Yanwu God of War

Chapter 836, Thunder Monster

Disgusting monsters grinned fiercely, and black pus flowed out of their mouths continuously. What was so powerful was that after being attacked by Ling Tianyu, they stood up viciously after a while.

The cold pupils, the evil light flickering, waving sharp claws, wriggling body wrapped around the electric python, the surrounding air is crackling.

Obviously, these monsters possess evil power of thunder attribute.

Thunder property.

It is relatively rare among the major attributes. Four monsters appearing so casually are all thunder attribute combat bodies, and all of them have reached the strength of the real martial arts level.

Ling Tianyu glanced at the four monsters coldly, feeling very strange, and asked secretly: "Little Saint, do you know what kind of garbage these monsters are?"

"Strange attribute." Little Saint replied.

"Strange attributes."

"Yes, it's just like the gold power monsters that you have encountered before, master, and these things are also formed by the attributes of heaven and earth. They have the attributes of thunder, so these things should be thunder monsters." Xiaosheng explained. [

"Thunder monster." Ling Tianyu pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and asked excitedly: "Then, if you say it like this, it is very likely that there are seeds of thunder yuan in this Broken Soul Mountain."

"Well, it's very possible." Xiaosheng said solemnly: "But master, don't be too happy, I feel that these thunder monsters are very different from ordinary attribute thunder monsters. They have a strong monster aura. If I guessed right, there may be some kind of terrifying evil spirit hidden in Broken Soul Mountain, the master must not be careless."

"I know it well." Ling Tianyu nodded heavily.


Those four thunder monsters suddenly had one eye, and their fierce light shone brightly.

Roar, roar, ~~

There was a roar, four bolts of lightning, along different directions, with a super-high-speed offensive, with more powerful and domineering lightning and evil power, killing Ling Tianyu viciously.

Ling Tianyu kept his hands back before, just because he wanted to see clearly what these things are. Now that he knows, there is no need to keep his hands. No matter how powerful the attribute is, Ling Tianyu can kill people by leapfrogging, and he will be afraid of these strengths There are only thunder monsters at the real martial arts level.

Standing proudly, with cold eyes and contempt, Ling Tianyu didn't pay attention to those thunder monsters at all, but those sharp eyes shot murderous intent when the four thunder monsters charged towards them.


Ling Tianyu was shocked, and the powerful Gangyuan battle energy was released. The fierce Gangyuan battle spirit raged around like a gust of wind. As soon as those thunder monsters forced into Ling Tianyu's range, they screamed. Under the destructive attack of Gang Yuan's fighting spirit, he instantly turned into ashes.

It is easy to kill these thunder monsters, but for Xiao Song and the others, it is dangerous.

Ling Tianyu no longer hesitated, locked on the direction of Broken Soul Mountain, and rushed quickly like flying.


Somewhere, dense forest. [

The surroundings are gloomy, cold, and the lingering and rolling dark mist is like a devil dancing. The howling of ghosts and wolves almost tears everything apart.

In the black mist, there are many ghosts, and a prickly breath, like a cold light, keeps coming, overwhelming, and the mood is unstable. I am afraid that the soul that has been destroyed has been scattered.

And in this messy area, a group of people are gathering, covered in scars, always vigilant about their surroundings. Although they can still maintain vigilance, it seems that this state has been maintained for many days, and both bodies and souls are produced. Even after feeling tired, his face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and his dry and chapped lips were pale.

Around these people, there are still a lot of bones lying down, there are hundreds of them, the death conditions are horrible, the armor and flesh and blood are torn together, blood and flesh are mutilated, a piece of residue, the air is full of strong stench of dead corpses.

The leader looked like a young man, but he had a temperament and maturity that did not match a young man at all, as well as an unyielding arrogance, his complexion was ruthless, and his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings.

Needless to say, this boy is also Xiao Song.

It's just that Xiao Song is now wearing a silver battle armor and holding a blood-stained sword in his hand, but there are many wounds all over his body, it seems that he has experienced a lot of battles.

Apart from Xiao Song, there were more than [-] people here, including disciples from the Killing God Hall and elites from the five major armies, but all of them were seriously injured, and some of them were almost unable to hold on.

Now they can only form a tight group, holding weapons one by one, staring straight at the big eyes, not even daring to blink, thus forming the tightest defense circle, keeping their spirits highly concentrated at all times, keeping the most Posture of alertness.

Ga, Ga, ~

The screams from all around were piercing, even accompanied by smug grinning, ghostly shadows flickered, and from time to time one could see some ferocious faces, as if they were close to their faces, laughing at them.

Such mental torture almost makes people feel like they are about to collapse. In this state, they have been kept like statues for two days and two nights, and they are always under the devastation of the will of the soul.

However, they didn't dare to break out at all, because they knew from the bones all over the ground that if they chose to break out, they would end up as companions of those corpses.



With a scream, a soldier of the Tianfeng Legion, who had completely collapsed, shouted in despair and fear: "I'm crazy, I'm going crazy, I'm going to rush out."


The soldier frantically rushed outside the defensive circle.

"Stop, don't go." Xiao Song shouted in shock.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Whoosh, whoosh, ~~

A series of ghostly afterimages rushed over instantly, like hungry wolves pouncing on their food, lightning flashes flashed by, and they pounced on the soldiers in an instant. There was only a scream, and the whole body turned black, and the pupils were deeply sunken. While howling, his whole body twitched violently, as if his soul had been brutally deprived, and in the end even his body was brutally torn apart.

Everyone was astonished and furious, but in the past two days, they had witnessed and understood the horror of these monsters with their own eyes, so even if they saw that the soldier would be devoured alive, they tried their best to save it.

Because these monsters seem to like to devour the souls of warriors very much. When a warrior's soul and will are about to collapse, they will be swallowed by them immediately.

Therefore, those monsters could obviously kill Xiao Song and the others in groups, but for the sake of the delicious soul, they forced Xiao Song and the others to be trapped here to death.

As for Xiao Song and the others before, they also tried to break out of the siege, but every time they broke out, the group of monsters lurking in the darkness would rush out in a swarm, causing them heavy casualties.

The purpose of these monsters is actually very simple, that is, to kill the group of intruders alive, and then destroy their soul will, so as to deprive the warriors of their souls. Anyway, in this place, they can afford this time.

Therefore, in the past two days, after dozens of failed attempts, they could only gather together back to back and maintain the best state of alert at all times, but this is not something that anyone can last for long.

Witnessing the brutal death of his comrades again, a soldier said with red eyes: "Team Captain, since he is trapped here waiting to die, why don't we go out again."

"I can't stand it anymore. If this continues, even if we are not killed, we will be tortured and go crazy."

"Go out, I don't believe that these disgusting things can swallow us whole."

"Even if I die, I don't want to be such a coward."


With a sound, the fighters of the five major legions could no longer calm down and screamed. This situation is an unbearable torture for any warrior.

Only those people in Shashentang still looked cold and angry, and they were the only ones who could maintain their composure.

Xiao Song looked dignified. Ever since he became the leader of a regiment, he had a heavy responsibility. With the strength of the Shashentang, it would not be difficult to rush out, but the soldiers of the five major legions might not be able to keep them.

Of course, killing the God Hall will also pay a big price.

If it wasn't for this concern, Xiao Song would have ordered to break through again.

"Wait a little longer." Xiao Song said solemnly: "I think these monsters will definitely have weaknesses, let's hold on for a while, and when we find the weaknesses of those monsters, we will be able to deal with them, please calm down now, I swear , I will definitely take everyone out of here alive.”

What Xiao Song said was very serious and true.

The restless mood of the crowd finally eased a lot.

Xiao Song gritted his teeth fiercely, in fact, he also understood that if he went on like this, he would not be able to find a way to deal with those monsters, and in the end it would only be a dead end.

Think of this.

Xiao Song's face turned hard, she made up her mind, and said suddenly: "I'll try it."


"The leader can't."


Everyone's expressions changed in surprise, but they saw that Xiao Song had already rushed out.

Standing on the horizontal knife, Xiao Song said arrogantly: "You disgusting things, come at me."


Xiao Song's words made those monsters feel that they had been greatly provoked. The whole black mist surged like a sea wave, and ghostly figures flashed frantically in the black mist with traces of lightning. Get up, the fierce cry is more piercing.

Everyone's whole body was tense, and their eyes were tightly locked on Xiao Song's body, ready to attack at all times. If Xiao Song failed, there is no doubt that they would definitely kill together.

As for the Hall of Killing Gods, let alone, Xiao Song is their young master, the only bloodline left by General Song, they will never watch their young master die.

blah blah, ~~

Sen Leng Dianguang, like a spider's web, spreads all around.

With a sword in his hand, Xiao Song competes in might. Since coming to Thunder Punishment City, he has gone through numerous battle trials and training, and with the advantage of the white tiger blood, Xiao Song has now reached the ninth level of true martial arts, even better than Wu Turning to the river is also a double realm.

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