Yanwu God of War

Chapter 449: The Devil Appears

There is only one person in the gloomy cave, and there are only corpses scattered all over the place. Suddenly, the wind is blowing up, and the bones are chilling, like a ghost grinding teeth next to the ear, sucking blood, making people shudder.

And everything here is so unusual


Ling Tianyu closely guarded Xiao Wu's wings and moved forward, but he would still accidentally step on the bones on the ground. The bones were brittle, and the sound of breaking and breaking echoed in this dark cave, which was extremely ear-piercing.

Every time you walk a certain distance, the place in front of you is like a huge mouth in the darkness, full of resentment emanates from the darkness, the billowing resentment gathers together and makes people daunting [

Xiao Wu was frightened, her face was a little pale, and she didn't even dare to open her eyes. Although she was afraid in her heart, thinking that Mu Xin might be in crisis, Xiao Wu naturally raised her courage.

Ling Tianyu looked dignified and didn't say a word, followed the route on the treasure map, it was almost at the end, the corpse aura in the tunnel became heavier and heavier, and the existing resentment became stronger and stronger, as if it was about to tear people's souls apart

"Daughter-in-law, hold on tight, we're almost there" Ling Tianyu said softly, his palms were covered in cold sweat

"En" Xiao Wu nodded slightly

Just like this step by step, I am afraid of stepping on a landmine, every step is so light, but not too slow, constantly approaching the end of the treasure map

But what was unexpected was that when Ling Tianyu and the others reached the end marked on the treasure map, they reached the end of the maze and were completely blocked by a thick stone rock.

Empty other things are a dead end

"Uh, this is the end point, isn't this a joke?" Ling Tianyu was so angry that he finally reached the end point, and it turned out to be a dead end, let alone a treasure, or even a corpse.

"Why is Tianyu like this, sister Mu Xin? Why is this like this?" Xiao Wu asked impatiently, her worry had completely overcome her fear

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, there will be a solution." Ling Tianyu comforted, even though the treasure map marked this as the end point, there must be a problem here, otherwise the person who left the treasure map will have nothing to do when they are full.

Following Ling Tianyu, he walked over, touched the cave wall, tapped lightly, and heard a crisp sound, saying in surprise: "Hey, this stone layer seems to be empty!"

"Then can we really find Sister Mu Xin?" Xiao Wu asked with tears

"It's okay, back off a bit first, I should be able to destroy this place," Ling Tianyu said

Xiao Wu didn't dare to hesitate and stepped back

Ling Tianyu's eyes flashed, and a magic knife appeared in Ling's hands. Spiritual consciousness unfolds at any moment. If something will appear, Ling Tianyu should be prepared for it.

It may be that I am approaching some kind of mysterious place, and that kind of call is getting stronger. I am astonished in my heart: Why does this feeling come again? What the hell is going on?

But now Ling Tianyu doesn't have the heart to think about these things

Hold the magic knife tightly and use your profound strength

"Break me~"[

Ling Tianyu yelled and swung his knife, slashing over


The entire cave was shaken violently, the stone layer couldn't bear the power of the magic knife, and suddenly burst open

When the cave burst open, gusts of strong wind accompanied by screams of howling ghosts and wolves, like tide ants, crazily impacted Ling Tianyu's soul


The ghost screams are extremely ear-piercing

Xiao Wu yelled in horror, crouched down with her head in her arms

Ling Tianyu's expression was stunned, and he showed his powerful spiritual knowledge to block those ghosts. He opened his eyes and shot straight at the powerful spiritual power, tearing apart the ghosts that hit him one after another.

Ling Tianyu had already changed color and exclaimed: "Mei Ling"

"En is the ghost, and the ghost in the ghost has almost taken shape." The poisonous king said solemnly

"Ghost" Ling Tianyu was stunned

"Ghost spirits are different from white spirits. In our original world, ghost spirits are fierce ghosts that can strangle people and already have a basic form, but the ghost spirits in this world are different. Before they were alive, they possessed powerful abilities to form. After the ghost form, you can retain a certain amount of soul power in life." The poisonous king said solemnly: "Fortunately, your soul cultivation has increased a lot, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with these ghosts."

"Then can I rush in now?" Ling Tianyu asked hurriedly

"Yes," said the Poison King, "but this cave is extremely strange and is very suitable for the survival of the ghosts, and it is easier to get evolution. I can't guarantee that there will be a ghost king in it. If there is one, it may be more difficult to deal with."

"En..." Ling Tianyu nodded heavily and said, "Master, your cultivation in the soul realm is stronger than mine, so please help me protect my daughter-in-law, otherwise her cultivation in the soul realm will not be able to withstand the attack of ghosts at all."

"Just leave your little daughter-in-law here, this old man can help you stop here," said the poisonous king

"Okay." After Ling Tianyu finished speaking, he quickly flashed in front of Xiao Wu who was embracing a ball, hugged Xiao Wu and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid that I'm here, but I'm going to rush in later, so you can stay here without worry." Bar"

"I..." Xiao Wu timidly raised her head to look at Ling Tianyu

"Daughter-in-law, I know you want to go in with me, but you really have to listen to me this time, but don't worry, I will save Xiao Mantou." Ling Tianyu said with a straight face

Xiao Wu also knew that the current situation was not something she could participate in. If she went with it, she might not only not be able to help Ling Tianyu, but would even drag Ling Tianyu down, so she nodded lightly and said, "Tianyu, then promise me that you will return safely. Also bring Sister Mu Xin back, okay?"

"Of course I don't look at who I am." Ling Tianyu joked, then turned around, his face became serious again, no longer hesitating, his figure flashed with his spiritual consciousness, and he spread his body and rushed into the broken hole.


Screams of screams, Ling Tianyu tore through the heavy ghost spirits, and those ghost spirits were also afraid of Ling Tianyu's spiritual consciousness, and wanted to rush towards Xiao Wu unwillingly.

But with the protection of the poisonous king, those ghosts can't rush through

Worrying about the future, Ling Tianyu swept away the raging ghosts, and he was particularly angry. These ghosts were naturally formed from the long-standing resentment after the death of the living. Who is it? The method is so cruel, even after death. stuck here

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu also lost favor with the person who left this treasure map. This is simply a loss of human morality.

Soon Ling Tianyu broke through the heavy ghost fog

And the surrounding ghosts are completely afraid of Ling Tianyu, who surround Ling Tianyu and dare not invade Ling Tianyu, but they can actually feel the grimaces glaring at Ling Tianyu, the intruder.

At this time, Ling Tianyu was shocked to find that this was no longer a cave, but a huge and wide cave.

You can't see your fingers in the cave. Phosphorescence flickers, lifeless, and there is a faint gray-white smog. A faint green light emerges from the smog. The green light hangs in the sky like a will-o'-the-wisp, and sporadic spots like ghosts quietly watching the surroundings.

Ling Tianyu smelled an unpleasant stench with his nose, and the rotten smell in the pile of bones exuded a ghostly wave of corpse aura, so pungent, it made people want to vomit, it made Ling Tianyu's heart tremble. a deep disgust

Looking at it is even more shocking

The whole area is full of corpses, some animals and some human beings scattered unevenly everywhere, densely piled up like a mountain, and it is even paved with a road of corpses.

Ling Tianyu's heart became heavier and more angry


Ling Tianyu jumped over and broke through the last ghost fog barrier

When Ling Tianyu fell down on the ground, it seemed that he was suddenly shocked by some kind of soul. Ling Tianyu froze all over, and stayed there completely.

In front of him was a large-scale palace, somewhat similar to the palaces he encountered in the desert before.

The difference is that the palace in front of me is filled with a strong evil spirit, and it doesn't look like a normal palace, because the color of these palaces has long been infected by darkness, like a huge monster entrenched in a cave.

From a distance, it looks like a magic palace

A black mist lingers around the palace. In the black mist, there seem to be hideous demons, monsters, ghosts, howling wolves, and several evil and ferocious faces screaming at Ling Tianyu.

There is no living here, heaven and earth, spirits and poverty, like an abandoned ancient wasteland, the evil spirit is rolling, and the evil spirit is threatening, but the magic knife in Ling Tianyu's hand is trembling with excitement.

"It's such a strong demonic energy." Ling Tianyu was secretly startled. It might be because he had subdued demonic spirits before. Ling Tianyu was inexplicably excited about the demonic energy generated here.


There was a loud bang, and in the vast square in front of the palace, heavy demonic energy rolled up like a long dragon, rolled into a ball, and swam ferociously.

Ling Tianyu fixed his eyes and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the devilish energy. It was Mu Xin.

It's just that Mu Xin seems to have lost her original consciousness and is trapped in the devil's energy

"small bun"

Ling Tianyu exclaimed, holding the magic knife and preparing to rush over

At this moment, the tumbling demonic energy violently oscillated. On the top of the demonic energy, a strangely ferocious face appeared. The face was blood-red, as if stained by blood, and the pupils flickered with cold black awns. Down is the body of the dragon


The fierce eyes flashed on his face, he looked down at Ling Tianyu coldly and said, "How dare humans break into this place?"

Ling Tianyu was stunned: "Devil"

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