Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 46 Flying Tiger Camp

Wuji County, military camp outside the city.

This barracks has a very large area, and it was arranged by Guo Jia according to the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes. The front camp has defensive offensives such as rejecting horses, sentry towers, and arrow towers. The battalion is responsible for logistics and the storage of food, grass, ordnance, etc. The left and right battalions have their own arrangements, neat and orderly.

Although there are not many soldiers in Wuji County, and Wang Lei's regular army is only 5000 tiger battalions, this barracks is enough to accommodate [-] people, and it was built by Guo Jia according to the largest specifications.

Given the situation in Wuji County, it is already a limit for Wang Lei to be able to raise [-] combat soldiers. If he wants to raise tens of thousands of soldiers, it is absolutely impossible. After all, the place is only so big, and even [-] soldiers need to have strong capital support.

Guo Jia is handling military affairs in the big account of the Chinese army.

The curtain of the camp tent was rolled up, and a soldier came in to report: "Sir, Your Excellency is back."


Hearty laughter came from outside the tent.

Before Guo Jia went to greet him, Wang Lei had already stepped in. He waved his hand to let Guo Jia not have to salute, and said with a smile: "Feng Xiao, this time we won a complete victory, and we have harvested a total of six hundred horses. This batch of horses For us, it is undoubtedly a timely help.”

The soldiers withdrew, and Guo Jia and Wang Lei took their seats.

Guo Jia also smiled happily, full of a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and said happily: "We have the horses, what we need to do now is to recruit more soldiers. Based on the current situation, we will recruit another 1000 people, plus the original 400 people, a total of 400 soldiers." Thousands of 600 people. Among them, 800 people form a cavalry, and the remaining 1000 people still rebuild the tiger battalion. Soldiers can also be happy and not afraid."

Wang Lei pondered for a while and said, "I'm not worried about the training of the soldiers of the Tiger Battalion. After all, they are infantry. As long as Dian Wei trains strictly, it will definitely produce results. But the [-] cavalry is a big problem."

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "It's still in its infancy. There is nothing. It's impossible for adults to do it in one step. Therefore, the training of the cavalry battalion has to be done step by step. As for the person in charge of the cavalry battalion, I have two candidates to recommend to adults." .”

"Who?" Wang Lei asked hurriedly.

Wang Lei has Guo Jia, Du Ji and Dian Wei, but for real use, there are not enough people under his command.Du Ji was in charge of internal affairs, while Guo Jia was in charge of military affairs, and there were too few people to execute them.

Guo Jia flicked his sleeves, cupped his hands and said, "Yu Du, Sui Gu!"


Wang Lei exclaimed, his expression full of astonishment.

Yu Du and Sui Gu followed Zhang Yan to attack Wuji County, and after they were captured, they were kept in prison.It's a pity that Wang Lei was busy with things, so he forgot about the two of them.Wang Lei didn't expect Guo Jia to recommend these two people at all, and asked suspiciously: "Feng Xiao, Yu Du and Sui Gu are one of the leaders of the Black Bandits. They fought with Zhang Yan. After surrendering, will they repeat it?"

Guo Jia said to himself: "My lord, don't worry, Yu Du and Sui Gu will do their best to serve you wholeheartedly. The Black Mountain bandits are thieves after all, and they can't plan to be thieves for the rest of their lives when they gather together. As long as they are persuaded a little, they will definitely become the help of your lord. .”

Wang Lei praised: "With Fengxiao's help, it's like adding wings to a tiger!" After a pause, Wang Lei ordered: "Since Fengxiao agrees, it's so decided, because of poison and suigu, train the cavalry."

A flash of gratitude flashed in Guo Jia's eyes, and he said, "Come here, please Yudu and Suigu."

The order was passed on, and after a short time, Yu Du and Sui Gu came to the camp.

The two bowed to Wang Lei, and then to Guo Jia, before bowing and standing in the tent.


Wang Lei waved his hand, and the two immediately sat down respectfully.Wang Lei observed Yu Du and Sui Gu's demeanor, and saw that the two were humble, as if they were really paying attention, and felt quite strange. It seemed that Guo Jia had spent a lot of effort in persuading them to surrender.

Wang Lei was expressionless, and said indifferently: "Mr. just told me that the two of you have surrendered sincerely. I welcome you to repent and surrender. But since you have entered the army, you must abide by the rules of the army. Feel free to, I hope you can abide by the rules, and if there is any transgression, I will deal with it according to law."

"Please rest assured, my lord, Yu Du must abide by the military regulations."

Yu Du said calmly and respectfully.

Sui Gu said again, "Sui Gu must abide by the military regulations!"

No matter what they thought in their hearts, the two agreed respectfully.

Wang Lei nodded in satisfaction, and said: "In view of the abilities of the two of you, I appoint you two as the chief general and deputy general of the cavalry battalion. You will focus on poisoning and supplement Suigu to jointly train the cavalry."

Yu Du asked: "My lord, there are not many soldiers in Wuji County, are there any cavalry?"

Sui Gu raised his head, also looking puzzled.

Yu Du and Sui Gu also knew the situation in Wuji County quite well. They knew that the previous county magistrate left behind a mess, and Wang Lei had no cavalry at all.

Wang Lei laughed twice, and said loudly: "Just now, six hundred war horses have entered the barracks. At present, what is lacking is soldiers. We only need to recruit enough people in Wuji County."

"Hiss! Hiss!!"

Yu Du and Sui Gu gasped, terrified.

Unexpectedly, the county magistrate in front of him got [-] war horses in a short period of time.At the same time, the two of them were extremely excited, and their eyes were full of brilliance, because being able to serve as the commander of [-] horses was definitely the only treatment that Wang Lei's confidantes could have.For a moment, they completely forgot about Wang Lei beating them just now, and their hearts were filled with joy.

When looking at Wang Lei, he was even more convinced, and looking at Guo Jia was also full of gratitude.


This is an opportunity for the two of you!

The expressions of Yu Du and Sui Gu fell into Wang Lei's eyes, Wang Lei was satisfied, and continued: "The infantry is named after 'Tiger Camp', and the cavalry is also mainly named after tigers, named 'Flying Tiger Camp', hoping to become a land flying tiger. "

"Thank you my lord!"

Yu Du knelt down with a plop, bowed his head and bowed.

"Thank you my lord!"

Sui Gu also bowed his head and was very excited.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, and Guo Jia nodded slightly in his heart.Wang Lei appointed Yu Du and Sui Gu as the chief and deputy commanders of the cavalry battalion, which gave them an opportunity, but Wang Lei's naming of the cavalry battalion also reflected Wang Lei's emphasis on Du and Sui Gu. This method is very simple. The effect of the heart is very good.

Yu Du and Sui Gu got up to leave, when Dian Wei walked in again.

Dian Wei clasped his fists in salute, and said with a chuckle, "My lord, six hundred horses entered the camp today. Look, do you want to send hundreds of horses to the Tiger Camp to strengthen the Tiger Camp's fighting power?"

When Guo Jia heard this, the expression on his face froze instantly.

The war horse has already been given to Yu Du and Sui Gu, Dian Wei only speaks now, it's too late!

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