Yanwu God of War

Chapter 551, 4 killings

Feeling the murderous aura on Ling Tianyu's body getting heavier and the air around him getting colder and colder, Qian Yang was terrified and shouted tremblingly: "My lord, even if you don't die after being hit by the five-star life extension nail, you still have to suffer. To live, this is already the best result. This is the only way I can do it, I have already said, please let me go, I will be your dog in the future! I want to live! I just want to live! Please! is you!"

"Qian Yang! You fucking coward! You've disgraced the Merchant Alliance! Trash! Despicable trash!" Gong Ziqing yelled. Although Wang Changde and the others were terrified, they were not as cowardly as Qian Yang.

"Damn! Gong Ziqing! What are you! You and that old dog Xiong Guangyuan colluded secretly! Why did you go with us!" Qian Yang yelled at Gong Ziqing, and then acted like a pug He begged Ling Tianyu for mercy again: "My lord, these are really none of our business, they were all done by that bastard Gong Ziqing!"

"En! Very good! I am very satisfied with your performance!" Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, but his eyes were still shining fiercely.

"Yes, yes, as long as my lord spares Qian, I will be your dog from now on! I will never betray you!" Qian Yang nodded repeatedly, begging for perfection, and kept acting good.

"But!" Ling Tianyu's murderous eyes opened, and he said coldly: "I am! What I hate the most is a villain like you who has committed heinous crimes! How dare you spit on your dignity! Even dare to betray your own master ! That is to die ten thousand times without feeling a pity!"

"Uh..." Qian Yang's face froze.

puff! ~

Ling Tianyu's ten fingers were like spears, piercing through Qian Yang's dantian fiercely.

Qian Yang's eyes were loose, his face was pale, his whole body was twitching in pain, his eyes were almost pushed out of their sockets, all thoughts were lost, he was desperate and angry, his two eyes full of fear and bloodshot eyes, actually witnessed the bloody spiritual baby in his body being bullied Tian Yu held it in his hand.

"Go to hell and repent!" Ling Tianyu said coldly, his powerful spiritual consciousness eroded, and ruthlessly matched the remaining soul consciousness in Qian Yang's spiritual baby.


Qian Yang hissed in pain, and his body fell to the ground stiffly. The bloody baby in Ling Tianyu's hand was instantly overshadowed, as pale as death.


The real martial arts powerhouse was killed just like that, even the soul consciousness was not spared.

Ling Tianyu's face was cold and evil, and he was venomous and cruel, as if killing people was just a kind of pleasure for him.

The rest of Wang Changde and the others were ashen-faced, full of remorse, and tears of blood flowed from their silk red eyes, wishing they could beat their feet and chests.

Greed, it's all greed that causes trouble.

But what Ling Tianyu said next completely destroyed their last remaining line of psychological defense.

"Do you know what the main ingredient of the Infant Pill is? It is the spiritual infant in your body! So! Don't think that I really have such good intentions to enhance your cultivation for the Infant Pill! I just strengthened the ingredients I want in the future. It’s just a share! And you can earn so much medicinal materials for nothing! This is the end of your greed!” Ling Tianyu said while holding the bloody baby in one hand, his voice was like a thousand years of ice.

Soul baby!Material!

Gong Ziqing and the others were dumbfounded, their bones were cold and their hairs stood on end, their bones were limp and tendons numb.When he looked at Ling Tianyu again, he looked like a demon crawling out of hell.

Pooh!Pooh! ~

Gong Ziqing and the others were so angry that they vomited blood on the spot. Unexpectedly, not only did they risk more than half of the business alliance's property, they lost it.To make matters worse, they even had to spit back the baby refining pills they had taken, and what made them even more broken and furious was that they would also become Ling Tianyu's alchemy materials.

"Devil! You are a devil!" Wang Changde cursed furiously.

"Despicable! Shameless! You are a crazy thing! You are simply inhuman! God will accept you!" Zhou Zhihai was trembling with anger, and the anger went straight to his forehead.

"Kill me! Kill me immediately!" Li Yuanjing couldn't bear the huge psychological pressure, and yelled frantically, all he wanted was to be able to die quickly.

"Kill! Of course I have to kill!" Ling Tianyu's eyes shot crazy colors, and the murderous aura around him was surging like a frenzy, and he said angrily: "But I will let you know! How does hell feel like!"


Ling Tianyu flipped his hands, and black flames that looked like long dragons smashed through the hall door in an instant, rushed to the sky above, and landed around like stray bullets.

Boom!Boom! ~~

With a loud bang, balls of fire blasted down, blossomed everywhere, and the dark black flames that burned everything instantly ignited a raging fire in the business alliance, spreading and wreaking havoc invisibly.

All of this is really like purgatory.

And in this purgatory, Ling Tianyu is like a ferocious devil, standing coolly, with a murderous aura.

"My God! What a fire!"

"Fire! Extinguish the fire!"



In the business alliance, the crowd screamed in horror and fled in all directions.Originally, they wanted to put out the fire, but as soon as they rushed over, they were instantly swallowed by the terrifying black fire and turned into dust.

This fire!

It is no longer an ordinary fire!

"Escape! Escape!"

Shouting again and again, in the rapidly spreading sea of ​​flames, it was as if huge fire dragons rose up one after another, shuttled ferociously through the building complex, and then instantly ignited a huge fire.

The entire business alliance was in chaos in an instant. There were scolding, shouting, crying, and screams. A large number of chaotic people were fleeing desperately.

Outside the business alliance, those business alliance masters who were guarding like a large army were shocked to see that inside the business alliance headquarters, a fire suddenly ignited, and everyone's face changed drastically.

"***! Who dares to set fire in our business alliance! Rush in to put out the fire!" A Xuanying realm martial artist shouted angrily, but just after he finished speaking, a sharp sword light fell from the sky without warning.

call out! ~~

Blood splattered and flew, a bloody head flew to the ground and rolled to the ground, but the severed head was still moving its lips instinctively: "Extinguish...extinguish the fire...quickly put out the fire... ··”

Everyone looked terrified, and before they had time to take precautions, a master of the Xuanying Realm who was the strongest among them was beheaded on the spot, instantly killing him.


With a sharp shout, black shadows suddenly flew out from the darkness. It was Qiu Qian who led nearly half of the brothers in the Dark Wind Hall, holding his long sword angrily, and charged towards the group of people from the Shangmeng.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"


Everyone was terrified, and immediately showed their swords.

Qiu Qianqi is fiercer than others, with his cultivation of true martial arts, it is easy to deal with those martial artists who are below the true martial arts.Suddenly, a sword swept across, and a huge and fierce sword glow fiercely attacked the panic-stricken crowd.

boom! ~~

With a huge explosion, nearly a hundred warriors were torn into pieces, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere, killing them all in a flash.

"Brothers! Kill me!" Qiu Qian roared.


The killing sound shook the sky, and the suffocation that had been suppressed for decades, hundreds of dark wind hall masters, billowing momentum, like raging waves, with unparalleled murderous aura, crazily rushed to kill.

The people in the business alliance were terrified, they hadn't even made enough preparations, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back. The warriors were instantly torn apart by the rushing shadows.

Qiu Qian swept all the way, with a left sword and a right sword, frantically harvesting lives, the long sword and body have long been infected by blood.But still not happy, continue to enjoy the thrill of killing.


Especially cruel, one kill is a big piece, almost no one survives by chance.

The masters of the business alliance resisted hard, but the inside of the business alliance was a sea of ​​flames, and the outside was fiercely killing enemies. There was no way to retreat, so they could only resist in anger and tragically.

But this is undoubtedly a mayfly shaking the tree, and a mantis turning into a cart, looking for a dead end.

what!what! ~~

There were screams again and again, blood flowed like rivers, stumps and broken flesh were all over the ground.The Merchant Alliance does not have real martial arts powerhouses in the formation, so it cannot withstand the offensive of the Dark Wind Hall.

Those masters of the business alliance were desperate, but they still fought desperately and cursed angrily.But they couldn't see the figures clearly at all, and they couldn't even tell who were the enemies. What they could only feel was the frenzied sword light, until the moment they woke up, their lives had already been terminated.

boom! ~~

Qiu Qianyi's sword slashed into the crowd like a fierce wave, smashing dozens of warriors instantly, and forced a huge crack on the ground, leading directly to the gate of the business alliance.

Bang! ~~

The gate of the business alliance was blasted, and gravel flew.

"Brothers! Follow me!" Qiu Qian roared.

boom!boom! ~~

Hundreds of dark wind hall masters, accompanied by Qiu Qian, were like steel chariots, crushing the corpses all over the ground, trampling on the bloody ground, blasting into the business alliance in one fell swoop, and launching a frenzied massacre.

Immediately, the purgatory was full of crazy killings, it really looked like a hell on earth!

In Dream City!

The people in the city all saw a prairie fire erupting in the splendid building complex.


Someone dared to set fire to the business alliance!

The entire Dream City was completely shocked and panicked.


Hearing this news, the masters prepared quickly and prepared to go to the headquarters of the business alliance for assistance.


Swish!Swish! ~

A group of figures appeared out of nowhere, all dressed in civilian clothes, and charged into Baofeng Hall with their weapons.The several martial artists who were in charge of guarding were killed on the spot, and their blood was splashed on the land of Baofengtang.

One of them yelled angrily: "No one else! Get out!~"

Those customers who were about to be paralyzed by fright, heard this and fled in panic.

"Who dares to invade Baofengtang! Don't you know where this place is!" Lao Tian, ​​who was still alive and well, led hundreds of hidden martial artists in Baofengtang, and appeared from all around in unison, with eyes wide open. With fierce light, extremely angry.

"We are here to destroy this kennel of your Baofengtang!" The captain of the dark windtang squadron cursed, and swung his sword directly. With his cultivation base of the Xuanying stage, he is almost invincible in Baofengtang.

Lao Tian's eyes were startled, he only saw the flash of light flashing through his eyes at that moment, and a blood hole was pierced by the sword light in his throat, and he died on the spot.


With a shout of killing, the No. [-] Squadron of Anfengtang fiercely killed those masters of Baofengtang.The method is extremely cruel, as soon as he rushes over, it will be a crazy slaughter of corpses.


How can I stop it?

Hundreds of warriors retreated steadily and died tragically one after another. The pungent blood filled Baofeng Hall in an instant.

same time!

The various industrial stores belonging to the business alliance in Mengjin City were also attacked and killed by the inexplicable influx of "civilian" masters.They are all dressed up as civilians, and suddenly charged over, how can they be prepared?



The entire Dream City was shrouded in a frenzy of killings.

Tonight is indeed a sleepless night.

It's just that no one thought that there would be people who would dare to deal with the powerful business alliance that had dominated Mengjin City for hundreds of years, and launched attacks on a large scale.

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