Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 568 The Power of Jin Boulder

Li You saw the Youzhou army attacking from the foot of the mountain, his eyes were cold.

When they came to the position where the soldiers were stationed, Li You ordered: "The defense must be stable and not chaotic. There are many enemies, but we also have many soldiers. Moreover, we have the advantage of geographical advantage, so we can definitely defend Jianshan."

"Don't worry, general, I can do this."

The person in charge was a military marquis who was stationed with four hundred soldiers.

Li nodded and waited quietly.

Gradually, the Youzhou army entering the mountain passage has gradually narrowed the distance.When the distance between the two sides was less than twenty feet, the Marquis could no longer hold his own, and said in a deep voice, "Prepare the wood."

These logs were just cut down.

After removing the branches and leaves, only a bare trunk remains.

However, such trees are not dried, carry moisture, and are very heavy.The trunk of a tree weighs as little as a hundred catties and as much as hundreds of catties.

Li You glanced at the Youzhou Army on the mountain road, waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, wait until the other side's soldiers get within ten feet before ordering an attack."

"Shizhang, is it too dangerous?"

Junhou frowned, his eyes full of worry.

"Dangerous fart!" Li You snorted, waved his hand, and said: "If it were me, I would have to get closer. There was a time when I ordered to drop the wood, and it was too late. Don't look There are many people coming up, but the road is narrow and the mountain road is steep. Can more people be useful? That is, the few people who rush to the front can be of some use. The problem is that the people who are most prone to problems are also the few people at the front. .As long as you overturn them with a piece of wood, the climbing army will be in chaos."

"The general is right!"

Junhou smiled awkwardly, and did not argue with Li You.

Not long after, the distance has been shortened to within fifteen feet.

At this time, Junhou's heart was raised to his throat, and his heart was pounding.However, the Marquis Jun glanced at Li You, who had not changed his expression, and his restless mood calmed down inexplicably.

After a while, it has reached the range of ten feet.


The Marquis shouted loudly, and the soldiers under his command immediately began to prepare.

The few soldiers in the front row carried fresh trees and held them high. With the military lord's voice of "letting go", the soldiers carrying them threw it vigorously.The one-foot-long tree trunk flew down in a parabolic trajectory, slammed into the road, and then rolled down quickly.There was a rumbling sound, and the tree trunk kept falling, with a menacing momentum.

"Shield, vertical shield to resist."

Among the soldiers of the Youzhou Army, the head of the colony climbing up roared.

Immediately, the soldiers in the front row stopped and erected their shields to resist the falling tree trunks.


The trunk hit the shield with a loud bang.

There were many Youzhou Army soldiers who resisted, and they fought hard one by one, blocking the blow.

Li You was not in a hurry, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered: "Some soldiers threw the wood with all their strength, and let the wood hit the crowd of soldiers rushing up. The other part of the soldiers kept throwing the wood on the uphill road, causing the trees to roll down. go."

When the order was issued, the military marquis immediately arranged.

The trees were thrown down one by one, and on the steep mountain road, trees could be seen rumbling and rolling down everywhere.

At the same time, tree after tree fell among the soldiers of the Youzhou Army, killing countless people.

Even if you use a shield to resist, but when you are weak, it is very difficult to resist the fallen logs.The originally neat team also began to become disorganized.

Seeing the situation behind, Zhou Gang became anxious.

Unexpectedly, things were so difficult.

Zhou Gang took a deep breath and shouted: "Send the order, let the soldiers at the front put up their shields and advance step by step. Every step, step firmly, don't worry."

The flag bearer immediately issued an order, but under the chaos, the effect was not great.

Seeing this, the Marquis became excited and said, "Archer, get ready!"


Li You shook his head and stopped the Marquis from mobilizing the archers.

The Marquis asked, "General, why don't you mobilize the archers?"

Li You replied: "We have a lot of archers, and any soldier can be an archer. However, we don't have many bows and arrows, and we can't use bows and arrows until the last step. At this stage, we can use felled trees to resist. Use trees to resist the opponent's attack. In addition, you have to continue mining boulders and try to resist the opponent's attack."

"Next, all of Tian Kai's army will rush towards Jianshan."

"When Tian Kai's army gathers at Jianshan, it will be the most dangerous time for us."

Speaking of this, Li Youcai said: "Tian Kai's army is gathered, and we are enemies on all sides. At that time, the army under General Taishi's command will also surround and kill Tian Kai's army. If we can't stop it, there will only be one result, in victory." was killed before."

After Junhou heard this, his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

However, Junhou also saw hope.

The Marquis clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "General, we will definitely win. After this battle is won, then we, as the main force in luring Tian Kai's army, will get the most rewards."

Li You said: "That's natural!"

Junhou looked at Li You and said, "General, don't worry, I will know what to do next."

Li nodded his head, still looking at Junhou Commander.

The archers all retreated, and all the soldiers attacked with wood and stones.Compared with wood, it is difficult to cut down, but there are many natural boulders in the mountains, and these stones are easy to carry.

"Come on, come on, get out of the way!"

A loud roar came from the mountain.

Li You looked back, but saw a group of soldiers pushing a big stone.

This boulder is huge and unmatched, weighing at least a thousand catties.The reason why the soldiers can carry it out is that the tree trunks just felled are spread on the ground, and the big stones are placed on the trunks one by one, rolling forward like this.While advancing, the soldiers had to lay trees in front of the boulder to ensure that the boulder continued to roll forward.

Li You's eyes lit up, and he praised: "Good guy, this stone is big enough, it will definitely work."

Seeing this, the Marquis hurriedly let the soldiers stationed on the road get out of the way, and waited for the soldiers pushing the boulder to come.When Dashi came to the road on the hillside, the Marquis Jun was so excited that he shouted, "Let go!"

The soldiers pushing the boulder worked together, and in an instant, the boulder rolled down the steep slope.


The boulder rolled down, and the sound became more and more frightening.

Seeing this, the Youzhou Army soldiers who were climbing up were frightened out of their wits.The falling boulder was as high as several people, and the rolling sound was terrifying, and almost no one could stop it.

After a while, he had arrived in front of the Youzhou Army soldiers in the front row.

The boulder crushed and crushed the Youzhou Army soldiers who were rushing to the front with unparalleled momentum.

Accompanied by the screams, the screams of the soldiers became more and more horrific.

The soldiers of the Youzhou Army who were advancing fled in all directions; some soldiers retreated, some soldiers lay on the stone wall beside the road, and some soldiers hurriedly found a pit and jumped into it...

The thousand Youzhou soldiers who charged were in a mess in an instant because of the falling of the heavy boulder.

Seeing this scene, Li You leaned forward and backward with a smile, his eyes were full of complacency.

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