Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 383 Public opinion

In one day, the news of Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin's arrest spread throughout Xiangyang City.

From dignified officials to ordinary people.

After Liu Biao heard the news, he couldn't sit idly by. He personally summoned Mr. Pound to inquire about the situation.Later, Liu Biao also gave a reply, wanting to assure Mr. Pound that he would send people to search and try his best to help Mr. Pound solve the problem.

Pang Degong understood that these were just words of consolation. Liu Biao could not act rashly in the hands of the thieves. At most, he just searched, otherwise the thieves would be forced to jump over the wall and hurt Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin.

In addition, the news that Pang Degong personally asked Wang Lei for help and was rejected also came out.

In this case, some people support it and some people oppose it.

"In my opinion, it was clearly wrong for Mr. Pang De to seek Wang Lei. This matter has nothing to do with Wang Lei. Why did he want Wang Lei to go to Xianshan? Isn't he courting death if he goes? It's human nature to not go. Do not support it."

"Fart, I don't agree with you, I have to go."

"Why don't you agree? If it were you, would you be willing to rescue Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin?"

"Yes, it involves your own life, are you willing to hand it over?"

"Why don't you dare to go? Wang Lei is very skilled in martial arts. Who can hurt him? Besides, they just asked Wang Lei to go to Xianshan to exchange Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin. If they didn't really want to kill Wang Lei. Maybe they just want Wang Lei to hand over money, etc. Wait, or, who did Wang Lei offend? They are looking for Wang Lei to take revenge."

"It's reasonable to say that there are grievances and debts. This is Wang Lei's matter, but it involves Pang Degong's family, which is not authentic. For Pang Degong, this is an innocent disaster. It is a pity. Wang Lei should be in charge and must go .”

"The matter is indeed related to Wang Lei, but the problem is that it's not Wang Lei's fault. It's just that the thief found Pang Degong and wanted to take Wang Lei. Why do you ask Wang Lei to die? If it were you, would you like it?"

"What about the Pang family? They are innocent."


Countless arguments spread throughout Xiangyang City.

Things are getting out of hand.

When the matter became more and more complicated, Mr. Pang De seemed to have fallen out with Wang Lei, and made remarks that were not conducive to Wang Lei.Pang Degong personally said that Wang Lei directly rejected his request regardless of his feelings, and even said that Wang Lei refused to see Pang Degong again.In addition, Mr. Pang De himself said that Wang Lei had already released his words. Even if the thieves behind the scenes arrested more people, even if Huang Chengyan's daughter was taken away, or Sima Hui's relatives were taken away, it was impossible to go to Xianshan.

It is impossible for anyone to threaten Wang Lei.

When this news came out, it was like an uproar in Xiangyang.

The situation gradually became unfavorable to Wang Lei.

The offensive of public opinion has completely turned to Mr. Pang De, Sima Hui and others.

Liu Biao also became nervous when he got the news in the State Shepherd's Mansion.Before that, he personally appeased Mr. Pang De and helped Mr. Pound search, but the matter has developed to the point where Wang Lei is also in trouble, and Liu Biao has to pay attention to it.

Liu Biao personally sent someone to the post station to invite Wang Lei to the State Shepherd's Mansion.

In the study, Wang Lei and Liu Biao sat opposite each other.

Liu Biao said worriedly: "It's rare for my nephew to come to Xiangyang. I hope you can stay in Xiangyang for a while and enjoy the scenery of Jingxiang. However, you and Mr. Pound fell out, and things are very unfavorable! Mr. Pound is Jingxiang. Xiang Mingshi, with Lord Pang De’s prestige in Shilin, if he attacks you, you won’t have the slightest advantage.”

"It's all right if you offend Mr. Pang De, and you've even brought Huang Chengyan and Sima Hui into it, alas..."

"Sima Hui and Huang Chengyan are celebrities in Jingxiang, and they are friends of Lord Pang De."

"The combined power of the three of you may not stab you with a real sword, but the invisible blade is even more powerful. The old man suggests that you set off for Chang'an earlier."

"If you stay in Xiangyang, it will be difficult for me to guarantee your safety."

Speaking of this, Liu Biao was worried about Wang Lei's misunderstanding, and explained: "I don't mean to drive you away at all, but you stay in Xiangyang City, and you will be criticized every day. At that time, I worry that I will not be able to control the situation in Xiangyang." .

In fact, Liu Biao did not have complete control over the situation in Jingzhou.Liu Biao didn't control Jingzhou with his own power, but he used the power of the Jingxiang clan to control the surface, but he didn't control it thoroughly.

After all, it is Jingxiang's aristocratic family that controls Jingzhou.

This is an interest group!

Facing the huge Jingxiang family, Liu Biao was helpless.

Wang Lei smiled slightly, he could feel Liu Biao's kindness released.

However, Wang Lei still did not tell Liu Biao the truth, and said in a deep voice, "Please rest assured Liu Jingzhou, I can hold on and will not be defeated. Although I refuse to go to Xianshan, I am also doing my best to investigate the people behind the scenes. The incident happened because of me, and once I leave, something will happen to Mr. Pang’s relatives. Therefore, I will find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible.”

Liu Biao sighed softly: "My nephew has made a decision, the old man can't interfere, just make your own decision."

Wang Lei got up to say goodbye, and soon left the State Shepherd's Mansion.Back at the post station, Cai Chi came to Wang Lei's room, and said respectfully, "Teacher, my father sent someone to ask if the teacher needs help. The Cai family is willing to come forward to calm the matter for the teacher."

Today's Cai Chi is no longer the frail body of the past.

During the period of following Wang Lei, Cai Chi continued to practice martial arts to strengthen his body, and he was already physically strong.Even, compared to when he left Xiangyang, he has grown a lot taller.

Wang Lei shook his head and said, "Tell your father, I have my own discretion in this matter, so I don't need to interfere."


Cai Chi turned and exited, leaving the room.


Deep in Mount Xian, Yin Hao's residence.

The news from Xiangyang came back, and Yin Hao couldn't help laughing loudly after hearing the report.There were bursts of laughter in the woods, and Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin, who were imprisoned in the room, showed a hint of worry in their eyes.After all, these two are children in their teens, and it is impossible not to worry about the situation.However, the two are children of a big family after all, so they remained calm and did not lose their sense of proportion.

"My lord, everything is going according to your expectations. Wang Lei has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats. Not only Mr. Pang De, but Sima Hui and Huang Chengyan also condemned Wang Lei."

Outside the house, the man in black said respectfully.

Yin Hao's voice was surprised: "What's going on? Why are Huang Chengyan and Sima Hui involved?"

The man in black lowered his head and replied respectfully: "According to your lord's plan, Mr. Pang De went to the station to meet Wang Lei, and invited Wang Lei to Xianshan again. However, Wang Lei directly refused and told Mr. Pang De not to come again. Besides, Wang Lei He also arrogantly said that no matter who is arrested, even if Huang Chengyan's daughter and Sima Hui's relatives are arrested, Wang Lei will not give in and will not put himself in danger."

"Haha, Wang Lei is really stubborn!"

Yin Hao laughed, his eyes smug.

Suddenly, Yin Hao stopped talking, and a flash of light appeared in his mind.

At this moment, Yin Hao thought of another idea.

Yin Hao walked out of the house, came to the man in black, and said: "Since Wang Lei is not afraid, I want to see if he can really withstand the condemnation of famous scholars in Jingxiang. If I remember correctly, Huang Chengyan has A ten-year-old daughter, you send someone to keep an eye on Huang Chengyan's daughter. Once his daughter is alone, catch her to Xianshan. Hmph, one more Huang Chengyan, I'm afraid it will be more interesting. As for Sima Hui, he is from the north , the strength is not strong, don’t care about it for now.”


The man in black nodded and left respectfully.

Yin Hao turned back to the room again, his cold eyes fell on Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin, and he said with a smile: "You two will not be lonely soon, someone will come to keep you company."

In the eyes of Pang Tong and Pang Shanmin, deep worry appeared.

The two of them heard clearly what they said just now, and they were both worried about Huang Chengyan's daughter.

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