had been dyed a bright deep purple.

Soon, her long hair hung down her shoulders, and her head was full of bright purple hair, flying in the wind.


When Ling Tianyu opened his eyes, his eyes shone brightly, his pupils were like the deepest stars, full of mystery, and the corners of his mouth were raised, evoking a crescent moon-like smile.

Yes, Ling Tianyu's combat body has made a breakthrough again, and has undergone an earth-shaking transformation. It has successfully advanced to the middle stage of the Tianlei combat body, which is more than ten times stronger than the previous combat body.

Slightly raising his head, Ling Tianyu looked at the simmering blood cloud, the dragon crystal and several primeval stones appeared in his hand, and this dragon crystal was being obtained in the forbidden area of ​​the Sand Clan.

Ling Tianyu half-closed his eyes, and smiled excitedly: "Hehe, it's time to hit the Xuanying Realm."

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