Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 328 Yanzhou Inspector Cao Cao

Time flies, and two months are fleeting.

In the north in June, the sun is shining brightly and the weather is getting hotter.

In the past two months, Wang Lei has completely gained a foothold in Chang'an.On the one hand, Wang Lei built a good relationship with Wang Yun, Yang Biao and other senior officials in the court, and successfully won the approval of these people.Wang Yun, Yang Biao and others saw the level of Wang Lei's poems, and they all looked forward to Wang Lei's new poems. Unfortunately, Wang Lei no longer wrote poems, which made these great Confucians feel sorry, but considering that Wang Lei is only 20 years old, they are not demanding.

However, Wang Lei's reputation as a great poet and calligrapher finally spread.

"Ode to the Epic", "Wangli Mountain Waterfall", "Ode to the Willow", "Bamboo and Stone" spread all over the world, causing a sensation for a while.The handwriting written by Wang Lei was also spread, and Confucian scholars all over the world knew that there was such a person as Wang Lei.

Wang Lei's residence was exposed, and soon, there was an endless stream of visitors, almost breaking the threshold of Wang Lei's mansion.Shi A, as the chief steward of the house, protected Wang Lei from many idlers who came to visit, so that Wang Lei could avoid being harassed.

In addition, Wang Lei has also achieved results in cooking.

The chefs taught by Wang Lei were given to officials such as Wang Yun, Yang Biao, Cai Yong, Ma Ridun, Huang Fusong, Lu Bu, etc., so that they could taste freshly fried or burnt dishes.The chefs of Wang Yun, Yang Biao and others are men, but Dong Zhuo's is different. The chef next to Dong Zhuo is a beautiful woman found by Shi A.

Wang Lei killed it himself, and finally sent it to Dong Zhuo's side.

After the beauty was sent to Dong Zhuo's side, she not only served Dong Zhuo's food, but also served Dong Zhuo to sleep. She was like a collection of three thousand favors in the harem, and soon gained a firm foothold in Dong Zhuo's harem.

At the same time, Shi Ah's Hero Building has also launched dishes such as stir-fried dishes and boiled dishes.

For a while, the Hero Building was extremely popular.

The Yingxiong Tower became a prosperous area in Chang'an, with a lot of people coming and going, which also facilitated Shi A to collect various information and provide Wang Lei with the fastest news.

Wang Lei spent two months peacefully. During this period, there were no major events in Jizhou.

However, a major event happened in Yanzhou.

Liu Dai, governor of Yanzhou, led an army to attack the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou and was killed on the battlefield.The army was routed and defeated, and finally retreated to Yanzhou in embarrassment.After the officials from various countries and counties in Yanzhou saw the situation, Wan Qian, Bao Xin, Chen Gong and others came forward to welcome Cao Cao as the governor of Yanzhou and take charge of Jizhou.

Cao Cao declined three times in a row, and finally couldn't stand the persuasion, and served as the governor of Yanzhou.

Yanzhou changed masters, and Cao Cao did five things.

First, order the Yellow Turban Bandits in Qingzhou to surrender, otherwise Cao Cao will lead an army to attack the Yellow Turban Bandits and avenge the death of Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou; The treatment of officials; third, Cao Cao placed his own people to control the military power, further attacked his political opponents, and consolidated the stability of the Yanzhou regime; fourth, recuperated, reduced the taxes of the people, so that the people could live and work in peace; fifth, wiped out the bandits in Yanzhou , punish corrupt officials...

After a series of actions, Yanzhou quickly settled down.

The mark of Liu's Yanzhou was erased, and Yanzhou soon transitioned to the stage of Cao's Yanzhou.


Chang'an, the gate of the city.

On this day, a carriage came slowly.

This carriage was the envoy's carriage from Qu'a to Chang'an.The carriage slowly entered the city, Zhu Zhi asked someone to find a cheap house, and lived in it.This time when he came to Chang'an, Sun Ce gave Zhu Zhi enough money to open up his joints. Zhu Zhi could buy a luxurious residence, but Zhu Zhi didn't. He saved a little money to open up more joints.

This mission is related to Sun Ce's foundation, Zhu Zhi is very cautious.

After staying, Zhu Zhi and the accompanying attendants stayed.

After finishing his work, Zhu Zhi called the accompanying attendants to the study.

Zhu Zhi looked serious, and ordered: "This trip to Chang'an, we have a heavy responsibility. Whether the lord can rise up depends on whether we can complete the task. Therefore, we must make a decision before moving, and there must be no mistakes. You should inquire immediately. People who can talk to Dong Zhuo, as well as veteran officials in the court, I will pay a visit to famous assassins one by one."

"As ordered!"

The attendant went down to get ready and to inquire about the news.


Lang Zhongling's mansion, study.

Li Ru was reading the collected news when he suddenly saw Jiangdong official Zhu Zhi sending people around to inquire about the news, and his brows frowned.People from Jiangdong came to Chang'an, what's their intention?Li Ru thought for a while, but did not guess Zhu Zhi's intention.

"Come on!" Li Ru shouted.

The door creaked, and the servant outside walked in.

Li Ru ordered: "Go to the inn and invite Zhu Zhi, an official from Jiangdong, to the study." Li Ru gave Zhu Zhi's address to the attendant, and after the attendant left, Li Ru continued to think about how to deal with the Jiangdong official.

Prior to this, Li Ru was grounded and stayed in the mansion.

After Mrs. Dong persuaded Li Ru, Li Ru hibernated and never had any conflicts with Wang Lei again.

This situation made Dong Zhuo think that Li Ru was reflecting.

Therefore, Li Ru was revoked by the grounding order, and Li Ru became Dong Zhuo's right-hand man again.However, the thoughts in Li Ru's heart did not change. On the contrary, he believed that Wang Lei was a scourge.During his time in Chang'an, Wang Lei was good at dancing with his sleeves. He won over the generals under Dong Zhuo's command, flattered Dong Zhuo, made friends with Lu Bu, and flirted with officials in the court.

These situations made Li Ru restless.

Li Ru wanted to deal with Wang Lei, but he had no chance. He had no impulse and continued to wait.As long as you have patience, you can always find opportunities.After about a stick of incense, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"My lord, Jiangdong envoy Zhu Zhi is asking to see you." The attendant's voice came.

Li Rudao: "Please come in!"

The door creaked open, and Zhu Zhi stepped into the study.

Zhu Zhi had just arrived in Chang'an, and he didn't know the situation in Chang'an. He didn't expect to send someone to inquire about the situation in Chang'an, and Li Ru found out about it.This situation shocked Zhu Zhi, but Li Ru did not arrest him, and Zhu Zhi felt more at ease.Wearing a blue robe, Zhu Zhi walked into the study, cupped his hands and said, "Zhu Zhi and Zhu Junli pay homage to Mr. Lang Zhongling!"


Li Ru smiled and waved his hands.

Zhu Zhi sat down neither humble nor overbearing, and raised his head. Normally Li Ru didn't panic at all.

Li Ru went straight to the point, without going around in circles, and asked directly: "Junli traveled thousands of miles from Qu'a to Chang'an, there must be something important, I don't know what it is for?"

Zhu Zhi said: "I came here to ask to see Dong Xiangguo."

Li Ru asked, "What do you want to see Xiangguo for?"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Zhi replied: "When I come down to Chang'an, there are two things. First, the lord is 17 years old this year and has reached the age of marriage. Dong Xiang's daughter is virtuous and gentle, and the lord intends to ask for Dong Xiang's daughter; , My lord controls tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and I have already stationed in Wujun, I want to ask Dong Xiang to appoint my lord as the prefect of Wujun, so as to give the Lord justice."

After saying these words, Zhu Zhi was full of confidence, without showing any timidity at all.

In fact, at present, Sun Ce has only a thousand soldiers, a few generals, and two or three advisers, and he can only hide in Qu'a, without the ability to control Wu Jun.However, the distance between Chang'an and Qu'e was far away, coupled with the separatist regimes of the various princes, it was difficult for Dong Zhuo to send officials there, so it was impossible to know the affairs of Wu County in a short time.

After Li Ru heard this, his expression became serious.

It is not a trivial matter for Dong Zhuo to marry a daughter, or to appoint Sun Ce as the prefect of Wujun.

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