Yanwu God of War

Chapter 42, The Mysterious Man

"Useless man, he just dirtyed our Wanjin Pavilion! Carry it out for me!" Xue Linglong shouted, casting a disgusted glance at Ma Wencai who fell unconscious on the ground.

Then, two spectators rushed into the wing room in a swift and vigorous manner, and lifted Ma Wencai up fiercely.

However, this cannot be said to be completely lifted, because Marvin had already been lifted and thrown out of the window.

"Fuck! Which inconspicuous bastard threw me out!" Ma Wencai's stern roar came from outside the Wanjin Pavilion, but it seemed that when he saw that it was at the gate of the Wanjin Pavilion, he could only hate with his tail between his legs. Hate to leave.

"Miss Linglong, let's take our leave too, and come back another day." A nobleman with a dejected face bowed and left the wing angrily, while the other noblemen didn't have the heart to stay here anymore, and glared fiercely. Tian Yu and the others left the wing angrily.

This time, they really lost them all.

"Hehe, Miss Linglong, then we'll take our leave too." Ling Tianyu said with a smile, since there are many disputes in the casino, naturally he doesn't want to stay for a long time.

"Master Tianyu, please wait a moment." Xue Linglong called Ling Tianyu, and said with a voice like a copper bell, "Hey, Master Tianyu is very good at gambling, my little girl wants to teach him a lesson."

"Come back another day, we still have urgent matters." Ling Tianyu replied.

"Master Tianyu, don't get me wrong. This time it's just an exchange of gambling skills. We don't bet on anything. Even if Master Tianyu loses, our Wanjing Pavilion will give you some primeval stones. After all, Master Tianyu did it for you this time Our Wanjing Pavilion has made a lot of profit. If Master Tianyu wins, we hope that Wanjing Pavilion can become Master Tianyu's friend." Xue Linglong said with a wink, concealing a deep light.

"Brother Tian, ​​anyway, regardless of whether you win or lose, Brother Tian, ​​you will get benefits, why don't you follow Miss Linglong's wishes." He Yuntao said with a smile, his eyes almost narrowed.

Ling Tianyu secretly thought for a while, if he continued to gamble, he would have many entanglements with Wanjinge in the future, and if he left like this, he might bring some unnecessary troubles to himself in the future.

Which is more important, Ling Tianyu thought about it carefully, then smiled: "Okay, let's bet with Miss Linglong, but I don't know how Miss Linglong wants to bet?"

"Hehe, let's keep it simple. You bet so many times on the dice just now, so let's bet on the dice this time. Here are three dice, one for each person. Whoever has the smallest number of points wins, how about it?" Xue Linglong With a charming smile, the arrogance in his bones radiated out.

"Okay, let's start with Miss Linglong." Ling Tianyu said.

"Then I won't be polite." Xue Linglong pressed one hand on the dice cup, exerting a dark energy, the three dice in the dice cup collided fiercely, but Xue Linglong's eyes were always watching closely. With Ling Tianyu.

Xue Linglong is definitely very good at gambling, but she didn't expect to be completely defeated by a young man, and even her own psychology was seen through.

Xue Linglong refused to accept, very dissatisfied, that's why she wanted to have another fight with Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu's face was as quiet as a mirror-like lake, and there was no change in his expression, which surprised Xue Linglong, because he couldn't see through it at all, only when his state of mind was cultivated to a very high level. Hidden so perfectly.

He Yuntao didn't seem to care about winning or losing this round, all his attention was obsessively placed on Xue Linglong's body, but Xiao Wu seemed very nervous and clenched his fists tightly.

Finally, the dice in the dice stopped beating, Xue Linglong smiled confidently, and gently opened the dice cup, and there were red dots on the top of the three dice.

a little!All three are one point!

Three points, this is already the minimum number of points.

"Haha! As expected of Miss Linglong, you're definitely going to win!" He Yuntao flattered her so much that her face was almost blooming with laughter.

Ling Tianyu glanced at He Yuntao with contempt, is this really a brother?

However, in Ling Tianyu's eyes, Xue Linglong's gambling skills are just average. With this kind of method, Ling Tianyu can easily get the points of each dice, and Xue Linglong's gambling method is too monotonous.

"Hehe, Master Tianyu, if you can also roll out three points, then there will be a draw between you and me, and there will be no winner or loser between you and me." Xue Linglong smiled, somewhat proudly.

"But the probability is really low, so I'll just try my luck." Ling Tianyu smiled, pressed one hand on the dice cup, swung it up, shook it slightly, and put it down heavily.

He Yuntao and Xiao Wu's eyes widened, staring closely at the dice cup under Ling Tianyu's hand.

Xue Linglong looked at Ling Tianyu in bewilderment, as if she had already guessed the number of dice in the dice cup.

Following that, Ling Tianyu gently opened the dice cup.

"One one two!"

He Yuntao and Xiao Wu were astonished, especially He Yuntao, who seemed particularly surprised.Logically speaking, it would be very easy for Ling Tianyu to come up with three points, because He Yuntao had seen Ling Tianyu's gambling skills with his own eyes, otherwise he would not have recognized Ling Tianyu as his eldest brother.

"Alas~ It seems that I don't have such good luck this time." Ling Tianyu sighed dejectedly, cupped his hands and said: "Miss Linglong, I have made you blind, I lost."

"I'm afraid that Master Tianyu lost to me on purpose?" Xue Linglong bit her lips, quite displeased, feeling that she was insulted by Ling Tianyu's gambling skills.

"Don't dare, it's really just luck that Tianyu played." Ling Tianyu said with a straight face: "But what about the Yuanshi that comes with it, I am embarrassed to ask for it even if I lost, next time if I have time, I will definitely come again .”

"Slow!" A deep voice sounded, and a black-clothed man walked in without knowing when, with sharp eyes and a deep face, and there was no trace of aura fluctuations as he walked.


Ling Tianyu was secretly startled, although the black-clothed man concealed it well, Ling Tianyu could feel that the black-clothed man's cultivation was very deep, and this Wanjin Pavilion was really hidden.

Could it be that this is the owner of the Wanjin Pavilion, the one whose dragon has not seen its head?

"Father, why are you here?" Xue Linglong looked surprised.

"Father?" Ling Tianyu was stunned, and looked at He Yuntao suspiciously.And He Yuntao also had a puzzled look on his face, as if he had no impression of the father that Xue Linglong was talking about.

The man in black just smiled slightly, his deep eyes were looking at Ling Tianyu all the time, as if he wanted to see through Ling Tianyu, he slowly walked to Xue Linglong's side, facing Ling Tianyu.

"Hehe, Master Tianyu, don't get me wrong, I'm just the person in charge of Wanjin Pavilion here, and I'm also Linglong's father, not the pavilion master here." The man in black smiled, and he had already guessed what Ling Tianyu was thinking.

Ling Tianyu's face was startled. In front of this mysterious strong man, he did not dare to forget. He cupped his hands and said, "Tianyu is really flattered to be able to let the lord come here in person, but I don't know why the lord is doing it?"

He Yuntao and Xiao Wu knew that the identity of the man in black was very important, so they quietly stood aside, silent.

"Master Tianyu, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, but I appreciate Master Yu Tianyu's gambling skills very much, and I want to communicate with you." The man in black smiled.

"Communication?" Ling Tianyu was terrified, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, this is not to make you laugh, sir, I lost to Miss Linglong just now."

"You're deceitful!" Xue Linglong snorted softly, and raised her alluring red lips, making He Yuntao's mouth water.

"I really didn't!" Ling Tianyu looked innocent.

"Hehe, Master Tianyu, I think Linglong is right. If Master Tianyu thinks highly of me, why don't you bet on me for real? Don't worry, we won't bet on anything this time. I only bet on a friendship." The man in black smiled, his eyes gleaming brightly.

Ling Tianyu knew that he couldn't refuse, and he couldn't refuse, so he nodded heavily: "Okay, what kind of bet does your lord want?"

"How about we just play guessing points?" The man in black replied.

"Okay, let's go first, my lord." Ling Tianyu replied.

"Then I'll show my face." The man in black squinted his eyes and smiled, and slapped the gaming table with a heavy palm. There was a sudden vibration on the gaming table, but the vibration was very well controlled. The dice cup on the gaming table flipped in the air, and then fell back onto the gaming table smoothly.

He Yuntao and the others were horrified, this was the first time they had seen such gambling skills.

If he didn't know, Ling Tianyu was even more surprised. From the time the dice cup was flipped in the air just now, there was no movement at all from the dice inside. It seemed that they were restrained by a dark force. It's really tough.

But for Ling Tianyu, this is not difficult.

"Master Tianyu, you can start telling your answer." The man in black looked at Ling Tianyu with a smile.

Xue Linglong looked at Ling Tianyu disdainfully, and snorted secretly: "Hmph, my father has been in the casino for decades, how could you kid be able to compare.

He Yuntao and Xiao Wu saw the tricks shown by the man in black, and looked at Ling Tianyu worriedly.

Ling Tianyu exhaled secretly, and said lightly: "Jinhua, six!"

Gold flower, that is, three points are the same.

Hearing the sound, the man in black looked very surprised, secretly showing a little appreciation, and immediately opened the dice cup gently, and was astonished that the three dice were stacked together, and the man in black slowly lifted the dice cup. Take the two dice out of the way.

Exactly, it's six o'clock.


He Yuntao and the two breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that Ling Tianyu had already won half the battle.

Xue Linglong stared at Ling Tianyu in disbelief, her delicate body trembled violently, the twin peaks on her chest rose and fell very much, it seemed that she was quite shocked.

"Admiration!" The man in black showed admiration, and said with a smile, "Hehe, Master Tianyu, it's your turn next."

"That's a joke." Ling Tianyu smiled, and shook the dice cup with one hand, and just shook the dice cup in his hand very ordinaryly, with a calm face, and he swung the dice cup gracefully, in one go, and heavily covered the dice cup .

The dice cup fell, and the man in black stared at Ling Tianyu in shock.

Ling Tianyu smiled slightly: "My lord, it's fine."

"No need, I've already lost." The man in black shook his head slightly, with a feeling that he couldn't admit defeat, and he praised him a lot: "Sure enough, the young master is a hero, I think I've been in the casino for decades, and I will lose to the in your hand."


He Yuntao and Xiao Wu were puzzled, Xue Linglong was even more astonished, she was very confident in her father's gambling skills, how could she fall into the hands of a young man?

"No, my lord is joking, Tianyu is really just lucky." Ling Tianyu said modestly.

He Yuntao glanced at Ling Tianyu with contempt, he is so good at gambling that he thinks he has lost, you are still pretending.

"Hehe, Master Tianyu is too modest, but I am convinced of the loss. Although I am not the boss of Wanjin Pavilion, Wanjing Pavilion will be your friend in the future." The man in black laughed.

"It's my honor." Ling Tianyu cupped his hands and saluted, and said again: "That day, Yu can take his leave first, and he will come to visit if he has time."

After finishing speaking, Ling Tianyu pulled Xiao Wu out of the room.

"Hey! Brother Tian! I haven't seen what's in your dice cup yet?" He Yuntao shouted, his heart itching, but he was afraid of the man in black and didn't dare to open the dice cup, so he could only hold back He left the room angrily.

After Ling Tianyu and the others left, Xue Linglong asked curiously: "Father, why did you lose? How could you not guess with your ability?"

"It's not that he can't guess, it's that the initiative is completely in his hands." The man in black shook his head and sighed softly.

"The initiative?" Xue Linglong was full of curiosity, so she gently opened the dice cup, and her beautiful face froze.

Three dice, two of them are placed on both sides, and there is a gap in the middle that can accommodate a dice, and the third dice is just sandwiched between the two dice, the difference is that the dice is not sandwiched in the normal way , but stuck there upside down, half of the dots on both sides of the dice happened to be exposed.

In other words, Ling Tianyu can completely change the number of the third dice when he turns the dice. No matter the man in black says one of the two answers, he will lose in the end. No wonder the man in black will say the initiative It was in Ling Tianyu's hands.

The man in black put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Hehe, this little guy can do this without using his vitality. His gambling skills are definitely better than mine. But what I appreciate more is that this kid is calm and sophisticated, and at a young age. With this kind of heart and state of mind, this child is definitely not a thing in the pool, and he will definitely soar into the sky in the future."

Xue Linglong heard her father praise Ling Tianyu so much, the expression on her face became extremely colorful, remembering that in front of Ling Tianyu just now, with her beauty and bewitching skills, she didn't move Ling Tianyu at all. If it is too low, it is absolutely impossible to do it. I did not expect Ling Tianyu to be so strong at such a young age.

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