Liu Bei took a deep breath, rolled up the curtain, and strode into the tent.

Once inside, all eyes looked over at the same time.Liu Bei has fought for many years, and has experienced all kinds of occasions. With a stable mind, he came to sit at the head of the big tent.

"Everyone, sit down!"

The tone was dignified, revealing a touch of majesty.

For a moment, everyone in the camp was bluffed.

Liu Bei flicked his sleeves, and said calmly: "I already know what happened to you. Wang Lei asked me to apologize, and he immediately released all the prisoners. I have thought about this condition. It's not a difficult thing, just an apology. However However, it is unknown whether Wang Lei is willing to release the captives once the officer publicly apologizes."

"My lord, how will you know if you don't try?"

"Master Liu has a kind heart, and treats the people as brothers and relatives. Now that brothers and relatives have been arrested, will Mr. Liu have the heart to watch them suffer outside? Please, Mr. Liu, condescend to apologize and rescue those who were arrested by Wang Lei."

"Master Liu, there is only one single seedling left in the three generations of the Xia family. If something goes wrong, the blood of the Xia family will be cut off after my injury. Please help me, Lord Liu, I can't just sit idly by."

All the people present were extremely shrewd and persuaded Liu Bei to apologize to Wang Lei.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Liu Bei immediately stopped talking.

The noise is getting louder and louder; emotions are getting more and more out of control...

"Hush! Shh!!"

Suddenly, someone sensed that something was wrong and silenced everyone.This time, with the noisy sound and news, the camp became quiet again in an instant, and the eyes fell on Liu Bei again.Liu Bei regained the initiative and said, "Everyone came to me to solve the problem of the relatives who were captured. I didn't say that I wouldn't help. What are you in a hurry for?"

"That's great. Mr. Liu is willing to apologize and help us rescue the captured people. What a kind person!"

In the silent big tent, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

This voice made the corners of Liu Bei's mouth twitch, and there was a flash of sternness in his soft eyes.Liu Bei wanted to stabilize the out-of-control situation, but the sudden voice broke the atmosphere he was brewing.

After all, Liu Bei is an experienced person, adjusted his posture, and continued: "I don't know which fellow spoke up just now, but I agree with his point of view. I am willing to help you save your relatives, please rest assured."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Liu is indeed a good person."

The sudden voice sounded again.

Although it was flattery, Liu Bei heard it, but felt it was extremely harsh.

This time, Liu Bei looked clearly.

The person who spoke was thin, of medium build, with small eyes and a big nose, giving off an air of leanness.Liu Bei stared at the big nose without blinking.The two looked at each other, and finally Big Nose was completely defeated. After Big Nose looked away, the corner of Liu Bei's mouth curled up, and he said, "I am willing to help you, but do you know what Wang Lei's purpose of arresting people is?"

"do not know!"

Big Nose raised his head again and answered enthusiastically.

This time, Liu Bei was very pleased.

Liu Bei asked and needed someone to respond. He smiled slightly and said, "What is the purpose of Wang Lei arresting your relatives? I think Wang Lei is using your relatives as a talisman. My army has already set up a siege circle to encircle Wang Lei's army. Wang Lei despicably took hostages and wanted to threaten me in order to make me fall into a trap."

"My lord, since this is the case, quickly open the encirclement and let Wang Lei leave."

Among the crowd, Big Nose said positively.

Liu Bei nodded and said: "In order to stabilize Wang Lei, I will open the encirclement and let Wang Lei leave Runan. But the apology cannot be implemented for the time being."

"Thinking about it carefully, Wang Lei is still in Runan. As long as Wang Lei doesn't leave Runan for a day, it is impossible to release the arrestees. At this time, I apologized on my own initiative. Wang Lei couldn't help but express, but Wang Lei couldn't release the hostages. , so he will definitely put forward more stringent requirements. At that time, it will be more difficult for you, and it will make things more complicated."

Liu Bei smiled and said: "The current method is to delay the time, and I will take the opportunity to open the encirclement and let Wang Lei go. After Wang Lei breaks out of the encirclement, the hostages will be released, and your relatives will be safe."

"My lord is right!"

The patriarchs below nodded after hearing this.

However, some people are beating drums in their hearts.

Are Liu Bei's words reliable?And Liu Bei was an official, they couldn't control Liu Bei, so they had to agree.

Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "Finally, the person in front of me has been temporarily stabilized, and I can relax for a while." Liu Bei naturally knew that Wang Lei did not take the captive as a hostage, because it was easy for Wang Lei to leave Runan, but Wang Lei did not intend to leave. "

Liu Bei waved his hands and said, "Everyone has come from afar. I will host a banquet in the camp to welcome you. After a night's rest, I will see you off tomorrow. As soon as there is any good news, I will inform everyone as soon as possible."

"Master Liu is really kind-hearted. It is our blessing that Master Liu is in charge of Runan."

The big nose opened his mouth to agree, with a deep smile in his eyes.

Liu Bei asked people to prepare a banquet, and held a banquet in the camp to welcome the people who came.There were 30 to [-] people who came to the camp, and Liu Bei re-prepared a large tent to accommodate everyone in it.After the wash, the wine has been served for three rounds, the dishes have been tasted, and the atmosphere has become more and more warm.With Liu Bei as company, and Liu Bei's intention to appease the people of the towns, and the patriarchs of the towns also want to curry favor with Liu Bei, both sides are very enthusiastic.

In the end, everyone was drunk and unconscious.

Liu Bei asked the soldiers to send everyone back to the camp to rest, then sat down and let out a long sigh of relief.


The night is as cool as water, the moonlight is bright and clear, and the camp is hazy.


A slight sound came out, and suddenly a person among the lying down crowd turned over and sat up.This person is not tall and thin. If you use the light, you can recognize the big nose who sang against Liu Bei during the day.

After he got up, three more people sat up from the rest of the place, and the four gathered together.Big Nose lowered his head and said in a low voice: "It's already late at night, everyone who came here is drunk and fast asleep, it's time for us to act."


The three nodded and discussed in low voices together.

Soon, the plan was finalized, Big Nose rubbed his eyes, got up and walked out.

At the entrance of the tent, two soldiers were keeping watch.

Seeing this, one of the soldiers stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "It is forbidden to move around in the camp!"

Big Nose was drunk and said with a smile: "Two brothers, I'm really sorry. Because I drank too much during the day, someone vomited and fell on the ground. I can't do it alone. You two leave one person to stay behind, one Someone come in and help me, how about it?"

"Shen Kui, I'm standing guard outside, and you kid will help."

The soldiers standing on the left side of the tent didn't even think about it, and pushed the soldiers on the right side to do things.Thinking of the smell of vomiting in the tent, the soldier's stomach churned.Shen Kui was a recruit, so he had to follow Big Nose inside.

Entering the tent, Shen Kui looked around.

He didn't see the drunk person, so the judge asked, "Where is he? Where is he?"

Big Nose pointed to the left corner of the tent, and said: "Brother, look over there, over there, that position..." He pointed to the position, making Shen Kui focus on the front.

At this moment, Big Nose suddenly made a move from behind.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the big nose covered Shen Kui's mouth and twisted Shen Kui's neck.With a cracking sound, Shen Kui's neck was twisted, and he lost his breath in an instant.

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