Yanwu God of War

Chapter 414: Bright Moon Village

When Ling Tianyu and the others walked to the entrance of the village, they saw some children playing. When they saw Ling Tianyu and the others, they ran over happily.

"Big brother! Big sister! Hello."

Those juicy-looking children called Ling Tianyu and the others sweetly, even stepped forward and held Ling Tianyu's hand, and surrounded them, cheering happily.

Ling Tianyu glanced slightly, these children were innocent and innocent, and their aura was extremely flat, even if they peeped carefully, they couldn't find out why, secretly said: Hmph, could it be that guy Beichen Junjie is lying to us?

Just as she was thinking, Xiao Wu was already greeting those children in a friendly way: "Hello."

"Hee hee, big sister, you look so beautiful." A little girl with braids on her head and a delicate face like a pebble shook Xiao Wu's hand and smiled.

"You are also quite cute." Xiao Wu blushed and smiled, then hugged the little girl, and asked with a smile: "Little sister, what is your name? Can you tell my sister?"

"My name is Xiaodie." The little girl replied.

"Xiaodie, what a beautiful name." Xiao Wu smiled slightly, turned her head and said softly to Ling Tianyu: "Tianyu, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this village, look at how cute these children are."

"That's right." Ling Tianyu smiled, his face tightened, and he asked secretly: "Teacher, are there really no problems with the people in this village?"

"I don't think there is anything unusual about these people, but the old man just heard Beichen Junjie's words are quite serious. It doesn't seem like he is lying, so I think it is too strange." Poison King thought.

"Then you still have to be careful, stay here for a few days first." Ling Tianyu said: "I also want to find a quiet place to study the treasure map."

Suddenly, a white-haired old man came over.

"Xiaodie." The old man called out.

"Grandpa." Xiaodie let go of Xiaowu's body, and happily threw herself on the old man.

The old man hugged Xiaodie affectionately, looked at Ling Tianyu and the others, and asked with a smile: "Hehe, I'm sorry, the little granddaughter doesn't know how to be polite, so I made you two laugh. I think you are also here to stay in our Mingyue Village?"

"Mingyue Village?" Ling Tianyu was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, our village is called Mingyue Village. Every night when the moon is full, our village will be shrouded in beautiful moonlight. This is how Mingyue Village came about." The old man laughed.

Xiao Wu was full of joy and asked: "Grandpa, can we bother here for a few days?"

"Hehe, of course, because our village is not far from the city, and we also have our own brewed wine in our village, which is not for sale. Therefore, there will often be businessmen who will come to our Mingyue Village for a temporary stay, and our Mingyue Village is also very Hospitable." The old man smiled.

"Great, thank you grandpa." Xiao Wu thanked.

"That's right." The old man said with a slightly embarrassed face, "It's like this. Ever since we received foreigners in Mingyue Village, we have been relying on some foreign guests' rent fees to maintain the village's source of life, so..."

"I understand what the old man means, and we won't live here for nothing." Ling Tianyu smiled, and a middle-grade primordial stone appeared in his hand, and handed it to the old man.

In fact, Ling Tianyu took out the primeval stone instead of the golden ticket, it was because Ling Tianyu wanted to test the old man cautiously.

The old man took the primordial stone, and said with a puzzled face, "What is this?"

"Yuan Shi." Ling Tianyu replied.

"Essence stone?" The old man was taken aback, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I'm sorry, I don't know what this primordial stone is? Of course, this old man thinks it should be quite precious, but we are just ordinary people. It would be nice to have gold coins.”

"Tian Yu, why did you give these things to the old man?" Xiao Wu rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Ling Tianyu smiled coyly, feeling that the old man really didn't seem to be pretending, he should be just an ordinary mortal, then he showed a golden ticket and said: "There are some gold coins in this golden ticket, It can be exchanged in the city.”

"Golden ticket!" The old man was startled, so he took the golden ticket, was startled, and shouted: "One thousand gold coins! No, this is too much, you are only staying for a few days, sorry old man unacceptable."

After speaking, the old man handed it back.

"It's okay, just accept it." Ling Tianyu said with a smile: "I think over the years, your Mingyue Village has also entertained a lot of passers-by, so it is I who subsidized your Mingyue Village. If we have time, we will still Came back here."

"Yes, grandpa, you can accept it with confidence." Xiao Wu followed.

"That's good." The old man was very grateful, and cupped his hands and said: "The old man can thank the two friends on behalf of the whole village. If the two of you want to come to our Mingyue Village in the future, you will definitely be a good host."

"Hehe, I have to trouble you to arrange a room for us. We only need one room." Ling Tianyu laughed.

"Or just stay at the old man's place. There are a lot of foreigners passing by these days. The rooms that can be arranged in the village are almost full, and the old man still has a few vacant rooms." The old man said with a friendly smile.

"That's troublesome." Ling Tianyu said.

"Please, both." The old man smiled.

Afterwards, Ling Tianyu and the others followed the old man into the village.

When you really step into this village, you will see the smoke rising from the small courtyards.On the village road, some children were playing and laughing.The majesty of Xiangwan, the birds returning to their nests in the sky and the people in the countryside merge into a natural scene, which is simply a harmonious and beautiful pastoral scenery.

In this uncontested, carefree, and harmonious village full of nature, one really feels at ease. No wonder businessmen passing by here like to settle in Mingyue Village.

It can be seen that in each compound, it is very lively. Some mercenary merchants, or some passers-by, live in each farm, and some people even sit directly outside the door, having a good time. Tasting the wine quickly, I feel uncomfortable.

It's like those who are wandering in plots and fights, and even those who have experienced killing and life and death.Only by living in Mingyue Village can I release my emotions and all kinds of depression comfortably.

As for the arrival of Ling Tianyu and the others, they will not attract the attention of those people.

Ling Tianyu and the others walked among the roads in this village, feeling the fresh and pleasant air flowing slowly, savoring the simple farm style, and really fell in love with this place in their hearts.

"Do you like it?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Well, it would be great if we could live in such a place one day in the future." Xiao Wu nodded repeatedly, looking around as if discovering something new.

"It will definitely." Ling Tianyu smiled, seeing those noisy merchants and mercenaries, it was a bit of a disaster, and sighed: "However, it is a pity that the foreigners who come to this village are really There are too many, and the interpersonal relationship is still too complicated."

And during Ling Tianyu's conversation, the old man who was walking straight ahead with Xiaodie on his back, inadvertently flashed a gloomy light in his eyes, and there was an evil smile on the corner of his wrinkled mouth.

After walking for a long time, they came to a courtyard with ordinary decoration.

It may be because Mingyue Village often receives foreigners, and apart from the room he lives in, the other vacant rooms are cleaned every day, so the old man arranged a room for Ling Tianyu.He was very enthusiastic, and specially took out some farmhouse wine and food in Mingyue Village, and delivered them to Ling Tianyu and the others in person.

In the room, the layout is particularly simple. There is a wooden bed, a table and some wooden chairs empty inside, and there are no more valuable things in sight.

"I'm really sorry, the family is a little sloppy, you two can only make do with it, if you need anything, you can come to the old man." The old man smiled apologetically.

"It's okay, we like it here." Ling Tianyu smiled.

"That's good. I think the two of you have been traveling for a long time, so I won't bother you to meditate." The old man smiled, looked at the food and wine on the table, and said, "These are the farm food and wine from our Mingyue Village. , although it is not as good as those delicacies in the city, but it has a special flavor, you two should remember to taste it."

"Okay, I will." Ling Tianyu smiled.

"En." The old man nodded slightly, and said to Xiaodie: "Xiaodie, we should go."

"Big Brother, Big Sister, remember to play with Xiaodie." Xiaodie smiled happily.

"Don't worry, my sister will stay here for a few days, and then I will play with Xiaodie." Xiao Wu laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the old man took Xiaodie and left.

Ling Tianyu sat on the wooden chair carelessly, picked up the jug and poured a glass, a faint aroma of wine came to his nostrils, which seemed to contain a natural smell.

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed, and didn't think there was any problem, so he drank it all in one gulp, and said with a comfortable smile: "Haha, this wine is really good, much better than the ones I drank in the palace before. Daughter-in-law, do you want to try it?" ?”

"I...I don't drink." Xiao Wu said submissively.

"What are you afraid of, this wine is not intoxicating." Ling Tianyu smiled, filled another wine glass, and handed it to Xiao Wu: "Daughter-in-law, why don't you give it a try? It's really good, don't waste it It took a lot of pains."

"En." Xiao Wu nodded lightly, picked up the wine glass, and people who drink alcohol for the first time generally do not know the strength of wine, Xiao Wu drank it like drinking plain water, and then cried out in pain Voice: "It's so spicy! Isn't this sweet?"

"Of course the wine is not sweet." Ling Tianyu smiled triumphantly, looking at the rosy glow on Xiao Wu's pretty face after drinking, he couldn't help being obsessed, looked at Xiao Wu dully and said: "Xiao Wu, are you really sweet?" It's so beautiful."

"Tian Yu..." Xiao Wu's face was shy, her face was already rosy after drinking, but now it became like a ripe apple, red and thumping, making people even more fascinated.

Ling Tianyu couldn't control it anymore, he put one arm around Xiao Wu, and clinging to his bosom, looking at that blushing and shy face, like a budding flower bud, exuding a seductive fragrance, he couldn't help but I put my lips together again...

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