Agents of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 570 Defense of the Sharp Mountain

Behind the Xiyang Pavilion, there is Tian Kai camp.

In the big tent, the aides arched their backs, with flattering smiles on their faces, cupped their hands and said, "The news came from the front that the army sent by Tai Shici had been trapped in Jianshan. Hurry over and complete the siege. Today's Jizhou army has completely become a trapped beast."

Tian Kai laughed loudly, couldn't help showing a smug expression on his face, and said: "We have used a precious chess piece, so we must win."

The staff smiled, and then praised: "Master Tian Zheng also made great contributions to this victory. Both Mr. Tian Zheng and Mr. Tian Zheng will be highly valued by Mr. Zhou Mu. The Tian family is a pair of heroes. In Youzhou, that is Only one!"

Tian Kai's laughter became louder and louder, and his eyes were full of complacency.


Jianshan, the foot of the mountain in the north.

Generals from various armies gathered from the east, west and Zhangcun all came here to meet Shizhu.The four met and agreed on the next attack strategy.

The army will launch a fierce attack from the mountain roads on all sides, and flowers will bloom on all sides.

The order was issued, and the densely packed Youzhou Army soldiers launched the most violent charge.

Around the entire Jianshan Mountain, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

This battle started and lasted from noon to sunset, without stopping in the middle.When it was time to eat dinner, the Youzhou army at the foot of the mountain began to eat, while the attacking soldiers continued to attack and could not withdraw for the time being.After the soldiers at the bottom of the mountain finished their meal, the soldiers who had attacked Jianshan before retreated to rest and eat, and the soldiers who had eaten went up to continue the attack.

The war lasted until night, and torches were lit up and down the mountain. The flames soared into the sky, and the surrounding area was as bright as day.

Li You commanded on the mountain and felt heavy pressure.

This battle is not easy.

To defend Jianshan, he had to wait for the arrival of reinforcements. To be honest, Li You didn't have the confidence in his heart.


A scout ran over quickly, with a flustered expression, and said loudly, "General, the enemy on the west side of Jianshan Mountain is attacking fiercely. The trees and boulders prepared before are no longer enough. General, please provide more support."

Li You frowned, waved his hands and said: "There are no more trees and boulders, just hold on a little longer, and hold on even if you grit your teeth."

The scout left, and after a while, another soldier came running.

"General, the enemy's fearless charge to the east of Jianshan Mountain has no effect on the barbed wire. The soldiers used trees and stones to block the attack. There are not enough trees and stones to contain the enemy."

"Persevere, persevere, must persevere."

Facing the enemy's ferocious attack, Li You looked serious, and he had no other choice.

The situation is unfavorable, so I can only grit my teeth and bear it.


The soldiers from the south of Jianshan Mountain ran back and said: "General, the enemy army in the south is extremely brave, and it is difficult to resist with stones and trees. Please allow us to use bows and arrows."

"General, if you don't use bows and arrows, our defense line will be breached."

The Marquis Jun from the north of Jianshan came back in person with a solemn expression on his face.

When Li You got the news, his heart sank to a trough.The enemy is coming fiercely, relying solely on stones and trees can no longer be effective, and the bows and arrows stored in the army must be used.

"Order the school lieutenants and military lords guarding the Quartet to use bows and arrows!"

Li You is not an indecisive person, after a little thought, he immediately gave the order.Whether it was a soldier who came to report the news or a military lord who came to ask for help, when they learned that bows and arrows could be used, they were all refreshed and immediately went to convey the order.

Li You stood on the mountain, looked at the moon in the sky, and muttered to himself: "The situation is worrying, when will you get there? I can't stand it anymore!"

A faint worry hovered in Li You's heart.

The soldiers in charge of defense on the four sides of Jianshan not only used stones and wood, but also began to use bows and arrows.

"Whoa! Whoa!!"

On the steep slope to the north of Jianshan Mountain, arrows rained down, and there was a sharp whistling sound.

The overwhelming bows and arrows fell, like a dense rain of arrows, shooting into the Youzhou Army soldiers indiscriminately, killing one after another Youzhou Army soldiers.

Using the bow and arrow, the effect was achieved immediately, temporarily repelling this wave of attacks.However, before the soldiers on the mountain had time to rest for a while, another wave of soldiers came up from the bottom of the mountain and continued to fight again.

The same thing happens in every other direction.

The Youzhou Army went completely insane, and the reckless attack dealt a huge blow to Li You.

Li You inspected it, and his heart was even more heavy.

The situation is not optimistic!

Li You knew that tonight it was impossible to just rely on bows and arrows, stones and trees to block it. Next, there would definitely be a hand-to-hand fight.Li You divided the army under his command into five forces, four of which were arranged in the four directions of east, south, west, and north, and the remaining force was placed on the mountain so as to support the unstoppable places at any time. .

In every direction, the soldiers cheered up and prepared.

Li You was commanding from the north. When he saw the opponent rushing up against the rain of arrows and stones, he knew that he had to do something after he was infinitely approaching. He ordered: "Draw your sword and kill!"

With an order, the soldiers who had already prepared drew their swords out of their sheaths and headed down the road to kill.

The number of soldiers sprinting down the mountain with knives was not many, only 50.

This group of soldiers went down to kill, causing the opponent to retreat from the road, temporarily restraining the enemy's attack.Immediately, another group of 50 soldiers went down to support the exhausted first group of soldiers.

Li You personally commanded and gave orders continuously to ensure that the opponent's attack could be blocked.

With Li You here, the north side is well guarded.

"General, it's not good. The enemy in the east, the enemy in the east is fierce, and it's almost unstoppable."

When the soldiers came to report, Li You's complexion changed drastically.

There are four directions: east, south, west, and north. If there is a mistake in any one direction, there will be a big problem.

Li You asked the garrisoned military marquis and school lieutenant to take charge of the defense, and ran to the east.

When he came to the east road intersection, Li You had already seen a dense army rushing up quickly.Without any hesitation, Li mobilized fifty spearmen and let the spearmen dive down with spears in hand.When the spearmen charged neatly and swiftly, Li You dispatched soldiers with knives to follow behind, carrying them forward.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The spear had the inherent advantage of its length, and when it stabbed down, it inserted into the bodies of countless Youzhou soldiers on the road.

The road was narrow, and after a straight stab, the rest of the opponent's soldiers had rushed up.

The soldier holding the spear threw away the spear, drew his saber from his waist and charged forward.And the soldiers following behind also rushed up quickly.The two armies clashed, but they were evenly matched.

Li You continued to command and mobilize soldiers to counterattack, the momentum gradually recovered, and the situation gradually stabilized.

Li You breathed a sigh of relief, handed over the command to the captain, and went to the rest of the place.

That night, Li You continued to patrol, checked the four directions of east, south, west, and north, and constantly dispatched troops to resist.However, soldiers in the army are not iron machines.The battle lasted from noon during the day until night. Even after eating, the soldiers took turns to defend, but the soldiers couldn't stand it.

Furthermore, without a rest all night, one can imagine the physical strength.

The Youzhou soldiers at the foot of the mountain seemed to be tireless, constantly attacking and charging.

In fact, there are tens of thousands of troops under the mountain.

The troops brought by Li You cannot be compared with Youzhou soldiers.The disparity in troop strength has gradually caused a significant disparity in the situation.The fighting continued until early morning, and the soldiers on the mountain were exhausted.In the eastern sky, a fish-belly white rose, and immediately, a golden light gushed out.

The sky was bright, and the drums of war at the foot of the mountain became louder and louder.

The soldiers of the Youzhou Army who attacked became even more agitated and became more and more fierce.

At this time, in the four directions of east, south, west, and north, the soldiers' defense began to loosen.More importantly, the prepared weapons have been exhausted, there are no bows and arrows, no boulders and trees, only the knife in hand.

The confrontation between the two sides approached hand-to-hand combat.

"Report, the mountain road to the east has been breached, and the captain leading the army is leading the soldiers to withdraw to the north!"

"Report, the mountain road to the west has fallen, and the captain leading the army led people to withdraw to the north."

"Report, the mountain road to the south has fallen, the army has been dispersed, and the military lords and lieutenants in the army have been killed."

After one message came, Li You turned pale.

After a short time, soldiers from all walks of life gradually gathered, and they all gathered at the mountain pass in the north.At this time, Li You was already in a desperate situation, very dangerous.

Li You knew that he could not withdraw at this time. Once he withdrew, the army would be killed and the soldiers would collapse.

"Reinforcements are coming soon, hold on!"

At this moment, Li You only thought of such words to encourage the soldiers.

However, in Li Youxin's heart, he had already cursed at the other leading generals, and greeted the families of the other generals countless times.Those who led the army with Li You also included Qiu Hua and Qin Li.These two men each led an army.However, Li You was in charge of luring the enemy to attack, while the two were in charge of ambush.

Li You is in a desperate situation, and no reinforcements have arrived yet, so one can imagine his mood.

At two quarters of Si time (9:11 to [-]:[-]), all the soldiers under Li You were surrounded.The defense lines to the east, west, and south of Jianshan Mountain completely collapsed, leaving only the northern mountain road where Li You was.However, the mountain road to the north was about to be breached.Li You let the soldiers under his command take advantage of the topography of the mountain to stop them constantly.

However, as the Youzhou army at the bottom of the mountain continued to rush up, the pressure Li You faced increased day by day.

At this moment, Li You is like a small boat on the sea, facing the storm, it may be overturned at any time, and may fall down in the storm at any time.

Morale started to drop.

Countless soldiers began to despair in their hearts.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

At this moment, on the east side of Jianshan Mountain, the sound of rumbling war drums and horns suddenly sounded.This sound was not like the drums of the Youzhou Army at the foot of the mountain. The sound came from a distance, and gradually became clearer from far to near.

From the west, south, and north came the sound of drums and horns.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed due to the sudden sound of war drums and horns.

"The reinforcements are here!"

A high-pitched voice rang out among the soldiers of the Jizhou Army.This voice seemed to be the dawn that suddenly shone in the darkness before dawn, illuminating the sky and dispelling the darkness.

Countless soldiers of the Jizhou Army instantly became excited.

ps: There is only one update, sorry.

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