Yanwu God of War

Chapter 981: The Tragedy of King Beichen

The audience was as quiet as a cemetery.

Under the signal of the Sirius King, in a dark and narrow opening of the square, several figures dragged their powerful steps and slowly walked from the darkness.

Because it was too quiet, one could clearly hear the rattling sound of the iron chain being dragged. It was so loud and piercing that everyone felt their hearts tugging.

At this moment.

Everyone in the audience was staring at the narrow dark opening, even Nanyang Luotian's expression became serious, only Sirius King's entire face was filled with cruelty.

Ling Tianyu's face was tense, and he secretly clenched his fists, but now is not the time to be impulsive.


In the secret mouth, two tall figures first appeared, they were two upper body naked Sirius warriors, rough and violent, both of them had a vicious look.

Moreover, the whole body has a very murderous aura, which is the kind of violent murderous aura that only the executioner in charge of executing the death criminal will have.

And those two executioners each had a long black iron chain hanging on their hands, and as they pulled the iron chain like this, a bloody figure gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

This look.

Everyone was stunned, why not say a miserable word.

That figure just collapsed on the ground, disheveled, covered in dirt, bruises all over, and bloody all over, obviously suffering unbearable torture, just lying on the ground like this, letting the two crooks The executioner dragged it out.

The audience was silent.

Ling Tianyu was startled, and even Junjie Beichen in the crowd had a dull expression, but he hadn't seen his face clearly yet, and he couldn't be sure if he was King Beichen.

But when he saw Sirius King, a cold and cruel smile appeared on his face inadvertently.

at last.

Those two executioners dragged the body to the center of the square, hung it directly on the wooden frame, hung it so high, pierced the collarbone, and couldn't move, just when the body was lifted slightly. When he raised his head.

In an instant.

An incomparably dazzling flash came into everyone's eyes.

King Beichen.

It was really King Beichen.

Although his face was covered with blood, he could still tell that this person was King Beichen, but he saw that King Beichen had long since lost his vigor and arrogance, as if he had lost a shell of his soul, and his eyes were empty and lifeless.

It's hard to imagine that King Beichen, who used to be so powerful in all directions, would become a prisoner, tortured by torture, and all his majesty and dignity were ruthlessly trampled on.


Ling Tianyu's face twitched, and a surge of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

"Father...Father..." Beichen Junjie was completely stunned, his face became extremely stiff, his eyes were immediately bloodshot, veins burst out all over his body, his heart felt like a knife was twisted, and he was extremely angry.

Unable to bear it, Beichen Junjie couldn't help but wanted to explode.

"Don't be impulsive," Xiao Jin, who had become the size of a small earthworm, climbed out from Beichen Junjie's left shoulder, approached Beichen Junjie's ear, and said solemnly: "If you act rashly now, then my boss will arrange it carefully." all the plans of yours will go to waste, and you will do nothing but harm your father,"


Beichen Junjie's mood eased a lot, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "Don't worry, I will not be so impulsive for the sake of the overall situation."

Even though he said so, Beichen Junjie's hands were already clenched with blood due to too much force, and at this moment, he wished to smash the Sirius King's body into thousands of pieces.

As for Nanyang Luotian and the others, seeing King Beichen in such a miserable state, they sighed helplessly in their hearts. Although their relationship with King Beichen was not harmonious, they were not particularly comfortable seeing the end of King Beichen who was once powerful in the demon realm. .

After all, King Beichen is also one of the clan kings of the Great Monster Tribe.

The Sirius King secretly sneered, because the news of the Sirius King's disastrous defeat, no matter it was true or not, did discredit the Sirius King, and now the major tribes are not convinced of him in private, so the Sirius King wanted to take this opportunity , Let's kill chickens and monkeys, so as to scare others.

Moreover, the most important purpose, the Sirius King wanted to force the human and the half-demon to show up.

At this time.

The Sirius King stood up, glanced at the audience, and then his cold gaze finally fell on King Beichen, and he asked solemnly, "King Beichen, are you guilty?"

King Beichen.

The audience booed secretly. After all, there are still many people who don't know King Beichen, not to mention that King Beichen is still in such a mess, it is even more difficult to recognize, so it was just a guess before.

After being certified by the Sirius King himself, everyone was finally confirmed, but none of them felt that happy feeling, only pity, a kind of pity and sympathy for the lonely king.

Faced with Sirius King's scolding question, Beichen King seemed to have lost his soul, turned a deaf ear, hung his head, and was extremely lonely, but his bloodshot eyes were full of deep anger and unwillingness, as well as a trace of worry .

The Sirius King looked cold, and felt that the atmosphere on the field was exactly the opposite of what he had expected, and felt very unhappy in his heart, so he said in a deep voice, "Just because you don't speak, doesn't mean you're innocent,"

After a pause, the Sirian Wolf King shouted at all the tribal demons in the audience: "Beichen King, colluded with humans, and even combined with humans, and gave birth to a half-human, half-demon beast, so defiled us! The noble blood of the demon wolf clan, you say, is he guilty or not?"

The great momentum and the strength of the power directly brought up the atmosphere on the field.


The audience roared, looking like their blood was boiling.

The Sirius King's complexion darkened, he smiled secretly, and then said loudly: "King Beichen colluded with humans, and he has the blood of the demon clan, but he did not hesitate to stand on the standpoint of despicable humans, intending to endanger our clan, and even violated our great demon clan. The will of the big monster clan, wanting to destroy our big monster clan's hegemony plan, then you say, is he guilty?"


The audience responded again, becoming outraged.

Originally, there was regret and sympathy for Beichen Wang, a strong man, but now he hated it.

"Okay, King Beichen is actually guilty, so tell me, should he die now," Sirius King's tone became low.





Roaring again and again, the anger rushed to the sky, and the ferocious faces became more ferocious, baring their teeth and claws, as if they wished to eat King Beichen.

I have to admire that the Sirius King is indeed poisonous enough to mobilize everyone's resentment towards King Beichen at once. This is also rooted in the monster clan's rejection and hatred of humans.

As for Nanyang Luotian and the others, they could only keep silent, but for the cruelty and dictatorship of the Sirius King, in the hearts of all the kings, none of them would be happy.

After all, they are also greedy, they also have dignity, and they also have ambitions. If they really want to submit to Sirius King in the future, I am afraid that no tribal king will be willing.

Faced with the voices of all the big tribes, the Sirius King was very satisfied, then his face turned cruel, and he said coldly: "It was King Beichen who was guilty, so this king, in the name of the great wolf god, killed King Beichen. This traitor who endangered our family is to be burned,"


It is to burn with fire and die in pain.

Ling Tianyu was stunned. Before the execution of King Beichen, he must be rescued first, so that Ling Tianyu could have no worries, so he asked secretly: "Little Saint, do you feel any problem with King Beichen, for example, there is something wrong with him? There is no special prohibition,"

"Well, the tungsten iron chain bound to King Beichen's body is very strong. It has passed through the veins of King Beichen's muscles and bones. Moreover, there seems to be a residual Lihuo restraint on the tungsten iron chain. If it is triggered, the Lihuo restraint will disappear It will be burned directly from King Beichen's body, and with his current physique, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand the erosion of Lihuo at all, and will be wiped out in ashes," Xiaosheng said solemnly.

"Ashes fly away, this is so fucking despicable," Ling Tianyu cursed secretly, glaring at the back of the Sirius King, wishing he could kill the Sirius King immediately, and said, "Little Saint, if I kill this Will the fake Sirius King be able to stop the Lihuo Restriction in King Beichen's body?"

"Master, your thinking is too simple. To be honest, the Lihuo restraint on the tungsten iron chain was arranged by the demon master. As long as it is impacted by an external force, the Lihuo restraint will be activated by itself. Killing the Sirius King won't help," Xiaosheng said.

"Damn it, what should I do," Ling Tianyu said with hatred on his face.

"There is only one way, that is to have the powerful ice power to restrain Lihuo, and then you can imprison or destroy Lihuo's restriction, but the master's ice poison, which is partial to poison, not only cannot restrain Lihuo, but will even make King Beichen worse , " Xiaosheng said solemnly.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, so I'm going to watch the deployment opportunity go to waste now?" Ling Tianyu was furious in his heart.

"Master, don't get excited, don't you have the ability to bind God's Domain? If you bind King Beichen in, you may be able to temporarily suppress the Lihuo restriction. Anyway, as long as you don't take the initiative to touch the Lihuo restriction, you can use your phone." Save King Beichen's life," Xiaosheng hurriedly said.

"Of course I know this, but my God's Realm is limited in time, and I can't move in the God's Domain space at all. Even if I can protect King Beichen for a while, I can't save his life," Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth.

"Then I think that the only person in this world who can help the master is the Snow Wolf King," Xiaosheng said, "With the powerful ice demon power possessed by the Snow Wolf King, he can definitely destroy the Lihuo Restriction."

"Snow Wolf King,"

Ling Tianyu was stunned. Now the six clan kings, only the Snow Wolf King didn't show up. Ling Tianyu didn't know anything about the Snow Wolf King's whereabouts. Just show up.


There is only one chance, if you miss it, not only is there no hope of rescuing King Beichen, but it will also be impossible to destroy King Sirius' conspiracy.

Looking up, Ling Tianyu couldn't help sighing secretly: "All of this depends on the sky."

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