Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 526 New paper comes out

Wang Lei looked at the bunches of mulberry bark tied up on the ground, and ordered: "Come here, cut all these long-threaded mulberry bark into short lengths, and then tie them into small bundles."

This arrangement was not complicated, and the servants hurriedly prepared.

Soon, small bundles of mulberry bark are ready.

Wang Lei asked his servants to quit, looked at Cai Song and the others, and said, "Mr. Cai, the next step is lime, make it into a lime slurry, and put all the small bundles of bark in the lime slurry to soak." You can take it out after one month."

Cai Song frowned and asked, "My lord, what's the use of this? Why do you need one month?"

Wang Lei said: "Let's execute it first, and I will arrange the following procedures after one month."

While speaking, Wang Lei turned and left the yard.

Zhen Yan followed closely behind, leaving behind Cai Song, Xiong Yan and Chen Jian with puzzled faces.The three of them looked at each other, looking at the bark of the mulberry tree on the ground, Cai Song said helplessly: "You two, this state herdsman, can you tell me what method he has really mastered?"

"Look and talk!"

Xiong Yan nodded and said, "Now we need lime mortar, let's start preparing."

"Well, what will happen to him after one month?"

Chen Jian nodded. Together with Xiong Yan and Cai Song, the three of them worked together to carry out the procedure of soaking the bark of the mulberry tree.For Jizhou, which has entered a peaceful period, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has entered late August.As September approaches, the weather is still hot, but it starts to cool down at night, and it is no longer hot and dry.

On this day, Wang Lei was dealing with government affairs in his study, and Zhen Yan rushed over to report: "My lord, the one-month deadline for soaking the bark of the mulberry tree has arrived, and the next step can be planned."

After Wang Lei heard this, he stroked his forehead with his hands. He was so busy these days that he almost forgot about making paper.

After the reunification of Jizhou, many government affairs have to be sent up.

Although there are Jushou, Shenpei, Tian Feng and others who share the government affairs for Wang Lei, Wang Lei still has to start discussions frequently and formulate policies.

If Zhen Yan didn't remind, Wang Lei almost forgot.

"Go, go to the backyard."

Wang Lei and Zhen Yan left the study and went to the backyard where Cai Song lived.

When he came to the backyard, Wang Lei saw the bark of the mulberry tree soaked in lime slurry in the excavated pool.Wang Lei looked at the soaked mulberry tree bark and ordered: "Soak it for a month, take it out now, and put it in a large pot to cook. After cooking, rinse it in the river water for three days. After the rinse is complete, bring it back Step on it to squeeze out the lime water soaked in the bark. Next, put the bark on the ground to expose to the sun and rain, and wait for all the bark to turn white before proceeding to the next step.”

Cai Song and the others recorded carefully, and the eyes of the three were solemn.

Wang Lei's papermaking method is extremely complicated.With such a method, the paper produced may be extraordinary.

At first, the three of them disagreed with Wang Lei.But at this point, every step is so delicate, in the eyes of the three people, they are now looking forward to it.The three of them worked together to plan according to Wang Lei's instructions.

This batch of procedures cannot be completed in three or two days.

It took three days for rinsing, and then after being exposed to the sun and rain, it took half a month to turn all the bark of the mulberry tree into white.

After the completion, the three immediately sent someone to notify Wang Lei.

Wang Lei came to the backyard and looked at bundles of whitish mulberry bark with excited eyes.

It has been several months since the beginning of production.Moreover, it is already the end of September, and the weather is starting to cool down. Counting the time, the amount of engineering work is not insignificant.

However, it's all worth it for the new paper.

Wang Lei looked at the three of them and ordered: "Next, use a pestle and mortar to crush all the bark of the bark, but do not crush it. After crushing, take out the ashes after the dry firewood and weeds have been burned, and boil them. Thin raw materials are put in and soaked again. After taking it out, put it in a place out of the sun to dry in the shade.”

After a pause, Wang Lei said again: "After this step, it has to be rinsed in river water. After rinsing, put it in a pot for steaming. After steaming, choose a time when the sun is strong, and dry it in the sun."

Cai Song and the three of them were recording, but they were extremely surprised.

Counting the previous time and the procedures to be carried out now, it is quite complicated.

This program is really too complicated. ,

Zhen Yan stood aside, looking at Wang Lei with curiosity.Zhen Yan thought to herself: How did Wang Lei come up with such a complicated procedure?Puzzling!

Cai Song asked: "My lord, may I ask what else to do after the procedure just finished?"

Wang Lei said: "This procedure will probably be completed soon."

Hearing the word estimate, Cai Song, Xiong Yan, and Chen Jian all had helpless expressions in their eyes.

I'm afraid it will be a long time.

Since the three agreed, it is impossible to quit halfway.Furthermore, the three are also looking forward to what will happen next.According to Wang Lei's procedure, the three spent another half a month.Because after the raw materials are soaked in plant ash, it is very time-consuming to dry them in the sun.After finishing this, it is almost mid-October.

Wang Lei came to the backyard when he learned that the matter was completed.

Looking at the raw materials of the eucalyptus tree, Wang Lei took a look, and ordered people to carefully select some tree trunks and branches mixed in the raw materials, and then let Cai Song, Xiong Yan and Chen Jian do it, and put all the eucalyptus bark again Finely chop once and knead into fine pieces.

When everything is done, put the ingredients in the bag for washing.

At this point, Cai Song and others have roughly understood, because this is the finishing work.Without Wang Lei's instructions, Cai Song, Xiong Yan, and Chen Jian quickly took out the water tank for making paper, filled it with water and stirred it, and then added liquid medicine into the water tank to make the paper shape.

At this moment, Wang Lei's heart became excited.

Now, it is almost November.

Starting from July and continuing to November, it took more than three months and is about to take shape.

Wang Lei stood by the sink, watching Cai Song fish for paper.

Fishing for paper is a purely technical task. Among Cai Song, Xiong Yan and Chen Jian, Cai Song has the best skill, so the task of fishing for paper falls on Cai Song.At this moment, Cai Song was also cautious. After he took out the first piece of paper, his eyes widened, because the paper in front of him was extremely white even though it contained moisture.

This kind of paper is many times better than Caihou paper.

There is no doubt that this time it worked.

Cai Song fished out the sheets of paper one by one, handed them to Xiong Yan and Chen Jian, and asked them to press off the water, and then put all the papers on the fire wall to dry.

After drying, Cai Song, Xiong Yan and Chen Jian worked together to cut the edges of the paper, reprocess it, and pack it.

After everything was done, the papers produced were all presented on Wang Lei's desk.

In the study room, Cai Song said respectfully: "Master Wang's papermaking method is absolutely unique. This kind of papermaking technology takes time and effort, but the effect is very good. As long as you make a little improvement on your method, you can make ordinary paper. Although it is impossible to be as white as jade like the paper in front of you, it is undoubtedly better than Caihou paper."

Xiong Yan and Chen Jian were also completely convinced, with respectful expressions.

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