Tai Shici retreated into the army decisively, and immediately adjusted the soldiers' defensive strategy.Tai Shici ordered the soldiers to form a group of three, one to attack, and the other two to defend.At the beginning, the soldiers were not familiar with and used to it, so they couldn't cooperate perfectly, but this was a bloody actual combat, and if they didn't pay attention, they would pay their own lives.

Each soldier put out [-]% of his energy to get familiar with it quickly. After a while, after the soldiers got familiar with it, they quickly joined together and erected a shield composed of soldiers inside the city gate.

For a while, it actually blocked the offensive of the Tiger Battalion soldiers.

This change surprised Wang Lei.

Wang Lei was surprised by Tai Shici's ability, but until now, Wang Lei still didn't know Tai Shici's name.

"Kill, kill and go in and capture the county magistrate alive."

Wang Lei commanded the soldiers under his command to stab. He quickly came to Dian Wei's side and said loudly, "Brother, the defending general is a bit capable. Let's get together and pierce the defense line formed by the Ganling soldiers together, and let the soldiers go in!"

"it is good!"

Dian Wei replied, and the two sprinted together.

Wang Lei and Dian Wei attack together, even Lu Bu is a bit inferior, let alone an ordinary soldier.Dian Wei and Wang Lei sprinted together, like two sharp arrows piercing through, and the ground they passed was like a broken bamboo, directly tearing apart the defense line formed by the Ganling soldiers.

The soldiers of the Tiger Battalion and the rest of the soldiers followed behind, also yelling and charging, fighting harder and harder.

Seeing this, Tai Shici secretly said something was wrong.

The two men in charge of the sprint were both brave enough to be undeserved, and they were the first generals among the ten thousand armies. Together, they sprinted, almost completely suppressing the soldiers under his command, almost none of them could stop them.

"It can't go on like this! The situation must be changed."

Tai Shici thought to himself, rolled his eyes, and shouted, "Bring my bow!"

Soon, the soldiers brought Tai Shici's longbow.

Tai Shici held the bow in his hand, his expression was focused, and his eyes suddenly changed, sharp as a knife.I saw Tai Shici twirled a feathered arrow with his right hand, placed it on the bowstring, and aimed at Wang Lei who was charging.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and when he let go of his hand, the bowstring vibrated with a buzzing sound, and the bow and arrow came out instantly.

Under the sun, a cold light suddenly appeared, which looked very strange in the air.

"call out!!"

Wang Lei was sprinting, when he moved his ears, he heard the sound of piercing through the air.

He glanced up, and it was actually a bow and arrow.

At this time, the steel knife in Wang Lei's hand was chopping on a Ganling soldier. The move was so old that there was no time to retract the steel knife to block it, and it was not easy to dodge.In desperation, Wang Lei could only twist his body to avoid the vital parts of his body.


An iron halberd fell and knocked the incoming feather arrow into the air.

"call out!!"

There was a sharp howling sound, and another feathered arrow was shot, this time it was aimed at Dian Wei.

Wang Lei looked shocked and exclaimed: "Brother, be careful!"

"Tips for carving insects!"

Dian Wei didn't even look at the incoming bow and arrow. Relying on the sound of the incoming bow and arrow breaking through the air, he waved the iron halberd casually in his hand, and heard a clear and crisp sound. The arrow flew out.

"Playing tricks in front of Uncle Dian, and finding the wrong person."

Dian Wei glanced up, and his eyes fell on Tai Shici who was shooting the arrow.

Obviously, Dian Wei discovered Taishi Ci.

"My lord, let's continue to kill!" Dian Weihu roared, and once again charged out with the iron halberd.Wang Lei glanced at Dian Wei who had slashed into Ganling's soldiers, immediately laughed, and started sprinting again.

Seeing that neither of them had been killed, Tai Shici sighed softly, but he was not discouraged either.

At least, he can influence the other party.

Once the offensive of these two people is affected, there is no doubt that they can control the opponent's offensive.

Tai Shici looked calm, and once again twisted a bow and arrow in his hand.However, the moment Tai Shici twirled his bow and arrow, he saw Dianwei back away, getting rid of the Ganling soldiers in front of him, and the soldiers blocked the attack in front.Dian Wei held a pair of halberds in his left hand and a steel knife in his right. With a low cry, he threw it with all his strength.

"call out!!"

The point of the saber pierced through the air and went straight to Tai Shici.

Tai Shici looked shocked, and squatted down without hesitation.The moment Tai Shici squatted down, the long knife wrapped in unparalleled strength, just passed over the top of Tai Shici's head.

A trace of coolness grew in Tai Shici's heart.

This attack was done on purpose by Dian Wei.Dian Wei knew that it would be difficult to kill the white-robed general by throwing steel knives openly, so he pretended to continue stabbing, and then took the opportunity to throw steel knives. Unexpectedly, Tai Shici's reaction was not slow, and he dodged the blow.

The reason for the steel knife was that both Dian Wei and Wang Lei attacked suddenly without weapons.

Dian Wei only had two iron halberds with him, not the small halberd he usually carried, and the black gold snake spear in Wang Lei's hand was as many as two feet long, so it was not suitable to bring it out.

"Kill, whoever kills the white-robed general first, I will let him be the deputy general of the Tiger Battalion..."

Dian Wei yelled, yelling without any scruples.

When this word came out, the soldiers of the Tiger Battalion sprinted frantically, and so did the ordinary soldiers.

The lieutenant general of the Tiger Battalion is not something that ordinary people can do.

Besides, it's an honor.

Therefore, the soldiers of the army rushed frantically, and an aura of fearlessness permeated the army, while the morale of the soldiers defending Ganling County was suppressed, and they kept retreating.Tai Shici sighed inwardly, the battle was not long, the opponent had already rushed into the city.

Once in the city, the situation will be unpredictable.

Tai Shici took a deep breath, twitched the feathered arrow suddenly, and prepared to shoot Dianwei again.Ke Dianwei had been paying attention to Tai Shici's actions all the time, and when Tai Shici put the bow and arrow on the bowstring, he shot a steel knife.Although it was thrown casually, with Tai Shici's many years of experience, the accuracy of the steel knife is absolutely not bad.

Tai Shici had no choice but to dodge again, but the bow and arrow in his hand did not shoot.


Tai Shici felt aggrieved in his heart!

The Heitan-headed general was not afraid of death, and his reaction was extremely fast, which made him feel troublesome.

Tai Shici couldn't save the situation, especially when he saw that the gate was completely lost, he immediately chose to retreat and ran towards the county government.Wang Lei captured the city tower and ordered some soldiers to take control of the city tower. Then, Wang Lei and Dian Wei split into two groups.

To catch a thief, you must be diligent!

To win the Qinghe Kingdom, you must win the Qinghe Prime Minister.

When Wang Lei arrived at the government office of the Prime Minister of Qinghe Kingdom with his soldiers, he found that the building was empty, and the office was empty except for some ordinary attendants.Seeing this scene, Wang Lei secretly scolded Prime Minister Qing He for being cunning. Obviously, Prime Minister Qing He rolled up his bed and ran away.

If Wang Lei wants to kill people and build his prestige, these two people are indispensable.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lei ordered directly: "Chase, hunt down Prime Minister Qinghe and the county magistrate of Ganling County!"


At this moment, a soldier came to report: "General, Dian Sima chased General Baipao to the north gate, besides General Baipao, Prime Minister Qinghe and the county magistrate of Ganling County also joined General Baipao! "

"Okay, I'll rush over immediately!"

Wang Lei was overjoyed, since these people got together, it would be the best.

Immediately, Wang Lei led his army towards the north gate.

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