Yanwu God of War

Chapter 861, Fighting in the whole city

Lei punished the city.

On the dilapidated plain, the flames of war raged, and the sound of killing was soaring.

Humans and beasts, like two frenzied tides, staged a tragic fight.

roar, roar, ~~

Fierce blood birds, soaring giant pythons, ferocious ligers, violent mammoths, mighty iron bulls, ferocious demon wolves, roaring black bears, countless evil beasts, such as avalanches and tsunamis, come endlessly , all kinds of sharp claws, all kinds of skills, bombarded like a storm.

One after another, the heroic warriors roared to the sky, their eyes were red, and they looked at death as if they were home. They waved the bloody weapons in their hands, rushed forward wave after wave, and then fell down wave after wave.

What's more cruel is that they were either torn to pieces by giant beasts, or trampled into a pulp.


The beast horde is endless, and the five armies have limited strength, so they are not suitable for a protracted battle at all, but they have no way to retreat. Once they retreat, the battle will be lost, and Lei Feicheng will easily break through.

The screams were endless.

Dark shadows are densely packed, coming like a tide, flying in the sky, running on the ground, all kinds of ferocious monsters, rushing to kill them frantically, they are not afraid of death, they seem to be manipulated by some evil will, they will not There is no fear of any kind, and there is no concept of so-called death.

They only know that to kill this humble human warrior in front of them, they just want to tear them into pieces and trample them into meat paste.

Beast roars, screams, continuous.

Some warriors died tragically, and some monsters died tragically, but the strength of the five major legions is limited, and the death of a warrior is equivalent to losing a force, but those evil beasts are endless, and they can't be killed no matter how hard they are.

Not to mention, there are those powerful and ferocious thunder monsters in the sky above, staring at those warriors who are rushing to kill in the sky below, their eyes glow with incomparable hunger, as if they are waiting to harvest those delicious souls .


There were fierce shouts of killing, and the battle was still surging.

Shoo, shoo, ~~

The blood flashed out, and the flesh and blood flew across, leaving behind a disgusting smell of blood, but it was the smell of blood that stimulated those soldiers and monsters to become more ferocious.

From slapstick to killing, from human to demon, war is so inhumane, so cruel, everyone has red eyes, full of evil spirits, under the tragic fighting, no one will fear death.


The sky is changing, dark clouds are pressing down on the sky; the earth is moving, shaking violently, the sky is full of golden drums, the shadows of swords and swords meet each other, and the shadows of killing are mighty, just like a piece of hell on earth.

Although the five legions fought desperately, they were facing too many monsters. Their strength continued to decrease sharply, and their collective strength became weaker. On the contrary, the beast horde became more fierce, murderous and aggressive.

Even though they were fighting hard, after the heroic and tragic death of each soldier, the remaining strength of the five major legions was only more than [-] people, and as far as the eye could see, there were bloody corpses all over the ground.

[-] troops.

How can it resist countless monsters, and the strength and level of those monsters will be different, so the human fighters are destined to be suppressed, and they will continue to be suppressed by the tide of beasts towards the city.

Those archers on the city wall looked at the chaotic and brutal fighting in the sky below, and it was already difficult to distinguish the enemy and our targets clearly.

Leading the general, he threw away his crossbow and held his sword, roaring angrily: "Brothers, let me charge down together, let those sons of bitches go back to the hell area, and kill me,~"


The general swung his sword and rushed down first, rushed into the chaotic fight, and fought fiercely with those ferocious monsters.


Thousands of crossbowmen grasped their sharp weapons one after another, their eyes were red. In order to gain their glory and the dignity of a warrior, they jumped off the city wall one by one and followed the crowd to kill those monsters.


With a loud bang, the city gate was knocked open, and a wave of people rushed out waving various utensils.


These people are actually the common people in the city.

At the critical moment of Thunder Punishment, all the people in the city rushed out angrily. Even though they were not as good as those real fighters, they still had certain strength.

"Protect me from thunder and punish the city,"

"Protect my homeland,"



Those ordinary people dressed in plain clothes also became full of blood. Hundreds of thousands of mighty people, one by one, did not fear death at all, rushed out of the city, followed the soldiers of the five major legions, and fought with those monsters.

ah, ah, ~~

There were more screams, those people were not particularly strong after all, a monster rushed over, and a dozen people were directly torn into flesh and blood.

Even so, those common people still have no fear, and they still go forward bravely. For the belief of their protection, they regard death as home. Even though their strength is meager, they are still willing to take up the weapons in their hands to fight.

Those fighting soldiers saw the tragic death of civilians in front of them, but they still continued to fight desperately, feeling extremely painful in their hearts, and even more guilty.


"Kill these sons of bitches,"


Everyone was angry, their eyes shot bloodshot eyes, fighting spirit rose, roaring angrily, waving the sharp weapons in their hands frantically, swarming up, completely full of extreme hatred, hacking the monster to pieces.

bang, bang, ~~

Xiao Song and the others in the core battle area also felt the change of the situation, and saw that the common people followed the soldiers to fight the enemy bravely.

"You bastards, damn it," Xiao Song roared angrily, shouted wildly, the white tiger appeared intimidating, and the majestic majesty of the beasts directly frightened dozens of monsters nearby.

Under the majesty of the beasts, those monsters trembled.

Xiao Song was furious, riding a saber-toothed tiger, one person and one tiger, perfectly coordinated, beheaded dozens of monsters in a row, were brutally killed, and even the flesh was torn to shreds.


Nearly a hundred real martial arts powerhouses in the Killing God Hall were so murderous that they almost became the most dominant force of the five major legions. A lot of monsters died tragically under the sword of the Killing God Hall.

Xiaosong Hu was shocked, followed by the sabre-toothed tiger with a roar, and rushed into the most chaotic herd of beasts. The Killing God Hall also divided half of its troops and rushed in.


Can be a very powerful force at times.

Xiao Song and the others rushed into the core of the herd, like killing gods protecting their bodies, their faces were full of evil spirits, the weapons in their hands danced wildly, and monsters were beheaded and killed in a flash.

Wu Zhuanjiang, who roams among the beasts, continues to play his one-man show, picking out some monsters that are relatively strong but clumsy in size. Hit the vital point, instant kill.

Boom, boom,~~

In the violent fight, everyone lost their feelings and fought desperately. Under the power brought by anger and hatred, one by one became more brave.

roar, roar, ~~

One after another howling beasts howled, monsters fell to the ground tragically.

The tide of battle seems to be turning around.


The murderous aura shook the sky, and everyone in the city fought crazily. The ferocious beast horde began to be counterpressed gradually. The morale of the crowd continued to rise, and they rampaged, using the sharp weapons in their hands, to kill the monsters in front of them.

They don't know how many monsters are left, and they don't know how long it will take to kill them, but they only know that as long as their lives are still alive, even if there is still one breath left, they will go all out.


The ground was trembling with fear, the smoke and dust billowed, and there were groups of people and beasts who were fighting, and the air was full of those flying lights and cold blood.

Immediately, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and there was a bloody storm, killing the sky and the earth.

The herd was empty.

A series of ruthless figures stood upright, surrounded by blood-colored electric pythons, watching the fight in the sky indifferently, and from the beginning to the end, they all looked at each other coldly, without using a single soldier.

But obviously, the results did not satisfy them.

The beast tide has been attacking for so long, those human fighters not only have no fear, but even become more ferocious, this soul is hard for them to swallow.

The leader of the four monsters is tall and big, with one eye that is cold and blood-red.

These four demons are also the four Thunder Demon guardians under the Thunder Demon King's throne.

Lei En, Lei Sheng, Lei Kuang, and Lei Li all have high-level martial arts cultivation bases, if it is not because they disdain to deal with those low-level warriors, otherwise, with the strength of the four of them, You can kill the five major legions directly.

"Who is interested in meeting that kid down there?" Ren said, with cold eyes, he looked at Xiao Song who was riding a saber-toothed tiger in the lower space, and only Xiao Song made him so interested.

"Based on the level of our Thunder Demon clan, this human kid is nothing more than a Thunder Demon general. I'm not interested in that," Lei Sheng said expressionlessly.

"However, I'm really disappointed when I came out this time. I thought that human beings would be so good, but I didn't expect that a city can't find an opponent who can be interested. Are all human beings so bad?" Lei Kuang said lazily , because their cultivation is dignified, they are not interested in killing those low-level humans.

"Jie Jie, I don't think we need to use any troops at all, the monsters below can kill these humans," Lei Li said with a grin, "However, I hope that there will be some strong human beings who can let me take action." Otherwise, it would be too boring to just watch them fight like this,"

"Hehe, in this way, you are not interested in it anymore, so I'll go down and play," Ren said with one eye, and a serious smile, and then his figure flashed, and he fell into the air with a bloody thunderbolt.

At this time.

Xiao Song is struggling to kill the monster.


A terrifying breath came across the sky, the speed was extremely fast, it was like a bolt of lightning.


It's lightning, bloody.

With a strong breath, it came through the air.

Xiao Song's expression was startled, he swung his saber fiercely, and slashed across in anger.


Electro-optic bursts, strong waves and shocks.

As soon as the knife was touched, Xiao Song suddenly felt numbness in his arms, and a powerful and overbearing thunder and lightning impact shook into his body, his internal organs and six lungs trembled, his Qi and blood churned, and he couldn't stop a mouthful of blood from spurting out. Fly out.

"Okay... so strong~"

Xiao Song propped his knife on the ground, his face full of shock.


The saber-toothed tiger blocked Xiao Song's body, its front paws rubbed against the ground, and it glared at the front with the intention of desperately protecting its master.

Looking at it, a burly handsome Lei Yao, surrounded by dense blood-colored electric pythons, slowly descended from the sky, and then stood in mid-air, looking down at Xiao Song,

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