Yanwu God of War

Chapter 963, Demon Master


Ling Tianyu exhaled secretly, keeping his feet on the ground.

Without further ado, King Beichen must be rescued as soon as possible.


Looking around, Ling Tianyu's entire face shook violently.


In the darkness ahead, a figure was hanging.Iron chains were tied to the limbs and necks, and the body was suspended in mid-air.His hair was disheveled, his face was covered with blood, his clothes had been stripped off, and his body was already bloody.

At first glance, it was almost impossible to tell the difference between human appearance, the whole body was devastated and bruised, and not every piece of skin was intact anyway.

One word!


Even, it was too miserable!

Inductively, the breath is extremely weak.But what is certain is that this figure has an aura that Ling Tianyu is familiar with, which belongs to the northern wolf clan.

"King Beichen?" Ling Tianyu was stunned, and his heart was filled with anger.It's hard to imagine that King Beichen is in such a miserable state. If he takes him back, how should Ling Tianyu explain to Junjie Beichen?

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu clenched his fist fiercely and penetrated into the flesh and blood.

Li Huo's restriction was broken, which already caused a commotion. Ling Tianyu didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed to King Beichen with a big stride, saying, "Uncle! I'm Beichen Junjie's friend! I'm here to save you! "

It seems that King Beichen heard a little movement, and his eyes, which were covered with blood and viscous liquid, showed a gap slightly.His feet trembled and he struggled to say something.

"Uncle! Don't worry! You'll be fine soon!" Ling Tianyu said, the magic knife appeared in his hand, and the power of the demon spirit was mobilized in an instant. The chain is cut off.

clang! ~~

What surprised Ling Tianyu was the crisp sound of gold and iron, the iron chain was made of unknown material, but with his full strength, he didn't even break the iron chain without a single crack.

"Impossible!" Ling Tianyu was furious, feeling dozens of powerful auras approaching rapidly from all directions.

Ling Tianyu's expression became ruthless, he gritted his teeth, and tried his best to make up the knife again.

"Master! Be careful!" Xiaosheng called out suddenly.


It's too late!

Bang! ~~

This slash with the knife seemed to have touched some kind of restriction on the iron chain, and a strange blue flame, like a flying snake, attacked Ling Tianyu's body ferociously.

"Leave the fire!"

Ling Tianyu's face changed in shock, this was obviously the power of Li Huo.

too fast!

It was very difficult for Ling Tianyu to react.

chi chi! ~~

One after another Lihuo flying snakes, although Ling Tianyu tried his best to dodge, they still hit Ling Tianyu's arms.As soon as it landed on Ling Tianyu's flesh, as if corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid, Ling Tianyu's arms were pierced with a blood hole.

Moreover, like a poisonous cell, after eroding into Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood, it continued to crazily corrode and devour Ling Tianyu.


Ling Tianyu let out a cry of pain, hurriedly transported the corpse fire in his body, and swelled his whole body.

It is also fortunate that the corpse fire has evolved to reach the holy fire level corpse fire, which can barely suppress the corrosion of Lihuo.Ling Tianyu immediately mobilized the strength in his body and drove Li Huo out.

Unexpectedly, the power of Lihuo was so terrifying that even Ling Tianyu's powerful body defense couldn't resist it.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~~

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, dozens of Lihuo flying snakes attacked Ling Tianyu like bullets.

"damn it!"

Ling Tianyu cursed loudly, while transporting the immortal evil soul to heal his injuries, he vigorously flashed the attack of the Lihuo Flying Snake.Ling Tianyu couldn't get close at all, but he could. The iron chains on King Beichen's body had already been restrained, and as long as he attacked, he would be triggered by a certain restraint, releasing Lihuo attack.


More than a dozen Sirius warriors rushed in!


"Ugh! Human!"


The faces of those Sirius warriors suddenly changed, and then, as if they saw a deep enemy, they waved the demon weapons in their hands, fiercely forcing Ling Tianyu's body to charge towards him.

Ling Tianyu turned hard, and said coldly: "It's just in time!"

With a wave of his hand, Ling Tianyu directly sucked two of the Sirius warriors towards him, then used them as shields, rushed towards King Beichen, and slashed at the iron chain with a vigorous slash.


The loud sound of metal colliding may be due to touching the Lihuo restraint, the hardness of the iron chain was obviously weakened, and the knife cut it, and it actually broke in half.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~~

At the same time, more than a dozen Lihuo flying snakes burst out like lightning.

The two Sirius warriors who were used as shields by Ling Tianyu stared in horror, let out a miserable howl, and were directly hit by the Lihuo Flying Snake, instantly being burned to death.

along with!

Ling Tianyu jumped back and stretched his heavy area, which directly restricted the mobility of those Sirius warriors.

"It's here! Then be my stepping stone!" Ling Tianyu yelled coldly, and forcibly sucked the Sirius warriors over, using their bodies as shields, and then smashed them one after another. That chain.

what!what! ~~

With one scream after another, the Sirius soldiers died screaming in pain.What made them angry and unwilling was that they were actually used as stepping stones by Ling Tianyu.

clang!clang! ~

One slash after another, every time the slash was passed, the Sirius warrior died tragically.


Almost there!


Ling Tianyu rushed the five Sirius warriors who rushed to the prison door one after another. Before they realized it, they were pitifully sucked by Ling Tianyu's magnetic field.

Approaching King Beichen, Ling Tianyu yelled, "Fengshen Zhan!"

call out! ~~

Slashing with a knife, it is like piercing through the air, the air roars, and the space cracks.

boom! ~~

A knife fell on the iron chain, and there was a loud noise, and the successive iron chains exploded like glass shattering.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of Lihuo exploded like fireworks, fierce like sea water, roaring and raging along the surroundings.

Some kind of blue sparks flashed violently from the five Sirius warriors, as if aware of the impending death of despair, Gesti howled: "No!~"

boom! ~~

The wave of Lihuo ruthlessly engulfed the past, and the five Sirius warriors were instantly wiped out, not even scum left.

Of course, Ling Tianyu also had to dodge three points from the impact of the fire.The whole figure is like a gecko, jumping up and sticking to the stone wall of the cell.Looking down, King Beichen had already fallen to the ground.


Ling Tianyu's expression brightened, and his magnetic field moved, trying to attract King Beichen.

It's only half empty!


A black shadow blocked it, followed by a hoarse old man's voice: "I expected you to come, but I didn't expect you to be so courageous that you dared to break into this place!"

Teng Ran!

A skinny palm struck out, and thunder shouted: "Black Storm!~"

boom! ~~

A small dark storm contained extremely terrifying power, covering the spatial area where Ling Tianyu was located like a wave, not even giving Ling Tianyu a chance to teleport through space.

Ling Tianyu's expression changed, and he could only chop away with a wave.

boom! ~~

There was a loud noise, and the entire Sirius prison was violently shaken, and the wall where Ling Tianyu was located was cracked and shattered. The terrifying shock wave directly smashed Ling Tianyu's knife strength, and violently struck Ling Tianyu's body.

There was a "boom"!

Ling Tianyu's qi and blood were churning, and he almost couldn't hold back his breath, and his whole body was splashed by the gravel, and he dodged in panic.

"So strong!"

The corner of Ling Tianyu's mouth was bleeding.

call! ~~

A black shadow fell down. It turned out to be an ugly old man. His face was like a corpse, covered with jet-black wrinkles. Haunted by an evil atmosphere of darkness.

"Master! This old guy is a demon master!" Xiaosheng said via voice transmission.

"Demon Master!? What the hell?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Demon masters are demon masters with dark attributes. These demon masters are born with dark spiritual fire. For example, the Lihuo that the master hit just now is the dark sacred fire controlled by him!" Xiaosheng hurriedly explained.

"I see." Ling Tianyu nodded secretly.

"Master, you must be careful, this demon master is more terrifying than imagined." Xiaosheng solemnly reminded.


Ling Tianyu's face was solemn, in fact, he could feel the horror of this demon master without Xiao Sheng reminding him, just because he could hurt Ling Tianyu with a single strike.Even strong men like the sword demon can hardly hurt Ling Tianyu, which is enough to prove the horror of this demon master.

And this sorcerer is also Guilao.

It was a terrifying figure that even the Snow Wolf King was afraid of.

"Human beings! Catch them without letting go!" Ghost Dragon said coldly, the bony black pupils were like a ghostly cave, reflecting a terrifying forest glow.Like a poisonous snake, staring at Ling Tianyu.

"It's a joke! Just because you, an old man, is not qualified!" Ling Tianyu snorted coldly, the corpse fire in his body rioted, he flipped his palm, and directly blasted a wave of corpse fire, rolling towards Gui Lao.

"Corpse fire!"

The ghost boss was astonished, and said in horror: "A mere human! How can he control the corpse fire!"

"Unfortunately, that's the truth!" A cold voice sounded, under the impact of the corpse fire, Ling Tianyu had already merged into the corpse fire, holding the magic knife angrily, and slashed violently when the corpse fire swept past past.


To Ling Tianyu's dismay, facing such a ferocious attack from him, the old ghost stood still.Especially those dark and deep eyes, Ling Tianyu saw some kind of familiar eyes.

That is, a kind of disdain and contempt!

Because, when Ling Tianyu dealt with the enemy, he also used this kind of look.

Therefore, this kind of eyes full of extreme confidence and disdain made Ling Tianyu feel afraid.But Ling Tianyu couldn't stop. At the last moment of the attack, when the heavy area was opened, he imposed a huge pressure on Gui Lao.


Ling Tianyu seems to be going to succeed!


Gui Lao raised his head, stared at him coldly, and said in an extremely hoarse and piercing voice like a ghost: "Sure enough! It's a pity that you are far from being the old man's match!"


The ghost dragon quickly raised the skeleton wooden stick, spun around like lightning, and then shook violently.

"Time and space distortion!"

A majestic voice sounded, it felt like an ancient spell was being chanted.

at that moment!

Ling Tianyu was shocked to see that the space in front of him was distorted!

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