Yanwu God of War

Chapter 789, Emperor's Lament

It is related to the future situation in Xizhou, whether it is life or death, Ling Tianyu wants to meet Emperor Qingtian himself


Ling Tianyu narrowed his eyes and began to prepare the poisonous mind to search for the soul

The effect of poisonous thoughts is not only to deprive others of their soul memories, but also to extract their souls. It is easier to extract souls like Emperor Qingtian who are full of resentment.

Now, all Ling Tianyu can do is meet Emperor Qingtian

"Search ~"

Ling Tianyu snorted secretly, a powerful poisonous thought invaded Emperor Qingtian's sea of ​​consciousness

It can be felt that the sea of ​​consciousness of Emperor Qingtian is full of huge resentment, that kind of anger, that kind of unwillingness, that kind of pain... all kinds of emotions are like chaos

When he felt Ling Tianyu's thoughts, that powerful resentment took Ling Tianyu as the target of venting, and crazily rushed towards Ling Tianyu's poisonous thoughts [

Ling Tianyu secretly smiled, waiting for this resentment to come over


Ling Tianyu then released a more powerful poisonous mind to surround that resentment, and the resentment, together with the soul, was ruthlessly drawn out to the outside.


An ethereal figure, like light smoke dancing, and a soul-like body, gently separated from Emperor Qingtian's body, floating in the air

Gradually formed a majestic voice floating in the mid-air, sword-browed into temples and phoenix-eyed with majesty, revealing a natural imperial arrogance and innate noble temperament. When he opened his eyes, a pair of eyes full of power His deep, shrewd eyes complement the imperial arrogance on his body

This is the soul of Emperor Qingtian

The original anger, after leaving the **, everything seemed to be relieved, but instead, it was a kind of bewilderment and full of confusion, and even thought that I had come to hell

But the strange thing is that what I see in front of my eyes is the familiar palace. Everything is so real, I am very surprised: "Could it be that I am still alive?"

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty, you are no longer in the world." A strange voice came

Emperor Qingtian's face was stunned, and then he felt that he didn't seem to have the feeling that he should have. He looked down in horror, and saw that he was lying quietly on the bed, so peaceful

"It turns out that I'm still gone..." Emperor Qingtian sighed vicissitudes of life, and seemed to be more open about his own life and death. What is not reconciled is that there are still many wishes unfulfilled.

Then he followed the prestige, and saw an old man with white hair and childlike face looking at him seriously. As the number reader, Emperor Qingtian saw Ling Tianyu's extraordinaryness at a glance.

Of course, Emperor Qingtian would not suspect that Ling Tianyu would misbehave with him, otherwise he would just ignore him, he would be a dead person anyway, so he hurriedly asked: "How dare you ask the old man?"

"This old man is a friend of the Great National Protector," Ling Tianyu replied.

"It turned out to be a teacher's friend." Emperor Qingtian's expression also became respectful, like the original Great Protector of the Three Generations, whose status is much higher than that of Emperor Qingtian, and he is even the art instructor behind Emperor Qingtian

"I'm just sorry, the old man came late. Forgive me for not being able to save His Majesty. Now I can only communicate with His Majesty in this way." Ling Tianyu said with a serious face.

"Thank you, senior. I know my fate is not long, and I have already seen life and death." Emperor Qingtian shook his head sadly, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "But, senior, can you tell me what happened in the royal family before I died?"

"Your Majesty is under the control of a demon," Ling Tianyu said

The "monster" Emperor Qingtian was surprised and angry, and said: "This monster is too audacious to dare to offend my Daqing royal family and persecute me... no, how the demon got in? Our Daqing royal family does not agree. Dare to say it is comparable, but how can I succeed with the guardian of the country and the demons every day?"

"That monster is the Holy Maiden," Ling Tianyu said. Anyway, he was talking with Emperor Qingtian alone, so there was no need for Ling Tianyu to hide anything about the Holy Maiden.

"The Holy Maiden"

Emperor Qingtian was very surprised when he heard this, and then sighed bitterly: "I didn't expect... I really didn't expect... I thought she could save me from the fire and water, but I didn't expect that she was a despicable witch... Oh my god... ··I have lived for hundreds of years... In the end... In the end, I will fall into the hands of a witch... I am really ashamed of my ancestors..."

At this moment, Emperor Qingtian's face became darker than gray, and his straight body was also slightly bent. The original imperial arrogance instantly disappeared, and he let out a long sigh.

In the sigh, the meaning of bitterness is so strong that it is difficult to dissolve. If Emperor Qingtian still has a desire, he will definitely cry. Thinking about how difficult it is for him to accept that the emperor of a country was destroyed in the hands of a witch

Ling Tianyu shook his head and sighed in sympathy for Emperor Qingtian's ending, and said: "Your Majesty is under the control of demons, and he took advantage of this to create turmoil at the Emperor's birthday banquet, but don't worry, Your Majesty, the old man has already dealt with these matters. Alive"

"Okay...ok... that's good, I know how to live, now as long as I can keep my royal blood, I will be satisfied." Emperor Qingtian nodded slightly, full of sadness

"Your Majesty, the Great Protector of the Kingdom has made a request to this old man, and I hope that this old man can help the Daqing royal family to establish a new king to assist us," Ling Tianyu said solemnly.

"Mingjun" Emperor Qingtian had a bitter expression on his face. He has been on the throne for many years, and the cruelty of the emperor's family is indescribable. Isn't it ignorant?

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that I will do my best to assist His Highness the Second Prince. I think that His Highness the Second Prince will surely become a wise king in the future," Ling Tianyu said.

"Thank you, old man, Guang Yi is indeed my most important emperor, but I don't want him to succeed to the throne too early, so I changed my sixth son to be the crown prince." Emperor Qingtian said with a worried expression. Born in the emperor's family Suffering is not something everyone can understand


Ling Tianyu was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, according to your wishes, it is really your original intention to change the title of His Highness the Sixth Prince to the crown prince."

"That's right." Emperor Qingtian sighed and said gloomyly: "Nowadays, the major forces in Daqing Kingdom are constantly in turmoil. How can I not know about these things that the princes have died unexpectedly?"

After a pause, Emperor Qingtian smiled wryly again: "Hehe, maybe the emperor's family is so cruel, but for these, as the emperor of a country, there is nothing he can do."

"What does His Majesty mean..." Ling Tianyu frowned slightly

"Although I don't want to hurt my emperor's son, I must not let foreign enemies gain power." Emperor Qingtian said with a look of regret and bitterness: "So deep down in my heart, I have already intended to change Kongming to the crown prince. If Kongming bestows the title The crown prince can be forced to fight against foreign enemies, so that our royal family can benefit from it and easily inherit the throne."

Hearing the sound, Ling Tianyu was shocked. Unexpectedly, Emperor Qingtian and his thoughts coincided with each other, because whether it is the fourth prince Qing Junyi or the sixth prince Qing Kongming, the two princes have received the support of powerful forces. If a prince becomes the newly established prince, then it will become the fuse of the struggle between these two powerful forces

In this way, if the two forces of the Long family and the Xingyue Pavilion fight, no matter which force succeeds in the end, they will suffer a lot and lose both sides. As for the imperial power, it is possible to overwhelm the foreign enemies and stabilize the regime.

I have to say that Emperor Qingtian really thought very far

It's a pity that there are a lot of factors now. I'm afraid Emperor Qingtian didn't know that King Chengfeng had already won most of the imperial power. If Ling Tianyu mixed it, it would be very difficult for the second prince, Qing Guangyi, to inherit the throne.

"Your Majesty's hard work, I understand that I will do my best to assist His Royal Highness the Second Prince to inherit the throne, and will never let foreign enemies succeed in order to manipulate the imperial power," Ling Tianyu said.

"Thank you, old senior." Emperor Qingtian was grateful and lowered his head slightly, begging, "I just hope that the old man can agree to my request. If my emperor's son Guangyi succeeds to the throne in the future, I hope the old man can let Junyi and the others live and let them live." It is enough to enjoy their old age in peace. After all, they are all my sons, and I don’t want Guangyi to bear the grief of all his brothers dying.”

"Hehe, please don't worry, Your Majesty. The old man didn't mean to hurt the two Highnesses. I just hope that Daqing will have a new benevolent monarch who can benefit the people." Ling Tianyu laughed.

"Thank you, senior, Qingtian is deeply grateful, but it's a pity that you can repay senior in this life. You can only wait for the next life to have a chance to repay senior." Emperor Qingtian showed a grateful smile on his face, and even stopped calling himself "" Zhen" said again: "Also, if the old senior sees the Great Protector in the future, please wait for me to send my greetings, the Daqing royal family has owed too much kindness to the Great Protector for hundreds of years."

"Okay." Ling Tianyu nodded silently. Seeing such a desolate emperor touched his heart deeply, and asked again: "What is your majesty's unfulfilled wish? I will try my best to help you fulfill your wish."

"Hehe, if only the glory of my Daqing royal family is still eternal; as long as my country of Daqing is safe and prosperous, that is my wish." Emperor Qingtian smiled lightly, and the eyes of the soul seemed to glisten like tears The crystal is dejected, there are too many things to do in the heart, too much to do

There is also a sense of unwillingness to achieve ambitions and ambitions

Looking at this familiar palace and looking ahead, it seems that he has seen the glorious blueprint of Daqing Kingdom in the future. After all, he sighed bitterly, sighed indignantly, and was satisfied

Slightly evoked an incomprehensible smile, the ethereal soul of Emperor Qingtian gradually disappeared, everything in the past, together with life, finally disappeared

hiss ~~

The body of Emperor Qingtian lost his soul and will, and turned into powder, leaving only a dazzling dragon robe, full of sorrow

The century-old emperor has fallen

Ling Tianyu stood there quietly, feeling a lot of emotions, the expression on his face was ever-changing, as if at this moment, he stepped into a brand new Daqing Kingdom

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