Yanwu God of War

Chapter 850, Endless Despair

Man in black!

It's the man in black again!

In Ling Tianyu's heart, there is a familiar hatred, so strong!

And the man in black, with his face still unclear, was all over the place cold, looking at Ling Tianyu coldly, feeling as if he was teasing Ling Tianyu as if he was a clown, and said with a sharp smile: "Jie Jie! ~ Despair Come on, struggling in vain will only make you more miserable!"

Ling Tianyu turned a deaf ear, as if he had lost all souls and souls.Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the blood flowed into the river, and the ones lying there were all familiar limbs and corpses.The whole body trembled violently, with blue veins bursting out, Ling Tianyu's face was distorted under extreme anger, becoming extremely ferocious, and bloody light was shining in his eyes.

"Bastard! You deserve to die! No! I'm going to tear you to pieces!" Ling Tianyu roared loudly, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, shaking the sky, and his body was full of demonic aura, billowing in waves.

boom! ~~

The foot shook the flying stone, like a missile, Ling Tianyu burst into anger.

Pushing towards the man in black, the powerful yin and yang force struck his arms again, and the energy that made the space tremble, roaring towards the man in black with unparalleled ferocity.

The man in black still looked proud and indifferent, especially those evil blood eyes, which were full of extreme disdain and contempt, and he didn't take Ling Tianyu in his eyes at all.

"Kill you! Just raise your hand!" the man in black said coldly.

Teng Ran covered it with a palm.

boom! ~~

With an explosion, the space seemed to be shattered, easily destroying Ling Tianyu's attack.

That palm, still plain and fierce, pressed heavily on Ling Tianyu's Tianling Gai.


Ling Tianyu's vision flickered, his brain stared.In the nearly collapsed consciousness, Ling Tianyu roared angrily and unwillingly, but unfortunately the enemy he was facing was too powerful, Ling Tianyu didn't have any ability to resist at all.


Ling Tianyu screamed, and fell rapidly as if falling into an abyss.

next moment!

In a trance, when Ling Tianyu woke up, he seemed to hear in a daze that there seemed to be a riot happening around him, and the sounds of killing and screams were endless.


Ling Tianyu frowned, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

"I... am I dead?" Ling Tianyu muttered to himself, exhausted all over.The successive shocks were about to shatter Ling Tianyu's soul and destroy his will.


Screams of shouts of killing, swords and swords looting, the sharp sound of piercing through the air, seemed to be cruelly harvesting lives, followed by screams, one after another.

Ling Tianyu was stunned, and suddenly sat up.

At first glance, the whole face was completely dull.

Rather, it feels as if Ling Tianyu has been sent to Shura Hell.

In front of him was a huge city, but it was covered with remnants of destruction everywhere.Remnants are everywhere, bloody everywhere, and there are many fuzzy flesh and blood scattered all over the place.


The city was full of smoke and killings.Crowds of people ran in panic, screaming and fleeing wildly, and even saw some women holding babies in their hands, as well as old people struggling to escape while holding on to crutches.These people are all unarmed civilians, and they have no martial arts cultivation.But while they were fleeing, their bodies were torn apart by those cruel flying sword lights, even the newborn babies were not spared.

This method is extremely cruel and inhumane.


Screams, wails, cries... Chaos intertwined, the whole area was full of running figures, and the ground was full of bloody and fallen corpses.This is not killing, but massacre, inhumane massacre!

Ling Tianyu, who hadn't completely cleared his consciousness yet, saw the scene in front of him, he was extremely angry, his eyes were red, and his heart roared. Now he just wants to tear those cruel executioners fiercely.

"You bastards! I don't even have the qualifications to go to hell!" Ling Tianyu said furiously, and stood up abruptly, with a sword in his hand, billowing with anger and murderous aura.

With cold eyes locked on, there were two figures.

Whoosh! ~~

Ling Tianyu rushed over and shouted: "Go to hell!~"

Swinging the sword, Ling Tianyu angrily tore the two figures into pieces.But Ling Tianyu was still dissatisfied, his face was full of evil spirits, and he looked like a fierce spirit.

call out!call out! ~

Several sharp sword strengths struck from all directions.

With a movement of Ling Tianyu's ears, the power in his body lashed out at his whole body. He held the Remnant Blood Sword in one hand, full of evil aura, and held the magic knife in the other hand, with evil aura soaring to the sky, evil and fierce aura combined.

Turn around, swing your sword, and prepare to attack those sneak attackers.

call out! ~~

Swinging the sword and slashing the knife is extremely fierce.


At this moment, that is, when Ling Tianyu really saw the attackers clearly, Ling Tianyu's whole face froze, and he stood there suddenly, his pupils dilated extremely.

These raiders are no longer familiar.

Emperor blood!Wang Xiao!ghost wolf!Tianluo!Beichen Junjie!Xiao Song!Wu Zhuanjiang!There is even the fat man He Yuntao, these are his most trusted brothers.


Emperor Xue and the others were murderous at this moment, and they were killing themselves.What is even more unbelievable is that their strength has become stronger, their faces are expressionless, and they completely regard Ling Tianyu as an enemy.

"You...you..." Ling Tianyu's consciousness that was about to collapse, when he saw these familiar brothers betraying him, Ling Tianyu's heart was about to break, and his soul was about to explode.

As for Di Xue and the others, they were still incomparably ruthless, without any emotion, each holding a sharp weapon, full of murderous aura, and attacked Ling Tianyu together with the most hateful attack.

Ling Tianyu's face was ashen, too disappointed, too painful, and he lost the courage to fight.

boom!boom! ~~

A wave of devastation, raging in the body.


Ling Tianyu vomited blood and flew upside down to the ground.

"cough cough..."

The corner of Ling Tianyu's mouth was bleeding, and he stood up tremblingly.Looking at Dixue and the others, who looked ruthlessly unfamiliar, they looked around again.His heart shuddered again, those who were cruelly killing innocent people were exactly the war-killing twin halls he had cultivated.

They were murderous one by one, like the incarnation of demons, without any emotion, they had been reduced to killing tools one by one, brutally killing those innocent people.

Ling Tianyu's heart was bleeding, and he was about to tear himself apart in pain and anger. He glared at Emperor Xue and the others, and roared, "Why... why... tell me... why is this!"

"Hmph! Why! If it wasn't for saving my life, I wouldn't have surrendered to you! Forget it! Now I'm free! How can I be led by a piece of trash like you!" Emperor Xue snorted coldly.

"Jie Jie! My ghost wolf has always liked freedom, and even more like killing! Now this feeling is what I want most!" Ghost wolf grinned.

"You're just a stinky kid! You dare to think about calling us brothers and sisters! You don't deserve it!" Wang Xiao said ruthlessly.

"Hmph! If it wasn't because of you! I might have become an inner disciple of Tongtian Shengfu now! It was you who ruined my future! I will pay you with your life!" Tian Luo snorted coldly.

"I was originally a demon! I have never had any friendship with you human beings. You brutally killed thousands of my demon brothers! I want to avenge the souls of those dead clansmen!" Beichen Junjie glared at Ling Tianyu with two knives in his hands.

"If it wasn't for you! We wouldn't have left Ghost Mist Abyss either! My father wouldn't have died either! All of this! It's all because of you!" Xiao Song said angrily, with a murderous look on his face.

"Although you have treated me well, you have used me everywhere, wanting me to work for you! All the favors before will be returned in kind! Now I just follow the trend!" Wu Zhuanjiang said indifferently.

"Brother Tian! You know that I am afraid of death, so it's not that I want to betray you, but that I have no choice now!" He Yuntao said with a deadpan face, cold and strange.

Listening to these words, every sentence is heartbreaking.

Ling Tianyu was in pain like a knife, on the verge of collapse, his eyes were red, and he muttered to himself: "No! Impossible! You are all brothers I recognize! You all fight side by side with me! We live and die together! You are all My brothers! How could you betray me! No! I can't accept it! I can't accept it!"

"If you don't accept it, you have to accept it. This is the reality. But I think it should be over! If we kill you, we will be free!" Emperor Xue said coldly, swiping the sharp sword in his hand, and dashed forward to kill.

Wang Xiao and the others didn't hesitate at all, they joined forces to kill Ling Tianyu indifferently and ruthlessly.

"No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Ling Tianyu was still talking wildly, as if he could no longer sense the approaching crisis.

call out!call out! ~

One sword after another pierced through Ling Tianyu's body.


Ling Tianyu was stunned, and woke up from the pain.His body was trembling, blood was flowing from his mouth, he was panting, and he raised his head tremblingly, and all he could see were those familiar faces that had become ruthlessly unfamiliar.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Ling Tianyu suddenly saw a man in black standing in the middle of the sky, with a gloomy face and a sinister grin, staring at Ling Tianyu as if he had succeeded.

"Ha ha···"

Ling Tianyu laughed suddenly, a little crazy.

The death of a lover, the tragic death of a relative, and the ruthless betrayal of a brother, these are indeed a huge blow to Ling Tianyu.But it was these kinds of blows that made Ling Tianyu completely sober.

"Understood! I finally understand!" Ling Tianyu laughed more and more strangely, his blood-colored eyes were full of coldness, and then stared coldly at the man in black in midair.

And the eyes of the man in black were also staring at Ling Tianyu, that playful and teasing smile seemed to be ridiculing and deeply disdainful of Ling Tianyu.


Then, Ling Tianyu laughed out loud.

That kind of laughter feels like a kind of relief, but also like a new life.


The man in black was stunned. He was originally confident, but when he saw Ling Tianyu acting so weirdly and crazy, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart, and he finally felt a little uneasy.

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