Yanwu God of War

Chapter 605, Zishuang's death

this moment!

Everyone was silent, but they all suppressed a surge of anger in their hearts.

This Duxuan is really not human!

kill?do not kill?

Two extremely contradictory thoughts almost drove Ling Tianyu crazy.

He can fight against the world for the woman he loves!How dare he ignore the heavens!He dares not to be afraid of monsters!

But only the woman he loves makes him unable to do anything.

If Duxuan is let go, this is not the root cause of the solution.This blood essence seed will torture Zishuang and Ling Tianyu all his life like a nightmare.

But if Duxuan is killed, Zishuang will die immediately.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Ling Tianyu's head was about to crack. Even though he had great abilities, he couldn't do anything about these demons.

Everyone watched angrily and helplessly, with that hatred in their hearts.

Zishuang's face turned pale, she held Ling Tianyu's arm tightly with one hand, and said with a death-like determination: "Tianyu...I beg you...help me kill him...will you?"

His eyes were full of pleading.

"No! I can't do it! I can't do it!" Ling Tianyu shook his head, his eyes bloodshot.

"Master, it's not impossible to solve this blood seed. This guy is actually a messenger. He must have a way." Nether Holy Flame couldn't help but said.

Ling Tianyu was stunned, then turned to look at Duxuan angrily, and said coldly: "Duxuan! I know! You have a way to untie the blood seed in Xiaoshuang's body! As long as you untie it, I can swear that I can release it!" You have a way out!"

"Like I said, I'm dying now, and I don't care if you give me a way out!" Duxuan said proudly, knowing that Ling Tianyu cared about Zishuang, he seemed very awesome.

"You don't understand!" Ling Tianyu's voice was like a bell, vigorous and powerful, and his momentum was even more domineering.The breath all over his body soared, his robes bulged, and the long hair on his back flew wildly, and his anger rose.

"Sorry! There's no way to solve it!" Duxuan's face was indifferent, with a sadistic smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't force me!" Ling Tianyu showed the magic knife in his hand, full of murderous aura.

"What? You want to kill me? Oh, it's okay, you can do what you want." Du Xuan straightened his back, arrogant to the end, arrogant, his nose almost pierced the sky.

Ling Tianyu was furious, never before.

Dixue and the others were so angry that they gritted their teeth and roared with anger, there would never be another villain in this world who was as despicable and shameless as Duxuan.

Zishuang glared at the extremely arrogant Duxuan with hatred, and begged again: "Tianyu! I beg you! Kill this bastard quickly! Otherwise! I will hate you forever!"

"Don't force me, don't force me." Ling Tianyu put his head in his hands, suffering every moment, feeling that life would be worse than death.I really want to scold the heavens, why is it such a trick?

"Actually, no one is forcing you, it is you who are forcing yourself." Duxuan's face was cold, and he said with a sinister smile: "Hehe, actually you want to save your woman, it's very simple, as long as you follow the principles If you want to do it, maybe this sect will take into account Xiaoshuang's loyalty to the Wanling sect for many years, and spare her life!"



Ling Tianyu suppressed his anger and roared, "Say it! I'll do it!"

"That's right." Duxuan smiled sinisterly, and said condescendingly to Ling Tianyu: "You ruined my foundation of Wanlingzong! You ruined my reputation! Of course, this is not important, this sect can let the past go! But you You must surrender! So, the first thing you need to do now is to kneel down to me!"

kneel! ?

Ling Tianyu suddenly became angry, and said angrily: "I, Ling Tianyu, only kneel to my parents! I don't even kneel to the sky! You want me to kneel in front of you villain! You fucking eat shit!"

"Okay! Swear hard enough!" Duxuan said with a calm face, "Then, you can witness your woman die in front of you! Don't doubt my ability. Benzong can say with certainty that you can't stop Benzong from exploding himself! Do you want your woman to be smashed to pieces!"

Du Xuan was aggressive, Ling Tianyu had no way to retreat.

kneel?Do you really have to kneel?

On one side is the beloved woman!One side is the dignity of a man!

Ling Tianyu's fists were clenched so loudly that Graggle made noises, and his heart was tormented.

"Sect Master! You can't kneel!" Di Xue said heavily, even though he was helpless.

"Sovereign! You must not kneel in front of this villain!" Tian Luo couldn't help but say.

Everyone was very angry and helpless, if Ling Tianyu really succumbed in front of a villain.As Ling Tianyu, who is the leader of the Nishenzong, perhaps from now on, the Nishenzong will be finished.

Of course, everyone was also quite moved by Ling Tianyu's empathy and righteousness.

As a man, one must not only have a strong cultivation base and a fearless heart of martial arts, but the most important thing is to stick to a heart of love and affection. This is a real man, a real strong man!

But at this moment, Ling Tianyu was wandering in the most difficult choice.

Du Xuan held his head high and raised his chest, and said loudly: "Are you kneeling or not?"

Ling Tianyu's heart was trembling, and his heart was bleeding.

In the extreme contradiction, Ling Tianyu didn't notice that Zishuang's face suddenly showed a wave of determination.

She was thinking that she must not become Ling Tianyu's burden, and she must not make Ling Tianyu lose the dignity of a man and the heart of a strong man because of herself.

this moment!

Zishuang's complexion became extremely cold and extremely determined.It was precisely because of this extreme determination that Zishuang burst out with a terrifying force.

"You die for me!"

Zishuang yelled in surprise, and shot out like an arrow from the string.

"Xiao Shuang!?"

Ling Tianyu's face froze, and when he realized it, Zishuang had already rushed in front of Du Xuan, and it was impossible to stop him.Because Zishuang's instinctive strength and agility were beyond the ordinary.

Everyone's eyes widened collectively, and none of them reacted.

Not to mention Duxuan, who never thought that Zishuang would break free from the shackles of the blood seed for a short time, and kill herself. What kind of determination can this burst of power be.

call out! ~~

Sen Leng's long sword pierced through Du Xuan's chest in one fell swoop.

call out!call out! ~~

The Five Fire Profound Wheel then shot out, angrily crushing Duxuan's dantian and the spiritual infant in his body, bloody blood immediately sprinkled all over Zishuang's clothes.

This sword, this sword!

Ling Tianyu froze all over there, and suddenly his mind went blank, as if he lost his soul.And those bloodshot eyes stared at this scene unacceptably.


Du Xuanyan's pupils shrank sharply, his body twitched in pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.His face suddenly became extremely pale, and at this moment, his heart was ashamed.His lips trembled, his whole body trembled, his eyes stared straight at Zishuang in disbelief and despair, his cracked lips were trembling violently, he wanted to speak but he couldn't make a sound even though he tried his best.


Zishuang spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face became extremely pale, and a shocking mouth of blood appeared on her body inexplicably, and the blood flowed continuously.Enduring the severe pain, Zishuang smiled, and the smile got her wish.

Trembling raised her head, Zishuang's empty eyes were filled with extreme hatred and anger, and she sneered, "Hehe...I...I can finally avenge my father..."

"You...you're crazy..." Duxuan managed to spit out a sentence, and his face turned angrily, glaring and gnashing his teeth.

"I... I'm crazy... Even if I die... I will never let you, a villain, succeed..." Zishuang said with blood in her voice, her voice was like a thousand years of ice, extremely cold.

puff! ~~

With a flick of the long sword, Duxuan howled and fell down, dying with regret.

Zishuang's tender body trembled, her face was waxy, her eyes were slack, and the long sword fell loose with a bang, and a satisfied smile appeared on her beautiful startled face, and she fell back slowly like a fallen leaf.

"Miss Zishuang!"

"sister in law!"


Everyone roared almost in unison.


Ling Tianyu howled, rushed over like thunder, hugged the bloody delicate body heavily, caressed Zishuang's delicate face covered with cold blood with a trembling hand, and cried out with tears in his heart: "No, no! This is not true! Xiaoshuang! You must hold on! I will save you! I will definitely save you!"


Ling Tianyu manipulated the power of the Wood Spirit Orb crazily, and injected it into Zishuang's body without reservation.

But it's a pity that although the Wood Spirit Orb can heal Zishuang's skin injuries, it can't stop Zishuang's fleeting vitality at all.

Swish!Swish! ~~

Everyone gathered around, clenched their fists angrily, in great pain.

"Little Shuang! Hold on! Be sure to hold on! I can save you! I can save you!" Ling Tianyu was unwilling to die, heartbroken, and crazily injected the power of the Wood Spirit Orb into Zishuang's body.

"Tianyu..." Zishuang groaned in pain, blood staining her body.

"I'm here!" Ling Tianyu tightly held that cold jade hand.

"Ahem..." Zishuang's mouth was bleeding, her face was as white as paper, and she was getting paler and paler. She stared at Ling Tianyu tightly with her eyes, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and gently caressed Ling Tianyu's tear-stained face. With a weak smile on Jun's face, he said: "From... from our acquaintance... to our current love... I... I am already satisfied... It is you who gave me happiness that I have never had before. ···I...I am really content..."

"Stop it! I beg you to stop it! You will be fine!" Ling Tianyu burst into tears.

"No...you have to listen to me..." Zishuang looked very serious, with tears streaming down her face, a happy smile on her face, and said softly: "Tianyu...you have to remember...you are A strong man... As my father said... You must have a bright future... You will become a real strong man... I can't ruin your future because of my humbleness. ··So I beg you...just beg for the last time...you have to promise me...you must live well...live strong...in this way...I can also follow my father with peace of mind and go..."

"No, you can't leave me! No! Absolutely not! Otherwise, I will hate you!" Ling Tianyu howled in pain, his heart broken, and his heart full of arrows.

"I... I don't want to stay by your side..." Zishuang smiled wryly, her eyes gradually dimmed, her face was extremely pale, but she held her breath and said with a smile: "Jun... I love you ···I will never be with you···May death be with you···Please···Please don't forget me···A woman who will always love you deeply···"

After the words fell, Zishuang closed her eyes with a smile, and tears fell from the corners of both eyes.And that cold jade hand gently slipped down from Ling Tianyu's face.Heartbeat absent, life terminated.

"Xiao Shuang! Xiao Shuang! Wake up! Wake up for me! Otherwise, I will hate you! Please! Wake up!" Ling Tianyu yelled frantically, his voice getting hoarse.

However, her tender body is cold and lifeless.

Ling Tianyu was desperate, maddened by the pain, holding Zishuang in both hands, glaring at the sky, and screaming heart-piercingly: "God! Are you really blind! Why did you take my beloved woman away! I tore you apart!" God this thief!"

howl! ~

Such as the mournful roar of a ferocious beast, the shrill sound pierced the sky.

It seems that the power of heaven and earth has been challenged.

All of a sudden, the sky was filled with thunder, black clouds, and thunder and lightning.

In an instant, heavy rain poured down.


It's raining···

The cold raindrops sprinkled on the suddenly gray and white picture.

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