Yanwu God of War

Chapter 902, Stone Demon

Peng!Peng! ~~

There were repeated explosions, and pieces of flesh flew across the air. Pieces of human and wolf bodies were brutally torn apart.

Immediately, the stumps were broken, and the blood flowed like a river.


Everyone's eyes were red, and they danced wildly with the swords in their hands, beheading the hungry wolves to the ground.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~~ Arrows rained down like a hail of bullets, and the hungry wolves that were hit by the impact fell down in waves.

Roar!Roar! ~~The blood-fanged wolves were hacked and smashed by various sharp weapons, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place.

High morale!

For the desire to become a hero, everyone is full of enthusiasm and fearless of death.Although those hungry wolves have strong individual fighting power, Luoyang has hundreds of thousands of troops.The wolves retreated steadily and were killed in pieces.

Looking down, on the huge flat hill, there are all those bloody corpses.But it was obvious that the number of those hungry wolves died was much higher, and they fell head by head in a pool of blood.

Boom!Boom! ~~Luo Xiongde hammered the big drum with all his strength, and the golden drum flew up to the sky. When the king came to the battlefield in person, he even beat the drum to cheer for the soldiers, and the soldiers became more passionate.Roaring, fighting vigorously, fighting.

One by one, they almost became blood men, extremely ferocious.It feels like they have changed from humans to ferocious beasts, beheading those hungry wolves ferociously, and no one is afraid of death anymore.

What is still eye-catching is that the children of the Ling family are extremely powerful, and most of them are in the Xuandan realm in terms of individual strength, or at least surpass the Xuanyin realm.It has completely become the dominant force, and has assembled a powerful force with the forces of the major families. It has been smashing all the way, driving straight in, and killing a bloody path.

Roar!Roar! ~~ Pieces of painful wailing, the corpses of wolves are falling down all the time.

Although many warriors died tragically, it still did not affect them. Instead, they were stimulated by the death of their companions and became even more ferocious.

In the sky above, Lian Shou and the others watched the battle quietly, but their vision did not focus on the fierce battle in the sky below.If even this group of hungry wolves couldn't deal with it, then Luoyang Kingdom would really be ruined.

Looking at it, Yanyue Kingdom's million-strong army stood majestic and ruthless.They were also paying attention to the battle situation, but they stood still. It was obvious that they wanted to use those hungry wolves to wear down Luoyang's combat power.

Originally, the military strength was far stronger than that of the Luoyang country. Although the Luoyang army has suppressed the wolves, they still suffered more than ten thousand casualties.This is also a big blow to the Luoyang army.


"Kill all these bastards!"

······ The roar again and again, one by one, the eyes were red, full of bloody blood, cracking wildly, swords and swords, flesh and blood, and the bloody wolf continued to die.


With a shout of anger, Ling Tianlong jumped down and swung his sword down.Terrifying profound strength swept out a tyrannical sword glow, and rushed past, dozens of blood-fanged wolves were left dead on the spot.

look up!

Ling Tianlong opened his eyes to look at it, and in front of him, a general wearing a fiery red armor coldly raised the big sword in his hand, then looked coldly at Ling Tianlong and the others, and shouted: "Kill!~ "

boom! ~~ There was a loud noise, and in the horizon, billows of dust rose up at the junction of the sky and the earth, and the iron hooves stepped as if the whole sky and the earth were trembling.Powerful fighters galloped over, like billowing black clouds.

The ground shook violently.

Yanyue Kingdom's million-strong army finally dispatched.

Right now, all the hungry wolves were beheaded.

All of them were covered in dirty blood, stopped their movements, followed the earth-shattering vibrations, and looked forward.Then he was surprised to see that the mighty army of Yanyue Kingdom approached ferociously like a galloping giant wolf.

boom! ~~ Like thunder, murderous aura all over the sky, like black clouds pressing down on the top, rolling mad sand, rushing towards.That monstrous murderous aura and mighty fighting aura were far stronger than Luoyang's million-strong army.

This run!

The earth was really shaking, although everyone was full of blood, but when they saw the enemy's million-strong force, they held the weapons in their hands very tightly, and it was impossible to say in their hearts that they were not afraid.

However, if in any case, it is a death in the end.

Then, they will all want to be heroes, and their names will last forever.

Ling Tianlong's expression was serious, he exchanged a glance with Wu Zhen, and nodded fiercely.

"Warriors! Witness that your most glorious moment is coming! Warriors who want to be heroes! Just follow me and kill them! Kill all the beasts of the enemy!" Wu Zhen roared.

boom! ~~The ferocious Luoyang army, led by Wu Zhen, was not afraid of a strong enemy, and charged forward with a wave of their weapons.

Not to be outdone, Ling Tianlong waved his sword and shouted: "Let go of the fear in your hearts, just like we killed those beasts just now! Drive these beasts! Drive them to hell! Kill!~"


The sound of killing shook the sky, and the alliance army rushed away.

Although Qin Tian didn't want his family's children to die, but those terrifying strong men in the sky were staring at him, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, blend in with the crowd, and rush to kill them.

"The city is here and the people are here! Fight to the end!"

Luo Xiongde was also beating the big drum with all his might, his whole body was full of enthusiasm, just waiting for a moment, Luo Xiongde would also lead the army down.

The people in the city can only hide in the city in fear and pray silently.But there were still many courageous civilians who picked up weapons that could be used, and tens of thousands of city residents rushed out.

Almost, the whole country fought.

On the bloody plain, the two armies clashed.

boom!boom! ~~ With a bang, countless sword glows pierced the air back and forth, and a Taoist body was pierced through by the attacks of countless sword glows, and died tragically on the spot.

The Huoyan Guard headed by the enemy army is particularly vicious, with fire in their weapons.A sharp sword light, carrying terrifying flames, rushed over overwhelmingly.

rumble! ~~Thousands of Luoyang soldiers were wiped out and died instantly.

Boom!Boom! ~~ The iron cavalry stepped, the sword rose and the knife fell, and the soldiers of Luoyang Kingdom were ruthlessly beheaded.The Huoyan Guard with a strength of [-] troops, together with an army of nearly a million, was extremely ferocious and mighty, and when they first confronted each other, the Luoyang army fell in a wave.

Seeing the tragic deaths of many brothers, Wu Zhen was furious. He gripped his long sword angrily, and charged towards the leader of the Flame Guards, that mighty and tall middle-aged man in the flame-colored armor.

To capture a thief, first capture the king, and behead the general among the ten thousand armies.

Everyone understands this truth.

But that middle-aged man saw Wu Zhen swinging his sword to kill him, his face was calm, and he stayed where he was, but his cold eyes were full of extreme disdain.

call out! ~~The long sword is like a trace, coming fiercely.

At that moment, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the middle-aged man.

True vitality!

This is true energy!

The symbol of the real martial arts powerhouse!

In this Luoyang country, there is no real martial arts expert!

Wu Zhen's face changed in horror, and he felt the horror of this breath.

boom! ~~ There was an explosion, and the sword energy dispersed.Even the dozens of warriors who were nearby couldn't bear the arrogance of the real martial arts powerhouse at all, and were directly shattered, leaving no scum left.


Wu Zhen spat out blood, flew hundreds of meters upside down, and fell to the ground, dying, completely losing his fighting power.


Everyone's face changed drastically, looking at the general of Huo San, full of fear.

The man in the fire armor, with a grim expression on his face, shouted like thunder: "Kill! Don't leave any piece of armor!"

boom! ~~Thousands of horses are galloping, terrifying people and horses rushing madly with fierce light.

ah!ah! ~Screams of screams, the warriors of Luoyang Kingdom are not an enemy at all, and they died tragically one after another.

"Brother Lian! Is it time to take action! The army of Luoyang Kingdom is almost unable to hold on!" Peng Ziyuan asked heavily. The army of Yanyue Kingdom is so fierce, even if Luoyang Kingdom has several times more troops, it can only be defeated. To kill.

After all, the strength between the two armies is not at the same level at all.

"Take a hair to move the whole body, the monster clan forces are eyeing us. But it seems that we have to wait for reinforcements to help, obviously there is little hope." Lian Shou sighed helplessly, the news has not been successfully conveyed so far.And even if the secret door headquarters felt abnormal, the war was already in full swing, and it couldn't be over.

"Oh~ that's the only way to go!" Peng Ziyuan sighed.

"En!" Lian Shou nodded heavily, his eyes widened, and he shouted coldly: "Kill! Swallow them at the fastest speed!"


The crowd responded.


Lian Shou and Peng Ziyuan rushed down in an instant, both of them are strong in the Martial Gang Realm.

boom!boom! ~~Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the two fell heavily into the enemy army, and the terrifying aura almost turned into a sweep.Thousands of enemy warriors were shattered and exploded to death.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~~ The masters of Xueliantang and Ziyun Villa, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushed down in all directions.They all have at least reached the cultivation base of the Xuandan realm.

Boom!Boom! ~~ Every time a sword is released, it is almost a sweep, and hundreds of warriors die tragically.


The forces of Xueliantang and Ziyun Villa felt like a butcher entered the slaughterhouse with a butcher's knife, and killing those warriors was as simple as cutting tofu.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very excited and excited.


The fighting spirit soared, and everyone fought wildly.

Boom! ~~ Blooming lotuses, raging winds, Lian Shou and Peng Ziyuan, if you release the wind, you can instantly kill a dozen people.The masters of Xueliantang and Ziyun Villa are also extremely fierce.

Their goal is also very simple, to devour Yanyue Kingdom's million-strong army as quickly as possible.Then deal with the possible potential monster clan forces next, so it will be easy.

of course!

The situation did not last long!

boom!boom! ~~ On the ground, gravel exploded, and terrifying breaths rushed from the ground.

Roar!Roar! ~ There was a roar like thunder, and in the cracked ground, everyone saw in horror that huge figures, tens of thousands of them, burst out of the ground.The whole body is made of rock, and the eyes are evil.

Stone demon!

The legendary rock monster!

Boom!Boom! ~~Those stone demons that broke out of the ground directly rushed towards the masters of Xueliantang and Ziyun Villa.What is horrifying is that these stone demons are at least above the Xuanyin realm, and most of them are at the Xuandan realm, and there are even hundreds of them that have reached the true martial realm.


Even the stone demon appeared!

"Stone demon!"

Lian Shou and Peng Ziyuan's expressions changed in surprise. This is a legendary monster with attributes. It is not only powerful, but also has a defensive power that can be called steel and is difficult to break.


Roar! ~~ There was another roar, and the stone broke the sky.

rumble! ~~ The ground shook, and in the direction within a few miles, a huge shadow like a mountain top rose from the ground.That huge figure covered the sky and the sun, reaching several tens of feet.

In an instant!

The entire battlefield was silent, and pairs of pupils stared at the giant shadow in horror.

No doubt!

This giant should be the king of the stone demon clan.

Looking further, it is unbelievable that there are several charming landscapes on the broad shoulders of the stone demon king.There are four fairy-like women standing pretty while stroking the pipa.


On top of the Stone Demon King's head, a woman in a long pink dress was stroking a black guqin with both hands, and the lower half of her face was covered with a mysterious veil.Although it was far away, that extraordinary temperament directly fascinated thousands of men.


But what made people shudder was that that beautiful woman was actually sitting on top of the stone demon king.

The woman in pink glanced coldly, the cold air was overwhelming.Those terrifying eyes, even from such a long distance, can deeply feel the chill that can shake the soul.

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