Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 155 Battle!war!war!

"If you kill Wang Lei, regardless of your official position, you will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, and you will be promoted to three ranks."

Chunyu Qiong's voice came out from the crowd again.These words spread quickly, and in an instant, countless rebel soldiers became restless.For them, many people can't earn 100 taels of gold in their lifetime, and the reward money alone is enough for them to live a life of excellence and make countless people covetous.

In addition, there are countless people who have been a small soldier all their lives, or have been a chief or village chief all their lives. Killing Wang Lei can be promoted to the third rank, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation.

Countless soldiers rushed towards the gate frantically, fighting like crazy beasts.

On Wang Lei's side, the resisting soldiers tried their best to resist.

"Wang Lei, take your life!"

There was a fierce shout, and a soldier swung his knife and chopped down.

"If you want to kill me, you must have the ability to kill me!"

Wang Lei's expression was stern, and his eyes showed murderous intent.I saw Wang Lei stepping on Yin and Yang, moving his body flexibly, avoiding the opponent's steel knife, and the steel knife in his hand was cut out with great force.


The blade cut through the skin of the lower abdomen, tearing apart the flesh and blood.

In an instant, bright red blood gushed out like a spring.Not only that, but the internal organs of the rebel soldiers were also cut.With a single strike, the soldier fell on his back and was killed directly.

"call out!!"

A wave of attacks fell, and in an instant another blade struck.

Wang Lei sensed the ferocity of the attack, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed forward in an instant.

This jump is full of strength.


A blow hit the soldier in front of him, causing him to kick back.

Immediately, Wang Lei stabbed out with a knife.

A light flickered, and the point of the knife pierced the soldier's chest.Under the impact of strong force, the tip of the knife pierced the heart and passed through the chest.Wang Lei stopped steadily and drew the knife suddenly.In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and warm blood splashed on Wang Lei's face, but Wang Lei didn't take it seriously, and grinned lightly.

Those white teeth make one's heart chill.

Seeing this scene, the rebel soldiers were terrified, but the soldiers around Wang Lei applauded loudly.

"Wang Lei, look at the gun!"

A big gun stabbed like lightning, and the tip of the gun protruded like a poisonous snake spewing out a letter, straight to Wang Lei's heart, very vicious.

Wang Lei swung his knife to meet him, but found that the opponent's strength was not weak.

"Not ordinary soldiers!"

Wang Lei cheered up and met the attack carefully.


The man holding the gun is a village head, and his martial arts are very good.His eyes were dark, staring at Wang Lei like a poisonous snake, with a murderous intent shining in his eyes.With a low shout, the big gun in the chief's hand shook again and again, stabbing at Wang Lei.Facing the intensive attacks, Wang Lei responded calmly. He deliberately exposed a flaw to attract the head of the village to attack.

Tun Da was overjoyed and attacked with all his strength.

As everyone knows, this is exactly what Wang Lei wants to see.Wang Lei was well prepared to avoid the most violent blow from the head of the village.At this time, the head of the village used old moves, and Wang Lei took advantage of the situation to fight out.

"Go to hell!"

With one cut, a dazzling horse flashed in the air.


The blade cut his throat and killed him with one blow.

The steel knife in Wang Lei's hand was covered with blood, and he stood like a god of war at the gate of the state pastoral mansion, never falling down.The endless rebel soldiers came, but Wang Lei never took a step back. Every time he cut with a knife, he would take a life away.

Wang Lei's strength drove the soldiers under his command.

In the face of the rebel army coming like a wave, the soldiers around Wang Lei did not retreat.At the gate, blood had already flowed into rivers and corpses were scattered all over, but neither side retreated.

"Fight, never retreat!"

Wang Lei roared, and the steel knife dripping with blood slammed down, killing a rebel who rushed over.

"Fight to the death!"

The surrounding soldiers shouted in response.

A morale of ready to face the battle spread among the soldiers.

Chunyu Qiong hid among the soldiers to observe, and frowned after discovering the situation of the soldiers under Wang Lei's command.Due to Qu Yi's insufficient preparation, he didn't prepare bows and arrows, so that he couldn't use bows and arrows to attack, and he didn't even have a spear, so he could only continue to charge.

"Kill! Kill me, whoever kills Wang Lei will get money."

Chunyu Qiong roared, screaming with all his strength, and kept commanding the soldiers under his command to sprint.

Wang Lei also kept encouraging the soldiers under his command, and everyone blocked the gate to prevent any rebels from advancing.

Numerous soldiers were killed and wounded, and losses on both sides were heavy.


With a muffled groan, Wang Lei's steel teeth were tense, and his right calf was cut.

In an instant, blood was dripping.Wang Lei looked down, but it was a rebel soldier who was injured and fell to the ground. Risking being trampled to death, he hid on the ground and slashed Wang Lei's right calf.

"Go to hell!"

Wang Lei chopped it down with a knife, and the tip of the knife pierced the soldier's heart, killing his attacker.

However, this serious injury caused great inconvenience to Wang Lei.When he made a surprise attack, the pain in his right calf would always drag him back, and fighting on the battlefield was a matter of a hair's breadth.A little influence is enough for Wang Lei to bear a huge influence.

Not long after, Wang Lei was already injured in many places.

"My lord, you stand back, we are here to resist. With us here, these thieves can't get in."

The soldier was infected by Wang Lei and shouted loudly.

Wang Lei looked stern, shook his head and shouted: "I can hold on, everyone cheer up and hold on, our reinforcements are coming soon." Wang Lei endured the pain in his body and continued to fight, and the soldiers around him also persisted.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer soldiers around.

The cruelty of war is fully revealed.

Both sides have already killed red eyes, and no one has given up.

"Sir, be careful."

When Wang Lei resisted the attack from the front, a saber light came from the side.

Seeing that the long knife was about to hit Wang Lei, a figure rushed forward and stood in front of Wang Lei.The light of the saber fell, but it was not Wang Lei who was struck, but the soldier who fought side by side with Wang Lei, and it was this soldier who blocked the knife for Wang Lei.Wang Lei killed the rebel soldiers and grabbed the people around him, and the surrounding soldiers hurriedly surrounded him to protect Wang Lei.

"Fight with the adults, I am not afraid of death!"

"It's just, it's just... My wife and children are taking care of you, so that they can live comfortably!" After the soldier finished speaking intermittently, Wang Lei nodded again and again: "Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of them and let them live comfortably in this life." !"

Wang Lei's eye sockets were already moist.

There was also a hint of sadness on that stern face.

As soon as the words fell, the soldier died.

Wang Lei put down the soldier's body and shouted: "Fight! My soldiers, Wang Lei, will never retreat!"

"Fight to the death!"




A voice like a lion's roar echoed at the gate of the State Shepherd's Mansion.

There were not many soldiers around Wang Lei, but they were powerful, and the high-spirited fighting spirit made the rebels terrified.Seeing this, Chunyu Qiong couldn't help but gasped, this Wang Lei was really capable.

But that's all.

No matter how powerful a person is, they can't stop the endless soldiers from charging.

Once the soldiers in the mansion were exhausted, it was time for Wang Lei to be killed.

"Da da da!!!"

Suddenly, a sound of horseshoes came from a distance.Immediately afterwards, a voice like thunder came: "My lord, Dian Wei is here, please call back as soon as you are alive."

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