Yanwu God of War

Chapter 899, The New Emperor Succeeds

After more than ten days!

The almost ruined palace, like everything recovering, has begun to take shape.But in the palace, the invasion is still in pain, after all, the loss of the palace this time is really too heavy.

Almost half of the royal guards died, and many were seriously injured.The elite fighters of the four major legions add up to less than a thousand people.What was even more shocking was that of the eight national defenders, only four remained.

In addition, tens of thousands of innocent people in the palace died.

This is definitely the biggest loss suffered by the Daqing royal family in history.


The overall situation is stable, and the Long family, the killer organization, and the villain forces have all been wiped out.

Ten days later, the mysteriously missing Emperor Qingtian suddenly returned and miraculously survived.


Emperor Qingtian immediately announced the disappearance that shocked the whole country, that is, announced his abdication, and the second prince Qing Guangyi succeeded him on the same day. After that, Emperor Qingtian announced his retirement and retreat, and then disappeared without a trace.

Of course, the real Emperor Qingtian is dead.After the overall situation of the royal family in Daqing is completely stabilized, of course the tomb will be erected, so Qing Guangyi can only reluctantly succeed to the throne now.

After all, a country cannot live without a king.

The sky is clear and the sky is full of morning glow.

In the palace, the sound of thunderous drums shook the sky.

Today is Qing Guangyi's enthronement ceremony.

In the resplendent palace of the king, there is incomparable solemnity. In the main hall, besides some familiar faces, there are also many new faces.These are talented people specially selected by Qing Guangyi from outside the palace to serve as court officials and some important positions.

On both sides of the dragon seat, the four guardians of the country stand majestically.

On the two sides of the main hall, there are five marquis kings and the heads of the five major legions, including Xiao Song.After that came Mu Hen and some courtiers who were loyal to the Daqing royal family.

At this moment, the hall was silent.


A clear voice sounded: "The Great Emperor Jindian!"

"Welcome to the Great Emperor!"

In the main hall, there was a burst of shouts in an orderly manner, and finally all the officials bowed and saluted.

I saw that Qing Guangyi was wearing a brocade robe with dragon patterns and a crown on his head. He had a majestic complexion and eyes like deep stars.

When Qing Guangyi was sitting on the throne, he suddenly felt an inexplicable heaviness, as if his whole body was being pressed down by a boulder, extremely heavy.Especially when facing the ministers for the first time, I feel uneasy.

At this moment, he finally understood that this position was not as easy to sit as he had imagined, and he finally understood how much pressure his father had to bear every day when he sat in this position.

This pressure is also a kind of responsibility, and it must be concurrently with the important task of An Bang and Ding Guo.

After sighing in his heart, Qing Guangyi rectified his face and calmed down, like a majestic statue, sitting and standing as steady as Mount Tai, then raised his eyes to glance around, and solemnly said: "Everyone loves you!"

"Thank God!"

Everyone said loudly, raised their bodies, and stood up straight like a green pine.


Shen Lang, who is very eloquent in Qingguang, said: "Now, our Daqing Dynasty is full of waste. I am very honored to be able to receive your support and inherit the throne. In the future, I hope that our monarchs and ministers will work together for our Daqing Dynasty. , strengthen and secure the people, stabilize the country, prevent any invasion by foreign enemies, and strengthen our Daqing country!"

After a pause, Qing Guangyi said again in a deep voice: "Of course, the state has state laws, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined. Those who make meritorious deeds should be rewarded for their merits, and those who do evil, even if they are the heirs of the emperor, have to be guilty of the same crimes as the sugarcane people. Only Yan Ming Only the national law can stabilize the Daqing country!"

"Emperor Weiming!"

Everyone said loudly that the new emperor succeeded to the throne, full of vitality, and the hearts of the courtiers were boiling.

"En!" Qing Guangyi nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Although our Daqing royal family has suffered a serious setback this time, this king deeply regrets it. However, the evil forces that want to dominate our Daqing royal family and endanger the people have been wiped out. It is an opportunity for our Daqing country to prosper! I hope you will be loyal to the Daqing Dynasty and assist you wholeheartedly!"

"We will definitely assist you faithfully! Consolidate our country!" Everyone said loudly, and they really roared out in one breath, all of them looked excited, like soldiers fighting in a battlefield, their blood boiling.

Qing Guangyi was quite satisfied, and raised his hand and said: "This time our Daqing is in danger, and all the generals and ministers in the court tried their best to protect them, and they should be rewarded for their merits. For those who did it, King Chengfeng, bestowed the title of Prince of Zhen ! Rank the head of princes, under the emperor!"

King Chengfeng's face was startled, and he was very surprised, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Great Emperor! From now on, Cheng will try his best to be loyal and assist loyally. If he has two hearts, he will be struck by lightning and die without a whole body!"

"Hehe, Uncle Wang, it's serious." Qing Guangyi smiled, and even let go of his identity as the Great Emperor, and said with a sincere smile: "In terms of seniority, you are my Uncle Wang, how dare I doubt your loyalty."

King Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that Qing Guangyi would call himself "Uncle Wang" in front of his courtiers.Even if they are blood relatives, they cannot lower their status.


It also strengthened King Chengfeng's loyalty to assisting the new emperor.


The various princes and courtiers also received their respective conferments.Obtained a higher status, if the status did not rise, they also received rewards from foreign objects and fiefdoms.

In this way, stabilize the minister's heart.

At last!

Qing Guangyi looked at Xiao Song and said, "Tie Xiao Song listens!"

"The minister is here!" Xiao Song stepped out.

"Your iron tooth army has made countless contributions to our Daqing Dynasty. This time, it is an indispensable contribution to saving our Daqing Dynasty from danger again." Qing Guangyi said, and then With a sigh of regret, he said again: "Sigh, General Song and all the heroes of the iron tooth army who died were killed by traitors. This king is deeply saddened. For this reason, this king will revive your iron tooth army. The name of the Tianfeng Legion was changed to the Iron Fang Legion, and you will take over as the head of the regiment, and then you will be granted the title of prince, named King Ming, and a king-level city as your fief."

King Songming!

Everyone was shocked, and the royal family bestowed the title of prince, which is nothing in the history of the Daqing royal family.

When Xiao Song heard this, she was also shocked, and even forgot to thank her.

Qing Guangyi was no different, and said in a low voice: "Of course, this reward is definitely not enough to make up for what your Iron Fang Army has done for our Daqing Dynasty. All this king can do is to praise the deceased. The general and all the heroes, build a tombstone as the tomb of heroes. In this way, I hope to pay homage to the dead heroes, and the spirits in heaven can rest in peace!"

Hear it!

Xiao Song trembled all over, her lips twitched, and she thought painfully: "Father! Have you all seen it? I did it! I really did it! I will never let you down! Vibrate the mighty wind of the Iron Fang Army! Megatron the world!"

Think of this!

Xiao Song bowed his hands and saluted, saying: "Thank you, Great Emperor! From now on, I will definitely lead the Iron Fang Army! Be loyal to the country and protect the Daqing country! I will never let any enemy power! Invade our Daqing Dynasty!"

in this way!

The royal family is unified, the monarch and his ministers are united, and the general trend is set.

Near future!

Daqing Kingdom will truly become the overlord of Xizhou!

Of course, there is someone who will never forget.

That is "Xiao Tian"!

It was also Xiaotian who truly protected the entire Daqing Kingdom.

In their hearts, they already exist like patron saints.


at this time!

During Qing Guangyi's enthronement ceremony, Ling Tianyu was not present, but hid in a cave, quietly accompanying Xue Linglong.Looking at the sad and beautiful face in front of him, the expression of silence, Ling Tianyu's heart seemed to be bleeding all the time.

Back then, he had witnessed with his own eyes that his beloved woman died in front of his eyes, and he was helpless.

Now, it is another woman who is infatuated with herself. In order to save her soul, she sacrifices her soul regardless of everything. Ling Tianyu feels that the debt of love she owes is too much.


Ling Tianyu shook his hand, and a blood-colored unicorn shield appeared. He could clearly feel the familiar aura coming from the blood-colored unicorn shield, and felt that Xue Linglong's shadow was always by his side.

"Linglong..." Ling Tianyu's heart trembled, and he swung the blood unicorn shield heavily, his eyes were red with painful tears, and he said softly: "You were born with Linglong's soul, and you will be named Linglong Shield from now on. .Linglong, let us fight together from now on. One day, I will definitely resurrect you, and we will be together for the rest of our lives! Never leave!"

As if sensing Ling Tianyu's heart, Linglong Shield trembled violently.

Ling Tianyu was taken aback, and asked stupidly: "Linglong, you can hear my call? Can you?"

But soon, Linglingdun returned to calm again.

Ling Tianyu was extremely disappointed, worried and painful: "So, it's just my illusion."


An old man's voice sounded: "Master, is it convenient to come in?"

"Tianlao?" Ling Tianyu woke up startled, and called out: "No need to intervene, just come in if you have anything to do."


Tianquan walked in and saw Ling Tianyu hugging Xue Linglong, with red eyes and bitterness in his heart, he shook his head and sighed secretly, comfortingly said: "Linglong is not a confidante, I believe Linglong will be resurrected after living in Lingmen .”

"En..." Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, his face was lifeless, and he couldn't help asking: "Old man, why are you looking for me?"

Tianquan thought for a few times, and then said seriously: "Master, during the days when you were in a coma, because you have been busy with your affairs, you didn't deal with some things. Originally, after you woke up, Master, you wanted to I want to tell you, but because of Linglong's matter, I can only delay it for a few days."

"What is it?" Ling Tianyu frowned.

"It's about Luoyang Kingdom." Tianquan said solemnly: "A few days ago, there were activities of the Ye Yao Clan in Yanyue Kingdom, and a few days ago, Yanyue Kingdom suddenly sent troops to invade Luoyang Kingdom. It’s definitely those monsters. Although we don’t know what those monsters are up to, a branch of our secret door in Yanyue Kingdom has been eliminated!”

"What?" Ling Tianyu's expression changed.

"Well, as for the specific news, we can't detect it now, because the border between Luoyang Kingdom and Yanyue Kingdom is blocked by an unknown atmosphere. Because we can't get away, the headquarters also sent people to investigate. But none of them came back alive." Tianquan said solemnly: "Now we have lost the power of a branch hall, and the strongest blood training hall in the branch hall is lurking in Luoyang Kingdom. When the news came, I wonder what decision the sect master has made?"

Ling Tianyu pondered for a long time, if the Ye Yao clan really got involved, it would be too unusual.Luoyang country is just a small country, why bother to go to war so much, it feels like it is deliberately directed at him.

"Let's do this, the secret door will not move for now, I'll go and investigate it!" Ling Tianyu said.

"Well, that's fine, but the main thing is to be careful in everything." Tianquan reminded cautiously.

"Yes, then when I'm not around, help me take care of Linglong." Ling Tianyu said, caressing that delicate face with one hand, reluctantly.

"Don't worry, in my heart, I already regard her as my own granddaughter." Tianquan said gently.

"En." Ling Tianyu nodded, gently put down Xue Linglong, and then thought fiercely: "Duan Tianqi! If this is really your idea! This meeting! I will kill you!"

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