Yanwu God of War

Chapter 490, Twin Beast Evolution

In the dark space where you can't reach your fingers, the water pressure is heavy. Ling Tianyu falls vigilantly into the depths of the black pool. What he didn't expect is that the black pool is so deep. It has been nearly a thousand meters and he has not seen the bottom yet.

Huo Ran seemed to be about to reach the bottom of the pool, a faint green light emerged from the deep dark bottom of the pool.

Ling Tianyu's spiritual consciousness unfolded and fell to the bottom of the pool

The bottom of the pool is full of sores and galls, and bottomless gullies are all over the place, as if the sword marks on a person's body have been smeared with a layer of bright red blood, and the evil spirit looks extremely strange.

And don't move around [

But inexplicably, it seems that a pair of eyes are quietly watching Ling Tianyu in the dark all the time, grasping Ling Tianyu's every movement, this feeling of being peeped makes Ling Tianyu feel very uncomfortable

Suddenly looking at the bottom of the pool

To my surprise, there was a huge stone gate not far ahead

There are many unknown monsters depicted in the stone gate, and there are several hideous faces staring coldly at Ling Tianyu, an outsider, as if they were alive.

"It should be here." Ling Tianyu thought in his heart, holding the magic knife in his hand, and cautiously approached the stone gate slowly.

When approaching the stone gate, I felt a gloomy and icy coolness suddenly and unknowingly escaping into Ling Tianyu's body, and the cold hairs all over his body stood up instinctively.

"It's weird," Ling Tianyu thought in his heart. Although he knew that there might be many dangers in this stone gate, but this place is too unusual, so it is very likely that this stone gate is the entrance to the next space.

As Ling Tianyu gripped the magic knife tightly, he began to accumulate the reckless divine power in his body, and then fused the poisonous power into it to enhance the power of reckless divine power. He stared at Shimen and said coldly: "I'm all here, can't I afford it?"

Say it

As soon as Ling Tianyu's magic knife tightened, it was filled with powerful reckless power

"Break Me"

Ling Tianyu yelled and swung his knife towards the stone gate.


Shimen roared and the huge shock shook out a circle of powerful arc waves, revealing a few hickeys

Ling Tianyu's expression was astonished, he didn't expect the strength of the Shimen to be so perverted, but even with all his strength, it wasn't enough to destroy the Shimen

"Looks like I have to try a few more times." Ling Tianyu thought, feeling more and more heavy in his heart. The tougher Shimen behaved, the more it proved how dangerous it was inside.


In the blink of an eye, Ling Tianyu chopped off the stone gate again, and it shook violently. The soil around the stone gate was also cracked, and pieces fell off, and the cracks in the stone gate became even bigger.

And a trace of Qi Bi Sen's cold breath was constantly forced out from the cracks on the stone gate, and the surrounding waters became icy instantly.

But at this point, Ling Tianyu has no choice


Ling Tianyu fiercely made up another fierce strike of the sword light towards Shimen.

at last

Shimen couldn't bear the shock of huge force


With a loud bang, the stone door burst open, revealing a deep and dark passage

Immediately Ling Tianyu glanced inward with his spiritual sense

But as soon as the spiritual sense swept over, Ling Tianyu was shocked to feel a huge pulling force suddenly gushed out of the passage, and the surrounding water was actually sucked in.


The dark passage is like a huge mouth, forming a strong vortex of water that is frantically swallowing the surrounding waters. A large amount of black water is pouring into the passage.


As soon as Ling Tianyu's face changed, the powerful pulling force "forced" his whole body to sway suddenly, and he was sucked by the strong pulling force.

Fortunately, Ling Tianyu reacted quickly

Ling Tianyu broke away from the vortex of the water in an instant

Following Ling Tianyu, he rushed to the sky above the black pool

Because Ling Tianyu felt that the black water in the black pool was about to be drained, it would be very unwise to stay in the black water under unknown circumstances.


There were bursts of dull noises, and there was agitation in the black pool again.

"what's the situation"

Dixue and the others immediately became alert and looked into the black pool. They were surprised to see that the water level in the black pool was dropping strangely. It was incredible.


A splash of water splashed Ling Tianyu out of the black pool

"What's going on, little brother Tianyu?" Tie Xiong immediately asked

"There is a strange stone door under the black pool, which should be the entrance to the next space, but what I thought was that after I destroyed the stone door, the people in the black pool actually poured into the passage," Ling Tianyu said.

"Then what are we doing now?" Emperor Xue asked

"Don't worry, it will be very beneficial to us if the pool is drained." Ling Tianyu said, "We can just wait for the pool to drain while these two little guys are still evolving."

"However, the passage has been opened. We have to be careful to prevent those disgusting night monsters from attacking us." Beichen Junjie said solemnly

"They don't dare to run out so recklessly. We just need to hold here. If they dare to come out, we will kill one," Ling Tianyu said fiercely.

As they spoke, everyone held on to their utensils to gain momentum at all times


After a long time, the water in the entire black pool was really drained.

Everyone was astonished. They thought that the depth of the black pool was at most [-] meters, but at a glance, it was at least thousands of meters deep. If the black water here had been drained, the water pressure of thousands of meters would not be so pleasant.

At least in the Xuanying realm, you will suffer

At this time, you can see a wide hole under the bottom of the pool, like an evil eye lurking in the darkness, staring at Ling Tianyu and the others covetously.

Amid the astonishment of everyone, a powerful aura emanated, but it didn't come from the passage or from the enemy, but from Xiao Jin's body.


The powerful potential wave shook, and everyone was shocked, and they were all forced to retreat

Eighth-level beast

This is exactly the beast power possessed by the eighth-level beast compared to the cultivation base of the true martial artist.

With Xiao Jin's glittering appearance, his body shape and appearance are different from before, but the breath in his body has undergone earth-shaking changes and has become more powerful.

"Boss, I've evolved!" Xiaojin shouted excitedly

"I'm proud of what I have evolved too." Xiaobai's voice echoed like a thunder, and a powerful breath was released, and everyone was "forced" away again.

And Dixue and the others were also secretly bored. They didn't expect that even Ling Tianyu's pet beasts had evolved to level eight beasts, and they were still staying in Xuanying Police.

Ling Tianyu smiled happily: "Haha, not bad, it looks like the resources on that black water monster are quite abundant, and it actually made you two little fellows break through this time, and our power has greatly increased again."

"Alas~ Even Brother Tianyu's beasts have evolved. We have to work hard to cultivate." Emperor Xue shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah, I really have to work harder." Wang Xiao followed with a deep sigh

"Don't say it, don't say it, you will cry if you say too much," Tian Luo waved his hand

Everyone is also sullen to see this blow is really not small for them

"Hmph, there's an even scarier guy hidden in this kid. He's much stronger than a level eight beast."

"Eh, there are pet beasts stronger than eighth-level beasts." Everyone looked shocked

"Hehe, that's right." Ling Tian Yuna said with a smile: "But it's a pity that big guy is so arrogant that he has been hiding and refusing to come out no matter how I call him since he was tamed by me. Maybe it's because I think my cultivation base is too bad. Be qualified to drive it"

"Hehe, if that big guy helped us, maybe our trip would be smoother." Tie Xiong smiled.

"En" Ling Tianyu nodded slightly and asked Xiaobai and the others: "By the way, Xiaobai, you have evolved to the eighth-level beast now, can you transform into a human form?"

"Oh, it's not okay, I don't know what's going on, could it be that fate deliberately made things difficult for me?" Xiao Wangba complained bitterly

"It's strange, logically, you should have asked." Ling Tianyu was full of doubts.

"Hehe, there is only one possibility that they have already stepped into the ranks of primordial beasts." Tianqi suddenly laughed

"Yuan Beast"

Ling Tianyu's face was full of confusion

"Wrong" Tianqi explained: "There are powerful primordial beasts in stronger planes. For example, there are many monsters in Dongzhou that surpass the ninth-level beasts and have not yet transformed into human forms, and monsters of that level have also been eliminated. They are called primordial beasts, but in your Xizhou, the seventh-level beasts may be able to transform into a half-length human form, and they cannot have this ability when they reach the eighth-level beasts, so it can only be said that they already have the potential to become primordial beasts.”

"That's why." Ling Tianyu suddenly realized and couldn't help asking: "Then can they transform into a human form in the future?"

"Of course you can just evolve into a holy beast," Tianqi replied

"Holy Beast"

Everyone exhaled, it was really difficult.

Ling Tianyu was also stunned for a while and joked: "Little bastard sees that you have to work harder."

"Hey, as long as the boss takes care of it, there will be no question," Xiao Wangba said with a sly smile

"Don't talk about that for now." Beichen Junjie said seriously: "You see, this passage has been opened, and even a night monster has appeared. Those guys must have set up an ambush inside and waited for us to go in. I'm afraid this trip will be difficult. up"

"Well, but we're on the way back." Ling Tianyu nodded heavily and said, "Everyone, come down with me when you're ready, let's see what those night monsters can do."

Everyone nodded slightly

Then, headed by Ling Tianyu, he ran straight to the deep and dark cave at the bottom of the pool.

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